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BREAKING: Deshaun Watson Will Not Face Criminal Charges

The woman saying that he did this or that is not enough. There are evidentiary standards that must be met. If the accuser/prosecution can't meet those standards, then the defendant shouldn't be charged and the case does not/should not go to trial. Otherwise, you end up going to trial every single time someone says this, that, or the other misdemeanor happened; evidence be damned. Wasting time and taxpayer money. And, running the risk that a sympathetic jury convicts an innocent person. In this matter, it appears those evidentiary standards weren't met. The system worked.

As far as Watson being a scumbag. I haven't heard anything to convince me he isn't at the least an entitled little perv. BUT, apparently, the grand jury, even with the process weighted towards the prosecution, didn't hear anything that made them believe he was an entitled little perv that should be criminally charged.

What evidence? Watson seems to not refute that he was alone with each of these women and paid them for massages. The women say he acted inproperly and he says he didn't. That's enough for a grand jury. It's a trial that determines who is lying, not a grand jury.
Guys like this are a time bomb waiting to explode. He will be lucky to.play 3.
I am not casting judgement because that isn't my job. So many people label this kid with their opinions and no one has PROOF that he did anything. At least nothing that I have seen or read about.

It's fine. Hate Vick. Hate Watson. Hate Rice (oh he has no excuse). Hate Kapernick. Do you see where I'm going??? But if you do hate them - how do you feel about Ben??? You can't pick and choose who is a creep - they should all wear the same hat. No???
I am not casting judgement because that isn't my job. So many people label this kid with their opinions and no one has PROOF that he did anything. At least nothing that I have seen or read about.

It's fine. Hate Vick. Hate Watson. Hate Rice (oh he has no excuse). Hate Kapernick. Do you see where I'm going??? But if you do hate them - how do you feel about Ben??? You can't pick and choose who is a creep - they should all wear the same hat. No???

Well said and remember each and everyone of those men and many more have the ability to turn things around,........ similar to what BEN has done. One can change and I hope each and everyone who makes that journey are forgiven by society but more importantly I hope the victim finds rest along with forgiveness, that is up to the individual.

Salute the nation
What evidence? Watson seems to not refute that he was alone with each of these women and paid them for massages. The women say he acted inproperly and he says he didn't. That's enough for a grand jury. It's a trial that determines who is lying, not a grand jury.
So, Putin, we're now putting folks on trial on the basis of hearsay evidence only? Under your scenario, let's just skip the grand jury. No need to weigh evidence or lack of evidence and whether the evidence presented is enough to actually hold a trial.
You're right though in that "She said/He said" is enough for a grand jury. The grand jury though, determines whether there's enough evidence presented (including the "She said" part) to bring charges that may (barring a plea agreement) lead to a trial. In this case, whether you personally like it or not, the grand jury said no to charges. Which means, no to a trial.

Edit: Let me clarify that all of this is in regards to the criminal charges aspects of the situation. You may still get your trial(s) in regards to the allegations raised in the civil courts. That's another of the great parts of our American system of law. What might not amount to criminal activity can still be addressed in the civil courts.
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I am not casting judgement because that isn't my job. So many people label this kid with their opinions and no one has PROOF that he did anything. At least nothing that I have seen or read about.

It's fine. Hate Vick. Hate Watson. Hate Rice (oh he has no excuse). Hate Kapernick. Do you see where I'm going??? But if you do hate them - how do you feel about Ben??? You can't pick and choose who is a creep - they should all wear the same hat. No???
Point 1. Kaepernick has no place in this discussion. He made a political statement that is unpopular here. Nothing to do with this. I think he was on the downward spiral of his talent and career and I've always wondered if he would have done the same thing if he was ascending but still. Not the same.
2. Ben was our problem. This guy is someone else's. I would have traded Ben if the.price was right. However, there were two claims against Ben and one was pretty easily refuted. This is 22.
3. People go out and get drunk and sometimes some bad **** happens. This is a guy going to a therapeutic appointment and making unwanted sexual demands on women.
Lastly, Bermuda. What is your opinion on Jeffrey Epstein? I mean you weren't there. You didn't see him traffic those young girls. You have no proof. I'm sure some of them were helped out by his influence.
This. But...Looking at Watson's age and experience - this year's 1 and 3 would be just about right to go get a true franchise QB for the next 10 years...

Yeah, but looking at what Denver gave up for Wilson, and even the Rams for Stafford even when including a 1st round QB, I don't think that will get it done.

The good news is that Watson can say "No" to any proposed deal. So if Watson says, "I am going here, here or here," Houston is stuck with those options.

Reports are that Watson pled the 5th. He offered no rebuttals to allegation against him. How could a grand jury possibly refuse to send this to trial?

This wasn’t a He said She said. This was a She said, then he said nothing, then the jury told the women to get lost.

Yep, good point. The phrase I learned in law school was, "prosecutors can get a grand jury to indict a bologna sandwich."

Apparently Watson committed less criminal offenses than a bologna sandwich.
So, Putin, we're now putting folks on trial on the basis of hearsay evidence only?

That's not what tape is saying at all. He CORRECTLY notes that in a grand jury proceeding, the accused has no right to a defense and basically all evidence is admissible, including hearsay evidence. (The latter part is mine, me being one of those super-articulate law-guy thingies.)

And yet even with those rules, the prosecutors could not establish probable cause for a crime. That's the standard for an indictment - mere probable cause.
Don't get me started on Vick. He was convicted. He was a peace of ****. Beating, electrocuted dog after dog after dog.

None of the names mentioned are on that level of evil. When you abuse and kill that puts you on another level.

I hate when Ben is brought into a conversation when one woman wanted his baby out of the two incidents.One wore a down to **** sticker yeah she screams innocent.

I had plenty of lying women in my life. I am talking two flat out trying to get me in trouble with the law making **** up. That was without having Ben's fame and fortune. Remember Bettis had a woman say some bullshit too. You can't leave these scenerios out on isolated incidents with athletes when debating. Key word is isolated. One or two. Neither Watson or Vick can lay that claim.

Watson was not accused of two incidents BTW. It was ******* twenty some incidents. If someone can't see the difference there I don't know what to tell you. Still that is a better convo than adding Vick and Rice into the equation. They were both proven guilty.

You don't lump conjecture in with proven guilty. If we are going to debate **** let's know the difference.

Two extremely iffy circumstances sure let us keep throwing Ben's name into the hat. Just ******* ridiculous.
That's not what tape is saying at all. He CORRECTLY notes that in a grand jury proceeding, the accused has no right to a defense and basically all evidence is admissible, including hearsay evidence. (The latter part is mine, me being one of those super-articulate law-guy thingies.)

And yet even with those rules, the prosecutors could not establish probable cause for a crime. That's the standard for an indictment - mere probable cause.
Actually, that was my point. Which, counselor, I articulated further in my post.
Tape has been saying that he believes that the Watson matter should have gone to trial BECAUSE Watson didn't present any evidence in support of his innocence; which I'm sure you're aware was not possible during grand jury proceedings. Further, while hearsay evidence IS admissible during grand jury proceedings, I simply pointed out that THIS grand jury must not have found it persuasive enough to warrant charges.
Moreover, earlier Tape stated his belief that Watson's assertion of his 5th Amendment rights during the civil deposition being held simultaneous to the grand jury proceedings, was evidence enough to warrant criminal charges being brought by the grand jury. A belief, which I, having spent 3 years in one of those super-articulate law-guy thingy schools and having passed Bar exams in multiple states, explained was not true.
While it's possible that I misread Tape's intent, I could only respond to what was written.
Don't get me started on Vick. He was convicted. He was a peace of ****. Beating, electrocuted dog after dog after dog.


Watson was not accused of two incidents BTW. It was ******* twenty some incidents. If someone can't see the difference there I don't know what to tell you.

Yeah, I hear you. I have little doubt but that Watson was involved in some questionable activities with at least some of the women, but the piling on with the civil suits makes me question some of the claims.

A lot of people say women would not make up these allegations, they would rather remain anonymous, allegations like this are almost always true, etc. Having litigated two civil cases involving claims of sexual assault, I can say that some women will definitely embellish the truth, if not simply make up certain things, turning intimate contact into an assault claim.

People kill for $100. Do we really believe women are incapable of lying to make $1 million??
ever get a barber who cuts your hair right ,, good price... you go back.
Mechanic... yeah you go back.

maybe you need a proctologist. Once that one dr. does the butt exam.. youre not likely to switch it up and go find another butt dr.

the number of women involved,,, different massseuse's Big giant red flag.
ever get a barber who cuts your hair right ,, good price... you go back.
Mechanic... yeah you go back.

maybe you need a proctologist. Once that one dr. does the butt exam.. youre not likely to switch it up and go find another butt dr.

the number of women involved,,, different massseuse's Big giant red flag.
That kind of behavior gives the idea of being a predator and taking advantage of young women who were led to believe they were there to give a real sports therapy massage……maybe we will never know all the details but 22+ women…. Seems like the guy was trying to get some side action
There are 1500 plus players in the NFL and virtually all of them are getting these treatments. One guy has 22 plus complaints against him. Now the burden of proof to take away his freedom is pretty high but watch what happens on the lawsuits. He s either gonna pay out and a ton of NDA's or I guess he can fight them all and have his day in court. Every town has rub and tugs. This isn't about sex. So if some of you think he is getting a raw deal ok. I don't want him. And if your daughter, spouse or girlfriend was a legitimate therapist would you want her treating him?
There are 1500 plus players in the NFL and virtually all of them are getting these treatments. One guy has 22 plus complaints against him. Now the burden of proof to take away his freedom is pretty high but watch what happens on the lawsuits. He s either gonna pay out and a ton of NDA's or I guess he can fight them all and have his day in court. Every town has rub and tugs. This isn't about sex. So if some of you think he is getting a raw deal ok. I don't want him. And if your daughter, spouse or girlfriend was a legitimate therapist would you want her treating him?
1. You're correct. He's going to pay (a lot) and there will be NDAs. And there will be a media circus the day he's traded to a new team, the first day of camp, the first start he makes, the first bad game he has.

2. He doesn't want to fight them all (at least that's what common sense would dictate). You think the media circus will be bad WHEN he reaches settlements? It would be 1000x worse when details of depositions leak or witness testimony is spread across the news ... Heck, just imagine the PR hit he and the team that eventually ends up with him would take when some little slip of a lady tearfully takes the stand and describes the gross and obscene "treatment" he requested/forced her to perform. No way he takes ANY of these civil cases to trial.

He's criminally cleared. He'll most likely settle the civil cases. The court of public opinion is a whole nother beast. And this stuff will follow him for the rest of his life. The young Steelers team doesn't need the distractions, the bad PR, or the scorched earth media **** storm that comes with adding him to the team.
1. You're correct. He's going to pay (a lot) and there will be NDAs. And there will be a media circus the day he's traded to a new team, the first day of camp, the first start he makes, the first bad game he has.

2. He doesn't want to fight them all (at least that's what common sense would dictate). You think the media circus will be bad WHEN he reaches settlements? It would be 1000x worse when details of depositions leak or witness testimony is spread across the news ... Heck, just imagine the PR hit he and the team that eventually ends up with him would take when some little slip of a lady tearfully takes the stand and describes the gross and obscene "treatment" he requested/forced her to perform. No way he takes ANY of these civil cases to trial.

He's criminally cleared. He'll most likely settle the civil cases. The court of public opinion is a whole nother beast. And this stuff will follow him for the rest of his life. The young Steelers team doesn't need the distractions, the bad PR, or the scorched earth media **** storm that comes with adding him to the team.
100 percent agreed. And I have to say you are probably more correct about his level of talent. He is very talented. But this isn't about his freedom or even his right to make a living. It's about him being a representative of the Pittsburgh Steelers. In my opinion the hardest pass you can give. No way no how.
100 percent agreed. And I have to say you are probably more correct about his level of talent. He is very talented. But this isn't about his freedom or even his right to make a living. It's about him being a representative of the Pittsburgh Steelers. In my opinion the hardest pass you can give. No way no how.
A lot of good points. With the problems this team has had they should prefer to stay away from potential problems. Ones they can clearly make a decision to stay clear of.

My echo of QB despiration has passed.

I am back on the not interested train.

Choo choo
Point 1. Kaepernick has no place in this discussion. He made a political statement that is unpopular here. Nothing to do with this. I think he was on the downward spiral of his talent and career and I've always wondered if he would have done the same thing if he was ascending but still. Not the same.
2. Ben was our problem. This guy is someone else's. I would have traded Ben if the.price was right. However, there were two claims against Ben and one was pretty easily refuted. This is 22.
3. People go out and get drunk and sometimes some bad **** happens. This is a guy going to a therapeutic appointment and making unwanted sexual demands on women.
Lastly, Bermuda. What is your opinion on Jeffrey Epstein? I mean you weren't there. You didn't see him traffic those young girls. You have no proof. I'm sure some of them were helped out by his influence.
Kap is definitely in the conversation. The only guy on 'my list' who didn't deserve a second chance (BECAUSE WE ALL SAW HIM KNOCK HIS G/F OUT) is Rice.

They all have paid their dues and yet some Americans will never forgive. That's bull crap.

As far as Epstein goes---I wasn't there. The documentary that I watched on him seems to have MORE THAN ENOUGH evidence that proved he did it.

Again, I'm not judging him JMO...
There was near talent (with NO allegations) of equal value to be had and the STEELERS made NO move towards them. I hardly see the (steelers) making a move for a guy with this much baggage.

I don't want the "everything" with him or pursuit of that nature.

Our great STEELERS don't need this shadow from him or anyone else of this nature. When you **** up it's not everyone elses problem, it's yours to deal with so come clean and heal.

Salute the nation
Vick didn't pay his dues. He was caught... otherwise that piece of **** would still be on a dog abuse-killing spree.

I value life. I like my Doberman more than most people. I know I can trust her.

Plus we know the laws pretty much give animal abusers- killers a slap on the wrist.

It also goes back to the isolated incident thing. The guy didn't do it once even twice. He did it over and over and over and over and over and over again.

Extreme abuse on any living thing shouldn't be excused or minimized.

Those types can get their second chance whatever just stay away from my football team.
If Kap played well he would still be playing. He played himself out of a starting job. So he wasn't even showing stable starter before his time off. Then 5 years go by. He isn't getting opportunities because he is washed up. Done. A flash in the pan.

Just like Action Jackson will be when his wheels come off.
Kap is definitely in the conversation. The only guy on 'my list' who didn't deserve a second chance (BECAUSE WE ALL SAW HIM KNOCK HIS G/F OUT) is Rice.

They all have paid their dues and yet some Americans will never forgive. That's bull crap.

As far as Epstein goes---I wasn't there. The documentary that I watched on him seems to have MORE THAN ENOUGH evidence that proved he did it.

Again, I'm not judging him JMO...
Kaep is 36 years old, he hasn’t played since 2016….2016…. The last couple games he played he was atrocious, and he opted out of a contract. It was HIS choice not to play in this league. he had like one pretty decent season but overall he still has a losing record…he’ll even Rudolph at least has a winning record.

He can run around talking about how unfairly he’s being treated all the while taking millions from China and wearing his Nikes that are made in slave labor sweat shops…he’s a F’ing hypocrite.

if you want to talk about another name who actually got screwed it was Tebow. You don’t see him suing the league though..
Kap is definitely in the conversation. The only guy on 'my list' who didn't deserve a second chance (BECAUSE WE ALL SAW HIM KNOCK HIS G/F OUT) is Rice.

They all have paid their dues and yet some Americans will never forgive. That's bull crap.

As far as Epstein goes---I wasn't there. The documentary that I watched on him seems to have MORE THAN ENOUGH evidence that proved he did it.

Again, I'm not judging him JMO...
Everybody judges. And whoever takes Watson will be judged too. Though I assume if its Seattle it will be less harshly than Pittsburgh. That is the right of people. Someone is alleged to have done something and everyone has the right to judge the validity of the allegation. One girl. Benefit of the doubt. 22. Cmon.