MTC, with all due respect, you have an overly simplistic view of how this reality happened. Its too bad that the black and white are not so easily definable when competing rationales exist.
Just because people do not openly dis-agree with some stated historical record of events, like many in different walks of life, does not mean that they happened that way. History is written by the winners, in a way that minimizes that which they did that was not moral. Society is replete with examples like this. Movies are made "based on truth" but with literary license.
In this simplified NFL example, it is clearly more beneficial to the owners of the 32 franchises to sweep the misdeeds away and look forward, because the monetary value of their business is intrinsically linked to the belief of the paying fan that the games are "fair". Fair is a four letter f word that gets liberally defined in ways to justify almost anything.
If 3 or 13 or 23 NFL owners had stood up and said "Roger, the Cheatriots need to be drummed out of the league", please explain how that is likely to have evolved, and what the economic damage would be to them. Much like the kept spouse with a cheating mate, it is hard to argue that the status quo is not better for the family than blowing everything up. Where did the "DeflateGate" ball deflators go? They got paid to shut up, with non-disparagement and non-disclosures too strong to counter, and they quietly went away. So did the "former friends" of Stabbin' RayRay.
The principles of business, and the duty of care owed to investors in franchises is very different than the perceived duty of "fairness" that we would like to believe that the NFL or other businesses hold themselves to.
So it is possible that "everyone" is better off with the NFL having not properly punished the Cheatriots for their crimes against other teams.
Would Steeler fans prefer the NFL be a shadow of its former self, with the death penalty against the Cheatriots, or to acknowledge "yeah we got ******" but with the NFL continuing to dominate American sports economics? Steeler fans paying attention over the past 20 years have made their personal decision, even if the topic is newly interesting to you.