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Chris Rock proves there is such a thing as black privilege with his latest "joke"

This is why I will always side with comedy over politics.

Did any of you watch the stand up? It's on Netflix, and I watched it. Rock is one of the all time greats of standup. And Tambourine is highly entertaining.

The fact that people are trying to take statements from a comedy routine and fit them into a political conversation, just doesn't work. Comedy is not politics. It never has been. Carlin has been the most political/anti-religious of any comedian ever, yet he usually got a pass. All comedians deserve that pass. They are not politicians, they are entertainers, and if you watch the routine, you will be entertained.
I used to really enjoy those Carlin jokes about killing kids and their crying mothers on TV.
Why does race matter, more police officers are killed in the line of duty in the US than any other country and more citizens are killed by the police in the US
than any other country. Can't we just be satisfied that We're Number 1, We're Number 1, We're Number 1. We need more guns so we can guarantee we stay
on top.
Why does race matter, more police officers are killed in the line of duty in the US than any other country and more citizens are killed by the police in the US
than any other country. Can't we just be satisfied that We're Number 1, We're Number 1, We're Number 1. We need more guns so we can guarantee we stay
on top.

Don't forget we have more "Christian" people and people in general incarcerated than any other country on the planet..........

We are only 5% of the worlds population, but have a 25% share of all the human beings incarcerated on the planet...................USA! USA! USA!
First let's talk about fact. The fact is police already shoot more white people than black
Next let's use our imagination to change Chris Rock's ethnicity. Now let's imagine that Chris rock is it a black guy from Brooklyn, but instead is a white guy from Dubuque Iowa. And then let's pretend that white guy from Iowa Chris rock makes a joke about police killing more black kids simply because blacks commit 80% of violent crimes. There would be gnashing of teeth, rendering of garments, wailing, and a hair pulling all through the media all about how racist it was.

Cope if you do that you may begin to understand how mind numbingly ******* stupid what you said is.

That's disingenuous at best. I don't know if you pulled up that stat from some right wing blog or if you're just regurgitating statistical nonsense that some of the Reich Wingers on here regularly post as fact.

When you adjust for population you are 2.5 times more likely to be killed...errrr...(murdered in most cases) by police if you are a black person. That IS A FACT.
Don't forget we have more "Christian" people and people in general incarcerated than any other country on the planet..........

We are only 5% of the worlds population, but have a 25% share of all the human beings incarcerated on the planet...................USA! USA! USA!

And the problems started accelerating right after the institution of the welfare state by LBJ's Great Society. You can thank liberalism for most of today's societal ills. Just look at every shithole city if you need more proof.
That's disingenuous at best. I don't know if you pulled up that stat from some right wing blog or if you're just regurgitating statistical nonsense that some of the Reich Wingers on here regularly post as fact.

When you adjust for population you are 2.5 times more likely to be killed...errrr...(murdered in most cases) by police if you are a black person. That IS A FACT.

The numbers that YOU have to manipulate in their raw form to get your FACT is where that comes from. If you are having to adjust the data to fit your narrative you aren't telling the truth you are lying with statistics. You know like Global Warming/Climate Change/ManBearPig.
The numbers that YOU have to manipulate in their raw form to get your FACT is where that comes from. If you are having to adjust the data to fit your narrative you aren't telling the truth you are lying with statistics. You know like Global Warming/Climate Change/ManBearPig.


White people receive more welfare and food stamps than any other group in this country when it's just raw totals.....would you like to adjust for population there, or do you want to own that Mr. Raw Data?

White people receive more welfare and food stamps than any other group in this country when it's just raw totals.....would you like to adjust for population there, or do you want to own that Mr. Raw Data?

given that the population of this country is predominantly white, please tell me how calling for welfare reform is then racist.
given that the population of this country is predominantly white, please tell me how calling for welfare reform is then racist.

When did I say that welfare reform is racist?

Welfare reform was necessary when President Clinton initiated it, now it's just an exercise in cruelty. Taking WORKING PEOPLES food benefits away, and if they can get away with it: medicare, s.s. cuts etc.

Repugnicans are truly immoral disgusting beings who love using the poor of every "race" as a scapegoat blamed for leaching while they( starting with the con man in the White House) rob the American taxpayer blind, for themselves and their corporate pimps.
No racism here. See, cuz da target was one a dem white boyz

University Shrugs Its Shoulders After White Student Gets Called ‘Mayonnaise Monster Lookin A**’


A North Carolina university bias team declined a white student’s request to start a judicial case after he got called a “mayonnaise monster lookin a**,” according to a Monday report.

Wake Forest University’s bias response team, which investigates identity-based harassment at the school, declined to press charges against students who called student Ryan Wolfe a “mayonnaise monster lookin a**” and photoshopped his face onto a cracker, reported The Wake Forest Review. The students engaged in the racially charged attacks before, during, and after Wolfe’s participation in a conservative panel at the school.

When Wolfe told student Brianna Reddick that her Twitter mentions were not a safe space, Reddick responded, “If you don’t GET your mayonnaise monster lookin asss OUT my mentions.”

Student Charlotte Van Schenck targeted Wolfe and three other conservative students who appeared on a panel by posting a picture of four crackers and saying “loving the lineup!”

Reddick presented Wolfe with a box of crackers after the panel and tweeted about it later. “Today I handed the saltiest Republican a box of saltine crackers,” Reddick tweeted.

Wake Forest dean of students Adam Goldstein rationalized the students’ racially charged attacks on Wolfe by saying that President Donald Trump had won the election, according to Wolfe. When Wolfe told Goldstein the incidents occurred before Trump’s victory, the administrator apparently said, “That’s good to know,” Wolfe told The Daily Caller News Foundation.

“I support the free speech rights of students,” Wolfe told The Wake Forest Review. “But in this case, I wanted to see if the school would enforce their rules surrounding verbal and abuse equally regardless of who was involved in the case. I knew that similar rhetoric about the identity of other groups would not be tolerated.”

The university denied Wolfe’s request to press charges against the students targeting him and instead told the conservative student that his harassers would be asked, “Is this the community you want to live in?” at an LGBTQ Center meeting.

“I’ve enjoyed my years at Wake Forest and learned a lot during my time here,” Wolfe told TheDCNF. “Unfortunately, one of the things I’ve learned is to not trust University bureaucrats to pursue ‘blind justice’ when enforcing policies. If this is what social justice looks like in practice, we cannot let this ideology infect our judicial system.”
They all do a stand up monologue to start their shows. It used to be comedy, ya know, the stuff that is supposed to make you laugh. Now it is nothing more than cheap political commentary.

I hear you Hamster, and I do agree what late night has devolved to liberal leaning late night comedy. Though as an artist, I don't agree that these two formats are the same at all. This would be akin to going to see your favorite band play, that tours and writes its own material, vs watching people perform prewritten, prearranged music, week after week, on those competition shows. One is an artform, the other is less artistic prepackaged for repeat performances on TV.

Also, none of you has an opinion on this until you watch the standup. I'll wait and have an open discussion on it if you do. And no, not clips. Watch the whole act. It's 45 minutes of entertainment, and it's on Netflix, so you guys have easy access to actually form a complete opinion on the topic after viewing the entire work.
I was never a fan of Chris Rock,so I don't really watch his shows or ever watch his act. I turn them all off when they get political I'm so over all that **** it's not even funny. **** I can't even watch football without bullshit. Even the Olympics had some nonsense with some ice skating diva pole smoker getting all bent and that downhill ski chick running her trap. I just can't wait for the presidential election year to roll around. That's going to be hell on earth watching tv.
Cope, to be honest, I don't care enough about the argument to invest the time. There are a ton of shows in my que that take priority.

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I was never a fan of Chris Rock,so I don't really watch his shows or ever watch his act. I turn them all off when they get political I'm so over all that **** it's not even funny. **** I can't even watch football without bullshit. Even the Olympics had some nonsense with some ice skating diva pole smoker getting all bent and that downhill ski chick running her trap. I just can't wait for the presidential election year to roll around. That's going to be hell on earth watching tv.

He was funny like 10-15 years ago but then he had to get all political like almost everyone else.
This has been a funny debate to read. It's like a microcosm of our overall political situation today. Each side sticking to it's guns regardless of the amount of obvious wrong at hand. There is unarguable, obvious wrong with Chris Rock's skit.

And this is fact, not opinion: This type of a joke by Chris Rock does not go both ways. A black person can make those jokes about white people, no one cares. A white person can't make that same joke about blacks. National outrage and firings WOULD ensue.

Anyone arguing otherwise is being partisan and obtuse.
The fact that people are trying to take statements from a comedy routine and fit them into a political conversation, just doesn't work.

That's not whats going on here. Libtard comedians who all just all happen to vote democRAT, take advantage of comedy routine as way to disparage the right.
What also is a fact is that libtards rely on idiots like Bil Maher as their news source.

You wouldn't hear much complaining if both sides were equally made fun of.
It's kind of like when a Muslim kills in America he's called a domestic terrorist, but when it's a white guy he's a lone wolf or has/had "mental issues"

Even though the white guy almost always fits the profile of domestic terrorist: white, right wing,Christian, tons of guns.

And most terrorism by definition is committed by white males in this country.

Yeah.....that privilege.

You are truly the most ill-informed buffoon on this board.

Terrorism by definition is the unlawful use of violence against civilians for political reasons...also religious reasons as defined by NATO.

Ad who reports that white "terrorists" have/had mental issues? FOX News?

The fact remains that nearly every school shooter was on medication for mental issues.

Secondly, the white terrorist who tried to shoot up Republicans at a baseball game was not a right wing, Christian, bible toting, with lots of guns....but rather one of you, a Bernie Sanders loving libtard democRAT.

Thirdly, perhaps the most notorious white terrorist was not a bible toting, right wing Christian, but rather an America hating radical who sounded very much like your average libtard.

If I didn't know this was written by McVeigh, I would have guessed some America hating liberal a-hole such as yourself.

In a 1,200-word essay[104] dated March 1998, from the federal maximum-security prison at Florence, Colorado, McVeigh claimed that the terrorist bombing was "morally equivalent" to U.S. military actions against Iraq and other foreign countries. The handwritten essay, submitted to and published by the alternative national news magazine Media Bypass, was distributed worldwide by the Associated Press on May 29, 1998. This was written in the midst of the 1998 Iraq disarmament crisis and a few months before Operation Desert Fox.

The administration has said that Iraq has no right to stockpile chemical or biological weapons ("weapons of mass destruction") — mainly because they have used them in the past.

Well, if that's the standard by which these matters are decided, then the U.S. is the nation that set the precedent. The U.S. has stockpiled these same weapons (and more) for over 40 years. The U.S. claims this was done for deterrent purposes during its "Cold War" with the Soviet Union. Why, then, it is invalid for Iraq to claim the same reason (deterrence) with respect to Iraq's (real) war with, and the continued threat of, its neighbor Iran?

The administration claims that Iraq has used these weapons in the past. We've all seen the pictures that show a Kurdish woman and child frozen in death from the use of chemical weapons. But, have you ever seen those pictures juxtaposed next to pictures from Hiroshima or Nagasaki?

I suggest that one study the histories of World War I, World War II and other "regional conflicts" that the U.S. has been involved in to familiarize themselves with the use of "weapons of mass destruction."

Remember Dresden? How about Hanoi? Tripoli? Baghdad? What about the big ones — Hiroshima and Nagasaki? (At these two locations, the U.S. killed at least 150,000 non-combatants — mostly women and children — in the blink of an eye. Thousands more took hours, days, weeks or months to die).

If Saddam is such a demon, and people are calling for war crimes charges and trials against him and his nation, why do we not hear the same cry for blood directed at those responsible for even greater amounts of "mass destruction" — like those responsible and involved in dropping bombs on the cities mentioned above?

The truth is, the U.S. has set the standard when it comes to the stockpiling and use of weapons of mass destruction.

The essay, which marked the first time that McVeigh publicly discussed the Oklahoma City bombing, continued:

Hypocrisy when it comes to the death of children? In Oklahoma City, it was family convenience that explained the presence of a day-care center placed between street level and the law enforcement agencies which occupied the upper floors of the building. Yet, when discussion shifts to Iraq, any day-care center in a government building instantly becomes "a shield." Think about it.

When considering morality and "mens rea" [criminal intent], in light of these facts, I ask: Who are the true barbarians? ...

I find it ironic, to say the least, that one of the aircraft used to drop such a bomb on Iraq is dubbed "The Spirit of Oklahoma." This leads me to a final, and unspoken, moral hypocrisy regarding the use of weapons of mass destruction.

When a U.S. plane or cruise missile is used to bring destruction to a foreign people, this nation rewards the bombers with applause and praise. What a convenient way to absolve these killers of any responsibility for the destruction they leave in their wake.

Whether you wish to admit it or not, when you approve, morally, of the bombing of foreign targets by the U.S. military, you are approving of acts morally equivalent to the bombing in Oklahoma City ...
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There is unarguable, obvious wrong with Chris Rock's skit.

And this is fact, not opinion: This type of a joke by Chris Rock does not go both ways. A black person can make those jokes about white people, no one cares. A white person can't make that same joke about blacks. National outrage and firings WOULD ensue.

Anyone arguing otherwise is being partisan and obtuse.

Rock can tell that joke because their is no perception that white kids are being unjustly shot by police. That is the absurdity that makes it a joke. You act as though Rock made a joke about white kids being shot in school shootings.

This has been a funny debate to read. It's like a microcosm of our overall political situation today. Each side sticking to it's guns regardless of the amount of obvious wrong at hand. There is unarguable, obvious wrong with Chris Rock's skit.

And this is fact, not opinion: This type of a joke by Chris Rock does not go both ways. A black person can make those jokes about white people, no one cares. A white person can't make that same joke about blacks. National outrage and firings WOULD ensue.

Anyone arguing otherwise is being partisan and obtuse.

You haven't seen Daniel Tosh's standup? He rips everyone, is white, and gets away with it. One of my favorites!

The only problem I have is people forming their opinions on material that was hand selected for outrage, and not seeing the entire piece of work. Libs do this all the time with Trump. Blips of his wife smacking his hand, or making a funny face, or editing quotes to make him sound bad, that's the same crap and equally baseless without the total context of the piece.

And Stewey, Bill Maher has never been funny and is unwatchable. I also consider him a talk show host, not a comedian, because he's never been funny. Still my argument was never about late night or TV, it is about the art form known as Stand up comedy.
Rock can tell that joke because their is no perception that white kids are being unjustly shot by police. That is the absurdity that makes it a joke. You act as though Rock made a joke about white kids being shot in school shootings.


Like I said, not having the context of the show, and using quotes and clips to feed misperception. It's one of the biggest things that I hate about the information age.
Rock can tell that joke because their is no perception that white kids are being unjustly shot by police. That is the absurdity that makes it a joke. You act as though Rock made a joke about white kids being shot in school shootings.


And this is the problem with your Libtard analysis. It's based on the "perception" that black people are unjustly shot by police. The facts show otherwise. More white people, by a higher % of interactions with the police, are shot by police. It's a statistical fact that if you are white you are more likely to die in a confrontation with police than if you are black. It's just that African Americans commit so many more crimes they have more interactions with the police and these result in death at times.

Now that being said, the entire premise of your argument is based on a faulty "perception."

In today's day and age of uber-sensitive race issues, no side should be permitted (while the other side is not) to make jokes about (that indirectly encourage) the killing of one racial group over another. When you allow a standard for one side that you don't allow for another, it is wrong. It's about basic equality.

Fact: Had a white comedian made these jokes (and yes I've seen Tosh countless times and find him funny) that "encourage" white cops to kill more black kids, said comedian would be Kathy Griffin'd. Tosh hasn't gone to that extreme. That's a fact folks, you can argue until you are blue in the face.

EDIT: I notice you are still not a contributor Flog. Why is it that so many resident Liberals are non contributors? Interesting, that.