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CO2 and Global Warming: More evidence that the bootlicking media are worthless ******

I'm older that most of you and have seen the dramatic effects of climate change first hand.

I watched the effects that man made CO2 emissions had on the glaciers that covered most of North America.

When they finally all melted in the mid 1970's I believe, and formed the Great Lakes, thank GOD we had a man like AlGore to step up and save us, although sadly the Michigan Polar Bear did meet it's demise.

The science is so obvious that I don't understand all the deniers out there.
You are considered a racist, sexist man with that talk

All the 'climate crisis experts':


That guy just staring, no care in the world, cigarette in his mouth. Amazing
@Superman, I know we got at each other pretty hard on here, especially these past few years.

Nonetheless, I wanted to check in on you, not sure if you're still in Tennessee, but read about the massive, deadly flooding there.

Hope all's well.

In the past 48 hours, parts of Tennessee have been swept by record-breaking rainfall and unexpected flash flooding that has killed at least 21 people and left dozens missing.

“This is exactly the type of event we expect to see with increasing frequency in a warming climate,” said Gary Lackmann, a professor of atmospheric science at North Carolina State University.

The Tennessee disaster comes just weeks after extraordinary floods struck Germany, sending water crashing through the streets and causing widespread devastation. In the aftermath, the president of the European Commission called those floods a clear indication of climate change. “It shows the urgency to act,” she said.

@Superman, I know we got at each other pretty hard on here, especially these past few years.

Nonetheless, I wanted to check in on you, not sure if you're still in Tennessee, but read about the massive, deadly flooding there.

Hope all's well.

In the past 48 hours, parts of Tennessee have been swept by record-breaking rainfall and unexpected flash flooding that has killed at least 21 people and left dozens missing.

“This is exactly the type of event we expect to see with increasing frequency in a warming climate,” said Gary Lackmann, a professor of atmospheric science at North Carolina State University.

The Tennessee disaster comes just weeks after extraordinary floods struck Germany, sending water crashing through the streets and causing widespread devastation. In the aftermath, the president of the European Commission called those floods a clear indication of climate change. “It shows the urgency to act,” she said.

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If you were really concerned about supe, you would have just asked about his well being and left the climate change crap out of your post.
If you were really concerned about supe, you would have just asked about his well being and left the climate change crap out of your post.

Just posted the article I read, and yeah, ******* sucks doesn't it, how climate change has brought unprecedented wildfires, flooding and heat to all four corners of the globe.

Go cry in the corner somewhere else, if you have nothing useful to add. Supe, hope you're doing well.
Just posted the article I read, and yeah, ******* sucks doesn't it, how climate change has brought unprecedented wildfires, flooding and heat to all four corners of the globe.

Really? So who exactly was measuring flooding, wildfires, and heat in Tennessee in 1500? Or 1600? Or even 1700? So you mean this is the worst [fill in the blank] in the last maybe 300 years due to claimed "climate change," if the random observations from a few pioneers back in 1748 about conditions in Kentucky, Ohio, Oregon, Tennessee, etc. can be trusted as scientific data?

The climate hoaxers get away with spouting bullshit in large part because vastly too many people are dumb and don't have a freaking clue about history beyond the last criminal a Kardashian ******.
How about that global warming?

How about that global warming?

What does this even mean?

For all we know they added 100 climate stations in Antarctica and so the "percentage that hit 95 degrees" goes down.

Where the hell did you find this? What is the source? What is the data? This is complete hogwash and you know it. And so does Tim.
Really? So who exactly was measuring flooding, wildfires, and heat in Tennessee in 1500? Or 1600? Or even 1700? So you mean this is the worst [fill in the blank] in the last maybe 300 years due to claimed "climate change," if the random observations from a few pioneers back in 1748 about conditions in Kentucky, Ohio, Oregon, Tennessee, etc. can be trusted as scientific data?

The climate hoaxers get away with spouting bullshit in large part because vastly too many people are dumb and don't have a freaking clue about history beyond the last criminal a Kardashian ******.
Totally agree about the lack of knowledge of history, or even looking into what has happened in the past, and its not just the unrecorded history - these people don't even look at the recorded history. A few years ago about 9 houses were washed into the sea at a Sydney beach by a tidal event. Of course the climate change alarmists were out in force blaming it on climate change - it took me one google search and less than two minutes to find a news article from the 1940's about a similar number of houses in almost the same location being washed into the sea more than 70 years previously.
What does this even mean?

For all we know they added 100 climate stations in Antarctica and so the "percentage that hit 95 degrees" goes down.

Where the hell did you find this? What is the source? What is the data? This is complete hogwash and you know it. And so does Tim.
If it is hogwash then so is the global warming theory. That's how they posited the whole thing, by taking a graph of 1944-45(Winter with an extreme cold cycle) and comparing it to 1995-96(Winter with an extreme warm cycle) and claiming there was a rapid increase in temps in 50 years. After examining all the data you will find that: 1) Warming is about 7/10 of a degree which is mainly attributed to much more accurate measurement and testing equipment. 2) Placement of weather stations is mostly at airports in the middle of giant concrete heat blooms. 3) WE ARE STILL WARMING FROM THE LAST ICE AGE.
If it is hogwash then so is the global warming theory. That's how they posited the whole thing, by taking a graph of 1944-45(Winter with an extreme cold cycle) and comparing it to 1995-96(Winter with an extreme warm cycle) and claiming there was a rapid increase in temps in 50 years. After examining all the data you will find that: 1) Warming is about 7/10 of a degree which is mainly attributed to much more accurate measurement and testing equipment. 2) Placement of weather stations is mostly at airports in the middle of giant concrete heat blooms. 3) WE ARE STILL WARMING FROM THE LAST ICE AGE.
Or, we are cooling already, and do not know to articulate this from scant data......in a couple hundred more years, we will have that figured out, maybe.

Complex systems that have no reasonable possibility of modeling due poor scientific attempts at understanding multivariate effects will take new maths and far greater data effects understanding than the techniques we presently have available.

Addled libtards, like above, simply cannot grasp that we do not know what we do not know and that extrapolating ignorance just magnifies that ignorance. But they attempt to add morality to their ignorance as they have to anchor their faith somehow.

Its an inconvenient truth
Addled libtards, like above, simply cannot grasp that we do not know what we do not know and that extrapolating ignorance just magnifies that ignorance.

Where liberals think their climate models come from:


Where climate models actually come from:

What does this even mean?

For all we know they added 100 climate stations in Antarctica and so the "percentage that hit 95 degrees" goes down.

Where the hell did you find this? What is the source? What is the data? This is complete hogwash and you know it. And so does Tim.

So now you're a believer in climate change too Del?
On behalf of all of humanity, thank you to these remarkable scientists. 🙏

The Nobel Prize in physics has been awarded to scientists Syukuro Manabe, Klaus Hasselmann and Giorgio Parisi, whose groundbreaking work over the past 60 years predicted climate change and decoded complex physical systems.

Manabe, 90, and Hasselmann, 89, were jointly honored for "the physical modelling of Earth's climate, quantifying variability and reliably predicting global warming," according to the news release from the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

Both men carried out pioneering work in the 1960s and 1970s that sounded an early alarm on human-made climate change.
On behalf of all of humanity, thank you to these remarkable scientists. 🙏

The Nobel Prize in physics has been awarded to scientists Syukuro Manabe, Klaus Hasselmann and Giorgio Parisi, whose groundbreaking work over the past 60 years predicted climate change and decoded complex physical systems.

Manabe, 90, and Hasselmann, 89, were jointly honored for "the physical modelling of Earth's climate, quantifying variability and reliably predicting global warming," according to the news release from the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

Both men carried out pioneering work in the 1960s and 1970s that sounded an early alarm on human-made climate change.
Vile Comrade Tibs, useful idiot, bringing "news" of the politicization of "science", pleased in the awarding of the now-political physics award to folks who decades ago provided simplistic models of complex, real world problems that have NEVER been correct. Demonstrating the ideology now attached to Nobel awards, Thors-Hans Hansson, the chair of the Nobel committee, said: "It's a physics prize. And what we are saying is that the modelling of climate is solidly based in physical theory."

Ummmm.....Two of these "winners" are not even physicists.....right from Wikipedia:

Syukuro "Suki" Manabe (真鍋 淑郎, Manabe Shukurō, born September 21, 1931 in Ehime) is a Japanese-American meteorologist and climatologist who pioneered the use of computers to simulate global climate change and natural climate variations.
Klaus Ferdinand Hasselmann (born 25 October 1931 in Hamburg, Germany)[1] is a leading German oceanographer and climate modeller.

The Italian guy is a physicist, and his many awards have one thing in common: no relevance to climate models, which demonstrate the Nobel committee's continuation of the clear ideological slant to the once esteemed awards.

Giorgio Parisi (born 4 August 1948) is an Italian theoretical physicist, whose research has focused on quantum field theory, statistical mechanics and complex systems

One interview, of a Nobel Committee physicist, actually talks about the duality of matching up the climate models with actual physics.......which has not yet happened.
So, the climate part of this award is kinda like the one given out years ago, in advance, to the only American president to be at war his entire two terms. Sad.


This actually looks awesome. We can only hope it washes over the entirety of D.C.
This is what D.C. might look like if the world continues its current greenhouse gas emission levels:

So the United States should return to 18th century technology, horses, trains, walking and that will intimidate China and India into reducing CO2 emissions?

Are they going to celebrate with Obama and share Nobel Prizes?


Ah, be prepared to see another Nobel award.... about two ****'s taking 2 months paid time off, celebrating the birth of someone else's kids...that they adopted.

Only in today's America. How embarrassing can it get ?


