Just wait until the Greenies finally decide to go after China and India. Gold Jerry, GOLD!Some people don't realize not all countries are going full woke.
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Just wait until the Greenies finally decide to go after China and India. Gold Jerry, GOLD!Some people don't realize not all countries are going full woke.
They live in a cushy bubble. Real life hits them once they enter the workforce and they respond out of fear and anxietySome people don't realize not all countries are going full woke.
That statement deserves further edification...lolThey live in a cushy bubble.
I bet you had a bigger impact than you think.So, what are you going to do? vote? post memes on social media? ***** about libtards on a Steeler message board?
Look, I've spoken at school board meetings, I started a non-profit to help disadvantaged youth, I've coached at various levels in multiple sports to be a mentor, especially to young men who had no father, the list goes on. I believe that there are many many stories like this across the Country but the issue is....it isn't enough.
What has gone on in this country dates back to Eisenhour and the power elites have systematically corrupted the American ideals, destroyed the nuclear family, and look to destroy the US's economic power. And it isn't just Liberals, Socialists, Communists that many people believe it to be.
America is too far gone IMO and a great reset is coming. Focusing on "the other side", pointing fingers that it's their fault, buying into the fear mongering that inundates us all on so many platforms and screens is only speeding up the inevitable.
So yeah, I'll enjoy my nice bourbon, stay in good physical condition, and be ready for when my oath of enlistment is tested. Peace to you all.
My neighbor is not the problem, but if they join the radical leftists or any of the other fringe groups when things kick off, then they have chosen their fate.Wow. So you're actually contemplating shooting your neighbor, his wife and his kids in the face?
I don't believe I could do that.
******* right!My neighbor is not the problem, but if they join the radical leftists or any of the other fringe groups when things kick off, then they have chosen their fate.
Most people think this Country is divided into two camps, in reality it is 3-4 wackos camps and then the rest of us. The time of live and let live is almost over, I would suggest that people start planning for such an event. I won’t be one left wondering what do I do now.
I laugh at all these mamby pamby morons shaking in fear of these .223 AR style rifles. They would **** themselves if they knew what my AR style weapons were chambered for.
There’s only so far you can push before enough is enough. They have gone so far over that line it’s ridiculous.My neighbor is not the problem, but if they join the radical leftists or any of the other fringe groups when things kick off, then they have chosen their fate.
Most people think this Country is divided into two camps, in reality it is 3-4 wackos camps and then the rest of us. The time of live and let live is almost over, I would suggest that people start planning for such an event. I won’t be one left wondering what do I do now.
I laugh at all these mamby pamby morons shaking in fear of these .223 AR style rifles. They would **** themselves if they knew what my AR style weapons were chambered for.
That,s a man baby!Not a joke....cover of TIME Magazine. American Hero and her fight. We truly live in Bizzaro world.
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But...but Sarge, she's blaaack an she's gaaay an she hates America. Why you bein' racist, homophobic an a Nazi ?I don't really have a problem with the US trying to get her released. What I have a problem with is the special treatment. What about the other Americans wrongfully detained in Russia? **** them, huh? Haven't heard about any effort to get any of them released until she tried to take illegal weed cartridges into Russia and got caught. It is a load of horseshit.
I agree, I also have a problem with the idea that she's some kind of brave hero "fighting for freedom". She did something super dumb and is currently suffering the consequences of that. The magazine cover should read "Britney Griner and Her Royal Screw-up".I don't really have a problem with the US trying to get her released. What I have a problem with is the special treatment. What about the other Americans wrongfully detained in Russia? **** them, huh? Haven't heard about any effort to get any of them released until she tried to take illegal weed cartridges into Russia and got caught. It is a load of horseshit.
Yep. That's the part that gets me. Nobody mentions that she broke the law in a foreign country. I get that a lot of Americans, myself included, have taken a view that weed really isn't that big of a deal. However, many nations do not share that view. And when you're an American, even if you don't like America, you have to know that there are a lot of countries that view capturing or imprisoning an American almost like a trophy. She knew. She played basketball over there for seven damn years. I can sympathize with her plight, but I don't really feel sorry for her.I agree, I also have a problem with the idea that she's some kind of brave hero "fighting for freedom". She did something super dumb and is currently suffering the consequences of that. The magazine cover should read "Britney Griner and Her Royal Screw-up".
Ogre, is that you?There’s only so far you can push before enough is enough. They have gone so far over that line it’s ridiculous.
When Occupy Wall Street happened, the narrative go shifted to racism. Get the people fighting each other, not the problem.
I remember the first time the bathroom issue came up and I was like, why is this even a thing? Then I talked to my cousin and she was so dense about it I literally told her that she’s an embarrassment to our family named, no wonder my older brother (who knew her far more than I did cuz of age) told me not to talk to & why our grandmother wrote her out of her will.
The LGBTQRSUCK movement that says our 6 year olds are boys or girls, feminist “bad b***h” creating “strong & independent” woman that men are flying away from in droves, so they can be 45, childless & alone with their boxed wine and cats while they watch strong women take the parts of men in movie remakes that bomb (female Thor? Rey Skywalker? A skinny & small female terminator with Arnold sidelined & no John Conner?)
They cry pay gap, while the subsidized WNBA plays in front of fewer fans than my rec league, puts fat wonton cover of Sport Illustrated Swim Suit (cuz fat women buy stuff), and say men are toxic and should accept them as they are while in a divorce a man can have his life ruined while never seeing kids but paying for them, and if he signs a birth certificate he’s on the hook even if he’s not the father. Literally allowed to commit paternity fraud and it’s perfectly legal.
But if you say anything against it you are “cancelled” - who cares? Get taken off Twitter — one should be so lucky. Though you get demonetized if you say red pill or MGTOW cuz it’s “toxic masculinity” — at the end of the day it’s going to be said, and men aren’t gonna take a fat chick cuz fat phobia is wrong—it’s because we don’t think it’s attractive for our women to look like they could play linebacker. And “strong & independent” women acting masculine isn’t any better, so marriage & birth rates plummet as they cannot condition women to spread em for guys they friend zoned and thirst for guys that will never take the leftovers that have no eggs and hit the wall, especially when they can get a younger, newer model.
So while feminism dies a slow, painful death (and kitty litter stock skyrockets) , we deal with a global plandemic that had 99% survival rate, from a coronavirus — which have existed for nearly 1000 years of verifiable history and stands out because of its unusual affinity to infect humans vs. other mammals — was born in a lab based on gain of function research (aka - biological warfare) and if you questioned anything about it it was censored for spreading false information (until now they admit it was created in a lab) — but used fear to force people into compliance of wearing masks (which did nothing to stop it spreading), forced vaccinations of a vaccine developed in 8 months—not enough time to do true clinical testing—and you couldn’t live your life or keep your job without it. We were told to stay at home alone for Christmas because it’s safer but the isolation caused more damage, all in the name of our safety.
If you stop to think even a little bit critical about it, your head will hurt. Can’t cure a cold or flu, but a rushed vaccination was vital — even though other drugs were more effective. But not profitable… those free vaccines made big pharma rich and can’t sue for side effects that we don’t know of - convenient…
Also convenient, Obama signs a bill a week before Trump takes office making gain of function legal again, and when the outsider wins the election, they do everything to take him down including two impeachments and when that failed, a pandemic flu comes out and grows…in…the…summer…of 2020. Summer, yeah… that’s when flu season is…
Then on queue, and you can tune up the band for BLM to pick a new “victim” and come back in 2024 just like they did in 2016 and 2020 to inject race into the election. Of course they will try to pull mail in ballots again, so “the most secure election ever” (funny how te two companies I contract with both have massive cyber security initiatives but our elections can get hacked with a laptop and the right software m) can see an 80-year old senile man who can’t string together a sentence get more votes than any Democrat ever—without campaigning—to beat Trump who with 75M total—got more votes any President going for reelection ever.
7 states stopped counting at 11:00 pm EST with Trump leading, yet all of them had Biden leading in morning. States changed laws right before election - in PA, WI, NV, and NC— through courts not legislature — so late ballots for mail in (not absentee) ballots could count, drop off locations and ballot harvesting could occur and voter identification was not verified. But it was “legal” - you have to be a moron to not see it.
After billions of damage caused by riots over a drug addict who put a knife to a pregnant woman’s throat was manipulated into being a martyr, for a third time they are trying to shove insurrection against Trump to keep him from running (remember when if you wanted to win you would, oh… I don’t know… run a candidate that could win because they could get votes?)
So yeah, we’re divided (on purpose), but they’ve done so much damage that they can’t fix it. By discrediting Trump, even with another circus trial (wow they are afraid of Trump —only national leader to be banned on big tech despite genocidal tyrants and Terrorists still being allowed) they have opened the door for DeSantis — who has the massive Trump base but is more refined—who is a lock for the White House in 2024. So many who won’t cross over for Trump will for DeSantis.
The painful truth is the best strategy is to deal with the inflation, rise awareness of children being groomed, let feminists take on the wall and lose for two more years, and stomach go woke (and broke) rhetoric — allowing it to get more painful for everyone.
People don’t make changes when they are comfortable. They do it when things suck.
There’s going to be a lot of them that will continue to deny what is right in front of them no matter what. Let them stay in the Matrix. You can’t convince them to see reason if they don’t want to. Instead, just stand your ground and don’t let it go further with another manufactured “crisis”. It’s coming cuz they have no other alternative, but a $500 stimulus check isn’t fixing the reality that $500 is one trip to the grocery store.
Endure the pain. Let it hit everyone. And watch them cannibalize each other like the lesbian bar that was forced to close because it wasn’t woke enough.
75M people didn’t want this BS in 2020. It’s going to be more in 2024. But it doesn’t change cuz of one President, it does when enough people are fed up with the BS and have the platform to get behind it, or they make one.
Guaranteed, there’s enough people in this country who are getting on that platform.
Unless she’s in solitary, she’s munching carpet with other presumably muscular Russian women, so there is that.But...but Sarge, she's blaaack an she's gaaay an she hates America. Why you bein' racist, homophobic an a Nazi ?
Locked up a broad? Kind of sexist title, don't you think?
It would be if she was a broad.Locked up a broad? Kind of sexist title, don't you think?
Not a joke....cover of TIME Magazine. American Hero and her fight. We truly live in Bizzaro world.
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In conjunction with that thought.......It would be if she was a broad.
The son of one of my window cleaning clients works at their store and decided he’s a woman. Wears a bra, skirts, and makeup. Getting to where he’s reasonably passable as a woman. Mom and Dad are hard-core right-wing. I’m not sure where he stands politically but trans people need guns too.In conjunction with that thought.......