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Covid Vaccine

Hey, wonderful!

How about the group effort on behalf of society actually owns up to a full review of all actions, what went right, what went wrong, and where all the money spent went? I mean, that would seem like the very least that any responsible entity pretending to have the best interests of the population would do, right?
A simple accounting of governmental expenditures, enumerated costs of policy decisions, etc. should be happening openly in a free society where liberty was encroached upon.
That would actually lead to a scientific learning, with economic lessons for future decision making.
Those who made "big decisions" that cost $ Billions and lives should openly rate the effectiveness of those decisions.
Where is any of that accountability?
I think those are all great ideas. Have we ever had a simple accounting of government actions and expenditures for anything ? Will we ever? As long as one side controls the Senate and the presidency, probably not. And that sucks. I've been railing against the wasteful, bloated, fraudulent bureaucracy that is our federal government for decades.
You claim that 100% of what you post comes from a scientist explaining his/her data. You are the queen of facts and what you post is undeniable and never misinformation - except when it is. An example of a powerful fact check you posted just a couple days back after which you claim anything to the contrary is decreed misinformation.

View attachment 10449

Powerful. The claim is unsupported and we find the information "misinformation" because of "inadequate support." Damning stuff.



Brilliant. What % of mankind is vaccinated and has never had Covid (i.e., not vaccinated + natural immunity)? LOL. 5%? Good for that uber minority of the world's population.

And that was essentially the summation of the whole article. "We can't disprove Schneider et al, we question the claims, and we claim he/they can't claim what they claim they claim." Stunning.

It's all misinformation, except Konrad Steinestel said the quiet part out loud.
That's just your cherry picking of what was in the fact check.

The simple answer is this study does not compare people who died suddenly after vaccination with people who died suddenly after NOT being vaccinated. Therefore you cannot conclude that the myocarditis that was found was caused by the vaccine, because they might find the same rate of myocarditis in OTHER PEOPLE WHO DIED SUDDENLY. There is no control group. That is scientific study 101. You compare the rate of something in one group (vaccinated people who died suddenly) with the rate of something in another group (unvaccinated people who died suddenly). Without a control group you cannot draw cause and effect conclusions.

Furthermore several of these people had OTHER HEART CONDITIONS that could have caused myocarditis. Therefore you cannot conclude that it was the vaccine that caused the myocarditis in all of the cases, or in any of the cases.

Furthermore the numbers quoted in your post were inaccurate, according to the fact check.

I see you left out all of that in your analysis of the fact check and only quoted parts that make the conclusions seem vague.

Hmm, I wonder why.
Should people have been scared INTO taking them by a bunch of lies? No, but that's what happened. Every day we watched the death counts and heard that this was the most deadly disease since the black plague. We were basically told it was a death sentence if you caught it. Now, three years later, we know it was bullshit. Admissions of over counting. Admissions the vaccine isn't very good. Hell, people are still double masking while standing alone in their front yard with no human souls within 500 feet. Based on lies. The scientific community earned every bit of skepticism they get these days. While all of this lying was going on they could have stepped up and stopped it. Instead, they joined in. **** every one of them for the lives they destroyed.
Yes thank God it was not as bad as everyone thought it was going to be. Was overestimating the severity a "lie" or just being overly cautious? I don't know. It still did kill plenty of people though. And not all of them were elderly and infirm. Most were, yes. But not all. The vaccine was pretty effective until the new variants hit. Was not knowing that was going to happen a "lie"? I don't think so. It took a lot of people way too long to acknowledge certain truths, I will agree with you there.
OMFG. It's like talking to a damned wall. You've taken that comment now out of context.

5,152 deaths at March 17 was cumulative prior to the vaccines. And I told you that on that date only 13% of WA was vaxxed. That was the goal line. The first measuring stick. Don't look prior. Go to the next data point, the beginning of October.

I even said FROM March that 17 TO October there were 2,950 deaths - 100% of which happened during the administration of the vaccines.

You're accusing me of looking PRIOR to March 17. You can't read for ****.
I don’t think you even know what you’re arguing anymore. Go back and quote yourself. You quote the 5,152, you then quote the graph as being cumulative. Now, you’re seemingly acknowledging the vast majority of the 5,152 weren’t in the data. What was the point of mentioning the 5,152 deaths then? The starting point is ZERO for both demographics.
Again you miss the point and have since 2021 when this damned analysis began.

Tim says: Watch the WA state data and watch the trends and see the vaccines wane severely in terms of efficacy. That's been the point since day one of analyzing the data.
Floggy's response: The vaccinated are protected more than the unvaxxed.

Tim says: I like gum.
Floggy says: Boogers!

I am literally arguing at the back of the shortbus.

The vaccines have plummeted in effectiveness and the WA state data corroborates it.

Find one person here including me who has ever said otherwise.

The point you keep missing. That number continues to dwindle. Even from you....it used to be 20X, then 15X, then 13x....then 11x.

That's all you've got left. I know, you know, the data shows....the vaccines continue to wane and the vaccinated continue to die. And all you've got is to claim the vaccinated die left....at an ever decreasing rate.

Just wait.
Walk it back, Tim. “The vaccine are totally ineffective. They haven’t saved lives”…. “The vaccines are waning in efficacy is all I’m saying”.

What am I waiting for and how long?
And that's all you've got. The least vaccinated continent on earth by a LONG SHOT suffered the fewest deaths....by a LONG SHOT. They also happen to be the poorest continent with the worst health care and nutrition on the planet.

And you use age....literally that's all you've got.

Now is your opportunity to show how your beloved Holy Grace of God vaccine kept Africans dying from the Bubonic Covid.
You argue Ivermectin and claim age is all I got? So, you think Ivermectin is a better predictor of surviving Covid than age? Christ, you’re delusional! Again, why trust western medicine at all?
Because artificial tears don't prevent many more deaths than they cause. Because there are numerous other artificial tear alternatives. Because this was probably a contaminated batch and there may be other bottles out there from that same contaminated batch.

People have died from Tylenol yet it's still on the market.

People have died from peanut butter yet it's still on the market.
that was not the point at all.
ONE person died from this. ONE. a Single person. Not multiple. One solitary instance and the CDC gets heavy-handed.
You argue Ivermectin and claim age is all I got? So, you think Ivermectin is a better predictor of surviving Covid than age? Christ, you’re delusional! Again, why trust western medicine at all?
have you had your AIDS cocktail yet today? If not, why not? Prevention is the best medicine, right?
Honestly, this entire thread can conclude with this information. Look, I get it, we were led to believe that this virus was the second coming of the black plague and that we were all going to die, so the manufacturers were granted emergency status to get it to the market as quickly as possible. If proper protocols were followed, it doesn't get out of phase II, and how some still support it's use is mindboggling. We have the right and obligation to question the science, because this is no where close to the research done by Jonas Salk.

Without the minions in the media spreading fear, which is really all that they ever do 24/7, we would likely have more answers than we do right now.

Everything else in this thread is simply hand wringing and teeth gnashing, because it's far too complex in its scope that we will ever fully know the truth.
Those who are alive in 75 years will know the truth when the Pfizer trial death stats are released.

Psycho shot lovers, why doesn’t Pfizer want the stats released now?
Bull ******* ****.
If this were actually true, then there would be corresponding and horrible death tolls in shithole countries around the globe that did not have access to this new class of wonder drug......but that did not happen, did it? This means that these stats are very flawed, but unfortunately you cannot think critically, and only give credence to that which backs your paymaster's worldview.
Yes thank God it was not as bad as everyone thought it was going to be. Was overestimating the severity a "lie" or just being overly cautious? I don't know. It still did kill plenty of people though. And not all of them were elderly and infirm. Most were, yes. But not all. The vaccine was pretty effective until the new variants hit. Was not knowing that was going to happen a "lie"? I don't think so. It took a lot of people way too long to acknowledge certain truths, I will agree with you there.
Overestimating is a lie when a guy killed in a motorcycle accident is tested for covid and ruled a covid death. It's a lie. And **** like that happened.
My daughter works in an ER. 18 year old kid took a head shot. Died. Had covid. Counted as a covid death. And it's not anecdotal. It happened far too much.

And taking a long time to "acknowledge certain truths" is lying. If you know the truth, but fail to acknowledge it and keep saying something else, you are lying.

It's ok to say they lied about things. Not everything, but certainly enough to make a person skeptical.
Overestimating is a lie when a guy killed in a motorcycle accident is tested for covid and ruled a covid death. It's a lie. And **** like that happened.
My daughter works in an ER. 18 year old kid took a head shot. Died. Had covid. Counted as a covid death. And it's not anecdotal. It happened far too much.

And taking a long time to "acknowledge certain truths" is lying. If you know the truth, but fail to acknowledge it and keep saying something else, you are lying.

It's ok to say they lied about things. Not everything, but certainly enough to make a person skeptical.
Yup.. they had to inflate the numbers to scare the sheep from voting in person and allow fake ballots to flood key states.
Honestly, this entire thread can conclude with this information. Look, I get it, we were led to believe that this virus was the second coming of the black plague and that we were all going to die, so the manufacturers were granted emergency status to get it to the market as quickly as possible. If proper protocols were followed, it doesn't get out of phase II, and how some still support it's use is mindboggling. We have the right and obligation to question the science, because this is no where close to the research done by Jonas Salk.

Without the minions in the media spreading fear, which is really all that they ever do 24/7, we would likely have more answers than we do right now.

Everything else in this thread is simply hand wringing and teeth gnashing, because it's far too complex in its scope that we will ever fully know the truth.
Fraud is fraud, and that survives the government's grant of immunity from liability. This has not just been a little miss. The narrative continues to move the goal posts so that those who perpetrated this crime on people --- lockdowns, masks, scaremonging and the bad meds --- are not accountable.

Has anyone yet apologized to the unvaccinated who suffered job losses, mental and physiological damages, separations from families, exclusions from society, etc.??

This recent episode has literally been the worst damage to people since WWII. If this is an overstatement, please suggest different comparisons.
that was not the point at all.
ONE person died from this. ONE. a Single person. Not multiple. One solitary instance and the CDC gets heavy-handed.
OFTB suggests there were alternatives to eye drops, but that it was not the case for the covid mRNA shots.
This is believable if one does not understand natural immunity. Somewhat unfortunately, this god given blessing to those previously afflicted still has been hidden by most in government, in pharma, etc. Useless covid shots, costly lockdowns, economic disruption was all okay because some in power positions did not actually understand basic epidemiology.
Overestimating is a lie when a guy killed in a motorcycle accident is tested for covid and ruled a covid death. It's a lie. And **** like that happened.
My daughter works in an ER. 18 year old kid took a head shot. Died. Had covid. Counted as a covid death. And it's not anecdotal. It happened far too much.

And taking a long time to "acknowledge certain truths" is lying. If you know the truth, but fail to acknowledge it and keep saying something else, you are lying.

It's ok to say they lied about things. Not everything, but certainly enough to make a person skeptical.
This was/is NOT anecdotal.
I also saw this first hand……many times.
That's just your cherry picking of what was in the fact check.

The simple answer is this study does not compare people who died suddenly after vaccination with people who died suddenly after NOT being vaccinated. Therefore you cannot conclude that the myocarditis that was found was caused by the vaccine, because they might find the same rate of myocarditis in OTHER PEOPLE WHO DIED SUDDENLY. There is no control group. That is scientific study 101. You compare the rate of something in one group (vaccinated people who died suddenly) with the rate of something in another group (unvaccinated people who died suddenly). Without a control group you cannot draw cause and effect conclusions.

Furthermore several of these people had OTHER HEART CONDITIONS that could have caused myocarditis. Therefore you cannot conclude that it was the vaccine that caused the myocarditis in all of the cases, or in any of the cases.

Furthermore the numbers quoted in your post were inaccurate, according to the fact check.

I see you left out all of that in your analysis of the fact check and only quoted parts that make the conclusions seem vague.

Hmm, I wonder why.

I used the information I posted (instead of highlighting the entire article) to show that the article did not find the German study MISINFORMATION.

Even scientists they interviewed quoted in the article talked about causal links.

What your article you posted "to emphatically destroy misinformation" did was to say "while the German study can't emphatically say the vaccines caused the deaths, we likewise can't establish they didn't."

That isn't really refuting the study. It's saying it needs more investigation.

Something we all call for given the worldwide evidence of the dangers these vaccines pose.
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I don’t think you even know what you’re arguing anymore. Go back and quote yourself. You quote the 5,152, you then quote the graph as being cumulative. Now, you’re seemingly acknowledging the vast majority of the 5,152 weren’t in the data. What was the point of mentioning the 5,152 deaths then? The starting point is ZERO for both demographics.

Good lord, it took you 4 pages to figure out how lost you were on January 2019 and you accuse others of not understanding their own arguments??? :LOL::LOL::LOL:

You don't understand trends, that is clear, or basic math, also clear.

Let me see if I can finger paint a picture for you might get:

March 17, 2021 October, 2021
5,152 deaths up to that point. ------------------------------------------>>>>>>> 8,102 deaths up to that point

During that TIME SPAN - beginning at 5,152 deaths until October, another 2,950 people died.

You are all focused on 5,152 deaths as material to the conversation, just like you were sure January 2019 was what Supe was talking about.

It was starting point for a series of time for analysis. 5,152 didn't factor into any computation provided.

You're as equally lost now.

Walk it back, Tim.

For once....please for the love of god, for once...come up with your own lines. Show a single ounce of creativity?

“The vaccine are totally ineffective.

Nothing I have ever said. I have said they are piss poor, continue to devolve, and are dangerous. Over time...as the WA state data proves, the vaccines suck worse by the day.

What am I waiting for and how long?

Maybe another couple dozen of our "conspiracy theories" that were mocked that came true to continue to come true?

JUST WAIT Shortbus.

With each day, week, month more comes out. For instance the lockdowns you LOVED, supported, and cheered on....even the most ardent supporters are now saying they were utterly wrong, dangerous, and killed untold #s we won't be able to count for a decade...not to mention the destruction of wealth and the harms they did to our kids.

Even Dr. Doom Leana Wen has said "we were wrong." I posted the beautiful Newsweek article even OFTB supported.

You? You'll never, ever give in and admit an inch of defeat, despite mountains of evidence.

Ideology. It's scary ****.
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Yes thank God it was not as bad as everyone thought it was going to be. Was overestimating the severity a "lie" or just being overly cautious? I don't know.

I do. Most do. It was a lie.

Had they STOPPED overhyping it 2 months in, we'd have forgiven. They could have walked it back. "We thought it was super deadly, turns out it's not." Nope. They didn't. They milked it politically and for power. They had countless chances to walk it back. Refused.

But still TO THIS DAY Covid Emergency Power remains in effect until May 11.

The first 2 months, maybe 3...we'd have said "ok they got it wrong." The fact that they pushed this for so long is evidence that deceit was involved and the situation was capitalized upon.

This wasn't over caution. It was deceit.
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Dipshit. Please provide actual stats, not hyperbolic media reports; its like you somehow benefit from continual dis-information.

Here is the first chart I found, with India at the bottom, demonstrating your poor attempt to use shoddy journalism to misrepresent reality:

You will notice that India, the country you inexplicably chose, demonstrates my point precisely, both about the lack of covid deaths and your ****** up understanding of same.

Remember when @Tibs was here, and called India a "raging inferno" making Floggy salivate with excitement...and it all turned out to be just utter BS?

Citing India is fools gold. Excellent retort.
You argue Ivermectin and claim age is all I got? So, you think Ivermectin is a better predictor of surviving Covid than age? Christ, you’re delusional! Again, why trust western medicine at all?

You really do need to go back and get your GED. If you re-read the original post, I didn't argue "just" Ivermectin.

Go back. Go very very very very very slow and re-read it.

Then answer...why did the poorest continent, the continent with the lowest level of medical care and nutrition, the continent with the lowest amount of vaccination by far (they didn't even compete) not suffer from Covid....

They didn't vaccinate their population. They are malnourished. They have poor healthcare.

Africa should have been utterly wiped out by Covid.


Hmmm. What are the difference that led to them being A-OK. All you got is age. We laugh at you.
I do. Most do. It was a lie.

Had they STOPPED overhyping it 2 months in, we'd have forgiven. They could have walked it back. "We thought it was super deadly, turns out it's not." Nope. They didn't. They milked it politically and for power. They had countless chances to walk it back. Refused.

But still TO THIS DAY Covid Emergency Power remains in effect until May 18.

The first 2 months, maybe 3...we'd have said "ok they got it wrong." The fact that they pushed this for so long is evidence that deceit was involved and the situation was capitalized upon.

This wasn't over caution. It was deceit.
Wasn’t the initial plan 14 days to flatten the curve?
that was not the point at all.
ONE person died from this. ONE. a Single person. Not multiple. One solitary instance and the CDC gets heavy-handed.

Well they could PROVE that person died from it, so ban it.

A reported 100,000 possible deaths on VAERS and a dozen other systems? Pfffft...can't prove it. Keep injecting.
Wasn’t the initial plan 14 days to flatten the curve?

Yep. Until...they all listened to Rahm.

"Never let a crisis go to waste."

No truer words have ever been spoken.

No greater example of it being put into play has ever been seen.
OFTB suggests there were alternatives to eye drops, but that it was not the case for the covid mRNA shots.
This is believable if one does not understand natural immunity. Somewhat unfortunately, this god given blessing to those previously afflicted still has been hidden by most in government, in pharma, etc. Useless covid shots, costly lockdowns, economic disruption was all okay because some in power positions did not actually understand basic epidemiology.
First disease in my lifetime where Natural antibodies were said to be useless. Utterly ridiculous. And people bought it. But I guess that wasn’t a lie either.