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Brilliant Explanation of White Privilege from a White Guy


May 17, 2014
Reaction score
Fri Sep 12, 2014 at 12:11 PM PDT


White Privilege - A White Man's Journey to Understanding

The events in Ferguson, Missouri, yet another shooting of an unarmed black male by white police, along with some other recent shootings of blacks by cops, have led to increased discussion of the legacy of race in this country. It has also resurrected the discussion of "white privilege".

For those not familiar, white privilege is the notion that white people, in a society such as the United States, receive certain deference or privileges based solely on the color of their skin. The evidence can run from the trivial, blacks more likely to be followed in a store when shopping for example, to the more profound, such as blacks more likely to be arrested and incarcerated than whites for the same offense.

While some whites acknowledge the existence of white privilege, many do not. Some doubt its very existence or downplay its significance. For what it's worth here is the perspective of a white, middle-class, middle-aged American male who also used to be a "white privilege skeptic".

Growing up and in my earlier adult years I did not believe in white privilege. I'm sure my reaction to the notion was similar to that of many middle-class white males. My thoughts would have been something like this:

"What privilege? Nobody handed me anything on a silver platter. I had to work for my grades. I had to work to get into a good college. I didn't get in to any school because Daddy gave a big donation or knew the right person. And I had to find my own job. Mummy and Daddy didn't have one waiting for me at the family business, or put in a word with an uncle or a family friend to get me a job. I've earned what I have. So what privilege did I get?"

I even recall an incident sophomore year in college, sitting in our dorm room with my roommate, an aspiring pre-med student from Long Island. One of the freshmen on the floor came in to introduce himself. He was African-American. We got to talking and he told us he too hoped to go to medical school. He casually mentioned that he had to achieve a 2.75 GPA or so to insure getting in.

After he left my roommate looked at me with a smirk, shaking his head. He stated something along the lines of, "do you know what happens if I apply to med schools with a 2.75 GPA? I might as well not bother applying if that's what I have." And shook his head some more.

Because while he and I could acknowledge that many blacks had been disadvantaged and deserved some breaks to account for that, we chalked it up more to poverty than skin color. Sure, cut someone some slack if they came from a bad neighborhood with bad schools. But don't give breaks if they came from a suburban neighborhood and a decent school (as the aforementioned freshman had) just because they were black. Due to our middle class background we didn't see ourselves as privileged. We couldn't see where anybody had paved any paths for us.

This ambivalence concerning affirmative action and to the concept of white privilege stayed with me most of my adult life. It began to change when I served on the Board of Education in my town in Connecticut.

About the same time as my service on the school board began the Sheff vs. O'Neill case had made its way through the courts. A brief summary for those who don't want to follow the link:

1. In 1989 several school children and their parents sued the state of Connecticut alleging that as urban and minority students they were not receiving an equal education compared to other children in Connecticut;
2. In 1996 the Connecticut Supreme Court sided with the plaintiffs and stated that every child in Connecticut was guaranteed an equal education as a constitutional right;
3. In 1997 Connecticut's General Assembly (state legislature) passed laws in response to the Sheff ruling to attempt to eliminate racial and socio-economic inequalities in the public schools.

Among the efforts supported under the legislation were seminars, or group sessions, within the schools concerning diversity. Our school board formed an ad-hoc committee to implement this aspect of the law. One of our board members (the only person of color on the board) ran diversity training and workshops as part of his business. He was a natural selection to head up the committee and run the workshops. They wanted another board member to participate as well. I don't know what the reasoning was, but I was asked to join the committee. With no real enthusiasm I agreed.

To say that the experience was educational and eye-opening is an understatement. The first group as I recall consisted solely of staff members from the district. Later groups would include parents and administrators.

The first group focused on the changing demographics of our town and our schools. As with many communities we were seeing a growth in the Hispanic population in particular and minorities in general, while the staff remained almost exclusively white. We had a mix of "old guard" teachers, and younger Hispanic staff who were involved with ESL and other support services, in the first group.

We met several times over a couple of months exploring diversity, understanding, etc. The discussions were very interesting and informative, at least to me who was in a position to really sit back and observe the interactions and perspectives of this diverse group.

One day the topic was white privilege. We watched a video of an Oprah show where racism and white privilege had been the focus. That did open me up to the concept of white privilege and lead to much discussion in the group. But it was a story told by my fellow board member during the group discussion after watching the video that somehow really drove it home to me.

He related a story of one of his first jobs at a corporate headquarters in New York City. I believe this was in the late 1960's or early 1970's. As you may imagine there were not too many people of color in the office at that time.

There was a really good soul food restaurant not too far from where their office was. So occasionally the minority employees got together to go there for lunch. At first they would meet up at someone's desk. Once they had all assembled they would then go out to lunch. As I recall we are not talking about more than 5 or 6 people, maybe even less.

One afternoon after he had returned from one of these trips to the soul food restaurant my colleague was approached by his boss. The boss began by asking if everything was alright. The response was sure why do you ask?

The answer was that "they", the others in the office, had noticed the black people congregating and talking together and then taking off. Just wanted to be sure there were no issues, they weren't upset about anything, etc. My colleague answered that no they were just meeting to go out to lunch together to a local soul food restaurant.

From that day on whenever their group wanted to go out they always met on the sidewalk a short ways from the office before going to the restaurant. No sense making their bosses and co-workers nervous seeing the black employees together in one place, probably talking about "them".

That anecdote is what finally drove home the truth of white privilege to me. How silly. How stupid. And how exhausting. If a group of white employees ever gathered together before going off for lunch, or for any reason, would anyone have cared? Would anyone have noticed? Would it have made anyone nervous? Would anyone have mentioned it to them? No. No. No. And no.

From that day it was like the scales fell from my eyes. I won't pretend to be able to fully understand, or to "get it", but I can empathize and at least understand at an intellectual level. And I can certainly see the many ways, both mundane and profound, that white privilege asserts itself in our society.

Whether it's not being able to congregate in a group, large or small, with people of like color without causing suspicion; whether it's being stopped outside a store because you, having dark skin, could not possibly afford that $350 belt and must be using a stolen credit card; whether it's driving or walking or sitting while black; or whether it's being steered to certain neighborhoods no matter your income or occupation; being suspended or incarcerated at higher rates for the same behaviors or crimes as whites; or to be considered threatening and therefore a justifiable homicide, simply due to your skin color and physical features; or gunned down in a store while leaning on a toy gun pulled off a shelf; or be met with militarized heavily armed units and tear gassed when peacefully marching for your rights; while all the while a white person can open carry automatic weapons into fast food restaurants, or point weapons at federal agents and be hailed as heroes and it is law enforcement that stands down to "avoid conflict"; the evidence for white privilege is ample and obvious, whether intellectual heavy weights like Bill O'Reilly care to acknowledge it or not.

Jon Stewart on The Daily Show segment addressing Ferguson and the issues of race and white privilege probably summed it up as well as I've ever heard it:

Race is there and it is a constant. You're tired of hearing about it? Imagine how ******* exhausting it is living it.
I cannot imagine what it must be like to live one's life completely consumed by race.
That's great, except its all bullshit.
You must scour the net day and night to find the things you know are going to drive people nuts lol. I am still convinced your whole persona is an act and that you just get off on instigating people, but you do know what buttons to push here I'll grant you that.
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Christ that was stupid.
I cannot imagine what it must be like to live one's life completely consumed by race.

Its been sad to watch polo these past few months, I feel sorry for her.
Its been sad to watch polo these past few months, I feel sorry for her.

I think he's agreeing with the article, which if he is you didn't read it would be my guess.

The author is explaining why minorities are consumed by race; It's because that plate is shoved in front of them whether they want it or not.
I think he's agreeing with the article, which if he is you didn't read it would be my guess.

The author is explaining why minorities are consumed by race; It's because that plate is shoved in front of them whether they want it or not.
You are correct, I did not read the article. I haven't lived a sheltered life, that article isn't going to teach me anything about black people, ....or white people for that matter..

I have, however, read many of your posts as I've come across them. And having read your posts, I'd say that Sarge's statement fits you pretty well. At least that is the opinion I have formed from what I've seen here. I only hope that you don't live your life away from this board the way your posts would indicate that you do, I hope you're a happier person than that.
it's quite refreshing visiting the God & Government & Race section of the board. I know that the sun will come up today and there will be a freshly written thread that tries to edumicate us. It's the part of my life I never seem to get back.
So the "boss" notices that the minority portion of the work force are somewhat regularly gathering in a race specific group. Acting in what most would consider to be an appropriate, interested and responsible manner he quietly inquires (appropriately going directly to a member of the group) after the groups welfare hoping to avoid any unpleasantness for anyone.

Am I the only one that couldn't get through 1/3 of that drivel?

You are a racist and full of ****.
Kind of racist of the black people in the office not to invite any of the white people along for the soul food. It's kind of like if all the white folks got together every day to a fancy French restaurant and didn't invite any blacks, because hey, we all know black people don't like fancy vittles.

Secondly since we don't yet know what happened in Ferguson, we have no idea if white privilege or discrimination had anything to do with it. I have no doubt if a white guy punched a cop in the face (if that's what happened) he'd be treated exactly the same as Brown was. Does anyone really think the cop would say "Ok, I know you punched me in the face, but hey, you're white, think I'll let it slide"?
Shut up pig! You can go die in a ******* fire for all i care. Go back to your MSNBC Pravda state approved network to get your state news you dumb **** . You're nothing but a troll.
Kind of racist of the black people in the office not to invite any of the white people along for the soul food. It's kind of like if all the white folks got together every day to a fancy French restaurant and didn't invite any blacks, because hey, we all know black people don't like fancy vittles.

Secondly since we don't yet know what happened in Ferguson, we have no idea if white privilege or discrimination had anything to do with it. I have no doubt if a white guy punched a cop in the face (if that's what happened) he'd be treated exactly the same as Brown was. Does anyone really think the cop would say "Ok, I know you punched me in the face, but hey, you're white, think I'll let it slide"?

Actually white people can point assault rifles and sniper rifles at law enforcement and the LEO's walk away, no tear gas, no MRAPS, no white people full of holes (see Cliven Bundy).

Meanwhile a black guy buying a BB gun at WAL-MART is shot and killed on sight by police while on the phone.

You're living in a privileged/blinders on world friend.


John Crawford was the unfortunate black man holding a BB gun in the toy section of a Walmart Store in Beavercreek, OH, when police, in response to several 911 calls, shot and killed him on August 5, 2014. Police have maintained that Crawford was waving the BB gun around in a threatening manner when they arrived and refused their commands to drop the "weapon" (even though Ohio is an "open carry" state), thus requiring his execution style death by cop.

However, Ohio Attorney General Mike Dewine, who assigned the case investigating the police homicide of Mr. Crawford to a special prosecutor, recently allowed family members and their attorneys to view the surveillance tape from the store that shows the moments up to and including John Crawford's shooting death by police. After viewing that tape, the family's attorneys and Crawford's father dispute the police account of this incident in no uncertain terms:

Attorney Michael Wright said: "We need Mike DeWine to refer this case to the Department of Justice. Not to a special prosecutor."

Wright said Crawford did nothing wrong in Walmart. "Nothing more, nothing less than shopping."

Wright, who has seen store surveillance video of the shooting incident, said Crawford was shot while talking on the phone, holding the butt of the gun with the barrel pointed at the floor.

He said Crawford was "shot on sight" in a "militaristic" response.
I'm so racist that even though i'm Whitey McWhitebread I married a Black woman. well to be fair she's part Cherokee as well.
I'm so racist that even though i'm Whitey McWhitebread I married a Black woman. well to be fair she's part Cherokee as well.

Damn! A soul sister with Indian fire? LUCKY!!
Actually white people can point assault rifles and sniper rifles at law enforcement and the LEO's walk away, no tear gas, no MRAPS, no white people full of holes (see Cliven Bundy).

And in Ferguson, black people were allowed to loot, riot, and through rocks and bottles at cops with impunity. What's your point?
And in Ferguson, black people were allowed to loot, riot, and through rocks and bottles at cops with impunity. What's your point?

and in Memphis, TN, a group of black youths viciously stomped a white guy's head in.
white privilege. INDEED.
Actually white people can point assault rifles and sniper rifles at law enforcement and the LEO's walk away, no tear gas, no MRAPS, no white people full of holes (see Cliven Bundy).

Meanwhile a black guy buying a BB gun at WAL-MART is shot and killed on sight by police while on the phone.

You're living in a privileged/blinders on world friend.


John Crawford was the unfortunate black man holding a BB gun in the toy section of a Walmart Store in Beavercreek, OH, when police, in response to several 911 calls, shot and killed him on August 5, 2014. Police have maintained that Crawford was waving the BB gun around in a threatening manner when they arrived and refused their commands to drop the "weapon" (even though Ohio is an "open carry" state), thus requiring his execution style death by cop.

However, Ohio Attorney General Mike Dewine, who assigned the case investigating the police homicide of Mr. Crawford to a special prosecutor, recently allowed family members and their attorneys to view the surveillance tape from the store that shows the moments up to and including John Crawford's shooting death by police. After viewing that tape, the family's attorneys and Crawford's father dispute the police account of this incident in no uncertain terms:

Attorney Michael Wright said: "We need Mike DeWine to refer this case to the Department of Justice. Not to a special prosecutor."

Wright said Crawford did nothing wrong in Walmart. "Nothing more, nothing less than shopping."

Wright, who has seen store surveillance video of the shooting incident, said Crawford was shot while talking on the phone, holding the butt of the gun with the barrel pointed at the floor.

He said Crawford was "shot on sight" in a "militaristic" response.

I see. The man's attorney and family members view the tape and reach a conclusion that defends their client / family member and which is at odds with the police version. What a strange twist.
and in Memphis, TN, a group of black youths viciously stomped a white guy's head in.
white privilege. INDEED.

And in Missouri, a vicious beating by a black gang on a white couple...and in Iowa, blacks can commit crimes and have the media cover them up. "Iowa has one of the highest black murder rates in the nation. The black murder rate in Iowa is 13 times the national white murder rate. Most of the Iowa media is in TOTAL LOCKDOWN CENSORSHIP MODE. They are censoring all pictures of the victims and all descriptions of the perpetrators. They absolutely don’t want the public to know that these are black on white hate crime attacks."


Actually, this isn't news. The media covering up black crime is commonplace...so much so that we barely notice it happens.

But ah...hell, here's 6 more examples. Yeah...that WHITE privilege.


Kind of racist of the black people in the office not to invite any of the white people along for the soul food. It's kind of like if all the white folks got together every day to a fancy French restaurant and didn't invite any blacks, because hey, we all know black people don't like fancy vittles.

Secondly since we don't yet know what happened in Ferguson, we have no idea if white privilege or discrimination had anything to do with it. I have no doubt if a white guy punched a cop in the face (if that's what happened) he'd be treated exactly the same as Brown was. Does anyone really think the cop would say "Ok, I know you punched me in the face, but hey, you're white, think I'll let it slide"?

In fact there was a situation...IN ST LOUIS mind you....DAYS AFTER the Ferguson shooting where a white guy (Kevin Miner) was wanted for burglary.......fled the scene, ran from officers and hid in the basement of a home.The cops pursued, surrounded the suspect whom was cornered in a closet/room. They went in, he assaulted both officers . Came out alive, was taken into custody...no shots fired at all. Whats interesting about this case is that Kevin Miner had a criminal record and was arrested TWO times the previous month.

Now, im sure youre gonna do the usual and step back and wash your hands of understanding and say the cliche line "we dont have all the facts, so i cant say or make a determination on this event with Mr Miner". But looking at both events, at the very least they are parallel in your mind that "robbery" was committed or may have been. An officer intervened with both men and some sort of physical confrontation occured (one outside in the open, the other in close quarters of a basement/cellar dwelling). One thing is very clear in all of this and that is, you have in Mr Brown an individual (we can all agree on) was not armed whatsoever who fled on foot but was still fired upon (you believe he deserved to die since you believe he charged the officer although there have been 2 new witnesses come forth that dispute this notion). In Miner you have a suspect whom police knew has a prior criminal record, holed up in a room. His engagement was not met with deadly consequences that Mr Brown met...now ive heard it said by many including folks in this forum, that "if you assault an officer, youre asking for it". Well...perhaps thats not true..................is it difficult to understand why some would call this bullshit and assume race played/plays a factor ? In the end Mr Miner goes to jail for some time but will eventually walk free again one day. Mr Brown wasnt afforded that privlilege. So yeah...they did let the white guy slide.

Heres the story. (not that i expect you to read it but in case you do)