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Chicago's Finest Angels and their Treatment of a Mentally Challenged White Man

what happens when one day the father of someone like that kid gets to the attackers first, and puts about a dozen bullets into each one of the pieces of ****. bet there would be lots of news coverage then.....

That's the thing, eventually one of the BLM'ers is going to run into the Wrong Guy.
what happens when one day the father of someone like that kid gets to the attackers first, and puts about a dozen bullets into each one of the pieces of ****. bet there would be lots of news coverage then.....

We cheer.
what happens when one day the father of someone like that kid gets to the attackers first, and puts about a dozen bullets into each one of the pieces of ****. bet there would be lots of news coverage then.....

There will be a media shitstorm blaming violent right wing rhetoric and ignoring the event that caused the retaliation.

See the lefts view of the Crusades.
I blame Obama

Newt Gingrich blames Chicago torture video on Obama's failure to 'oppose black racism'

During an appearance on Fox & Friends, Gingrich linked Obama’s presidency to the news that four black men had been detained in Chicago for allegedly torturing a disabled white man.

“I think a lot of their language, a lot of their approach heightened that sense of racial tension,” Gingrich said of the Obama administration. “And I think we have to oppose white racism, we also have to oppose black racism.”

“And I think if this had been done to an African-American by four whites, every liberal in the country would be outraged and there would be no question that it’s a hate crime.” According to Gingrich, President-elect Donald Trump is trying to avoid “having the deep bitter division in the community that makes America very hard to govern.”

The white houses initial reaction...it was not a hate crime. Yet when it's the cops or a white/latino's fighting African Americans he quickly takes sides before any facts come out.

Obama has made race relations much worse. He should be ashamed of himself and called out on interviews for this behavior.

I'd like to see a study with actors using Obama's words and similar situations, and see what the audience really things in a survey reply. My best guess is if a white actor said and reacted the way Obama did, all types of ethnic groups would scream racism.

Im about to call you out on your bullshit.

You say Obama made race relations much worse. Is that due to his campaign rhetoric of 2007-2008 ?....what exactly did he say about white folks that you deem racially inflammatory or divisive ? We can compare that to suggesting that Mexico sending rapist, murders and second rate individuals.....Or suggesting that you can "knock the crap out of someone" which we know came from the mouth of one D J Trump.

Is it Obamas influence that raised the rate of hate group enrollment numbers that spiked around the time he was elected and has since saw steady increases ? Or the numerous assassination plots foiled from the time he was elected ?

Whose fault is it that you have high ranking municipal officials from mayoral assistants, to police chiefs and ranking members that circulate racially charged emails about the president or the first lady referred to as a gorilla ? Is that on Obama ?

Listen man, the facts are, there has been racism in this country since the days the European settlers arrived on those ships. Whether through the genocidal slaughter of the indigenous tribes and taking of the land to the dehumanized treatment of the African slaves and subsequent rise of America to economic superpower from the free labor of said slaves, racism has been a mainstay in this country. Race relations have never been great, especially if youre in the group of those in the minority or the oppressed. Folks being pelted with rocks, bottles....drug from lunch counters or shot with waterhoses and blocked from entering public venues or schools........and you have the gall to suggest Obama has made things worse ?

To coin a street cliché from the eighties "Mothafucker please ....."
"If I had a son, he’d look like Tesfaye/Jordon" - BHO

That quote from Obama referencing Trayvon really ****** y'all head up didn't it ? Can you enlighten me on what that did to you ? Im dead serious because im writing a piece regarding white interpretation of the evolution of the Tanning of America.
Most Liberals are incapable of being critical of anyone who belongs to one of their protected grievance groups and rather try to excuse their behavior.

That's a bold statement.....so you know quite a few liberals and their capacity of integrity or lack of ? What are some drawbacks or social deficiencies of conservatives if you don't mind me asking.........?
Anybody who doesn't recognize that race relations have **** the bed under Obama is delusional.
Obummer took every opportunity to call out things that were not racist as racist. In this way he called out whites who were just doing their jobs, minding their business, as the problem. This was disingenuous at best. The cumulative effect has seemed to embolden the criminal element in the black community against whites, Asians, handicapped and other vulnerable people. That may just be my perspective but it has been growing ever since the professor was apprehended breaking into his own house. The police officer acted stupidly. Dumbass he was doing his job.
HAS Obama said anything about this? Or is he too busy planning his farewell party with Beyonce and Jay Z to care?
HAS Obama said anything about this? Or is he too busy planning his farewell party with Beyonce and Jay Z to care?

No, I believe he is still in the middle of his Crack Cocaine Cowboys' pardons. Then, he'll be onto his Beyonce house party planning.

What in this article is scientific ? Anything ? Nope !!! I or anyone can write an editorial based on opinion and publish the piece and there will usually align members that embrace a narrative, even if false. This bullshit you linked is precisely that...its bullshit. Reason being, if BLM is so racist then why do we see white folks, Asian folks, latino folks among its rallies and support base ?....Answer that question for me. Have you ever seen scores of latinos, blacks, or Asians at a Klan rally or Arryan Brotherhood meeting ?

I read portions of the piece posted and saw wording like "BLM hero.. Its followers lionize anyone who murders cops or white people....hatred of normal American values.".Seriously ? WTF !!!??? Its apparent the writer has a bias and apparent venom regarding the movement. When someone calls out white supremacy or systemic racism, that's not a direct incrimination of all white people. That's just bullshit, because I know of several white/Anglo social authors and psychologists that have written about race, racism and systemic marginalization of minorities without saying or insinuating all white people are racist. The writer of this piece is just fueling white resentment and this places white folks forever on the defensive any and everytime the topic of racism is brought up.

Its so easy for the most basic webmaster writer to cherry pick examples that fit a narrative, draft a story and post it and have folks like you so eager to feed from the troughs of reality conditioning and then regurgitate that same bs like its factual. If you listen to Hannity, O'Reilly, Alex Jones and then venture to sites like Breitbart, American Renaissance, American Freethinker and Stormfront then youre subjected to suggestive news pimp "slant"
Anybody who doesn't recognize that race relations have **** the bed under Obama is delusional.

But is Obama HIMSELF directly responsible for the deterioration in race relations ? Give me an era when race relations in the US were great....for all races
Obummer took every opportunity to call out things that were not racist as racist. In this way he called out whites who were just doing their jobs, minding their business, as the problem. This was disingenuous at best. The cumulative effect has seemed to embolden the criminal element in the black community against whites, Asians, handicapped and other vulnerable people. That may just be my perspective but it has been growing ever since the professor was apprehended breaking into his own house. The police officer acted stupidly. Dumbass he was doing his job.

Im eager.....im game...cite some examples
HAS Obama said anything about this? Or is he too busy planning his farewell party with Beyonce and Jay Z to care?

Why do you even give a **** honestly. Theres nothing he could do or say that would satisfy half of you anyways. If he says anything, then folks will mine for comment and interpret it a certain way. If he says nothing then obviously he sides with the thugs.

I never knew how much emotion was tied to what, how or when a POTUS figure weighed in on a matter. At least it wont be from 140 character platforms and he would even entertain dialogue with a press that could hit back with questions.
Well lets talk about it bro....im gonna give you the stage and some light and a microphone.....
I told you what's up bro. One of the great things about having Trump in office is I feel less inclined to argue obvious and common sense points with liberals
I told you what's up bro. One of the great things about having Trump in office is I feel less inclined to argue obvious and common sense points with liberals

Let me repeat what I told yall earlier. Im not a liberal.....Im a moderate. Secondly, you told me ****. You've given opinion. Thirdly, Trump is what he is (a con man)...but im not trying to deflect towards the Oompa Loompa Jesus.

So, without further delay......Give me some valid examples of how Obama has caused race relations to worsen ?.....
Im eager.....im game...cite some examples

Jesus, he gave you one in the post.

Here's another:

Pretending Trayvon Martin was some gifted, upstanding individual who was brutally murdered by a white Latino. "If I had a son ..." The truth was that Trayvon Martin called the guy following him a "cracker" before they fought; Martin physically assaulted the guy, as evidenced by bruises on Zimmerman; the Wunderkind known as Trayvon was in fact a burglar and a thief, as evidenced by the burglary tools and 13 pieces of stolen jewelry found in his room. And after the verdict, where a jury found the defendant not guilty on the basis of self-defense, the usual scumbag mob riots, steals, burns ****, etc. Here are some images for those who forget how much damage the ******* rioters inflicted on our communities:





And what harsh criticism does our Commander-in-Chief offer about the violent mob and its ******* antics?? This:

The second thing I want to say is to reiterate what I said on Sunday, which is there’s going to be a lot of arguments about the legal issues in the case -- I'll let all the legal analysts and talking heads address those issues. The judge conducted the trial in a professional manner. The prosecution and the defense made their arguments. The juries were properly instructed that in a case such as this reasonable doubt was relevant, and they rendered a verdict. And once the jury has spoken, that's how our system works. But I did want to just talk a little bit about context and how people have responded to it and how people are feeling.

You know, when Trayvon Martin was first shot I said that this could have been my son. Another way of saying that is Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago. And when you think about why, in the African American community at least, there’s a lot of pain around what happened here, I think it’s important to recognize that the African American community is looking at this issue through a set of experiences and a history that doesn’t go away.

There are very few African American men in this country who haven't had the experience of being followed when they were shopping in a department store. That includes me. There are very few African American men who haven't had the experience of walking across the street and hearing the locks click on the doors of cars. That happens to me -- at least before I was a senator. There are very few African Americans who haven't had the experience of getting on an elevator and a woman clutching her purse nervously and holding her breath until she had a chance to get off. That happens often.

And I don't want to exaggerate this, but those sets of experiences inform how the African American community interprets what happened one night in Florida. And it’s inescapable for people to bring those experiences to bear. The African American community is also knowledgeable that there is a history of racial disparities in the application of our criminal laws -- everything from the death penalty to enforcement of our drug laws. And that ends up having an impact in terms of how people interpret the case.


Oh, and how about the gentle young man minding his own business, walking down the street, who as shot dead by a white cop for no other reason this his blackness Yes, I am talking about the gentle giant, Michael Brown. Here is one image, showing this future Rhodes scholar assisting a shopkeeper:


Yeah, and "hands up, don't shoot"?? A ******* lie. The witnesses and objective evidence in the coroner's report shows that the scumbag had his dead down and was charging the officer - after reaching into the cop car and trying to take the cop's gun - when he was shot.

And what does the glorious Commander-in-Chief say and do? This:

President Obama said the shooting death of a black teen by a white police officer last month in Ferguson, Missouri, exposed the racial divide in the American justice system that “stains the heart of black children.”

Hey, maybe the "stains" came from more rioting. looting and burning ****??




And what does our brave leader have to say about shitbags burning, and stealing, and rioting?? Yep, the usual - not one ******* critcism of the looters and rioters, and instead:

President Obama is sending three White House officials to Ferguson, Mo., on Monday for the funeral service for Michael Brown, the 18-year-old black man killed by a white police officer two weeks ago.


Is that enough?

Or do you need more?
Why do you even give a **** honestly. Theres nothing he could do or say that would satisfy half of you anyways. If he says anything, then folks will mine for comment and interpret it a certain way. If he says nothing then obviously he sides with the thugs.

I never knew how much emotion was tied to what, how or when a POTUS figure weighed in on a matter. At least it wont be from 140 character platforms and he would even entertain dialogue with a press that could hit back with questions.

He's still the President. And to some of the citizenry, it's comforting for the President to speak out on acts like this.
Yes, that and so much more. His justice department has been very aggressive in calling out these jurisdictions that are struggling with crime. Our courts are giving hardened violent criminals light fluff sentences far too often.

One local example...the Iowa State fair is a pretty big deal. It usually has around 1,000,000 attendees over the course of ten days. Friday night is historically "east side night". A lot of people from the east side of Des Moines attend. I believe it was the 2009 fair when beat whitey night occurred. Different groups of young blacks roamed around beating people, white people and yelling that it was "beat whitey night". One of these youth was 6'6" and went to my soon to be freshman daughters school. He was a star basketball player. That night he held a man so his friend could stab him. Our school's resource officer tried to get the arresting officer to let him go and only gave him a disrupting the peace ticket when the officer refused to go along with it. The media danced around the facts and failed to report the truth. The police spokesperson lost her job for identifying the perpetrators. The county ******* attorney dropped assault charges saying he didn't have enough to prosecute even though there were depositions from eight people willing to testify. Now all of this happened in Des Moines Iowa. Are you telling me that Obama, his agenda, messaging, etc etc had no impact on this??? Are you sure because this type of **** to this degree hasn't happened here?
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That quote from Obama referencing Trayvon really ****** y'all head up didn't it ? Can you enlighten me on what that did to you ? Im dead serious because im writing a piece regarding white interpretation of the evolution of the Tanning of America.

It has nothing to do with race. Just accept the fact that Martin was a thug and the media and Obama painted him to be an angel. The results in Ferguson and Baltimore speak for themselves. If a latino commited a thug act in a high profile case, I wouldn't loot just cause some cop put his *** down deservingly so. It's not a racial war, it's a class war. Higher and lower class do not see things the same. I admit, it's hard to get by and do the right thing. But to leech or steal from those who work hard? Nuh uh
what happens when one day the father of someone like that kid gets to the attackers first, and puts about a dozen bullets into each one of the pieces of ****. bet there would be lots of news coverage then.....

No doubt. And the media will villify the man for protecting himself. That's just the type of society liberals want. They are so bent on being Social justics warriors, that they fail to comprehend good from wrong in a skewed vision of equality. Of course conservatives want equality, just do the ******* right thing
Let me repeat what I told yall earlier. Im not a liberal.....Im a moderate. Secondly, you told me ****. You've given opinion. Thirdly, Trump is what he is (a con man)...but im not trying to deflect towards the Oompa Loompa Jesus.

So, without further delay......Give me some valid examples of how Obama has caused race relations to worsen ?.....

Moderate eh? Well you must have aced the Lame Liberal Rhetoric course. Anyway, here's the latest in a constant barrage of making everything about race with Obama - from December, at the end of his second elected term to the highest office in the country -
Outgoing U.S. President Barack Obama has disclosed that he ‘absolutely’ suffered racism in office, adding Americans’ ‘primary concern about me has been that I seem foreign’.

Now, he thinks that some white people might just disagree with him politically, but pretty much all the white people in the south, well -

“I think there’s a reason why attitudes about my presidency among whites in Northern states are very different from whites in Southern states.

“Are there folks whose primary concern about me has been that I seem foreign, the other? Are those who champion the ‘birther’ movement feeding off of bias? Absolutely.”

Obama said the colour of his skin had ‘absolutely’ contributed to white Americans’ negative perceptions of his time in office.

The president said: “I think there’s a reason why attitudes about my presidency among whites in Northern states are very different from whites in Southern states”.

From - http://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/top-news/217640-i-absolutely-suffered-racism-office-obama.html

There are too many examples to site over the last eight years of the president putting everything in the context of race. This is classic Marxism.