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Covid Vaccine

Wow how dare you show up in a thread you've so cowardly run from. But hey, I haven't gotten my beatings in so I guess I should thank you.

You're simply wrong. Deaths, death tickers, etc have predominantly and historically been absolute numbers, when the media was complicit with trying to scare people into submission. The Washington State Data you so bravely posted here, that I shredded then re-fed you over 6 months was simply broken down by vax status - not age adjusted.

It is in fact a rarity that age adjusted numbers have been used until recently when you know - more people getting sick, dying are the vaxxed population.

Quick test: Can you please go to Jeff Bezo's WashPo Covid tracker and point me age adjusted data?

Also, ain't this be convenient?

View attachment 9321

YOU posted this link on this forum. YOU. Please, do show me in this excellent document, where age adjusted is mentioned? https://doh.wa.gov/sites/default/files/2022-02/421-010-CasesInNotFullyVaccinated.pdf

Here's the most recent month's report. Find age adjusted for me? Please? https://doh.wa.gov/sites/default/fi...sesInNotFullyVaccinated.pdf?uid=630947684f9b8. Don't make me rip this data apart again and force feed it to you. :ROFLMAO::D:D

It's funny as hell how you defend the Branch Covidians when every tenet of your religion is crumbling or has crumbled. Time is on our side. And with time passing, each of the arguments you screamed about, slowly but surely (as predicted) are falling apart.

John Cougar Mellencamp again? When the walls...?
Quick story: the first ex Mrs. IndySteel went to I.U. and her part time job was babysitting for a wealthy Bloomington family. They lived next door to Mellencamp and told her that he said their kids were allowed to fish and swim off of his dock. She never met him but she was on his property a lot and met whoever his wife was in ‘90. She was a real gold-digging *****. Mellencamp’s probably was too.
Wow how dare you show up in a thread you've so cowardly run from. But hey, I haven't gotten my beatings in so I guess I should thank you.

You're simply wrong. Deaths, death tickers, etc have predominantly and historically been absolute numbers, when the media was complicit with trying to scare people into submission. The Washington State Data you so bravely posted here, that I shredded then re-fed you over 6 months was simply broken down by vax status - not age adjusted.

It is in fact a rarity that age adjusted numbers have been used until recently when you know - more people getting sick, dying are the vaxxed population.

Quick test: Can you please go to Jeff Bezo's WashPo Covid tracker and point me age adjusted data?

Also, ain't this be convenient?

View attachment 9321

YOU posted this link on this forum. YOU. Please, do show me in this excellent document, where age adjusted is mentioned? https://doh.wa.gov/sites/default/files/2022-02/421-010-CasesInNotFullyVaccinated.pdf

Here's the most recent month's report. Find age adjusted for me? Please? https://doh.wa.gov/sites/default/fi...sesInNotFullyVaccinated.pdf?uid=630947684f9b8. Don't make me rip this data apart again and force feed it to you. :ROFLMAO::D:D

It's funny as hell how you defend the Branch Covidians when every tenet of your religion is crumbling or has crumbled. Time is on our side. And with time passing, each of the arguments you screamed about, slowly but surely (as predicted) are falling apart.

John Cougar Mellencamp again? When the walls...?
No, you ******* idiot. Age adjusted mortality has been around for decades. It’s science, not West Vagina public education.

No, you ******* idiot. Age adjusted mortality has been around for decades. It’s science, not West Vagina public education.

Correct it has been. That wasn't my claim, now was it? For 2 years, age adjusted mortality was NOT used by the media instilling fear porn on Americans.

I gave you links. Prove me wrong. During Covid, that metric wasn't used. Now that people with the vax are making up most of the cases, hospitalizations and deaths, they are implementing it.

Go figure, right?
Correct it has been. That wasn't my claim, now was it? For 2 years, age adjusted mortality was NOT used by the media instilling fear porn on Americans.

I gave you links. Prove me wrong. During Covid, that metric wasn't used. Now that people with the vax are making up most of the cases, hospitalizations and deaths, they are implementing it.

Go figure, right?
The media isn’t adjusting anything. The MEDICAL DOCTORS studying the SCIENCE of the vaccine and its effectiveness in preventing death are controlling for age for OBVIOUS reasons just as they would with any medical intervention.

I haven’t seen the media report on Covid deaths for months. Go figure, right?
Tim and Flog - 2047

You're simply wrong. Deaths, death tickers, etc have predominantly and historically been absolute numbers, when the media was complicit with trying to scare people into submission.
Yeah, those weren’t comparing anything, dunce. Prior to the vaccine, all deaths were… unvaccinated!
YOU posted this link on this forum. YOU. Please, do show me in this excellent document, where age adjusted is mentioned? https://doh.wa.gov/sites/default/files/2022-02/421-010-CasesInNotFullyVaccinated.pdf

Here's the most recent month's report. Find age adjusted for me? Please? https://doh.wa.gov/sites/default/fi...sesInNotFullyVaccinated.pdf?uid=630947684f9b8.
Uh, what do you call it when the data is categorized by…AGE?

You’re an anti-vaccine fanatic who lacks critical thinking skills and is easily excited by social media nonsense. Quit embarrassing yourself.
The media isn’t adjusting anything. The MEDICAL DOCTORS studying the SCIENCE of the vaccine and its effectiveness in preventing death are controlling for age for OBVIOUS reasons just as they would with any medical intervention.

I haven’t seen the media report on Covid deaths for months. Go figure, right?

When the media, for 2 years, doesn't use age adjusted numbers....then starts using age adjusted numbers, they did in fact adjust your stance.

You should stop now.
Yeah, those weren’t comparing anything, dunce. Prior to the vaccine, all deaths were… unvaccinated

Uh, what do you call it when the data is categorized by…AGE?

You’re an anti-vaccine fanatic who lacks critical thinking skills and is easily excited by social media nonsense. Quit embarrassing yourself.

One - data categorized by AGE is not the same thing as AGE ADJUSTED DATA. Did you really just say that? LMAO

Two - CBS, in that video you have your panties in a wad about, used a chart that compared vaxed v non-vaxed deaths. How did they fact check it and try to spin it in the media's never-ending attempt to defend these jabs even when the world now sees how bad they suck? They said "the data leaves out a VERY IMPORTANT DETAIL - how old those people are."

The data was not age adjusted. They are arguing it should be and found some puke to support that theory.

They can't say now that more vaxxed people are dying than unvaxxed, so they backpedal to this.

Comical. Utterly.

With regards to the data tickers, we all screamed it was the elderly primarily who were dying. They refused to use age adjusted numbers then. Refused. Absolute death numbers are more scary. And allowed them to claim Covid was so very utterly dangerous for all of us when in fact it was not.

Funny how selectively "age adjusted" is used by the media - to serve a means.
The vaccines are safe and wonder drugs. More social media news.


The United Kingdom has rolled out a financial compensation program for individuals and families who have been harmed by the COVID-19 vaccine, despite repeated claims by U.S. corporate media entities denying any negative health impacts of the vaccines created by their largest advertisers.

Under the program, the first payments, which amount to a maximum of almost $150,000, have already been made to family members of individuals injured or killed as a result of the experimental vaccine.

Vikki Spit, whose 48-year-old partner Zion became unwell eight days after receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine and ultimately, is believed to be the first recipient of a sum from the government’s vaccine damage payment scheme (VDPS).

The VPDS will compensate British citizens with a tax-free payment of up to £120,000, or nearly $141,000. Vaccines for roughly 20 diseases are eligible for payments under the program and archives of the British government’s website show that COVID-19 was added between November 2020 and July 2021.


So far, the National Health Service (NHS) Business Services Authority, the body that handles the VDPS, confirmed that as of May 2022 it had received 1,681 claims related to COVID-19 vaccines.
From my local WUSA CBS. Great news. Yet another mandate ("There are no mandates. JFC!!" /Floggy) shot down.

One - data categorized by AGE is not the same thing as AGE ADJUSTED DATA. Did you really just say that? LMAO

Two - CBS, in that video you have your panties in a wad about, used a chart that compared vaxed v non-vaxed deaths. How did they fact check it and try to spin it in the media's never-ending attempt to defend these jabs even when the world now sees how bad they suck? They said "the data leaves out a VERY IMPORTANT DETAIL - how old those people are."

The data was not age adjusted. They are arguing it should be and found some puke to support that theory.

They can't say now that more vaxxed people are dying than unvaxxed, so they backpedal to this.

Comical. Utterly.

With regards to the data tickers, we all screamed it was the elderly primarily who were dying. They refused to use age adjusted numbers then. Refused. Absolute death numbers are more scary. And allowed them to claim Covid was so very utterly dangerous for all of us when in fact it was not.

Funny how selectively "age adjusted" is used by the media - to serve a means.
The media is merely providing what you so desperately lack, perspective and critical thinking. When 90+% of the oldest demographic are vaccinated, more vaccinated people are going to die of Covid. Hence age adjusted data. If you don’t control for that confounder, you’re reporting garbage.
If only the USA would provide accurate data, like the UK and other Governments do.

Perhaps after the CDC revamps itself? LOL

Why did Deaths among Female Children increase by 57% immediately after they were offered the Covid-19 Vaccine?​


Read the article inside.
The media is merely providing what you so desperately lack, perspective and critical thinking. When 90+% of the oldest demographic are vaccinated, more vaccinated people are going to die of Covid. Hence age adjusted data. If you don’t control for that confounder, you’re reporting garbage.

The media is ******* with citizens. As I said, early on, we were not presented age adjusted data. When we tried to compare age groups and Covid deaths, we were told by the Gubmint that Covid was equally lethal for us all by and large. No Age Adjusted numbers or discussions were allowed. We tried to use the age adjusted numbers to argue against the lockdowns and mandates. We were told to **** off. We said 87% of deaths were in the elderly and if you age adjust the rest of us should be going about our ways. We were told to **** off. We argued based on age adjusted positions over and over and over. We were told to **** off.

Now that the vaccines are appearing (as we all said they were) to be dangerous, they are suddenly using age adjusted data to defend them.

Ya really can't make this **** up.

Finally, we have a sheep (you) saying someone questioning the government can't critically think. Oh...the irony LOL
Steve Kirsch had an open survey that drew some great responses from the healthcare community.

Silenced healthcare workers speak out publicly for the first time​

Here's what silenced healthcare workers from all over the world want you to know and why they aren't able to speak out directly.

Summary of how they all felt silenced, stymied, pressured into not speaking.

Here are the full summary answers: https://www.skirsch.com/covid/HealthcareStories.pdf (32 pages)

One of my faves:

Doctor in TX
This is my husband's story. We are both MDs, and both credentialed in our local hospitals although I never see patients there. He is an inpatient hospitalist and has a blood cancer (will not specify since that could identify us) for which he is in active treatment. We are also both anti-abortion. Even with his weak immune system and ongoing cancer treatment, he took care of acutely ill covid patients in the hospitals and in the ICU starting in April 2021. He worked extra hours and took extra calls. We were all terrified about what might happen to him, but this is what we signed up for, and this is what he did. Fast forward to the vaccines. Enormous pressure to be vaxxed. We were recognizing some of the early danger signals from the mRNA technology and also learned of the use of aborted fetal cell lines in the vaccines, so on two fronts we jointly decided that we would not take them. We went through weeks of fear and anxiety worried that they might terminate him, especially since the Houston Methodist system had been so draconian to other professionals. Ultimately, our hospital systems "provisionally accepted" his/our religious exemptions, explaining that they could be "revoked" at any time. In addition, he was told he had to undergo video monitored testing weekly in order to enter the hospital, had to be double masked and should avoid co-workers. Never-the-less, he soldiered on--still taking care of covid patients and doing his job. As time passed, his vaxxed colleagues began coming down with Covid, and again, he would have to do extra work to cover for them. He has never gotten ill, but has taken up the slack for his coworkers. Even so, he still has to do the weekly monitored testing. What a farce.

As he says, Nothing to See Here

One of the few choosing to cover this. Thank you Mark.


Correlation is Not Caustation.

Excess mortalities up all over Europe. Nothing at all to see here.

The strange and seemingly unending rise in all-cause deaths in the mRNA vaccinated countries continues.

This morning, European researchers released their most recent weekly report on deaths across the continent:


I will keep saying this until someone pays attention: NO ONE EXPECTED DEATHS TO REMAIN ABOVE NORMAL ONCE COVID DEATHS FELL.

In fact, demographers and scientists generally assumed the opposite would occur. Covid deaths typically occur in people near the end of their lives, either from advanced age, morbid obesity, or other severe comorbidities. So demographic experts generally imagined deaths would run below average for months or years after Covid ended or nearly nearly ended.

Instead the opposite has occurred.


Worse, the most pronounced change (compared to the expected number of deaths) is occurring in teenagers and adults under 50, who - in Europe, anyway - hardly had any extra deaths from Covid or during the 2020 or the first half of 2021.

The second chart above shows this clearly; deaths in people under 15 were below normal in Europe until about a year ago. Since then they have been well above normal. For Europeans 15-44, the trend is even clearer and more striking.

Between March 2020, when Covid began, and early summer 2021, when most European countries began to offer mass vaccinations to people under 50, the continent had about 3,500 extra deaths of young adults. In the year since, Europe has had roughly twice as many, about 7,000.

It’s not just Europe. The United States is also seeing higher-than-expected deaths, although our data are late and lagging and we have a terrible opioid epidemic further confusing the issue. Deaths in Australia have been running well above normal too.

What’s behind all these deaths?

There are possible reasons that don’t include a seven-letter word that starts with the letter v, but they are becoming less plausible as the trend goes on week after week. As bad as the deaths are, the reluctance by governments or public health authorities even to discuss them is worse.

If they are afraid that talking about this reality will “fuel conspiracy theories” or hurt demand for the mRNA shots, I have news for them. Demand for the shots has flatlined and isn’t coming back, and failing to discuss something as basic as the number of people who are dying is only going to fuel the conspiracists. Death counts were the sine qua non of the Covid epidemic; to pretend they do not matter now is bizarre.
Knew this was coming when phizer (or one of them) bought a small drug company that made a drug for myocarditis. They'll get you coming and going. And remember, they can't be sued over the vax. That's the one immunity they can deliver.
The media is ******* with citizens. As I said, early on, we were not presented age adjusted data. When we tried to compare age groups and Covid deaths, we were told by the Gubmint that Covid was equally lethal for us all by and large. No Age Adjusted numbers or discussions were allowed. We tried to use the age adjusted numbers to argue against the lockdowns and mandates. We were told to **** off. We said 87% of deaths were in the elderly and if you age adjust the rest of us should be going about our ways. We were told to **** off. We argued based on age adjusted positions over and over and over. We were told to **** off.

Now that the vaccines are appearing (as we all said they were) to be dangerous, they are suddenly using age adjusted data to defend them.

Ya really can't make this **** up.

Finally, we have a sheep (you) saying someone questioning the government can't critically think. Oh...the irony LOL
Nonsense, top to bottom. You’re living in your own reality. There was no way to ship the elderly to some Covid-free land, that’s why there were restrictions. No serious person is calling the vaccines dangerous.
Nonsense, top to bottom. You’re living in your own reality. There was no way to ship the elderly to some Covid-free land, that’s why there were restrictions. No serious person is calling the vaccines dangerous.
You died on that hill a long time ago. Now you’re just a retarded ghost.