The problem with cops is that they forget that THEY work for US... We shouldn't have to answer their questions with "yes sir" and "no sir"... They should have to answer us that way. We shouldn't have to explain what we're doing or where we're going... They should have to explain why in the **** I'm being pulled over in the first place... And it better be a damn good reason. In a free country, people shouldn't have to worry about some dude with an associates degree from the local community college on a power trip being allowed to just pull them over just to have a little look-see. The authority they posess to stop and detain someone, even if it's only five minutes, should only be exercised when it is truly warranted. If you or I detain someone against there wil for five minutes, the law says we could technically be charged with kidnapping. Everyday on my long commute to work I see poor ******** who are just trying to go to work themselves, pulled over on the side of the road, no doubt getting a ticket and having money sucked out of their wallet for no good reason. I also see people broke down or changing a flat, but never do I see a cop helping them. There all too busy shaking people down on their way to work. What happened to "protect and serve" the public? It's more like "stop and **** with" the public.