You're a moron and there is no point trying to talk sense to you.
Oh yeah. That is some good butt-hurt right there. Does it burn, son? Does it
You strongly implied.
There is some overlap for sure, just like there is between the aforementioned groups and Democrats and Liberals. I consider myself a Conservative Libertarian,
There is no such thing. That's like saying you're a human martian or a canine cat. Conservatism is
inherently authoritarian. It is one of the primary hallmarks of conservatives. That is why religion, that is why strict laws about personal conduct, that is why pro prosecution and pro police. Libertarians are highly anti-authoritarian, so you cannot be both.
as far as I think that the government should not spend more than it takes in, should not for the most part buy votes by transferring money from one person to another,
Many more votes are bought by campaign contributions and favor arbitrage. This is why Wall Street owns congress. And the POTUS, whomever he is.
should not tax one person at a different rate than another.
I also don't think there should be property tax inheritance, tax, and I think that weed, prostitution, and abortion should all be legal.
Why just weed? The cartels and gang bangers are not filling the streets with bullets over just weed. The prison system is not busting at the seems over just weed. Moreover, the most fundamental tenant of liberty is
self ownership. If you believe that the state has the right to tell you what you can and cannot put into your body, you have seeded ownership of your person to the state. A libertarian would never make such a concession.
These days it is the Liberal Democrats who are all about social engineering and control and bringing the iron fist of government down on those they disagree with.
Conservatives do the same thing. See gay marriage, abortion, prostitution, gambling etc. It seems you can only see it when it's the other team. Yet another mark of the partisan conservative. Libertarians, real ones, advocate abolishing
ALL SOCIAL ENGINEERING LAWS. There are only 3 real crimes: violent crime, property crime, and political corruption. Things like possession crime, prostitution, so called "date rape" (two drunks *******), and the like do not fall into either one of those categories. No harm is done, no injury incurred, and for that reason these laws are illegitimate.
I don't think the government should tell me how much water my toilet uses, what kind of light bulb I have to buy, or how much mpg my car has to get either.
Agree. Although the emission standards and domestic oil production combined to crash oil prices and destroy Putin's economy, so it hasn't been all bad.
As far as drug laws, if you don't like the laws then work to elect people who will change them (within Constitutional limits of course). That and the stop and frisk etc. that you don't like, it seems like mostly a black inner-city issue, and virtually every large city in America has a Democrat mayor and a Democrat controlled city council.
As stated (by you above) Democrats and "liberals" are no fans of liberty. They contribute just as much to the prison industrial complex as conservatives and Republicans do. It's a system that is profitable for both parties and ideologies. Libertarians seek to break that cycle, but lack the deep Wall Street pockets to affect change. Most people (on the left and right) are poorly informed cowards. They prefer the appearance of safety and security to the tangible reality of liberty. Both parties pander to that cowardice and contribute to the problem.
The Republicans/Conservatives/Tea Party that you think is all the same thing don't have much to do with it.
This is right wing tripe. It's a cute sounding Fox News talking point, but as stated above, holds no water. The right loves to scare the hell out of the middle class so they can jam "tough on crime" legislation through congress and local governments. They are the first ones to cry and ***** about how "hard it is" to be a cop every time the cops kill someone they shouldn't, rather than demanding of them the same justice they demand of citizens who kill unlawfully. The right is anything but innocent.
The biggest shitholes in America are Chicago, Gary, IN, Memphis, TN, New Orleans, and Detroit, which have all been totally run by Democrats since about forever. (I'm assuming you're a Democrat, correct me if I'm wrong.)
You are wrong. I'm a Civil Libertarian. A real one. I think both sides are massively full of ****. The left plays the middle class against the rich and white, the right plays the middle class against the poor and dark. But it's the same game: divide, conquer, and collect more campaign donations and favors (like high paid do-nothing jobs when you leave public office).
The path to success is statistically pretty clear. Finish high school, learn a skill or trade or otherwise further your education, don't do drugs, don't do crime, don't have kids until you're married, and don't get married until you have a job.
Agree completely. And it's easier to accomplish these things if your life isn't derailed by your youthful indiscretions. You really should do some checking into the differences in juvenile sentencing. Suburban white kids get into the same trouble as Black kids, but the system does not eat them alive for it. They can do drugs pretty much with impunity because they're not going to be routinely searched (and arrested) by the cops.
Problem is that about half the black population ridicules those ideas and disrespects those in their own community who choose that path, call them sellouts, traitors to the race, Oreos, white talkin' sucker, whatever.
I've started really wondering if any of you actually know any Black people. There is a great variety of thought amongst Blacks, and your assumptions here represent only one faction. And lets not pretend nerds don't get it in the suburbs too, they do. Poor people in general tend not to value education, and Blacks are disproportionately poor.
As long as a large portion of the black community feels that way, they will continue to be second-class citizens dependent on the government. It's not because they're black, it's because they're stupid. Which is fine with the government by the way.
Partly why I've said several times here recently (and sarcastically) that it is racist to hold black people to white peoples' standards of behavior.
The problem is in your house, not mine.
You are the only one insisting that the problem is racial. I don't believe that at all. Everything you've said about "half of Blacks" I've observed in poor whites. But the system should not be exacerbating the problem by using the criminal justice system to disenfranchise the poor. This is what big government social engineering laws do. The largest fully funded welfare program in America (soup to nuts coverage of housing, food, clothing, medical care) is the prison system. And most of those people are not burglars, rapists, or murderers.
Social engineering is a waste of valuable resources better put to more effective use. Moreover, it does more harm to poor people and minorities than it does good to the larger society, so for wholly pragmatic reasons we would do well to abolish it. That is the Civil Libertarian viewpoint. Since you appear not to share it, you're more of a moderate conservative than a libertarian.