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Covid Vaccine

This is only going to lead to innocent deaths. Shameful.

California’s “misinformation bill” is now in effect, signed by Gov. Newsom in September. Assembly Bill 2098 authorizes the Medical Board of California and the Osteopathic Medical Board of California to “designate the dissemination of misinformation of disinformation related to the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus as unprofessional conduct.” Despite growing evidence to the contrary, the bill also fails to recognize the mRNA shots as even minimally harmful or life-threatening. In fact, the misinformation bill quotes CDC data showing that “unvaccinated individuals are at a risk of dying from COVID-19 that is 11 times greater than those who are fully vaccinated.” You would have to twist yourself into a pretzel to believe that statement at this point. A growing body of evidence simply does not support that belief. Keep in mind Florida State Surgeon General Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo has already recommended against the administration of mRNA shots for males ages 18-39.

The misinformation bill goes hard on vaccine disinformation and misinformation, stating it has “weakened public confidence and placed lives at serious risk.” As a result of “dangerous” information from physicians who “engage in the dissemination of COVID-19 vaccine misinformation and disinformation,” the bill advocates for the removal of their medical licenses if they continue to spread unapproved information. “Physicians,” the bill continues, “have a duty to provide their patients with accurate, science-based information.” It is a “public health crisis” to have physicians practicing in ways they have freely practiced in the past. In my opinion, it is absurd to punish doctors for what amounts to educated and practiced clinical judgment, especially in light of where we are with the data found on the CDC’s own website.

Many physicians are concerned about the bill’s implications on health practitioners in the state. Two physicians represented by the Liberty Justice Center filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California against the Medical Board of California and the Attorney General of California. Mark McDonald, MD, a Los Angeles psychiatrist, and Jeff Barke, MD, an Orange County primary care physician, also filed “papers seeking a preliminary injunction to protect their free speech rights as the case unfolds.” Some attorneys believe the bill is unconstitutional and violates the First Amendment. Barke says the bill is tyrannical, and a “giant gag order to physicians,” and many will simply move out of state—a state that is already experiencing a “shortage of primary care doctors.”

Dr. McCullough, who has been a fervent supporter of medical freedom and informed consent throughout much of the pandemic, believes the doctors are doing the right thing.

In an interview with KUSI News in early October, Dr. Barke quoted the bill’s language, concluding it sets a precedent for the country and is “unAmerican and totalitarianism.” He believes the bill will “ultimately be defeated.” Barke also says AB2098 amounts to nothing more than a dangerous precedent for the censorship of doctors.

AB2098, he states, “says misinformation means false information that is contradicted by contemporary scientific consensus, contrary to the standard of care. So scientific consensus is what this bill talks about. You know, the reality is there’s no such thing as scientific consensus. Unless, of course, you censor all the doctors that disagree with the government, which is exactly what they’re trying to do. Science is the opposite of consensus. It’s challenging consensus.”

If it is consensus that our government has been striving for, then it has done a pisspoor job. Those who have been objectively following governmental policy on the pandemic understand that COVID-19 has ushered in an unprecedented era of shifting goalposts that appear to have very little to do with “science” or the well-being of Americans. You name it; whether it was masks, social distancing, or lockdowns, the policy and narrative shifts have been dizzying. It really begs the question of whether some of the turbulence has been meant to keep people off balance and, therefore, fearful and controllable.

Barke reviews some of the shifting narratives below:

“A few weeks ago, we were told that it was important to mask people who are asymptomatic. Now the CDC’s guidelines came out and say just the opposite. Recently, they say no longer do we need to mask or test asymptomatic people. That was the whole premise upon which the closure of schools were enacted. Meaning that we were told that children would go to school, have no symptoms, spread the virus to other kids and teachers, and then those kids and teachers would come home and kill grandma and grandpa. Now the CDC tells us that’s not true, so scientific consensus changes because we challenge the consensus. And the same thing with the CDC guidelines that say vaccinated and unvaccinated are now to be treated equally, meaning that the vaccine, whether you’re vaccinated or unvaccinated, you’re still susceptible to getting this illness and spreading this illness.”

Throughout the pandemic, Fauci often struggled to keep his story straight, with his unwavering commitment to the mRNA shots being the sole exception to the rule. Emails and the Twitter files prove that much more is happening behind the scenes to help Americans arrive at the “approved narrative.” Most importantly, the consequences of the “approved” messaging have proven to be unnecessarily harmful to many. Translated, it feels as though consensus really means whatever the government tells us to do, we should do, consequences be damned. Most sensible doctors will say that good clinical decisions are more often made when doctors challenge assumptions, engage in healthy discourse, and think outside the box.

More in the link
Dawktur dawktur just gimme the news! I gotta bad case of luvin you!
LOL, just found this. Epic take down of a Covid 19 "Fact Checker" - Jeff - from Politifact.

I seriously don't know how anyone can post "fact checks" anymore in today's day and age.

...So in case you missed it or you are not on Twitter, here’s my short story about Jeff.

Meet Jeff.

For what it’s worth, Jeff looks like a nice guy. I’m even willing to bet that Jeff wakes up everyday and tries his best to do his job, despite his shortcomings and lack of credentials to do so.


You see, Jeff is a “Fact-Checker” for Politifact and gets paid to discredit Covid misinformation. So one might ask what are Jeff’s qualifications?

1) Is Jeff a Doctor? No.

2) Is Jeff a Scientist? No.

3) Does he have a PhD? No.

4) Does he have medical experience? No.


Jeff is, for all intents and purposes, a wordsmith. Alongside a profile picture (of him as a dog) is a list of his journalistic contributions and associations.


As I said before, Jeff is probably a nice guy, but Jeff is just one of many in an epidemic of ‘False Fact-Checking Prophets’ who are plaguing society right now. Each of whom are paid to discredit inconvenient truths and mislead the public. For instance, take a look this fact-check by Jeff as a recent example of his work. Jeff rated this tweet as “FALSE”:



So how did Jeff arrive at the “False” conclusion? Well, weirdly it’s unclear since the evidence he presented to supposedly support a “False” claim, directly contradicts his conclusion and actually verifies the original @hodgetwins tweet.



There’s also another recent fact-check that was also concluded as “False” by Jeff. This claim was regarding a social media post insinuating that clots/strokes in athletes was likely a side effect of the vaccines.


One of the athletes mentioned had a stroke due to a blood clot. So did Jeff find evidence proving it wasn’t caused by a C•19 vaccine? No. Doctors said they weren’t able to determine a cause. So how can the vaccine be ruled out? It can’t. Therefore Jeff lied by omission.


And another of the athletes aforementioned, doesn’t support his false label either—and further validates he should have labeled it as inconclusive/unknown since Jeff was unable to explicitly rule out if the blood clots in her lungs were caused by the C•19 shot or not.


If Jeff was a pathologist, vaccinologist, immunologist or treated any of the athletes, then we might view it as his medical opinion, but he’s not. Sadly, Jeff acts as a propagandist, discrediting inconvenient truths at the expense of misleading the public.

One might also ask: Are ‘False Fact-Checking Prophets’ just totally inept? Or are ‘False Fact-Checking Prophets’ relying on the ineptitude of the public?

Some could likely make a case for either, or both for that matter. Either way, as the world tries to find a new since of post-Covid normalcy again, I hope they also find the ability to think for themselves and not rely on paid pundits like Jeff, the “False Fact-Checking Prophet”.
@Confluence is going to LOVE this. Epic thread on how evil Pfizer is.

1/ THREAD🚨 #PfizerFiles

Pfizer has habitually engaged in illegal and corrupt marketing practices, bribed physicians, & suppressed adverse trial results.

This is no secret, yet this fact continues to be brushed under the rug by politicians & the media.

Pfizer's History of Fraud, Corruption, and Using Nigerian Children as 'Human Guinea Pigs'How did Pfizer manage to rebrand itself as the savior of humanity?https://kanekoa.substack.com/p/pfizers-history-of-fraud-corruption

2/ Pfizer’s CEO @AlbertBourla claimed during a November 2021 interview that a group of “medical professionals” intentionally circulating “misinformation” critical of the Pfizer vaccine were “criminals.”

The Pfizer CEO must have forgotten the history of his own company.

3/ In 1994, Pfizer paid the Justice Department to settle claims that the company lied to get federal approval for a heart valve and then covered up safety concerns even as the device killed hundreds of patients.

Pfizer paid $200M to settle lawsuits.


Pfizer Unit to Settle Charges Of Lying About Heart Valve (Published 1994)https://www.nytimes.com/1994/07/02/...ettle-charges-of-lying-about-heart-valve.html

4/ In 1996, Pfizer gave an experimental drug to 200 Nigerian children without informing their parents that an approved cure existed or that their children were subjects of a medical experiment.

Eleven children died.

Others suffered brain damage, organ failure, or paralysis.
5/ In 2001, Pfizer was sued on behalf of 30 Nigerian families who alleged their "children were used as human guinea pigs."

The families claimed Pfizer violated the Nuremberg Code and exposed their children to "cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment."

The case was dismissed.

6/ In 2007, the Nigerian government sued Pfizer for $7 billion and accused the company of "carrying out illegal trials" that "killed or disabled children."

Nigeria claimed Pfizer did not inform local health authorities or parents that the children were part of an experiment.

7/ It gets even worse.

In 2010, leaked State Department cables alleged that Pfizer had hired investigators to blackmail Nigeria's Attorney General into dropping the $7 billion lawsuit against Pfizer.


WikiLeaks cables: Pfizer 'used dirty tricks to avoid clinical trial payout'Drug giant hired investigators to find evidence of corruption on Nigerian attorney general in order to persuade him to drop legal actionhttps://www.theguardian.com/business/2010/dec/09/wikileaks-cables-pfizer-nigeria

8/ The leaked cables claimed Pfizer passed "a series of damaging articles" to the media that accused the Attorney General of corruption and warned him that more negative articles would come out if he didn't drop the case.

Nigeria dropped the case in 2009.

9/ In 2002, Pfizer agreed to pay $49 million to settle allegations that the drug company defrauded the federal government and 40 states by charging too much for its cholesterol treatment Lipitor.

Pfizer's revenue for Lipitor in 2001 was $6.45 billion.


Pfizer to Pay $49 Million in Fraud Case (Published 2002)Justice Department says Pfizer Inc has agreed to pay $49 million to settle charges that subsidiary Parke-Davis Labs defrauded Medicaid program by overcharging for cholesterol-lowering drug Lipitor; Me…https://www.nytimes.com/2002/10/29/business/pfizer-to-pay-49-million-in-fraud-case.html
10/ In 2008, the NYT published an article entitled, “Experts Conclude Pfizer Manipulated Studies.”

Pfizer delayed the publication of negative studies, spun negative data more positively, and suppressed negative findings to promote Neurontin.


Experts Conclude Pfizer Manipulated Studies (Published 2008)The drug maker manipulated the publication of studies to bolster use of its epilepsy drug Neurontin, according to expert witnesses in a lawsuit against the company.https://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/08/health/research/08drug.html

11/ Dr. Kay Dickersin, a John Hopkins Professor of Medicine, who reviewed the Pfizer studies, concluded that 80% of the positive studies were published in full journal articles.

Yet, only 38% of negative studies were published, and some only partially.


Experts Conclude Pfizer Manipulated Studies (Published 2008)The drug maker manipulated the publication of studies to bolster use of its epilepsy drug Neurontin, according to expert witnesses in a lawsuit against the company.https://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/08/health/research/08drug.html

12/ In 2009, Pfizer paid $750M to settle 35,000 claims that its drug, Rezulin, was responsible for 63 deaths and dozens of liver failures.

The FDA did not remove Rezulin from the market until three years after the UK had, despite a mounting death toll.


Pfizer Agrees to Settle Suit Over Diabetes Drug RezulinPfizer Inc. agreed Friday to settle a lawsuit over the diabetes drug Rezulin after a jury earlier in the day awarded $43 million to a Texas woman who said it destroyed her liver.https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2001-dec-22-mn-17267-story.html

To be continued....
14/ In 2009, Pfizer was fined $2.3 billion, then the largest healthcare fraud settlement and the largest criminal fine ever imposed in the US.

Pfizer pled guilty to paying kickbacks to doctors and illegally promoting — Bextra, Geodon, Zyvox, and Lyrica.


Justice Department Announces Largest Health Care Fraud Settlement in Its HistoryAmerican pharmaceutical giant Pfizer Inc. and its subsidiary Pharmacia & Upjohn Company Inc. (hereinafter together “Pfizer”) have agreed to pay $2.3 billion, the largest health care fraud settlement i…https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/just...gest-health-care-fraud-settlement-its-history

15/ CNN's Anderson Cooper: If Pfizer is too big to fail and even the biggest fine in history is just a few months' profits, then what's going to stop it from illegally promoting other drugs?

Critics say nothing.

They say it's the cost of doing business.

16/ In 2010, Pfizer was ordered to pay $142 million in damages for violating federal anti-racketeering laws by its fraudulent sale and marketing of Neurontin.

The jury found that Pfizer violated the RICO act.


Neurontin Lawsuits - Pfizer Illegal Marketing, Injury ClaimsPfizer Marketing Illegal Neurontin. Pfizer Inc. has been ordered to pay $142.1M in damages for violating a federal antiracketeering law in its marketing.https://www.yourlawyer.com/defective-drugs/neurontin/illegal-neurontin-marketing/

17/ In 2010, Pfizer admitted that it paid $20 million to 4,500 doctors and other medical professionals for consulting and speaking on its behalf during the last six months of 2009.

The disclosure was required due to a settlement agreement for the illegal promotion of drugs.

18/ In 2010, Blue Cross filed a lawsuit against Pfizer, accusing the pharmaceutical giant of illegally bribing 5,000 doctors with lavish Caribbean vacations, golf games, cash payments, massages, and other recreational activities.


Blue Cross Names and Shames Pfizer Execs Linked to Massages-for-Prescriptions PushBlue Cross Blue Shield's lawsuit against Pfizer (PFE) to recoup money it overpaid for Bextra and other drugs that were promoted for unapproved, "off-label" uses gives an idea of just how bad the "Bad…https://www.cbsnews.com/news/blue-c...cs-linked-to-massages-for-prescriptions-push/

19/ In 2012, the SEC charged Pfizer with violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act for bribing foreign healthcare professionals in Bulgaria, China, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Italy, Kazakhstan, Russia, and Serbia.

Pfizer settled for $60 million.



20/ In 2012, Pfizer paid $1.2 billion to settle claims by nearly 10,000 women that its drug, Prempro, caused breast cancer.

This included punitive damages for the pharmaceutical giant withholding warnings about the risk of breast cancer.


Pfizer expects to wrap up Prempro suits for $1.2B totalThe price tag Pfizer's Prempro settlements is now in. The drugmaker has paid $896 million to wrap up about 60% of the patient lawsuits, Bloomberg reports. | Drugmaker paid $896M to settle 6,000 cases …https://www.fiercepharma.com/regulatory/pfizer-expects-to-wrap-up-prempro-suits-for-1-2b-total

21/ In 2012, Pfizer paid $55 million to settle criminal charges for illegally promoting its proton pump inhibitor Protonix.

In 2016, Pfizer paid $784 million to settle a medicare fraud case for its promotion of Protonix.


22/ There are over 13,000 proton pump inhibitor lawsuits pending in federal court — which claim that Pfizer and other drug manufacturers — withheld warning signs of kidney disease, acute interstitial nephritis, and kidney failure.


PPI Lawsuit | Prilosec, Nexium Kidney Injuries & 2022 Lawsuit UpdatesLawyers have filed more than 13,000 PPI lawsuits that claim heartburn and reflux drugs such as Nexium, Prilosec and Prevacid caused serious kidney damage.https://www.drugwatch.com/proton-pump-inhibitors/lawsuits/

23/ In 2013, Pfizer paid $273 million to settle claims by over 2000 people that its drug, Chantix, caused suicidal thoughts and severe psychological disorders.


Pfizer settles 2,000-plus Chantix suits, takes $273M chargeAbout 80% of Pfizer's Chantix litigation is finito. The drugmaker has settled or agreed to settle about four-fifths of 2,700 state and federal lawsuits, and took a $273 million charge to cover the cos…https://www.fiercepharma.com/sales-...es-2-000-plus-chantix-suits-takes-273m-charge

24/ @BernieSanders: "Virtually every major drug company has either been convicted of fraud or reached a settlement."

"Is fraud the business model of the pharmaceutical industry?"

25/ Pfizer has habitually engaged in illegal and corrupt marketing practices, bribed physicians, and suppressed adverse trial results.

This is no secret, yet big government, big tech, and big media banned scientific criticism of Pfizer's covid-19 vaccines.

To be continued...
26/ This Pfizer presentation got Dr. Robert Malone (@RWMaloneMD) banned from Twitter.

"Pfizer's own 6-month report data on its COVID-19 inoculation shows greater illness and death in the inoculation arm than the placebo arm."

The Powerful Pfizer Presentation That Got Dr. Robert Malone Kicked Off TwitterPfizer's own vaccine trial data shows an INCREASED risk of illness and death for the vaccinated.https://kanekoa.substack.com/p/the-powerful-pfizer-presentation

27/ @RWMaloneMD tells @joerogan that he was banned for sharing:

"...a fantastic video... by the Covid Care Alliance group that summarizes all the malfeasance, and data manipulation, and misinterpretation of the Pfizer vaccines, and their clinical trials."

28/ Dr. Robert Malone (@RWMaloneMD) was banned from Twitter for sharing this 40-minute video presentation created by the @CCCAlliance, a coalition of over 500 independent doctors, scientists, and health care practitioners.

Can we discuss it now❓


29/ The video is a fact-based scientific critique of Pfizer's covid-19 vaccine clinical trials.

Considering Pfizer's history of corruption, scientists, doctors, and journalists should not have been banned from social media for asking these questions.

30/ The @CCCAlliance alleged that 84% of the Pfizer report authors had a conflict of interest.

They were either employed, owned stock, or received grants from Pfizer.

For example, the two BioNTech founders, who gained more than $9 billion from the vax, co-authored the report.Image

31/ Pfizer unblinded the trial after two months ruining long-term safety data & did not track biomarkers before & after vaccination:

•D-dimer for clotting
•C-reactive protein for inflammation
•Troponins for cardiac damage
•Blood oxygen for hypoxia
•Amyloid for Alzheimer's

32/ It was left to the discretion of Pfizer's investigators whether or not to test participants for covid-19.

They did not test 3,410 suspected cases (1,594 vaccinated & 1,816 placeboes) who were symptomatic with covid-19.

Why didn't Pfizer remove subjectivity & test everyone?Image

33/ @CCCAlliance: Pfizer's 6-month report shows a 300% increase in related adverse events, a 75% increase in severe adverse events, and a 10% increase in serious adverse events for the vaccinated group versus the placebo.

Why is there an increase in all-cause illnesses?

34/ @CCCAlliance: Pfizer's 6-month report shows 20 deaths in the vaccinated group versus 14 deaths in the placebo group and 9 cardiovascular deaths in the vaccinated group versus 5 in the placebo group.

Why didn't Pfizer make the clinical trial endpoint all-cause mortality?

35/ Maddie de Garay was 1 of 1,131 children in Pfizer's clinical trial for children aged 12-15.

Pfizer officially recorded Maddie's paralysis and neurological disorder as "abdominal pain" when reporting clinical trial results to the FDA.

36/ @IamBrookJackson, a regional clinical trial director, reported to the FDA that Pfizer had falsified data, unblinded participants, and not followed up on testing symptomatic participants.

She was fired, and the FDA & Pfizer never investigated the issue.

37/ In 2020, the pharmaceutical industry spent $4.5 billion on TV advertising in the United States, accounting for 75% of all ads.

In 2021, Pfizer alone spent $2 billion on advertising across print, digital, and TV.

Big Pharma buys positive media coverage.

38/ Pfizer reported a 95% efficacy, which sounds like it protects you 95% of the time, but that 95% actually refers to the Relative Risk Reduction (RRR).

In contrast, the Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR) was only 0.84%.

The @CCCAlliance report explains the difference.

39/ 9 out of 10 of the FDA's commissioners between 2006 and 2019 went on to work for the pharmaceutical companies they were in charge of regulating.

The BMJ found that 65% of the FDA's drug review budget comes directly from the pharmaceutical industry.



From FDA to MHRA: are drug regulators for hire?Patients and doctors expect drug regulators to provide an unbiased, rigorous assessment of investigational medicines before they hit the market. But do they have sufficient independence from the compa…https://worldfreedomalliance.org/au/news/from-fda-to-mhra-are-drug-regulators-for-hire/

39/ Gates said the mRNA vaccines were supposed to reduce transmission and spread.

Fauci said with "50% of adults fully vaccinated," he felt "fairly certain" there wouldn't be any more surges.

7-months later, cases rose 7,500% and hit a new all-time high of 1.35 million per day.

40/ Pfizer has a long history of fraud, corruption, and prioritizing profits over human lives.

Nonetheless, big tech, big government, and big media banned scientific criticism of Pfizer's covid-19 vaccines.

Unroll available on Thread Reader

41/ So while Pfizer's CEO says "medical professionals" intentionally circulating "misinformation" are "criminals."

The reality is there are legitimate integrity, safety, and efficacy questions about their covid-19 vaccines.

And thank you, @elonmusk, for allowing us to ask them.
You see how important it is that Musk bought Twitter. Now info is coming out that would have gotten people banned from the internet just a few weeks ago

Here's a DR on the "died suddenly" phenom

What is the term used for knowingly causing injury and death?
An observation from yesterday, I was in my local Costco, and if yours is like mine it's packed with people shoulder to shoulder.

Anyway, as I make my way past the optical shop I see they still require masks, which at first made me chuckle, then question any logical reason. I can understand anyone's choice to mask up if they choose to, but to force others to do so in a retail setting where 99+% are not masked is baffling.
An observation from yesterday, I was in my local Costco, and if yours is like mine it's packed with people shoulder to shoulder.

Anyway, as I make my way past the optical shop I see they still require masks, which at first made me chuckle, then question any logical reason. I can understand anyone's choice to mask up if they choose to, but to force others to do so in a retail setting where 99+% are not masked is baffling.
i had to go to my doc's office yesterday - part of Florida Medical Clinic. sign on the door is a holdover from when the Vid started. Says masks are required with illustrations of which type of masks are acceptable and which are not, and how to wear them, including the 6-foot barrier between people. The neck gaiter I had was not "acceptable" per the illustration, but the only one i had with me - and i cannot stand regular masks.

once inside, i check in at the desk and see two nurses talking behind the counter. Neither had a mask on, nor were they respecting the 6-foot barrier.
i had to go to my doc's office yesterday - part of Florida Medical Clinic. sign on the door is a holdover from when the Vid started. Says masks are required with illustrations of which type of masks are acceptable and which are not, and how to wear them, including the 6-foot barrier between people. The neck gaiter I had was not "acceptable" per the illustration, but the only one i had with me - and i cannot stand regular masks.

once inside, i check in at the desk and see two nurses talking behind the counter. Neither had a mask on, nor were they respecting the 6-foot barrier.
I still have contacts with the clinic that I retired from, they are still mandated to wear one, but usually only cover up when a patient is the proximity.
Twitter opening up is....opening up conversations that need to be had. Like this one. The NIH agrees there's been a massive increase in sudden athlete deaths. We see it. The sheep try to silence it. It's real.

Dr. Peter McCullough dropping bombs… 1101 athlete ‘sudden deaths’ since 2021​

Joe Rogan Podcast
Episode 1919
Bret Weinstein
Dropped yesyerday

As you all know, I perform EPA testing for pollution regulations. It surprises many that a company can own its own test team, effectively allowing them to test themselves… now there is a chance that an independent epa observer may show up to monitor the test, so it isn’t exactly like they can just lie or not do the testing, but much of government regulations are not really independently administered…

For FDA testing, the clinical trials are run by the pharmaceutical companies, and tge data submitted is basically whatever they want it to be… look up the settlement and fines Merck got shortly after Pfizer got nailed for that stuff in 2009… The clinical trials of Mercks new heart medication showed that ot CAUSED heart attacks, but rather than pull it, Merck scientists simply doctored the data and lied about it… it is suspected to have caused over 100,000 heart attacks ( maybe lots more) and tons of deaths before it was pulled … why did they do it? Well if you add up the billions in lawsuit settlements, fines, as well as tge marketing and development costs… i think the estimate being thrown around was somewhere between 6 to 8 billion dollars in costs… bit in the years it was on the market before it got pulled , they made something like 12 billion on it… this is a regular occurrence these days
Yes. Self regulating easily lends to a pencil whipped report.
As you all know, I perform EPA testing for pollution regulations. It surprises many that a company can own its own test team, effectively allowing them to test themselves… now there is a chance that an independent epa observer may show up to monitor the test, so it isn’t exactly like they can just lie or not do the testing, but much of government regulations are not really independently administered…

For FDA testing, the clinical trials are run by the pharmaceutical companies, and tge data submitted is basically whatever they want it to be… look up the settlement and fines Merck got shortly after Pfizer got nailed for that stuff in 2009… The clinical trials of Mercks new heart medication showed that ot CAUSED heart attacks, but rather than pull it, Merck scientists simply doctored the data and lied about it… it is suspected to have caused over 100,000 heart attacks ( maybe lots more) and tons of deaths before it was pulled … why did they do it? Well if you add up the billions in lawsuit settlements, fines, as well as tge marketing and development costs… i think the estimate being thrown around was somewhere between 6 to 8 billion dollars in costs… bit in the years it was on the market before it got pulled , they made something like 12 billion on it… this is a regular occurrence these days

"Science is by and large honorable"
if you dont trust the science as pushed by the companies seeking to make a profit, you're raysiss


Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) mRNA vaccine-induced myocarditis is a rare but well-documented complication in young males. The increased incidence of sudden death among athletes following vaccination has been reported and requires further investigation. Whether the risk of myocarditis, a known major cause of sudden death in young male athletes, also increases after coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection is unknown. The severity and implications of these critical adverse effects require a thorough analysis to elucidate their key triggering mechanisms. The present review aimed to evaluate whether there is a justification to hypothesize that catecholamines in a "hypercatecholaminergic" state are the key trigger of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine-induced myocarditis and related outcomes and whether similar risks are also present following COVID-19 infection. A thorough, structured scoping review of the literature was performed to build the hypothesis through three pillars: detection of myocarditis risk, potential alterations and abnormalities identified after SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination or COVID-19 infection and consequent events, and physiological characteristics of the most affected population. The following terms were searched in indexed and non-indexed peer review articles and recent preprints (<12 months): agent, "SARS-CoV-2" or "COVID-19"; event, "myocarditis" or "sudden death(s)" or "myocarditis+sudden death(s)" or "cardiac event(s)"; underlying cause, "mRNA" or "spike protein" or "infection" or "vaccine"; proposed trigger, "catecholamine(s)" or "adrenaline" or "epinephrine" or "noradrenaline" or "norepinephrine" or "testosterone"; and affected population, "young male(s)" or "athlete(s)." The rationale and data that supported the hypothesis were as follows: SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine-induced myocarditis primarily affected young males, while the risk was not observed following COVID-19 infection; independent autopsies or biopsies of patients who presented post-SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine myocarditis in different geographical regions enabled the conclusion that a primary hypercatecholaminergic state was the key trigger of these events; SARS-CoV-2 mRNA was densely present, and SARS-CoV-2 spike protein was progressively produced in adrenal medulla chromaffin cells, which are responsible for catecholamine production; the dihydroxyphenylalanine decarboxylase enzyme that converts dopamine into noradrenaline was overexpressed in the presence of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA, leading to enhanced noradrenaline activity; catecholamine responses were physiologically higher in young adults and males than in other populations; catecholamine responses and resting catecholamine production were higher in male athletes than in non-athletes; catecholamine responses to stress and its sensitivity were enhanced in the presence of androgens; and catecholamine expressions in young male athletes were already high at baseline, were higher following vaccination, and were higher than those in non-vaccinated athletes. The epidemiological, autopsy, molecular, and physiological findings unanimously and strongly suggest that a hypercatecholaminergic state is the critical trigger of the rare cases of myocarditis due to components from SARS-CoV-2, potentially increasing sudden deaths among elite male athletes.