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Business Operations, Socialism and math, a love story.


Well-known member
Jun 10, 2014
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Abigail Disney went and visited one of the Disney parks because she was told via facebook by an employee that they can't live on what they make. They (employees) find it difficult to maintain a happy, smiling face when they know the "have to go home and dig through dumpsters for food that night." Disney did a 'fact-finding' mission and decided, yes... Disney employees DO need more money.

Let's keep in mind that Disney pays a base wage of $15 per hour, the supposed "magic wage" for being able to live. Furthermore, Disney has a program called "Disney Aspire" wherein Disney will pay for ALL tuition and books for any hourly employee who wants to further his or her education. They PAY for your complete education. You just have to get to classes. In order to facilitate this, Disney offers flexible scheduling and free day-care for their 200,000 employees.

On the OTHER hand, Bob Iger, CEO of Disney makes $65 million a year. Obviously people feel he's taking advantage of "The little people." Indeed, this is the rallying cry of progressive liberals the world over. Rich folks are gettin' ALL the LONG GREEN!


Sigh. Sure. Bob Iger is paid a lot of money. And we can all be irritated at that because we're jealous. But, let's say Bob Iger does the "Right thing" and takes a HUGE pay cut so he can pay his (200,000) employees more money.
So, Bob goes from 65 million to 5 million a year. He takes a cut that would cripple any of us comparatively. (It's about a 93% pay cut. so if you make 50k, you would go down to say... just under 4,000 a year. But you'd do that to help your fellow workers, ya?) Anyway, let's say Iger does that... He injects 60 million back into his 200,000 employees annual income. Are you ready for it? Are you ready for it? Each of those ETERNALLY grateful employees could take a cool $325 to the bank. (Now if Iger wanted to be prudent about it, he'd divide that bonanza over 12 months. That gives them $27.08 a month baby! And that's a whole .90 cents a day!)

GOOOOO Socialism!

OOOOR, we could consider that Disney employs 200,000 people. At the lowest end of the pay scale they make $15 an hour. Easy math puts that at just over 30k a year. (I know a LOT of waitresses and beer-tenders who don't make that much. But I digress...) Furthermore, they have free child-care AND they have every opportunity to go out and further their education. They can go get a business degree. Or a frickin engineering degree. And given the amount a college education costs these days, that isn't anything to sneeze at.

We could consider that Disney offers a livable wage and huge benefits to 200,000 (That's 1/5 of a MILLION) people.

But I don't know. Maybe they'd all like to make an extra .90 cents a day and force out the CEO. Cause rich folks are BAAAAAAD.
The article further states that Abigail Disney signed an open letter, along with 18 other "really rich folks including George Soros" urging presidential hopefuls to implement a "moderate" wealth tax on the 1%

Ok. Let's say they do that. Abigail Disney is worth 120 Million. I don't know WHAT She makes annually, but let's just go hardcore and target her entire worth.

So. Let's do a "moderate" wealth tax on her. We can assume she already pays the base 33% that people at a much lower income bracket pay. (She may pay more, but I don't have the numbers so let's keep it simple.) I would say a "moderate" tax is somewhere between "no problem" and "What the ****?" So... let's add another 30% shall we?

That's 66% Now of course in a real equation we would only be able to tax her income, not her worth. But I don't know her income and it is far more illustrative to tax her entire worth.

So. Easy math, 66% of 120 million is $79,200,000. (Now Abigail is worth 40,800,000)

Groovy! We have officially taxed one of the 1%. Let's apply that long green to the rest of us!

As of July 16, the US population is 329,180,157 people. Now, we aint givin' no money to those filthy 1% ************* so let's take them out of the equation. That leaves us with 325,888,355 people who DESERVE Abigail Disney's money.

Great News! Abigail, through her noble sacrifice has JUST Given you... .24 cents!

Less great news... next year Abigail will get her just 66% tax on the remaining 40,800,000. She gives you $26,928,000. (Leaving her with just around 13,900,000 give or take.)

YOU GET .08 cents!

Year three, Abigail is taxed and she donates 9,174,000. She now has 4,726,000 to her name and she is officially now NOT one of the 1% (Greedy *****!)

YOU GET just under .03 cents. (Fortunately, so does Abigail!)

So, thanks to Socialism over three years, you will have eliminated one of those hateful 1% folks and taken home a cool .35 cents.

How exactly did Venezuela fail?
Ah, but you say there's a LOT of 1% ******* out there Gregg! Get real. One person can't solve the problem.

Ok. Let's say after taxing ALL the 1% folks we can find we end up with... 500 billion in additional money. (That would NEVER ******* happen, but what the ****. Let's do it!)

$1534.26 per non 1% er. Is THAT going to pay for your universal healthhcare? Is THAT going to pay for your free college? Is THAT going to increase you living wage enough that you are livin' fat and happy?

That's just under $128 a month.

Ultimately the grand goal of Democratic Socialism is to pay for every American in the country to go out on a nice date once a month and maybe get laid.

GOOOOO Socialism!
My nephew works for Disney. Started out as a college intern. Has a great job now and they are paying for him to get his masters. They have other great benefits and are treated very, very well there apparently.

Of course like any job unskilled entry level people are paid unskilled entry level wages. That's in part what makes it possible to pay people who rise up the ranks more money. You can argue that CEOs make too much but the bottom line is, those are market based wages. If you don't pay a good one that much he'll get a job elsewhere. If they weren't in demand they wouldn't be paid that much. Just like you aren't going to get Lebron to come and play for your team for what the janitor makes.
On a side note, I have a GREAT idea for actually implementing one of the goals of Democratic Socialism.

everyone in the country needs to work for Disney so they can get a free education!

(Gooooo Socialism)
what if Abigail Disney bought common sense, moved out of the country and put her money into offshore accounts? and the other 1%ers did the same? Then we'd all go up in class, but our incomes would stay the same, so socialism would fail.

oh, wait.
You want to know the actual problem for Disney employees? In California, the corrupt imbeciles that run the government have decided that property development (new homes) are anti-environmental, and thus overwhelm developers with requirements for new roads, parks, etc., that is, the **** that government should be building but is too ******* busy spending billions feeding, housing and educating illegals to take care of.

The process for building new homes in Southern California, where the original Disneyland is located, is so damn expensive that developers cannot make any money building 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 1200 square foot starter homes that sell for $300,000. The HAVE to build 4 bedroom, 5 bath, 3800 square foot mini-mansions that they can then sell for $1.3 million.

I know this for an absolute fact as one of my good friends and a former client is a developer, and the **** his company had to go through to build 18 homes is indescribable. More and more delays, zoning, fees, requirements to build streets, oh build a park, oh put in a community center, and on and on and on. He started out looking to build 3 bed, 2 both homes, 1600 square feet, for maybe $500,000 in Southern Orange County. He said that when he started running the numbers, he realized that it made no sense. His company was originally permitted to build 34 single family residences, but by the time the bureaucrats were done, he was permitted to build only 19 residences. Guess what happened.

So he said, "**** you clowns." Built 18 mini-mansions, sold them for $1.3 million each, and left the state for good. He is now a developer in Wyoming.

California's idiotic government has shut down residential construction, except for ****** "low income housing" that NOBODY wants anywhere near their most expensive investment. So when Disney employees earn $32,000 per year with very good benefits, it does no good since they have to spend $2200 per month for a place to stay because government and stupidity.
Not sure you understand Socialism. It isn't the CEO lowering his salary so employees could be paid more. It's the employees owning the means of production, so that Disney's 12.5 billion profit
would be divided amongst the employees which would be $62,500 per employee.
Not sure you understand Socialism. It isn't the CEO lowering his salary so employees could be paid more. It's the employees owning the means of production, so that Disney's 12.5 billion profit
would be divided amongst the employees which would be $62,500 per employee.

Then explain why Venezuelan's aren't living the ******* dream?

Because the government will scoop up that profit, and let you have what they think you deserve.
Not sure you understand Socialism. It isn't the CEO lowering his salary so employees could be paid more. It's the employees owning the means of production, so that Disney's 12.5 billion profit
would be divided amongst the employees which would be $62,500 per employee.

You DO understand that Walt Disney never starts the Disney franchise if profit and decision-making were left to the ether? And that there is NO DISNEYLAND without an individual's effort and profit? And that all those ******* employees are ******* UNEMPLOYED if they think the great masses would magically invent a cartoon mouse, and develop that into a multi-billion dollar business with 200,000 employees?!?

You ******* DO understand that, right?

Finally, if the brilliance of combined ownership is so powerful, why haven't those 200,000 employees put their heads together and made a better product, thereby becoming rich in the process?!?!?!?!?

Socialism: It doesn't even work in theory, but at least you give up everything you own.
Not sure you understand Socialism. It isn't the CEO lowering his salary so employees could be paid more. It's the employees owning the means of production, so that Disney's 12.5 billion profit
would be divided amongst the employees which would be $62,500 per employee.

Let's assume 21, that you are very successful in life, I have no idea, run your own business that you sacrificed to build over the last 40 years, and now employ 100 workers. Let's also assume your company, that you built, is worth 100 million dollars.
Your solution is to give every employee, including the new kid working the loading dock, a 1 million dollar stake in your company? I'm no economist, and doubt a long term success story, but I call dibs on the loading dock job.
Not sure you understand Socialism. It isn't the CEO lowering his salary so employees could be paid more. It's the employees owning the means of production, so that Disney's 12.5 billion profit
would be divided amongst the employees which would be $62,500 per employee.
Ah so you understand socialism. Well, then by all means, explain away. Tell us of all the wonderful countries who have grown and thrived under socialism. Dazzle us with your knowledge. Seriously 21, I can't figure out if you're 5 years old, a paid troll, or you're just that ignorant. If it's the latter, you really should consider wearing a helmet when you leave the house so you don't hurt yourself.

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Not sure you understand Socialism. It isn't the CEO lowering his salary so employees could be paid more. It's the employees owning the means of production, so that Disney's 12.5 billion profit
would be divided amongst the employees which would be $62,500 per employee.
as alluded to in a post a couple up, somebody needs to front the money to get the park up and running and then continue operations. Are we assuming the employees of this new socialist society are going to give up every penny they own for 15 years in order to build up a successful company which will then equally split the profits among them? Certainly you don't expect the people who DID invest in a successful business to just abandon their stake and let the proverbial inmates run the zoo?
And more importantly, 21 - the article comes right out and states that Abigail Disney asked Bob Iger to take a pay cut so he could improve the conditions for his employees. The current cadre of liberal ***-kissers are planning on implementing a "rich tax" to pay for everything as I described in one of my posts. So it seems YOU don't entirely understand "Democratic Socialism"

It's where we take money from people who have more money than us and ultimately find out it didn't do **** for us.
Not sure you understand Socialism. It isn't the CEO lowering his salary so employees could be paid more. It's the employees owning the means of production, so that Disney's 12.5 billion profit
would be divided amongst the employees which would be $62,500 per employee.

I guess it's true. You can't fix stupid.
I thought there would be no math.

Ah so you understand socialism. Well, then by all means, explain away. Tell us of all the wonderful countries who have grown and thrived under socialism.

North Korea. Ask any citizen - they will tell you how much they love, love, LOVE the country, its economic system, and its leader-for-life. Starvation be damned!
Not sure you understand Socialism. It isn't the CEO lowering his salary so employees could be paid more. It's the employees owning the means of production, so that Disney's 12.5 billion profit
would be divided amongst the employees which would be $62,500 per employee.

Howcum theme parks weren't started in Socialist countries?
(Yes I know there is Euro Disney but it's never done that well.)
Howcum theme parks weren't started in Socialist countries?
(Yes I know there is Euro Disney but it's never done that well.)

Euro Disney started in the U.S. Just like almost everything in the world today. What's the best thing to come out of Europe the past 25 years? How about Asia? Africa? The capitalistic system in the U.S. is the most dynamic catalyst for economic and scientific discoveries the world has ever seen.

BTW I understand more about the mating habits of leprechauns than 21 knows about economics.
Yeah while i do support limited profit sharing policies, especially on foreign corporations, full profit sharing simply kills innovation. And yes, once fully socialized countries do collapse over time under apathy unless harsher methods of forcing people to work are established
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You want to know the actual problem for Disney employees? In California, the corrupt imbeciles that run the government have decided that property development (new homes) are anti-environmental, and thus overwhelm developers with requirements for new roads, parks, etc., that is, the **** that government should be building but is too ******* busy spending billions feeding, housing and educating illegals to take care of.

The process for building new homes in Southern California, where the original Disneyland is located, is so damn expensive that developers cannot make any money building 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 1200 square foot starter homes that sell for $300,000. The HAVE to build 4 bedroom, 5 bath, 3800 square foot mini-mansions that they can then sell for $1.3 million.

I know this for an absolute fact as one of my good friends and a former client is a developer, and the **** his company had to go through to build 18 homes is indescribable. More and more delays, zoning, fees, requirements to build streets, oh build a park, oh put in a community center, and on and on and on. He started out looking to build 3 bed, 2 both homes, 1600 square feet, for maybe $500,000 in Southern Orange County. He said that when he started running the numbers, he realized that it made no sense. His company was originally permitted to build 34 single family residences, but by the time the bureaucrats were done, he was permitted to build only 19 residences. Guess what happened.

So he said, "**** you clowns." Built 18 mini-mansions, sold them for $1.3 million each, and left the state for good. He is now a developer in Wyoming.

California's idiotic government has shut down residential construction, except for ****** "low income housing" that NOBODY wants anywhere near their most expensive investment. So when Disney employees earn $32,000 per year with very good benefits, it does no good since they have to spend $2200 per month for a place to stay because government and stupidity.

Not sure you understand Socialism. It isn't the CEO lowering his salary so employees could be paid more. It's the employees owning the means of production, so that Disney's 12.5 billion profit
would be divided amongst the employees which would be $62,500 per employee.

Looks like Steeltime has a pretty good grasp on how Socialism works....