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Covid-19 Death Rate Statistics Are A Scam - Data From CDC


Absolutely Worthless
Jul 27, 2015
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Barn in the Back
This needed its own thread. People need to see this. This is straight from the CDC (although I imagine someone had to do some serious digging for this information). Only 6% of confirmed Covid-19 deaths were solely from the virus itself? Why don't they provide more detailed information on the 2.6 additional conditions for the other 94%? That 2.6 is already pretty specific.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Table 3 of the CDC’s data on deaths between 2/1 and 8/22 2020 says directly that only 6% of the 161,392 reported COVID deaths were listed as COVID-19 alone, just 9,684. All other US deaths had, on average, 2.6 additional conditions. <a href="https://t.co/HOmCjblJ8W">https://t.co/HOmCjblJ8W</a> <a href="https://t.co/CgZQhaWI9H">pic.twitter.com/CgZQhaWI9H</a></p>— Brian Wesbury (@wesbury) <a href="https://twitter.com/wesbury/status/1300073924189777920?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">August 30, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

And 2.6 additional conditions ie. comorbidities on average, that's pretty significant. This is a respiratory virus that doesn't just cause serious organ failure on its own, if we've learned anything from most other respiratory viruses in modern human history. Perhaps a medical professional here can expand on and better delineate that information though. Of course respiratory distress would cause the heart/cardiovascular system to work harder, but kidney and actual heart failure strictly from a respiratory virus?

And the below video is just one scandalous example, from Maricopa County in Arizona where the Medical Director of Disease Control there actually admitted this on camera (must watch video):

"On Aug. 19, Rebecca Sunenshine took part in a live streamed press conference to discuss Maricopa County’s COVID-19 statistics for July. And she admitted that the overall number of deaths in Maricopa County attributed to the virus has nothing to do solely with a deceased’s cause of death.

Sunenshine, the county’s Medical Director of Disease Control, stated that Maricopa County’s COVID-19 death count includes people who tested positive days, sometimes weeks, prior to dying, despite a lack of any medical evidence that the coronavirus played a role in the person’s death.

“Even if it’s not listed on their death certificate, anyone who has a COVID-19 positive test within a certain period of when they died is also counted as a COVID-19 positive death,” she said.

Sunenshine justified the health department’s action by noting it “can take several months or even longer” to analyze the cause of death, particularly if the medical examiner’s office needs to be involved.

After Sunenshine’s comments, a Maricopa County spokesperson confirmed that a positive test within 60 days of death is considered “a COVID-associated death.” The reason, according to the spokesperson, is to ensure no “underestimate” of COVID-19 deaths, even if the person simply died “with” the virus and not “due to” the virus.

So, if a person died from a car accident, or fell from a building, or drowned in a lake or any other number of ways a person can die, they're listed as a Covid-19 death if they had a positive test within a certain amount of time? And that positive test result is absolutely conclusive? Haven't there been false positives running rampant all over the country?

I don't have the links at the moment, but Florida, Texas & so many other states were providing false numbers on infection rates and weren't many of those not just fudged numbers, but based on false positives?

Tim, I know you had a link on the bogus numbers as well so please share it if you feel so inclined. This topic needs to see as many examples as humanly possible because this caused so much pain and suffering across our country. Every available statistic, link or video evidence needs to see the light of day here. This is a scandal of historical proportions.
And 2.6 additional conditions ie. comorbidities on average, that's pretty significant. This is a respiratory virus that doesn't just cause serious organ failure on its own, if we've learned anything from most other respiratory viruses in modern human history. Perhaps a medical professional here can expand on and better delineate that information though. Of course respiratory distress would cause the heart/cardiovascular system to work harder, but kidney and actual heart failure strictly from a respiratory virus?

I'm not a healthcare professional but I'm a death care professional. :smile2:
Seen a lot of misinterpretation of this data on social media. 9210 people, 6%, died from Covid as the only cause listed. In other words, they had no underlying health issues.
The other 94% had additional issues (co-morbidities) such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, COPD, or old age that made it more difficult to recover and so it often proved to be fatal.
For example I've had two cases at my funeral home and both were over 90 years old, had other health problems, and lived in nursing homes. Hypothetically I would say that it was unlikely that either person would have lived more than another year or two in the best of circumstances but they got the 'Rona and weren't strong enough to fight it off.
But it doesn't change what a lot of us have been saying all along, that if you're younger and healthy you have little to worry about. Overall mortality rate is 0.05% but if you're over 70 then the mortality rate is 40%. In other words, if you're over 70 and get it there is a 40% chance that you will die, which is not good odds.

where do you get that 40% number? It seems a might high.....the Rona could make SS solvent at that rate!

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I'm not a healthcare professional but I'm a death care professional. :smile2:
Seen a lot of misinterpretation of this data on social media. 9210 people, 6%, died from Covid as the only cause listed. In other words, they had no underlying health issues.
The other 94% had additional issues (co-morbidities) such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, COPD, or old age that made it more difficult to recover and so it often proved to be fatal.
For example I've had two cases at my funeral home and both were over 90 years old, had other health problems, and lived in nursing homes. Hypothetically I would say that it was unlikely that either person would have lived more than another year or two in the best of circumstances but they got the 'Rona and weren't strong enough to fight it off.
But it doesn't change what a lot of us have been saying all along, that if you're younger and healthy you have little to worry about. Overall mortality rate is 0.05% but if you're over 70 then the mortality rate is 40%. In other words, if you're over 70 and get it there is a 40% chance that you will die, which is not good odds.

The numbers need to be broken down further. If you are 70 or older and have no comorbidities I highly doubt that comes out at a 40% death rate. This has been a scam since the start. No other disease uses these types of fudged stats. They aren't going to go back in 6 months and change the COD. That's just ignorant. The CDC, WHO and local doctors know that.
The Democrats are already working on their the next spin

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Yup. It's all about long term effects.

Which once again, in most people are negligible.

Every viral illness can have lingering effects.

My son was hospitalized for a week at 8 months old with pneumonia caused by an adenovirus, a common virus that causes nothing more that the common cold in most people.

He has some lung damage. He wheezed for a few years and had very little stamina. At 17 I would say he still probably doesn't have quite the lung capacity of his peers.

Is that bad? Yes. I wish it hadn't happened.

Did anyone ever suggest that we should close down schools and keep kids isolated because a small percentage of them might have long term problems from catching adenoviruses? (Or flu, or meningitis, or mononucleosis, or a host of other illnesses that can cause long term problems in some people).

Of course not. Illness while regrettable has always been a part of life. Until now. This is nonsensical.
The numbers need to be broken down further. If you are 70 or older and have no comorbidities I highly doubt that comes out at a 40% death rate. This has been a scam since the start. No other disease uses these types of fudged stats. They aren't going to go back in 6 months and change the COD. That's just ignorant. The CDC, WHO and local doctors know that.

Covid-1984. Even replete with it's Ministry of Propaganda lingo IE "social distancing," "contact tracing," "flatten the curve," "#AloneTogether," "nonessential business" (making a living is essential for everyone), "mask mandates," and of course the liquor stores and burning and looting are "essential" while worship and work are not.

All doublespeak that wouldn't make logical sense to even Mike Tomlin.
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the Rona could make SS solvent at that rate!
You don't think China "accidentally" came up with a virus that happens to kill old folks at an alarming rate while pretty much ignoring young people?
I'm not a healthcare professional but I'm a death care professional. :smile2:
Seen a lot of misinterpretation of this data on social media. 9210 people, 6%, died from Covid as the only cause listed. In other words, they had no underlying health issues.
The other 94% had additional issues (co-morbidities) such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, COPD, or old age that made it more difficult to recover and so it often proved to be fatal.
For example I've had two cases at my funeral home and both were over 90 years old, had other health problems, and lived in nursing homes. Hypothetically I would say that it was unlikely that either person would have lived more than another year or two in the best of circumstances but they got the 'Rona and weren't strong enough to fight it off.
But it doesn't change what a lot of us have been saying all along, that if you're younger and healthy you have little to worry about. Overall mortality rate is 0.05% but if you're over 70 then the mortality rate is 40%. In other words, if you're over 70 and get it there is a 40% chance that you will die, which is not good odds.

Used to be a company called "Baby Superstore" started in my hometown. I worked for them for about a year before they sold to Toys R Us and became "Babies R Us." Anyway, the "heiress" daughter of the Baby Superstore owner married the son/heir of the largest funeral home outfit in town. I found it funny that they came from opposite ends of the life cycle..
You don't think China "accidentally" came up with a virus that happens to kill old folks at an alarming rate while pretty much ignoring young people?

Life is cheap with the Chicoms, and becoming cheaper here everyday with the cultural Marxists and their shock troops gaining ground.
Quite a few Americans have underlying medical conditions. My Mom's Dr. recently told me that its not uncommon for Americans to have 1 medication for each decade they have lived.
Each medication can signify an underlying medical condition. Most people don't die from just the flu either. It's usually the flu, plus your overall health. When you start with 40% of Americans being
obese and start adding other underlying medical conditions you likely find a small percentage of the US population in perfect health.
Quite a few Americans have underlying medical conditions. My Mom's Dr. recently told me that its not uncommon for Americans to have 1 medication for each decade they have lived.
Each medication can signify an underlying medical condition. Most people don't die from just the flu either. It's usually the flu, plus your overall health. When you start with 40% of Americans being
obese and start adding other underlying medical conditions you likely find a small percentage of the US population in perfect health.

Yes well luckily it isn't only people in perfect health who survive this. It's the vast majority of everyone who gets it. 80 percent of people who died were older than 65. But even among mostly elderly people in nursing homes who presumably have serious health issues. the death rate isn't 100%. It isn't 50%. It isn't 30%. I don't know of anywhere to get national data, but in PA for example there have been around 25000 cases in long term care facilities and 5000 deaths. It's a 20% death rate...yes, that is high. But that is among the oldest and sickest of everyone who is confirmed to have gotten it.
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The problem is that the stats are just wrong. Even among the elderly they are off by a certain factor. The issue is that we don't know and will never know how bad the numbers really are because they are not going to wait 6 months to "reassess" a dead guy. The guy that was killed in a motorcycle wreck is never going to be taken off the COVID stats. In 10 years we will never know how many really died of COVID or even how many people were infected.
A “friend” of mine, nice guy lives close by, we got to talking over some brews. Told me he got to see some death certs from deaths at his job. Normal for him. Majority of “cause” was something like heart failure, kidney...etc. you get the point. Then there is “contributing” factors....normally “he” told me, covid was line 3. Line three is “possible”.

You know he told me. All were marked and coded as covid
Quite a few Americans have underlying medical conditions. My Mom's Dr. recently told me that its not uncommon for Americans to have 1 medication for each decade they have lived.

I pill every 10 years? Not bad. Not bad at all.

P.S. I get what you are trying to say and am just mocking you. Perhaps you should learn how to convey information accurately, something like, "A doctor told me that it is common [rather than the clumsy "not uncommon"] for Americans to be prescribed medications at a rate of one different medication for each decade of life, e.g., 50-year old is regularly taking five prescription medications."

Feel free to use my writing tips in your best seller.
I also find it odd that the media keeps talking about herd immunity as if it's some switch. The virus is gonna spread like wildfire until we hit 70%, then it's going to disappear. That's not how it works. Logic tells us, the more people who have been infected, the fewer who can get it, the slower it will spread. It will be a gradual process of slowing spread and increasing immunity.

As the spread slows the deaths will also slow, particularly if we are diligent in protecting the weakest among us.

It's already happening. Slower spread in places that have had the most cases. Faster spread in places that have had fewer. I do think masks slow transmission to some degree. If you really think no one is getting together and partying without masks in NY and NJ and that's the reason spread is slowing there more than in other places, I've got a bridge to sell you.
I also find it odd that the media keeps talking about herd immunity as if it's some switch. The virus is gonna spread like wildfire until we hit 70%, then it's going to disappear. That's not how it works. Logic tells us, the more people who have been infected, the fewer who can get it, the slower it will spread. It will be a gradual process of slowing spread and increasing immunity.

As the spread slows the deaths will also slow, particularly if we are diligent in protecting the weakest among us.

It's already happening. Slower spread in places that have had the most cases. Faster spread in places that have had fewer. I do think masks slow transmission to some degree. If you really think no one is getting together and partying without masks in NY and NJ and that's the reason spread is slowing there more than in other places, I've got a bridge to sell you.

What I also find odd and fascinating, that with this pandemic ravaging our country, unlike anything we've seen in a very long time -- that there hasn't been an historic expose from say, 60 minutes or 20/20 (or anyone), showing us the real-life suffering & destruction of this deadly contagion. I mean, no amount of Americans have ever died so overwhelmingly and in such a short period in like a century, yet there's not a single thing out there chronicling this American crisis?

That's incredible. You'd think that they would want to inform the American public of the incredible dangers of this pandemic and show us the destruction that it's caused? Instead, all we seem to get are ghost stories. Something isn't adding up.
Courtesy of Indy:


**** needs to be plastered everywhere.
What I also find odd and fascinating, that with this pandemic ravaging our country, unlike anything we've seen in a very long time -- that there hasn't been an historic expose from say, 60 minutes or 20/20 (or anyone), showing us the real-life suffering & destruction of this deadly contagion. I mean, no amount of Americans have ever died so overwhelmingly and in such a short period in like a century, yet there's not a single thing out there chronicling this American crisis?

That's incredible. You'd think that they would want to inform the American public of the incredible dangers of this pandemic and show us the destruction that it's caused? Instead, all we seem to get are ghost stories. Something isn't adding up.

Wow great point. Remember all the GRID/HIV/AIDS human interest stories we were shown?

Just saying, citizens and independent journalists have shown that many of the epicenter hospitals have been ghost towns.

But, they have terrorized the elderly and their families. Yet, no stories from nursing homes where thousands of deaths occurred due to government malignancy and de facto death panels?

Other than the damage the government and powers that be have done, Covid-1984 has little of the physical, human interest, or psychological footprint one would expect from this "end of the world as we know it" plague.

They just want us to accept the premise that society as have known it must end, and we must accept what's coming.

95% of the people I know cannot name one person they know who have come down with it much less been sick from it. A "pandemic" evokes images of hospital beds and quarantines and someone in your circle falling ill and a pall of "I could catch this and die tomorrow" in the air.

This has none of that. Governments quarantined the healthy and the young and have stood down while the Marxists terrorize US Citizens.

It's an international Socialism power play with a compliant, aiding and abetting media.
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Quite a few Americans have underlying medical conditions. My Mom's Dr. recently told me that its not uncommon for Americans to have 1 medication for each decade they have lived.
Each medication can signify an underlying medical condition. Most people don't die from just the flu either. It's usually the flu, plus your overall health. When you start with 40% of Americans being
obese and start adding other underlying medical conditions you likely find a small percentage of the US population in perfect health.

Perhaps this is true, over the years I saw many patients who were over prescribed, simply because they perceived they needed the advertised medication, or were just too lazy to change their lifestyle.

Adult onset diabetes, high LDL levels, hypertension, can be controlled in many cases through weight control and exercise, but Americans in general want the easy fix.

Guess I'm the exception, I'll be 69 in a few months, take zero medications, BMI of 23 and get a yearly physical, that's it. My goal is to die from nothing.
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Seen a lot of misinterpretation of this data on social media. 9210 people, 6%, died from Covid as the only cause listed. In other words, they had no underlying health issues.

The other 94% had additional issues (co-morbidities) such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, COPD, or old age that made it more difficult to recover and so it often proved to be fatal.

I understand that. But the 94% that had comorbidities were listed as having an average of 2.6 underlying issues. That's almost three underlying issues per person? That seems like quite a lot. Does obesity and hypertension get listed hand in hand, or are they tallied as two separate underlying issues? And old age, please don't tell me that's a comborbidity (lol).

All I know is that I have a stepfather who just had a 79th birthday, has COPD, heart disease, gout, hypertension and every other damn thing in the book and he's still strutting around. He takes probably 20 different pills a day just so he doesn't croak I imagine. And the one elderly person I know who did get it; he was already in a nursing home with incredibly poor health, COPD etc. and he was hospitalized briefly before he made a full recovery and returned back home. So it didn't take him. He's 77 years old.

And remember those older people (that one gentleman was like 100 years old) they were highlighting for a little while as having had/being survivors of Covid? We don't see one single second of that anymore, do we?

While I don't doubt that this is much different for the elderly with underlying medical conditions (like the flu is), I'm having my suspicions that even those numbers have been cooked a bit. Haven't the top five causes of death in the U.S. each year been heart disease, stroke, complications from diabetes, Alzheimer's & cancer? I'm curious what those tallies have looked like for 2020.

When you hear the stories of how Covid deaths net health providers a certain amount of money & all the shenanigans that have been caught such as the rampant, blatant overreporting, false positives etc., it's hard not to become a little suspicious. If what I've written sounds a bit callous to anyone, my apologies in advance and that's certainly not my intention. I just wish that we got the straight story on something that's caused our entire way of life to be turned completely upside down.
Courtesy of Steeltime (every word, bolded, italicized, in quotes etc.)

We have been ******* played. PLAYED. First, the deaths from Rona are about 9600, or much less than an average flu season. The co-morbidities are not in fact co-morbidities, they are the ******* CAUSE OF DEATH as has been affirmed by numerous morticians, health professionals, coroners, etc. Every goddamn person who died in 2020 who had a positive test for the virus was deemed a Chinese flu death.

Dr. Birx: Unlike Some Countries, "If Someone Dies With COVID-19 We Are Counting That As A COVID-19 Death"
Posted By Tim Hains
On Date April 8, 2020

At Tuesday's White House coronavirus press conference, task force member Dr. Deborah Birx said that while some countries are reporting coronavirus fatality numbers differently, in the U.S. you are counted as a victim of the pandemic if you die while testing positive for the virus, even if something else causes your death.


The CDC currently puts the number of confirmed deaths at about 100,000. But even the “best estimate” 0.26% fatality rate is a significant overestimate because of how the CDC is counting deaths. The actual rate is fairly close to a recent bad year for the seasonal flu. And though public health officials have been transparent about how they are counting coronavirus deaths, the implications for calculating the infection fatality rate are not appreciated.

“The case definition is very simplistic,” Dr. Ngozi Ezike, director of Illinois Department of Public Health, explains. “It means, at the time of death, it was a COVID positive diagnosis. That means, that if you were in hospice and had already been given a few weeks to live, and then you also were found to have COVID, that would be counted as a COVID death. It means, technically even if you died of [a] clear alternative cause, but you had COVID at the same time, it’s still listed as a COVID death.”


Why are health care number crunchers/managers doing this? Shockingly because money.

Our ruling: True

We rate the claim that hospitals get paid more if patients are listed as COVID-19 and on ventilators as TRUE.

Hospitals and doctors do get paid more for Medicare patients diagnosed with COVID-19 or if it's considered presumed they have COVID-19 absent a laboratory-confirmed test, and three times more if the patients are placed on a ventilator to cover the cost of care and loss of business resulting from a shift in focus to treat COVID-19 cases.


So a whole bunch of people getting rich and a whole bunch of dimwit (D)ims pretending to be Caesar, while thinking their grotesque overreach hurts Trump, led to the idiocy, stupidity, unbelievable dummery of massive shutdowns.

Not of government workers, of course, no, nope, never, those ************* are so ************* important THEY never miss a paycheck, no siree.

Me and you, the scum that actually PAYS THE ENTIRE ******* FREIGHT? **** us, shutdowns - restaurants, bars, gyms, clothing stores, toy stores, and on and on and on and on.

All of us, ******* played. There never was a goddamn "pandemic." There was the Chinese flu and 0.2% fatality rate, like most flus. But **** us 'til Sunday and pass the applesauce. Yep, shut down the economy based on lies and fake numbers and false claims of mortality because government workers matter while we are and will always remain cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-***, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed sacks of monkey ****.
So Nancy Pelosi is 80 years old. Flog, isn't that the prime age for contacting and dying from this pandemic? You're an expert so that's why I'm asking you. Why was she so nonchalant about not wearing a mask in this video? The salon workers are wearing masks. And how exactly could she have been set up?

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The Salon owner who <a href="https://twitter.com/SpeakerPelosi?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@SpeakerPelosi</a> claims set her up was on Tucker tonight:<br><br>"If she is in there comfortably without a mask and feeling safe, then why are we shut down? Why am I not able to have clients come in?" <a href="https://t.co/P1NRGj70fE">pic.twitter.com/P1NRGj70fE</a></p>— Benny (@bennyjohnson) <a href="https://twitter.com/bennyjohnson/status/1301324000858079238?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 3, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

There are other questions (like the questions asked in the above tweet), but I don't want to break your brain with too many at once.