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Covid Vaccine

wtf is techarp?

how about reuters?

Reuters? Oh NO you didn’t! 😂

Reuters? Oh NO you didn’t! 😂

you're a ******* dipshit. i used a site you'd have no problem with to refute your bullshit.

Did you read that article? Jesus, I wasted five minutes of my life reading that and it is utter garbage. Let me highlight a few examples:
  • The guy who wrote the article is Adrian Wong, who runs a blog.
  • He makes at least five statements about what the FDA needs to do to release the data, how long the work will take, etc.
  • How the @#$% would he know? Oh, he repeated what the FDA lawyers said.
  • So he "fact checks" the lawyers seeking the data through FOIA by citing what the opposing lawyers said??
  • Wait, so you're telling me that lawyers on opposite sides of the argument have conflicting views on what the evidence shows? Nooooo ...
  • Dude writes, "PHMPT appears to be cognisant that it is stupid to request for 'everything' when most of the pages may not be relevant at all. " Uhhhh, FOIA asks for all documents because those trying to hide something tend to claim damaging documents don't exist or are "irrelevant."
  • He also writes, "That’s why they sent the FDA a priority list of eight (8) items. And guess what – the US FDA was able to provide seven (7) of those items by January 31, 2022! So Aaron Siri’s public griping about the FDA taking so long appears to be nothing more than theatre." Hold up, I thought they asked for irrelevant material and their requests were "stupid." So which is it - the requests are stupid or the FDA produced 7 out of 8 priority items? Make up your mind.
  • The guy's main argument is that Public Health and Medical Professionals Transparency ("PHMPT"), the entity demanding the documents via FOIA, makes a request for documents that forces FDA officials to spend sooo much time reading each page to redact "redact information that are exempt from disclosure under FOIA, before it can release them." That takes the overworked FDA a lot of time because PHMPT asks for so many documents.
  • Okay, hire clerks to process the request. We just sent $100 billion ******* dollars to Ukraine, how about we hire 15 ******* paralegals for the FDA??
  • Oh, and having spent one wonderful summer clerking for a very large firm, I can tell you for a fact that the claim that reviewing all these documents will take soooo much time is bullshit. You scan the documents. You have 10 clerks/paralegals review 2500 pages each. Should take about ten days. (A lot of these pages have one or two paragraphs, a ton are short e-mails.) That gives a sample of 25,000 pages. You find the key words that are connected with possibly protected documents.
  • You then run a search of the scanned documents for those terms. That would take a few days.
  • Move the documents that are a "hit" for the terms and search those for documents not to be disclosed.
  • That takes maybe a month, with 10-15 clerks doing the work under the supervision of an attorney who knows what the **** he is doing. In short, his claim about how long this will take is bullshit.
  • Finally, to cap off his stupidity, Wong shows he is totally Wrong by concluding, "So the ball is really in the PHMPT’s court. They can drag this out to 100 years and more. All they have to do is insist that they want the FDA to process even more (irrelevant) pages."
  • Hold on here. Didn't you just write that the group saying the FDA wants 75 years to produce the documents is lying and the production should take no more than 12 years or so?? Then how the ******* **** would the FOIA requestor "drag this out for 100 years"??????

Never again can you throw shade at someone for a questionable website, regardless of the information.
This doctor is obviously retired from Snopes and is trying to rival the Kardashians for likes on their Instagram.
Since you ignore facts, data, and information because of a particular site’s name/affiliation when anyone else links a reference, you are now the official poster boy for unflinchingly rigid hypocrisy.
But thanks for the belly laugh, you ridiculous douche.
Let no one be surprised that Flogtard is a lazy, hypocritical cheerleader who does not actually have capacity to understand the context of any of the criticisms and growing body of science that demonstrates that these mRNA covid shots are not only dangerous, but were fraudently put forth as both safe and efficacious.

He still doesn't understand that these ******** are killing and injuring people for money, and that this is the business plan of Pfizer.
Did you read that article? Jesus, I wasted five minutes of my life reading that and it is utter garbage. Let me highlight a few examples:
  • The guy who wrote the article is Adrian Wong, who runs a blog.
  • He makes at least five statements about what the FDA needs to do to release the data, how long the work will take, etc.
  • How the @#$% would he know? Oh, he repeated what the FDA lawyers said.
  • So he "fact checks" the lawyers seeking the data through FOIA by citing what the opposing lawyers said??
  • Wait, so you're telling me that lawyers on opposite sides of the argument have conflicting views on what the evidence shows? Nooooo ...
  • Dude writes, "PHMPT appears to be cognisant that it is stupid to request for 'everything' when most of the pages may not be relevant at all. " Uhhhh, FOIA asks for all documents because those trying to hide something tend to claim damaging documents don't exist or are "irrelevant."
  • He also writes, "That’s why they sent the FDA a priority list of eight (8) items. And guess what – the US FDA was able to provide seven (7) of those items by January 31, 2022! So Aaron Siri’s public griping about the FDA taking so long appears to be nothing more than theatre." Hold up, I thought they asked for irrelevant material and their requests were "stupid." So which is it - the requests are stupid or the FDA produced 7 out of 8 priority items? Make up your mind.
  • The guy's main argument is that Public Health and Medical Professionals Transparency ("PHMPT"), the entity demanding the documents via FOIA, makes a request for documents that forces FDA officials to spend sooo much time reading each page to redact "redact information that are exempt from disclosure under FOIA, before it can release them." That takes the overworked FDA a lot of time because PHMPT asks for so many documents.
  • Okay, hire clerks to process the request. We just sent $100 billion ******* dollars to Ukraine, how about we hire 15 ******* paralegals for the FDA??
  • Oh, and having spent one wonderful summer clerking for a very large firm, I can tell you for a fact that the claim that reviewing all these documents will take soooo much time is bullshit. You scan the documents. You have 10 clerks/paralegals review 2500 pages each. Should take about ten days. (A lot of these pages have one or two paragraphs, a ton are short e-mails.) That gives a sample of 25,000 pages. You find the key words that are connected with possibly protected documents.
  • You then run a search of the scanned documents for those terms. That would take a few days.
  • Move the documents that are a "hit" for the terms and search those for documents not to be disclosed.
  • That takes maybe a month, with 10-15 clerks doing the work under the supervision of an attorney who knows what the **** he is doing. In short, his claim about how long this will take is bullshit.
  • Finally, to cap off his stupidity, Wong shows he is totally Wrong by concluding, "So the ball is really in the PHMPT’s court. They can drag this out to 100 years and more. All they have to do is insist that they want the FDA to process even more (irrelevant) pages."
  • Hold on here. Didn't you just write that the group saying the FDA wants 75 years to produce the documents is lying and the production should take no more than 12 years or so?? Then how the ******* **** would the FOIA requestor "drag this out for 100 years"??????
Lol. Wrong Wong

LMAO, you are so desperate you're now posting "Fact Checks" from Techarp....from Dec 2021 even. How recent!

Raise your hand if any of you have ever heard of Techarp?

A reliable source. There are only hundreds of others:


The Food and Drug Administration won't have 75 years to release thousands of pages of documents it relied on to license its COVID-19 vaccine. Instead, the federal agency will have just over eight months to do so, per a federal judge's ruling.

The timeline ordered Thursday by U.S. District Judge Mark Pittman radically shortens the timeline under which the FDA has to produce troves of documents. The order stems from a Freedom of Information Act document lawsuit by a coalition of doctors and scientists with the nonprofit Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency. The group seeks an estimated 450,000 pages of material about the vaccine-creation process during the COVID-19 pandemic, which came into full force in the United States in March 2020.
Let no one be surprised that Flogtard is a lazy, hypocritical cheerleader who does not actually have capacity to understand the context of any of the criticisms and growing body of science that demonstrates that these mRNA covid shots are not only dangerous, but were fraudently put forth as both safe and efficacious.

He still doesn't understand that these ******** are killing and injuring people for money, and that this is the business plan of Pfizer.
To be fair, in my opinion at least, when the WuFlu first appeared on our shores, no one knew what to expect other that believing it's 1918 all over again.
The vaccine manufactures rushed a perceived solution to the market and most waited in lines for hours thinking the end was near. 3 years later, we are
rightfully skeptical of what was passed on as truth, science, and the problem that I have is that no one will admit that mistakes were made.
Happens ev-urrr-reee-day

Photo of beautiful teen girl who died ‘suddenly’ playing flag football​

Ivermectin was trending on Twitter yesterday

LMAO, you are so desperate you're now posting "Fact Checks" from Techarp....from Dec 2021 even. How recent!

Raise your hand if any of you have ever heard of Techarp?

A reliable source. There are only hundreds of others:

View attachment 10296

The Food and Drug Administration won't have 75 years to release thousands of pages of documents it relied on to license its COVID-19 vaccine. Instead, the federal agency will have just over eight months to do so, per a federal judge's ruling.

The timeline ordered Thursday by U.S. District Judge Mark Pittman radically shortens the timeline under which the FDA has to produce troves of documents. The order stems from a Freedom of Information Act document lawsuit by a coalition of doctors and scientists with the nonprofit Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency. The group seeks an estimated 450,000 pages of material about the vaccine-creation process during the COVID-19 pandemic, which came into full force in the United States in March 2020.
Desperate? Why, because they’re no longer urging vaccination? Hasn’t happened. Because they stopped vaccinating people? Nope. Reality is on my side, Tim.

I’m desperately bored waiting for your nonsensical genocide to happen. How about an over/under on when they finally pull the vaccines? Weeks, months, years? “Just wait”, right?
Desperate? Why, because they’re no longer urging vaccination? Hasn’t happened. Because they stopped vaccinating people? Nope. Reality is on my side, Tim.

I’m desperately bored waiting for your nonsensical genocide to happen. How about an over/under on when they finally pull the vaccines? Weeks, months, years? “Just wait”, right?

“You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts.”​

― Daniel Patrick Moynihan
Desperate? Why, because they’re no longer urging vaccination? Hasn’t happened. Because they stopped vaccinating people? Nope. Reality is on my side, Tim.

I’m desperately bored waiting for your nonsensical genocide to happen. How about an over/under on when they finally pull the vaccines? Weeks, months, years? “Just wait”, right?

Literally nothing you just typed....NOTHING...had an iota to do with the topic that the FDA tried to hide Pfizer "non-testing" data for 75 years.

It bears repeating for the 1,737,493rd time...you suck at this.

Once again, this is the new norm. When it didn't used to be.

Old Dominion player collapses on court, clutching chest​

I posted the study on IgG4 pages ago. Breakdown on why this is such a big issue.

Something wicked this way comes (and by something, I mean mRNA immune system dysregulation)​

Why the paper reporting an explosion in IgG4 antibodies after the mRNA boosters is so unsettling - in a hopefully easy to understand Q+A

By now, you have probably heard about the Science Immunology paper showing that people who have received mRNA Covid vaccines produce more of an unusual antibody called IgG4 over time. A number of mRNA skeptics, including me, wrote about it last week.

But the reasons why the paper is so troubling may still not be clear. So here’s a (with luck) digestible explanation, starting with what is probably the most important question: what’s the worst-case scenario?

1: What’s the worst-case scenario?

The worst-case scenario: the mRNA shots lead to a doom loop, robbing vaccinated people of a crucial immune system tool against the coronavirus in a way that worsens with each new infection.

Thus, over time, the average severity of Covid infections will increase. People will take longer to get better once they’re infected. Hospitalizations and deaths will rise. The health-care system will come under worsening strain.

Oh, and some people may suffer nasty autoimmune side effects too, including pancreatitis, kidney disease, and even aneurysms.

2: Is that all?

Not quite. The truly worst-case scenario would come if those changes combine with a new, more dangerous Sars-Cov-2 variant that our weakened immune systems cannot clear.

3: Seriously? How likely is all that?

How likely? No one knows. The good news is that we are probably relatively safe from a more dangerous variant as long as Omicron subvariants predominate. Since Omicron first appeared in late 2021, it has gone through many mutations but remained less dangerous than the original or Delta variants.

As for the “doom loop?” It is probably not very likely, but does “not very” mean 3 percent chance? 20 percent ? 40 percent? Anyone who claims to know is lying. We know much less about the immune system than we pretend, and even less about how these specific changes might affect people in the long run.

As the researchers who found this anomaly noted, it has not yet been proven to cause worse disease in the people it affects. But it hasn’t been disproven either. Researchers simply have not looked at real-world outcomes in enough people who have these changes to know.

4: So what are the changes again?

Our immune systems make antibodies against “antigens,” invaders like the coronavirus. Those antibodies attach to the antigens and play two crucial roles - they “neutralize” them by keeping them out of our cells, and they recruit other parts of the immune system to destroy them.

Vaccinations like the mRNA shots accelerate this process by pre-exposing people to the antigen, so that our bodies know how to respond to it before they are infected. The mRNA shots do so by causing our cells to make a part of the coronavirus called the spike protein. They are very effective at making us make spike proteins. In response, our immune systems make very high levels of anti-spike protein antibodies.

5: That’s good, right?

Well, yes and no. We clear those vaccine-generated antibodies much more quickly than “natural” antibodies we make in response to infection. This fact became clear within months of the original two-dose vaccination series. Thus the push for boosters, which (briefly) cause another rise in antibodies.

But the Science Immunology paper showed something else, something unusual and unexpected. People who have received mRNA shots make more of an antibody called IgG4, which doesn’t try very hard to destroy the invaders. That process accelerates sharply in people who have received a booster, a third shot.

It accelerates further in people who are infected after being jabbed. Thus the potential doom loop, leaving vaccinated people with only these IgG4 antibodies.

6: And then they would totally unprotected from the coronavirus?

No. IgG4s could still offer some protection through their ability to “neutralize” the Sars-Cov-2 viral particles - preventing them from entering our cells and replicating. (Unlike bacteria, viruses cannot reproduce on their own - they need our own cellular machinery to do so.)

The problem is that the Omicron coronavirus spike has a different shape than the spikes of earlier coronavirus variants. The anti-spike protein antibodies we generate - either after infection or vaccination - already have a harder time neutralizing it.

So we could be facing a double whammy; our immune systems would have antibodies that would still attach to the virus, but they would do a bad job both destroying it and keeping it from entering our cells.

7: That sounds bad.

It is. We would still have protection through our T-cells, which form a final line of defense. But other research has shown that T-cells don’t match up as well against Omicron as against earlier variants, though they lose their potency relatively slowly compared to antibodies. Research has also shown that additional boosting doesn’t help the T-cell response.

8: So if boosters don’t help T-cells, and they cause this IgG4 issue, and the antibodies disappear in a matter of months, and they don’t work very well against Omicron anyway, we have absolutely no reason to give anyone more mRNA shots?

Bingo. Correct. Yes. (Except for vaccine company profits.)

At this point, the long- and medium-term downsides clearly outweigh whatever short-term increase in antibodies boosters provide.

9: So what can vaccinated people do, if more shots are off the table?

Mask up!

I jest. At this point, vaccinated people do not have any real options to stop the IgG4 process. However, being infected with Sars-Cov-2 could provide some protection -

10: I thought you said that was part of the doom loop?

Hold on!

- by helping the immune system create antibodies to another part of the virus called the nucleocapsid. These anti-nucleocapsid antibodies will not stop future infections, but they may help stop severe disease. (Yes, more infections might both help and hurt. The immune system is tricky.)

11: Do you have any good news?

Since the paper came out, certain aggressive anti-vaccine writers have offered horrifying scenarios, for example claiming the IgG4 changes might hurt our ability to fight the flu and other viruses. Those theories are vanishingly unlikely. But the real issues are plenty serious.

12: But this is all speculative, right?

Yes. Except that it explains the growing divergence between the countries that used mRNA and those that did not in the last few months. China aside, the mRNA countries have performed far worse than the the rest of the world since early 2022. The mRNA countries have had huge numbers of Covid infections and reinfections that seem divorced from any seasonality. Covid hospitalizations and deaths have been relatively low, but those are now rising too. And overall excess mortality has been stubbornly high.

13: So scientists and health authorities and the vaccine companies are now going to launch an all-hands investigation to figure out how serious this finding might be?

You’re funny.

14: Seriously -

Seriously has anything in the last two years suggested such an investigation is coming?

15: Right. Okay. Speaking of the companies, shouldn’t they have known about this IgG4 stuff?

Yes. This finding is vitally important, and should have become part of the discussion around boosters more than a year ago.

16: Did they? Did they say anything?

Did they? It’s not clear. They certainly didn’t say anything publicly (as far as I can tell). Did they privately tell regulators? Probably not, because even the most industry-captured regulatory agency would have had to make this information public.

17: What now?

Hopefully some independent and honest academics will investigate both the changes that are occurring on the cellular level and how they may be impacting people’s response to the virus. And we all wait and hope that the ugly trends that countries like Japan - which is very highly mRNA vaccinated and just had its worst month for coronavirus deaths since the epidemic began - do not continue.


18: Wait? That’s the best you got? Wait?

Not waiting - wanting medicine at Warp Speed - is what got us into this mess to begin with.
Truth. I've posted what...a hundred of these this year alone? Soccer, hockey, high school, college, professional football players, runners, bikers....

It isn't normal.

To be fair, in my opinion at least, when the WuFlu first appeared on our shores, no one knew what to expect other that believing it's 1918 all over again.
The vaccine manufactures rushed a perceived solution to the market and most waited in lines for hours thinking the end was near. 3 years later, we are
rightfully skeptical of what was passed on as truth, science, and the problem that I have is that no one will admit that mistakes were made.
What if some knew what covid was because they understood its origin and evolution?
Every. single. day. I get news of people dropping dead. Young healthy people,athletes too. Cardiac arrest. More than I have every seen in my life.