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Cop kills unarmed black man in South Carolina

I would say 1.4% of contacts where cops used or threatened force represents a few bad apples. Especially considering that only 14% of that 1.4% file a complaint. And how many of those were totally justified? Probably most.

We need to invite JohnnyLaw back for his take on this. Of course that could have been him shooting the black guy in the back.
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We need to invite JohnnyLaw back for his take on this. Of course that could have been him shooting the black guy in the back.

Wasn't he from SC? Really could be.
I only saw from the time the shooting starts, not what led up to it. Regardless, the only possible defense argument I can imagine is that the initial shot was justifiable (the suspect grabbed his stun gun) and then rest of the shots were fueled by adrenalin.
I believe these kind of cases should be ajudicated by the courts, based on evidence. Video is prime evidence. It should not be ajudicated in the MSM.
I only saw from the time the shooting starts, not what led up to it. Regardless, the only possible defense argument I can imagine is that the initial shot was justifiable (the suspect grabbed his stun gun) and then rest of the shots were fueled by adrenalin.

The cop could have easily ran him down and arrested him. Call for back-up, anything, but shoot 7-8 times in the back? One of the most cowardly things I've ever saw. Hope he never sees the light of day again. Fuels an already burning inferno.
The cop could have easily ran him down and arrested him. Call for back-up, anything, but shoot 7-8 times in the back? One of the most cowardly things I've ever saw. Hope he never sees the light of day again. Fuels an already burning inferno.

Yes, but I doubt he will just plead guilty as charged. I was just speculating on how they might possibly try to defend shooting a guy as he ran away.
Maybe criminals should start wearing body cameras for their protection.
The nation did not need this. This is terrible. The cop did not need to shoot once, let alone 8 times.

We'll see if any video shows what happened before the 50 yard old man, who was in poor shape and running slowly did. If the man went for the cop's taser, then he deserved stopped with some force, just not lethal force.

It's a double tragedy. A loss of life, and now a mistrust in the cops who are 95% or more lawful in their actions. I do think this video will be a game changer. Cops will need to video everything, which keep them honest and show the news how bad the other people were before they acted.
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Yes, but I doubt he will just plead guilty as charged. I was just speculating on how they might possibly try to defend shooting a guy as he ran away.

Being caught on camera picking up the taser, moving it over to the victim, and dropping it next to him pretty much obliterates any defense he once had.
Yes, but I doubt he will just plead guilty as charged. I was just speculating on how they might possibly try to defend shooting a guy as he ran away.

I was expanding on what you said. He is guilty of using excessive force as the day is long. The cover-up and lies proves what kind of a person he is.
Who was the guy that brought up in that other thread I was in(about illegal searches) that cops probably plant evidence all the time and you were immediately shot down by the Reich wing circle jerk club that resides here? You are a prophet sir.

Someone in the reich wing jag off club brought up the statistical occurrence of these type of incidents being minuscule..lol.. Yeah how many beatings, guys dying in custody from 10 overweight thugs jumping on them were never included in those stats for years? Imagine what good records they must have kept in the south during the 40's/ 50's/ 60's etc.

Now that cell phone cameras are ubiquitous we are all seeing(even those here that rush to defend the system as long as it's crushing a minority) what these thugs are capable of, and what they've gotten away with for the longest time.
Cop broke the law , now he is being charged with murder. Nothing to see here. More race baiting. Somebody make a effort to stop black on black murder then I will give a ****.
Cop broke the law , now he is being charged with murder. Nothing to see here. More race baiting. Somebody make a effort to stop black on black murder then I will give a ****.

Yep. As pointed out previously, Vis said he brought this thread up to point out that cameras were necessary. He insisted on titling the thread "Cop Kills Unarmed BLACK Man in South Carolina." Nary a mention of video in the title. But he insisted on pointing out the person's color in the title. Race baiting at is finest.

Meanwhile, cases about Dillon Taylor, Gilbert Collar, and numerous other whites killed by black officers get no attention. Double standard.

And as far as Elfie's stats, I must LOL again. The communist says:

Someone in the reich wing jag off club brought up the statistical occurrence of these type of incidents being minuscule..lol.. Yeah how many beatings, guys dying in custody from 10 overweight thugs jumping on them were never included in those stats for years? Imagine what good records they must have kept in the south during the 40's/ 50's/ 60's etc.

Now that cell phone cameras are ubiquitous we are all seeing(even those here that rush to defend the system as long as it's crushing a minority) what these thugs are capable of, and what they've gotten away with for the longest time.


In 2012, according to the CDC, 140 blacks were killed by police. That same year 386 whites were killed by police. Over the 13-year period from 1999 to 2011, the CDC reports that 2,151 whites were killed by cops — and 1,130 blacks were killed by cops.

Police shootings, nationwide, are down dramatically from what they were 20 or 30 years ago. The CDC reported that in 1968, shootings by law enforcement — called “legal intervention” by the CDC — was the cause of death for 8.6 out of every million blacks. For whites the rate was was .9 deaths per million

By 2011, law enforcement shootings caused 2.74 deaths for every million blacks, and 1.28 deaths for every million whites. While the death-by-cop rate for whites has held pretty steady over these last 45 years, hovering just above or below the one-in-a-million level, the rate for blacks has fallen. In 1981, black deaths by cop stood at four in a million, but since 2000 has remained just above or below two in a million.

Now ElSharpton will argue that if cell phones and witnesses with smart phones were more prevalent, we'd capture more of these incidents and the numbers would change.

No arguing that, though it would be a tiny tiny change in the stats. But it would change the stats on both sides of the equation: We'd find out about a few more White Cop - Black victim deaths, and a few more Black Cop - White Victim deaths.

Imagine if we'd had video of the Michael Brown incident? How many innocent lives would have been saved? How many businesses? How many taxpayer dollars? How many subsequent cops lives would have been saved, those killed in retribution for the race flames that were incorrectly fanned in the Michael Brown incident?
Who was the guy that brought up in that other thread I was in(about illegal searches) that cops probably plant evidence all the time and you were immediately shot down by the Reich wing circle jerk club that resides here? You are a prophet sir.

Someone in the reich wing jag off club brought up the statistical occurrence of these type of incidents being minuscule..lol.. Yeah how many beatings, guys dying in custody from 10 overweight thugs jumping on them were never included in those stats for years? Imagine what good records they must have kept in the south during the 40's/ 50's/ 60's etc.

Now that cell phone cameras are ubiquitous we are all seeing(even those here that rush to defend the system as long as it's crushing a minority) what these thugs are capable of, and what they've gotten away with for the longest time.

The minority is doing a fine job of crushing itself.

I don't condone what the cop did, but guys like the victim are a lot more ubiquitous to the black community than crooked cops.
Now ElSharpton will argue that if cell phones and witnesses with smart phones were more prevalent, we'd capture more of these incidents and the numbers would change.

No arguing that, though it would be a tiny tiny change in the stats. But it would change the stats on both sides of the equation: We'd find out about a few more White Cop - Black victim deaths, and a few more Black Cop - White Victim deaths.

We'd also find out how many of these shootings, like the Brown one, were 100% justified, despite the bald faced lies of so-called "witnesses".
From all of the information I have seen and heard about this incident the office had no justification for shooing the driver. I am all for body camers for police officers...they protect everyone involved.

That being said, I have another great idea that could have undoubtedly prevented this shooting. DON'T RUN FROM THE COPS!

If you are innocent, DON'T RUN
If you have priors or warrants...your luck just ran out...DON'T RUN

Now someone can tell me why I am wrong.
From all of the information I have seen and heard about this incident the office had no justification for shooing the driver. I am all for body camers for police officers...they protect everyone involved.

That being said, I have another great idea that could have undoubtedly prevented this shooting. DON'T RUN FROM THE COPS!

If you are innocent, DON'T RUN
If you have priors or warrants...your luck just ran out...DON'T RUN

Now someone can tell me why I am wrong.

You're clearly a racist.
You're clearly a racist.

Only if you think it's an excuse to fire. If you think it's a reason to tack on another charge, you're right. The guy runs, you have his car, you know who he is, he turns himself in after the panic that made him run wears off.
The minority is doing a fine job of crushing itself.

I don't condone what the cop did, but guys like the victim are a lot more ubiquitous to the black community than crooked cops.
Black lives matter except when they're ended by other black people.
That is ******* hilarious.

Give me your idea of what would have happen I'd the cop had let him run and called it in. Mayber they pick him up on the street but this guy wasn't going off the grid for years. Enlighten me.