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Covid Vaccine

Right, the wall between reality and fantasy…

Yes, fantasy....

Like masks work (ask Tibs)
Like social distancing works (ask Tibs)
Like the WooFlu came from a pangolin
Like there's no way Fauci funded/was involved with the WooFlu lab
Like all Covid deaths are...due to Covid
Like hydroxychloroquine isn't effective
Like children are at risk from Covid
Like the 'vaccines work' to prevent spread (ask Tibs)
Like believing 'way more than 1% of Covid cases led to hospitalization'
Like believing still...after officials have debunked it...believing this is a pandemic of the unvaxxed
Like believing Fauci meant 'something else' when saying the vaxed are seeing substantial increases in cases/hospitalizations/deaths
Like believing 100% of cases in hospitals are DUE to Covid
Like believing you once shot a semi-automatic 30-30 rifle

In the past few weeks, the CDC has admitted not all deaths listed as Covid were due to Covid, that a substantial 40% of cases in hospitals are WITH, not DUE TO Covid, admissions that the vaccines are doing nothing against Omicron, pharma admissions they won't have boosters that do anything against Omicron till March or April....

Yes, those walls....crumblin' tumblin'....downnnnn
when are you going to address the mere fact that the vaccine shot doesnt work?

dissect Tibbbs for an example of the vaccine shot not working as we were led to believe it would if Sleepy and Ho were elected.

Oh not just that. Floggy needs to address
  • Masking (didn't work for Tibs)
  • Vaccines (didn't work for Tibs)
  • Boosters (didn't work for Tibs)
  • Social distancing (didn't work for Tibs)
Tibor, Jan 15, 2022:

All five of us in our immediate fam got 2x vaccines + booster shots. We've been consistent with wearing masks on public transport & indoors while shopping and the like. Thankfully, we've steered clear of catching the Rona thus far. I'd say half of the kids in both my daughters' classes have had it, as well as numerous teachers. My son's been working criss-cross across the States over the past year for an event organizer, helping run EDC Las Vegas, Bonnaroo (got nixed when he got there due to hurricane), Imagine Festival, Firefly, Freaky Deaky, Astroworld, Electric Daisy. Managed to not catch Covid during it all, fully masked and 3x innoculated.
Have plenty of friends, other fam members, staffers who've caught it, some got real sick, others hardly noticed. Some vaxxed, some not. One friend in his mid forties passed away, leaving a thriving ceramic factory behind, along with wife and three kids. Was an ardent covid/vaccine denier. Another friend, an excellent lawyer, just passed last week in Massachusetts. Mid fifties, diabetic, anti-vaxxer. An ex-Olympic gymnast here in town, in his mid fifties, tip-top physical shape, no underlying illnesses, has been on a ventilator for over a month, fighting for his life. Checked his FB feed, full of anti-vax, bullshit propaganda.
All in all, my tangible, personal experience matches up with what seems to be the case worldwide. Mitigation measures work, vaccines + booster shots will keep you from getting gravely ill or dying. No guarantees, regardless what you do, but you can at least take some easy steps to safeguard yourself, family and loved ones. That's all I know.
Tibor, Jan 22, 2022 (7 days later):

has not jack nor his **** to do with Tibbbs being a "breakthrough case"

do discuss
How do you know? Maybe Tibs would be much more ill had he not been vaccinated. Preventing severe illness is exactly what the data shows.
LMAO dumbass. YOU don't like Maher's comment, contact him. Start with HBO. I do too much work for you anyway.

Now go prove that "Way more than 1% of Covid cases were hospitalized." You made the claim. Back it or retract it.
I did, see my reply to SIL. If you have a problem with the math, explain it.
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How do you know? Maybe Tibs would be much more ill had he not been vaccinated. Preventing severe illness is exactly what the data shows.


He wasn't vaccinated, he was shotted. Vaccines prevent spread. Tibs alone proves these aren't vaccines.
I did, see my reply to SIL. If you have a problem with the math, explain it.

I said prove it, I'm not looking for your 3rd grade math calculations. You two are also discussing deaths and hospitalizations.

Prove Maher AND the article I linked you to wrong, where he/it says hospitalizations were less than 1% of Covid cases. All...Covid...cases.

I'll let you know in advance I'm sitting on the #s. A study. I know what it is. You're wrong. Keep swinging....
How do you know? Maybe Tibs would be much more ill had he not been vaccinated. Preventing severe illness is exactly what the data shows.
how much simpler can we break this down?

we were sold a bill of lies that continues to this day, that states if you get the vaccine you cannot get nor spread the virus.

still, to this very day, we are hearing that.

do explain.

He wasn't vaccinated, he was shotted. Vaccines prevent spread. Tibs alone proves these aren't vaccines.

Many more educated, successful and renowned people than you continue to refer to them as vaccines. I’ll go with what they say. You can continue with your delusion of grandeur.

Many more educated, successful and renowned people than you continue to refer to them as vaccines. I’ll go with what they say. You can continue with your delusion of grandeur.
and I'll suggest that @Steeltime is more educated and successful in practicing law, so if he says a mandate is merely a non-enforceable suggestion, then you'd have to agree. you know, per your **** logic.
how much simpler can we break this down?

we were sold a bill of lies that continues to this day, that states if you get the vaccine you cannot get nor spread the virus.

still, to this very day, we are hearing that.

do explain.
Please, he was making general statements that are largely true…

Please, he was making general statements that are largely true…

not even going to bother with your link.

this involves YOU exercising critical thinking. something you and Tibbbs refuse to do.

if a person is trippple jabbbed, exercises social distancing, masks up, bathes in anti bacterial gel and STILL gets the virus, and still gets sick...

how can someone with any inkling of self-respect or intellect above that of a flea say the vaccines are "working" - that is, they prevent someone from getting the virus as well as prevent someone from spreading the virus?
even politifact is saying that Biden's statement is horse ****

Biden says that vaccinated people can’t spread COVID-19. That’s not what CDC says.​

As President Joe Biden heads toward his second year in office of leading the country through a pandemic, he faces the challenge of trying to convince millions of unvaccinated Americans to get the COVID-19 vaccine.

The Republican National Committee said Biden has misled Americans about the effectiveness of the vaccine. The RNC tweeted a partial clip of an interview Biden gave to a Dayton, Ohio, TV station that aired Dec. 14.

"This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated," Biden said in the full interview. "The unvaccinated. Not the vaccinated, the unvaccinated. That’s the problem. Everybody talks about freedom and not to have a shot or have a test. Well guess what? How about patriotism? How about making sure that you’re vaccinated, so you do not spread the disease to anyone else."

We fact-checked a similar statement by Biden in October when he said people who are vaccinated for the coronavirus "cannot spread it to you." We found at the time that studies showed a vaccinated person was less likely to spread the virus, but the risk wasn’t zero. We rated Biden’s statement Half True. That was before the omicron variant was named a variant of concern by the World Health Organization.

At the time, Tara C. Smith, a Kent State University epidemiologist, told us: "Vaccination does significantly reduce transmission from vaccinated breakthrough cases but does not completely eliminate it."

A reader flagged Biden’s more recent remarks and asked us to look at his statement. Now that omicron has spread rapidly across the U.S. in December, we wanted to revisit the question: Can vaccinated people spread COVID-19?

We reached out again to experts to see if their understanding has changed about the role the vaccinated play in COVID-19’s transmission. We found that there is not enough data on how many people caught COVID-19 from an unvaccinated person vs. a vaccinated person in recent weeks, but scientists in general said that vaccinated people can also spread COVID-19.

Bill Hanage, associate professor of epidemiology at Harvard, said Biden’s December "statement is not accurate."

"We knew that vaccinated people could become infected with delta and shed viable virus in large amounts," Hanage said. "While data are emerging and not yet complete for omicron, this appears to be even more the case for that variant."

Biden’s emphasis on promoting vaccination is rooted in evidence that it helps protect people from serious cases, including hospitalization and death. However, we found that Biden again inaccurately characterized the vaccine when he suggested that a vaccinated individual can’t spread the virus. Any concerns experts had about the accuracy of Biden’s statement before omicron seemed to have been strengthened in the face of this new variant.

We emailed spokespersons for the White House to ask for Biden’s evidence and did not hear back.

Vaccination doesn’t eliminate risk of transmission
Some early evidence out of South Africa provided hope that the omicron variant may cause a more mild disease than earlier variants, but many patients there were younger, making them less likely to develop severe illness to begin with. Dr. Anthony Fauci, chief medical adviser to the president, told reporters Dec. 17 that the seriousness of infection is "still up in the air right now because there are a lot of confounding issues as to whether or not it is less severe."

Heather Scobie, an epidemiologist at the CDC, wrote in a Dec. 16 presentation that it’s not yet known how easily omicron spreads compared with delta. However, it is "likely that vaccinated people with breakthrough infection or people infected without symptoms can spread the virus to others." That statement was similar to one the CDC made in August.

A page on the CDC’s website updated Dec. 20 said that the "CDC expects that anyone with omicron infection can spread the virus to others, even if they are vaccinated or don’t have symptoms."
even politifact is saying that Biden's statement is horse ****

Biden says that vaccinated people can’t spread COVID-19. That’s not what CDC says.​

As President Joe Biden heads toward his second year in office of leading the country through a pandemic, he faces the challenge of trying to convince millions of unvaccinated Americans to get the COVID-19 vaccine.

The Republican National Committee said Biden has misled Americans about the effectiveness of the vaccine. The RNC tweeted a partial clip of an interview Biden gave to a Dayton, Ohio, TV station that aired Dec. 14.

"This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated," Biden said in the full interview. "The unvaccinated. Not the vaccinated, the unvaccinated. That’s the problem. Everybody talks about freedom and not to have a shot or have a test. Well guess what? How about patriotism? How about making sure that you’re vaccinated, so you do not spread the disease to anyone else."

We fact-checked a similar statement by Biden in October when he said people who are vaccinated for the coronavirus "cannot spread it to you." We found at the time that studies showed a vaccinated person was less likely to spread the virus, but the risk wasn’t zero. We rated Biden’s statement Half True. That was before the omicron variant was named a variant of concern by the World Health Organization.

At the time, Tara C. Smith, a Kent State University epidemiologist, told us: "Vaccination does significantly reduce transmission from vaccinated breakthrough cases but does not completely eliminate it."

A reader flagged Biden’s more recent remarks and asked us to look at his statement. Now that omicron has spread rapidly across the U.S. in December, we wanted to revisit the question: Can vaccinated people spread COVID-19?

We reached out again to experts to see if their understanding has changed about the role the vaccinated play in COVID-19’s transmission. We found that there is not enough data on how many people caught COVID-19 from an unvaccinated person vs. a vaccinated person in recent weeks, but scientists in general said that vaccinated people can also spread COVID-19.

Bill Hanage, associate professor of epidemiology at Harvard, said Biden’s December "statement is not accurate."

"We knew that vaccinated people could become infected with delta and shed viable virus in large amounts," Hanage said. "While data are emerging and not yet complete for omicron, this appears to be even more the case for that variant."

Biden’s emphasis on promoting vaccination is rooted in evidence that it helps protect people from serious cases, including hospitalization and death. However, we found that Biden again inaccurately characterized the vaccine when he suggested that a vaccinated individual can’t spread the virus. Any concerns experts had about the accuracy of Biden’s statement before omicron seemed to have been strengthened in the face of this new variant.

We emailed spokespersons for the White House to ask for Biden’s evidence and did not hear back.

Vaccination doesn’t eliminate risk of transmission
Some early evidence out of South Africa provided hope that the omicron variant may cause a more mild disease than earlier variants, but many patients there were younger, making them less likely to develop severe illness to begin with. Dr. Anthony Fauci, chief medical adviser to the president, told reporters Dec. 17 that the seriousness of infection is "still up in the air right now because there are a lot of confounding issues as to whether or not it is less severe."

Heather Scobie, an epidemiologist at the CDC, wrote in a Dec. 16 presentation that it’s not yet known how easily omicron spreads compared with delta. However, it is "likely that vaccinated people with breakthrough infection or people infected without symptoms can spread the virus to others." That statement was similar to one the CDC made in August.

A page on the CDC’s website updated Dec. 20 said that the "CDC expects that anyone with omicron infection can spread the virus to others, even if they are vaccinated or don’t have symptoms."
Great job of bolding and increasing font to really emphasize the point.....but he won't read it....too many words
My son did a J-Term at college and two of the frat boys he shares a house with not only got Covid, but they also gave it to my unvaccinated son. Here is the kicker....My son has to get tested every other day, but the vaccinated dont have to get tested at all. They're allowed to roam around campus spreading the virus around as they please. If they get sick, they're supposed to self-report and get tested but no one wants to be in quarantine, so they just don't
not even going to bother with your link.

this involves YOU exercising critical thinking. something you and Tibbbs refuse to do.

if a person is trippple jabbbed, exercises social distancing, masks up, bathes in anti bacterial gel and STILL gets the virus, and still gets sick...

how can someone with any inkling of self-respect or intellect above that of a flea say the vaccines are "working" - that is, they prevent someone from getting the virus as well as prevent someone from spreading the virus?
Why is that the definition of “working”?

If hospitalization and mortality rates at the beginning of the pandemic resembled those of the fully vaccinated do now, none of this ever happens. Everyone gets fully vaccinated and for all intents and purposes the pandemic is over. It would be old fashioned cold and flu season again, not daily deaths that rival those of 9/11. Wouldn’t that “work”?

Many more educated, successful and renowned people than you continue to refer to them as vaccines. I’ll go with what they say. You can continue with your delusion of grandeur.

You want links proving these shots don't prevent spread???

Why is that the definition of “working”?

Because that has been the definition of a vaccine since the inception of vaccines - until the CDC changed the definition of vaccines to fit these piss-poor shots.

If hospitalization and mortality rates at the beginning of the pandemic resembled those of the fully vaccinated do now, none of this ever happens.

Once again, you treat shots as binary. The dwindling death rates are attributable to multiple factors: Seasonality, vaccines, weakening strains of the virus, improved treatments and a whole lotta natural immunity. The changes in fatality rates is not 100% due to or tied to the shots.

Everyone gets fully vaccinated and for all intents and purposes the pandemic is over.

Wrong. The vast majority are vaccinated now. We have 3x the cases...and growing. Covid is growing, not subsiding.

Many more educated, successful and renowned people than you continue to refer to them as vaccines. I’ll go with what they say. You can continue with your delusion of grandeur.
Those same people also had to change the definition of the words "vaccine" and "immunity" to fit these ****** therapeutic shots. So there's that.
Because that has been the definition of a vaccine since the inception of vaccines - until the CDC changed the definition of vaccines to fit these piss-poor shots.

Once again, you treat shots as binary. The dwindling death rates are attributable to multiple factors: Seasonality, vaccines, weakening strains of the virus, improved treatments and a whole lotta natural immunity. The changes in fatality rates is not 100% due to or tied to the shots.

Wrong. The vast majority are vaccinated now. We have 3x the cases...and growing. Covid is growing, not subsiding.
Your out of touch with the state of the pandemic in the US. Covid deaths are up 39% fueled by the unvaccinated, cases are flat and going down in the northeast.

The US is way down the list of Covid vaccination rate by country and has a current death rate that is many times higher than the most vaccinated countries like UAE, Chile, Cuba, South Korea, etc. Not a coincidence.
Your out of touch with the state of the pandemic in the US. Covid deaths are up 39% fueled by the unvaccinated, cases are flat and going down in the northeast.

The US is way down the list of Covid vaccination rate by country and has a current death rate that is many times higher than the most vaccinated countries like UAE, Chile, Cuba, South Korea, etc. Not a coincidence.
meanwhile, you and Tibbbs parade around, triple shotted, masked and spreading the Vid like a couple of WooFloo Johnny Appleseeds, completely and totally ignorant to your own ****** up actions while pointing at others.
Settle this up with SIL, he contends deaths have been underreported by 32%.
I don't conend anything I am simply using your beloved CDC's numbers against you. Using those numbers we are at the death rate I listed above and a hospitalization rate of 2.3% BUT those numbers include all people in the hospital WITH covid not just the ones Hospitalized from COVID, accounting for that discrepancy changes both rather dramatically and the same for deaths from covid or related issues and those who died from unrelated causes who just happened to have covid. It is a shift of at least 20% less for both numbers if not far more. Also other estimates have put the total case burden at closer to 6 to 1 versus the estimate of the CDC which is 4 to 1. Hospitalization rate is also falling dramatically even as there are more total Hospitalizations simply based on transmissibility and those numbers are heavily back weighted towards the beginning of this mess and not the current picture. Current death rates are estimated to be well below the .5% I used probably a full decimal point same at a minimum for Hospitalizations.