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CO2 and Global Warming: More evidence that the bootlicking media are worthless ******

Or, we are cooling already, and do not know to articulate this from scant data......in a couple hundred more years, we will have that figured out, maybe.

Complex systems that have no reasonable possibility of modeling due poor scientific attempts at understanding multivariate effects will take new maths and far greater data effects understanding than the techniques we presently have available.

Addled libtards, like above, simply cannot grasp that we do not know what we do not know and that extrapolating ignorance just magnifies that ignorance. But they attempt to add morality to their ignorance as they have to anchor their faith somehow.

Its an inconvenient truth
Indeed it is a political football the left is trying to use to exert more control over peoples lives.
Don't pay any attention to all of the volcanic activities around the globe. It's man made! When the earth heated up and cooled
down many years ago, before man on earth, global warming was caused by man. Listen to the science. Listen to AOC!
Autistic teenager insists the United States and Europe go back to freezing to death because those societies are the CO2 bad guys.



The lesson is, "Don't get energy advice from autistic teenagers who stopped going to school at age 15."
Interesting that in Steeltime's first graph the "International shipping and aviation" contributes...

wonder how much is being contributed to the environment with those ships at sea unable to offload?

this is wild

Holy ****, the link from So0p is awesome. Shows thousands of large vessels around the planet. Oil tankers are red, cargo ships are green, passenger vessels purple, fishing vessels orange, etc.
Why do we still have polar bears? They were supposed to be extinct a decade ago.

p.s. **** you Algore
Autistic teenager insists the United States and Europe go back to freezing to death because those societies are the CO2 bad guys.



The lesson is, "Don't get energy advice from autistic teenagers who stopped going to school at age 15."

Flogged, I thought you just stuck to mandating the jabby jab?
Holy ****, the link from So0p is awesome. Shows thousands of large vessels around the planet. Oil tankers are red, cargo ships are green, passenger vessels purple, fishing vessels orange, etc.

Yeah it is. You can even scroll over certain vessels and it'll tell you the name etc.