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Cop kills unarmed black man in South Carolina

Lesson one, don't run from the police. If your riding dirty too bad you got caught. If you run your shot.
Lesson two, shoot him in the leg eight times. He'll stop.

<--------if you have questions
Lesson one, don't run from the police. If your riding dirty too bad you got caught. If you run your shot.
Lesson two, shoot him in the leg eight times. He'll stop.

<--------if you have questions

Lesson 1. The penalty for running is criminal prosecution. Lesson 2. Professionals are trained to shoot to kill and never to shoot unless killing is necessary. Lesson 3 you're not your
Give me your idea of what would have happen I'd the cop had let him run and called it in.

Instead of listing all of the possibilities, I'll just narrow it down to anything other than turning himself in, as you suggested.
Instead of listing all of the possibilities, I'll just narrow it down to anything other than turning himself in, as you suggested.

Why? He was employed. Had a life. Do you assume for some reason he was too stupid to see the lack of choices he had after some reflection?
Beacuse he is aware, just as I am, that the criminals on the street far outnumber the resources we have to go searching for them on a daily basis. Therefore he knows if he gets away, he can fly under the radar until he is caught in the act again.

Honestly Vis...out of 100 guys in this situation. How many do you think would turn themselves in?
I think most of us agree he didn't deserve to be shot. All Buster is saying is if you run (or I'll add, resist) nothing good will come of it. Don't give that cop who thinks he's a badass some reason (in his mind) to shoot you. Don't be stupid. Teach your kids not to be stupid.

By the way if you have a bunch of warrants out on you probably a good idea to fix your taillight. It doesn't cost a lot. Obey traffic laws too.

Some people do stupid things over and over until ultimately it ends badly for them.
Who was the guy that brought up in that other thread I was in(about illegal searches) that cops probably plant evidence all the time and you were immediately shot down by the Reich wing circle jerk club that resides here? You are a prophet sir.

One time does not equal "all the time", and there's a big difference between a rotten cop planting evidence to cover his *** after he just murdered somebody, and an organized program where border patrol agents randomly plant drugs on innocent people for no other reason than good PR. One is completely plausible, the other is completely nonsensical.
"Well, he should have armed himself." /Clint in Unforgiven.
From all of the information I have seen and heard about this incident the office had no justification for shooing the driver. I am all for body camers for police officers...they protect everyone involved.

That being said, I have another great idea that could have undoubtedly prevented this shooting. DON'T RUN FROM THE COPS!

If you are innocent, DON'T RUN
If you have priors or warrants...your luck just ran out...DON'T RUN

Now someone can tell me why I am wrong.

Here is an even better idea: Don't hire (and rehire in some cases) psychopathic racist white cops.

Every police officer in this country should be subjected to a battery of psychological tests before hiring(and on a random basis) no matter how small the department. The federal gov. should provide funding for this to P.D.s instead of MRAPS and more M-16s.

More MRAPS and more M-16s is like giving a diabetic a free lifetime supply of Ben & Jerry's
Here is an even better idea: Don't hire (and rehire in some cases) psychopathic racist white cops.

Every police officer in this country should be subjected to a battery of psychological tests before hiring(and on a random basis) no matter how small the department. The federal gov. should provide funding for this to P.D.s instead of MRAPS and more M-16s.

More MRAPS and more M-16s is like giving a diabetic a free lifetime supply of Ben & Jerry's

I like Buster's idea better. His was without racism. But yours was certainly chock ******* full of it. In fact, the majority of your posts are. Chill on the racist bullshit or you'll get a nice little vacation from these parts. The more racism is trumped up, the more it is given credibility. If you can't stop it here, I will help you.
One time does not equal "all the time", and there's a big difference between a rotten cop planting evidence to cover his *** after he just murdered somebody, and an organized program where border patrol agents randomly plant drugs on innocent people for no other reason than good PR. One is completely plausible, the other is completely nonsensical.

Prophetic in that immediately after that thread discussion the universe provides us with a video and a murder clearly showing to those that think this is rare or nonexistent, just how full of it they are.

Sad that it had to take another minority life to bring this genocide to light for those that refuse to open their eyes.
I like Buster's idea better. His was without racism. But yours was certainly chock ******* full of it. In fact, the majority of your posts are. Chill on the racist bullshit or you'll get a nice little vacation from these parts. The more racism is trumped up, the more it is given credibility. If you can't stop it here, I will help you.

So in your world their are no racist white cops?? And even suggesting it makes me racist?

That claim of yours is by it's very nature racist and oppressive.
So in your world their are no racist white cops?? And even suggesting it makes me racist?

That claim of yours is by it's very nature racist and oppressive.

there are racist in all colors.....most cops of all colors are fine people who do a dangerous job and handle it with professionalism. they don't deserve the bullshit that these **** ups bring on them. fucktards like you lumping all white cops in one big basket.....and condemning them one and all

**** you and all like you you ******* race baiting twatwaffle.
I don't think that most cops start out being racist. I DO think it happens to a number of them after several years of dealing with mostly black criminals. (Yes I said that most criminals are black, deal with it.) After ten years or so you become JohnnyLaw.
That being said, I bet dollars to donuts that if it had been a white guy in a Mercedes with a broken taillight the cops don't pull him over.
there are racist in all colors.....most cops of all colors are fine people who do a dangerous job and handle it with professionalism. they don't deserve the bullshit that these **** ups bring on them. fucktards like you lumping all white cops in one big basket.....and condemning them one and all

**** you and all like you you ******* race baiting twatwaffle.

You're a little slow aren't you and yet quick to yell race baiter.....?

Did I not qualify what I said? Did I not say "Psychopathic racist white cops" and by that referred to a subset?
'Nam logic.

we live in a free fire zone, and if you run, you're definitely the enemy.
You're a little slow aren't you and yet quick to yell race baiter.....?

Did I not qualify what I said? Did I not say "Psychopathic racist white cops" and by that referred to a subset?

I don't read all your dribble....the post I quoted stated racist white cops......I pointed out there are racists in all colors....which there are.....now **** off already
Beacuse he is aware, just as I am, that the criminals on the street far outnumber the resources we have to go searching for them on a daily basis. Therefore he knows if he gets away, he can fly under the radar until he is caught in the act again.

Honestly Vis...out of 100 guys in this situation. How many do you think would turn themselves in?

I am still waiting for Vis to answer my question. I answered all of his, but now all I hear are crickets chirping.
Here is an even better idea: Don't hire (and rehire in some cases) psychopathic racist white cops.

Every police officer in this country should be subjected to a battery of psychological tests before hiring(and on a random basis) no matter how small the department. The federal gov. should provide funding for this to P.D.s instead of MRAPS and more M-16s.

More MRAPS and more M-16s is like giving a diabetic a free lifetime supply of Ben & Jerry's

I know that in the area I live all levels of law enforcement have extensive psych tests in place. I would assume that is the case everywhere. Do you really think that with the scrutiny that police departments are under anytime there is an altercation these days, that they are intentionally hiring racists? Do you really think that when a final hiring decision is made some good ole boys are sitting around the table saying "we have 8 candidates...3 are racists, let's hire them"? Sounds pretty ridiculous, doesn't it...just like most of what you spew.
I guarantee the conversation more likey goes "we have 8 candidates...2 are minority (either race or sex), we need to hire them.".
Finally, I am not aware of any reason to believe this cop is racist. It appears he acted against regulation by shooting the suspect, but there are not indications that he did it because the guy was black. He could have very well been white with the same outcome.
The assumptions you are making make you look like the racist.
Prophetic in that immediately after that thread discussion the universe provides us with a video and a murder clearly showing to those that think this is rare or nonexistent, just how full of it they are.

Sad that it had to take another minority life to bring this genocide to light for those that refuse to open their eyes.

"Genocide"? ******* tool.

So in your world their are no racist white cops?? And even suggesting it makes me racist?

That claim of yours is by it's very nature racist and oppressive.

Help, help I'm bein' repressed!
Prophetic in that immediately after that thread discussion the universe provides us with a video and a murder clearly showing to those that think this is rare or nonexistent, just how full of it they are.

Sad that it had to take another minority life to bring this genocide to light for those that refuse to open their eyes.

No, that video has nothing to do with the topic we were discussing, as I explained and you ignored, so I'll try again. I've never suggested that a cop wouldn't plant evidence to try to cover up his own horrendous behavior. Obviously a bad cop is a bad cop and it's plausible he would do something like that. I only said I don't think it's plausible that there's an organized effort underway to implicate innocent people in crimes for no good reason. That would require all of the law enforcement officers involved to have knowledge and be complicit. There is nothing that suggests anything like that is going on in any branch of law enforcement. It's pure paranoid fantasy. And again, video of one incidence of ANYTHING isn't proof that it is rampant, or even common, for those of us with a brain.

Genocide...LOL. Once again...1.4% of police interactions (as reported by the CIVILIANS involved, not by the police) involve use or threat of force. Only 14% of those resulted in a complaint being filed. Out of all of those, only a very few even result in any sort of injury, let alone death. How many of those do you think involved irrational, high on drugs career criminals with very little to lose? I'm guessing quite a few.

There are millions of good cops doing their jobs well (Michael Brown case). There are a few tragic instances, where arguably excessive force leads to accidental deaths (Eric Garner case). There are a few outright bad cops, who deserve to be charged, tried and sent to prison (Walter Scott case, it appears).
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