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CO2 and Global Warming: More evidence that the bootlicking media are worthless ******

And this ...
They do emit a lot of CO2 into the air. Perhaps even more than trolling foreigners.

wasnt Bush blamed for Katrina?
Armin Laschet, the premier of North Rhine-Westphalia, blamed the extreme weather on global warming during a visit to a hard-hit area.
"We will be faced with such events over and over, and that means we need to speed up climate protection measures... because climate change isn't confined to one state," he said.

The effects of Climate Change are real, self-evident and clear as day. As was the insurrection on Jan 6th, or George Floyd's murder. There are those who want to convince you to not believe your very own eyes regarding all three. Do not let them deceive you.

Scientists have been literally screaming from the rooftops for years, these catastrophic events will be much more frequent and increasingly dangerous. The chickens have come home to roost. This will be our shared reality from hereon, be it the massive fires & heatwaves out west, deadly winter storms, extreme flooding events. It's been layed out in clear terms, yet we turned the other way, scoffed at it, whitewashed it, said it's 'just the weather, dummy.' And we did so at our own peril.

Tibs you are such a fool. You don't know anything about science and all your memes and disingenuous videos mean jack. I could show you pictures of the dust bowl and claim global warming and you'd be dumb enough to believe it. It's just sad really.
The effects of Climate Change are real, self-evident and clear as day. As was the insurrection on Jan 6th, or George Floyd's murder. There are those who want to convince you to not believe your very own eyes regarding all three. Do not let them deceive you.

Scientists have been literally screaming from the rooftops for years, these catastrophic events will be much more frequent and increasingly dangerous. The chickens have come home to roost. This will be our shared reality from hereon, be it the massive fires & heatwaves out west, deadly winter storms, extreme flooding events. It's been layed out in clear terms, yet we turned the other way, scoffed at it, whitewashed it, said it's 'just the weather, dummy.'
Nothing a few paper straws can't fix. I'm not worried.
The effects of Climate Change are real, self-evident and clear as day. As was the insurrection on Jan 6th, or George Floyd's murder. There are those who want to convince you to not believe your very own eyes regarding all three. Do not let them deceive you.

Scientists have been literally screaming from the rooftops for years, these catastrophic events will be much more frequent and increasingly dangerous. The chickens have come home to roost. This will be our shared reality from hereon, be it the massive fires & heatwaves out west, deadly winter storms, extreme flooding events. It's been layed out in clear terms, yet we turned the other way, scoffed at it, whitewashed it, said it's 'just the weather, dummy.' And we did so at our own peril.

Yep we are STILL warming from the last ice age. The climate always changes but it isn't man made and giving up our sovereignty, life style, or our tax money to 3rd world **** holes will not stop it.
SeeYep we are STILL warming from the last ice age. The climate always changes but it isn't man made and giving up our sovereignty, life style, or our tax money to 3rd world **** holes will not stop it.
Denier, denier, your world's on fire!

See, that's the great part of belonging to the climate change cult like tiborat. You don't have to have solutions. Your job is just to scream, "global warming" and chastise nonbelievers. Fun and easy. And you get to feel good about yourself.
Denier, denier, your world's on fire!

See, that's the great part of belonging to the climate change cult like tiborat. You don't have to have solutions. Your job is just to scream, "global warming" and chastise nonbelievers. Fun and easy. And you get to feel good about yourself.
Yes and to scream harder at people that point out China and India both pollute more than everyone else combined.
Yes and to scream harder at people that point out China and India both pollute more than everyone else combined.

China and India are on the other side of the planet, silly. So they don't affect us and the greatestest threat to mankind.

- Liberals
Look climate change is perpetually happening… always will be… and yes certain emissions are excessively harmful to the environment and can cause catastrophic problems in high enough levels… the CO2 specific stuff is just bullshit though… its a backdoor attempt to do a lot of things but none of them are actually about climate change

their math doesn’t work, its why every single… I repeat every single CO 2 model fails miserably within a couple years… they use high biased data and unproven theories to extrapolate a disaster prognosis to scare everyone… but there is so much they simply ignore or fail to account for its absurd… and when anyone even remotely questions them they get labled a denier no matter how much evidence to the contrary they have

one of the big developments during covid was that with everyone on lockdown, industry and travel pretty much tanked everywhere… CO2 climate change imbaciles immediately tried to point to the instantaneous temperature drops in areas as some sort of proof about how emissions are effecting temperature… but shut up about it when the data showed no lower co2 levels, ( both cause our overall production of that is minute compared to natural production, and because it takes years for ground level co2 emissions to rise into the layers of the atmosphere they are theoretically concerned about … even if you shut off the world’s production, it would take years and years to see a difference )

this phenomenon that just happened gives a lot of ammo to the “direct heating” theory.
that says that any real temperature change is from a combination of paving too much ground which is known to partially account for the higher temperature in cities already, and all the actual heat output we are creating by literally running billions of furnaces, engines, stoves, fireplaces, electrical appliances, and everything else that generates heat

the overall theory makes a ton of sense… a couple matches lit in a room won’t noticeably affect the temperature, but light thousands and it will actually raise the temperature just like a small fire can… especially if they are perpetually putting out heat…

the reason why its not as popular a theory is that it doesn’t really have the terrible cataclysmic ending that emissions based global warming does… there isn’t a tipping point of no return like the current environmental gospel does… there is a limit to how much direct heat rate output we can create,
Also direct heating theory means that some of the green energy plants, like the really big solar plants that use mirrors to concentrate the sun’s beams, but inadvertently raise the temperature of the air above it hot enough to combust birds and bugs flying in the area ( watch the videos of it, its horrendous) may be doing more harm than good

when you think about it, they are literally building plants that utilize the same reflective microwave effects that they are paranoid that CO2 and methane may be doing but on a grand scale … there is nothing theoretical about it either, they are directly magnifying the sun to get more energy… and thats just peachy.. cause apparently it would only be evil if fossil fuel is involved… idiots….
Mad ... Insomniac ... you may just be the most intelligent poster (outside of Vader) I've ever encountered on this board. Don't ever forget though, you're still an *******.

I try to follow your thoughts & mind in general in the words you type - and I'm a goner pretty quickly. Do us all a favor, and figure this whole clusterfuck out.

Kidding man, and hope all is well (and that you haven't watched the movie "The Machinist" lately).
The effects of Climate Change are real, self-evident and clear as day. As was the insurrection on Jan 6th, or George Floyd's murder. There are those who want to convince you to not believe your very own eyes regarding all three. Do not let them deceive you.

Scientists have been literally screaming from the rooftops for years, these catastrophic events will be much more frequent and increasingly dangerous. The chickens have come home to roost. This will be our shared reality from hereon, be it the massive fires & heatwaves out west, deadly winter storms, extreme flooding events. It's been layed out in clear terms, yet we turned the other way, scoffed at it, whitewashed it, said it's 'just the weather, dummy.' And we did so at our own peril.

so tell the Indians to stop digging into the planet for well water and figure out how to desalinate the water on their coast
In 1979 (or 78), there was the famous Leonard Nimoy narrated video, the Impending Ice Age.

Then it became Global Warming, then Climate Change and who knows what else.

Now...we are back to...cooling.

Ya can't make this **** up people.


Willie Wei-Hock Soon is a Malaysian astrophysicist and aerospace engineer employed as a part-time externally funded researcher at the Solar and Stellar Physics Division of the Harvard–Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.

He has taken a look at that big yellow thing in the sky, and he does not like what he sees.

The light from the sun is dimmer today than it was 40 years ago. It is a cyclical thing. But that does not diminish the threat to the Earth.

Strange Sounds reported that Soon said, "what we predict is that the next 20-30 years will be cold. It will be cold, so it will be a very interesting thing for the IPCC to confront."

Soon, of course, pointed out that global cooling is a far greater source of concern than global warming.

He said, "We will have a lot more problems were the planet to cool rather than warm."

He also said, "If you want to face a serious problem, worry about an ice age; never worry about global warming."

History shows this is true. Societies flourish in warm weather, in part because the good weather improves the crops.

Sunspot activity has fallen off from the hyperactivity of the 1990s and early 2000s. More sunspots, more sun, higher temperatures. Carbon dioxide has scant effect on this.

Forbes noticed the drop in sunspots last year, and reported, "While we on Earth suffer from coronavirus, our star—the Sun—is having a lockdown all of its own. Spaceweather.com reports that already there have been 100 days in 2020 when our Sun has displayed zero sunspots.

............more inside the link.

Getting off his private plane to attend Obama's birthday bash:

Goddammit, Donkey, we've been through this. Elites like Bammy and Kerry and Hillary and Kammie and Nancy and Chuckie are IM-POR-TANT. Their CO2 does not harm the earth and in fact helps plant growth.

It's the disgusting emanations from the vile non-elite that matter, with their cars and electricity and cooking and heating. The lowlifes need to learn to huddle in a cave and eat raw kale to save the planet.

So that Bloomie and Billie Gates can continue to have 20 cars and 10 jets and 12,000 sq. foot mansions that they heat and cool with unicorn farts and the anguished cries of the starving lowlifes less elite than them.
The global cooling/ global warming debate has been going on since the 1800’s… it was a highbrow scientific argument for a very long time… its been hijacked by environmentalists and then by globalists and political jackasses… its a great debate when the dogma and agendas are taken out… climate changes… a lot of places we settled never were fit for long term human housing… tge earth is a violent vicious place and we are a long way from really taming it…
The global cooling/ global warming debate has been going on since the 1800’s… it was a highbrow scientific argument for a very long time… its been hijacked by environmentalists and then by globalists and political jackasses… its a great debate when the dogma and agendas are taken out… climate changes… a lot of places we settled never were fit for long term human housing… tge earth is a violent vicious place and we are a long way from really taming it…
The earth got warmer and the earth got cooler long before the invention of the SUV.
Yes and to scream harder at people that point out China and India both pollute more than everyone else combined.

All the 'climate crisis experts':

  • Haha
Reactions: MTC
Oh, and to return to the debate about global warmists - the entire field is based on computer projections of the effect on CO2 and temperature. Those climate models universally project warming, most models project significant warming. But this ...


The tendency of climate models to overstate warming in the tropical troposphere has long been noted. Here we examine individual runs from 38 newly released Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Version 6 (CMIP6) models and show that the warm bias is now observable globally as well. We compare CMIP6 runs against observational series drawn from satellites, weather balloons, and reanalysis products. We focus on the 1979–2014 interval, the maximum span for which all observational products are available and for which models were run using historically observed forcings. For lower-troposphere and midtroposphere layers both globally and in the tropics, all 38 models overpredict warming in every target observational analog, in most cases significantly so, and the average differences between models and observations are statistically significant. We present evidence that consistency with observed warming would require lower model Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity (ECS) values.

Plain Language Summary​

All model runs warmed faster than observations in the lower troposphere and midtroposphere, in the tropics, and globally. On average, and in most individual cases, the trend difference is significant.

I'm older that most of you and have seen the dramatic effects of climate change first hand.

I watched the effects that man made CO2 emissions had on the glaciers that covered most of North America.

When they finally all melted in the mid 1970's I believe, and formed the Great Lakes, thank GOD we had a man like AlGore to step up and save us, although sadly the Michigan Polar Bear did meet it's demise.

The science is so obvious that I don't understand all the deniers out there.
I'm older that most of you and have seen the dramatic effects of climate change first hand.

I watched the effects that man made CO2 emissions had on the glaciers that covered most of North America.

When they finally all melted in the mid 1970's I believe, and formed the Great Lakes, thank GOD we had a man like AlGore to step up and save us, although sadly the Michigan Polar Bear did meet it's demise.

The science is so obvious that I don't understand all the deniers out there.
I checked the zoos in Kalamazoo; you are true!
China and India are on the other side of the planet, silly. So they don't affect us and the greatestest threat to mankind.

- Liberals

Yes and to scream harder at people that point out China and India both pollute more than everyone else combined.
People in China and India are not descendants of white European slave owners, so it's all good.