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Covid Vaccine

Just a reminder for those who need it ... a trip down Covid memory lane:

COVID-19 ��
There’s something very strange going on with this COVID thing. I’ve been a pharmacist for 43 years, 30 years as an owner. It’s December 12, 2020, well into the “flu season.” I have not dispensed any Tamiflu this season whatsoever. Tamiflu generic is the most prescribed medication for the flu, once you’re diagnosed. Extremely effective.


I asked my friend Mike, who works as a salesman for a major national wholesaler, how much Tamiflu and generic has he sold to Pharmacies this season. He hasn’t sold any. He has 75 accounts of independent pharmacies across the United States.
By now, it’s well known that Covid tests give false positives. How many of these false positives are actually “the flu”? How many are just “the common cold”? Why does the CDC report daily case numbers & deaths for Covid and not for the flu?

Yep x 2.

CDC says Covid is more deadly than the flu. Well, if you’re potentially taking a large number of flu cases and bundling them into the Covid numbers, then yes, the perception is that it is more deadly.

Yep x 3.

I believe we are being played. YES, COVID is REAL, it CAN BE DEADLY. We now have drug regimens to treat Covid effectively, one being Dr. Zev Zelenko’s regimen, among others. I believe the Covid numbers are being skewed upward, on purpose to continue instilling fear and panic into people, for governments to continue with lockdowns, for more small businesses to be put out, for more people to commit suicide, or others; for more and more social upheaval. Why? Total population control through fear.

Wow. 100% correct, in every respect.

If we are so obedient to wear masks, stand here, don’t stand there, obedient to get a new vaccine, obedient to carry proof you’ve gotten the vaccine: otherwise you won’t be able to fly; then it will be buses, trains, taxis, Ubers, Target, Wal-Mart, grocery stores..everything. Just like that.
You’re slowly giving up your freedoms to a virus that has a 99.4% survival rate, according to the CDC. And the vaccine? Like I’ve told my customers all these years; don’t be the first on your block to try anything new. They really don’t know what they’ll find out in 6 months, a year, 5 years & longer, that can be attributed to the vaccine. It’s way past time for people to take their heads out of their a** and start thinking for themselves. Done.
Harvey Staub

Mr. Staub was right in every respect. Every single thing he worried about is true. The Covid propaganda worked beautifully. We willingly gave up our jobs, our ability to travel, see loved ones, wore useless masks, and took a brand new vax.

We were played and those who tried to warn us were vilified.
Damning information. Damning.

What Happened in Hospitals During Covid?​

Hospitals should be places you can trust to provide comfort and healing when you’re most vulnerable. But that trust may have been shattered by brutal Covid protocols that critics claim turned many hospitals into hellscapes of systematic medical murder.

The victims’ stories have been muffled by the mainstream media, but they’re starting to break through. For one thing, lawsuits against three hospitals have been filed in California by 14 bereaved families who claim their loved ones were killed by a deadly protocol. Meanwhile, activist organizations like Protocol Kills, the FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation, and American Frontline Nurses are collecting and documenting stories from bereaved families about what happened to their loved ones when they entered a hospital hoping for healing and, instead, were led to bizarre and tortured deaths.

I find it heartbreaking to read their stories, which share a haunting similarity, a feeling of being trapped in a highly organized nightmare. The ritual progresses in predictable stages: first, the patient is isolated from family, who are unable to advocate for their loved one or monitor what’s happening. Next, the patient is diagnosed with Covid-19 or Covid pneumonia, even if they came to the hospital because of a broken arm. Then, they’re bullied into getting remdesivir, a highly toxic drug which killed 53 percent of Ebola patients who had the misfortune to take it. Next, according to the California lawsuit, “They are placed on a BiPap machine at a high rate, making it difficult for them to breathe. Their hands are often tied down so they can’t take the BiPap machine off their face.”

I know this is getting unbearably painful to read, but stay with me to the bitter end to memorialize the victims’ suffering. As the patients writhe in agony, psychiatrists are brought in to diagnose them with agitation and sedate them. Now, shot up with remdesivir, sedated with drugs that make it tough to breathe against the BiPap ventilator, and strapped down in restraints, the victims are denied food and sometimes even water. Should they try to summon help, they may find the hospital played a vicious trick on them, placing their phone and call button for the nurse out of reach. In the final stages, they are intubated and slowly die alone, left to rot into a skeletal corpse with bed sores. Is this America?

It’s almost impossible to comprehend the magnitude of this moral collapse. How did doctors and nurses who spent years studying so they could help people all of a sudden turn into ruthless sadists, presiding over enforced deaths? How did hospitals metastasize from places of healing into chambers of horror? According to the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), the answer is quite simple: money. The federal government incentivized this protocol with massive payouts to the hospitals. AAPS writes, “Our formerly trusted medical community of hospitals and hospital-employed medical staff have effectively become “bounty hunters” for your life.”

AAPS explains that two Covid emergency acts from the government created this catastrophic loss of life. The CARES Act, a $2 trillion stimulus package, was passed in 2020, purportedly to ease the financial impact of Covid on American families. It provided gigantic bonuses to hospitals to institute federal protocols on Covid, ensuring that Covid would be massively diagnosed and treated with deadly combinations of remdesivir, ventilators, and other lethal methods.

Now that this top-down death protocol was bought and paid for, the government made sure that patients and their families were helpless to fight against it. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) granted waivers to hospitals allowing them to remove critical patient rights. Your ability to give informed consent, receive visitors, and be free from solitary confinement – gone! Vanished, obliterated with a single magical government “waiver.”

These actions destroyed the ability of doctors to make independent judgements based on their patients’ needs and turned highly trained medical staff into killer robots obeying the federal government’s commands. If you want to understand the enormity of the government money gusher, here’s AAPS on what the hospital payments included:
  • A “free” required PCR test in the Emergency Room or upon admission for every patient, with government-paid fee to hospital.
  • Added bonus payment for each positive COVID-19 diagnosis.
  • Another bonus for a COVID-19 admission to the hospital.
  • A 20 percent “boost” bonus payment from Medicare on the entire hospital bill for use of remdesivir instead of medicines such as Ivermectin.
  • Another and larger bonus payment to the hospital if a COVID-19 patient is mechanically ventilated.
  • More money to the hospital if cause of death is listed as COVID-19, even if patient did not die directly of COVID-19.
  • A COVID-19 diagnosis also provides extra payments to coroners.
Hundreds of thousands of Americans may have died due to these protocols, and we urgently need an investigation into this butchery. Who designed this protocol, which forbade safe drugs like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, and incentivized known toxins like remdesivir? Who enforced it? Were hospital administrators personally rewarded for their participation in this scheme? Were patients illegally deprived of their constitutional rights and defrauded with phony medical information? Why were patients denied nutrition and water? How was hospital staff forced to comply? Where’s the money trail? Who signed off on it?

Understanding what happened in the hospitals is a crucial piece of solving the Covid puzzle. A vast ecosystem of confusion, manipulation, and artificially induced panic was created by the government and their media lackeys to stampede the public into welcoming soul-crushing lockdowns and dangerous experimental injections. Hospitals were shut down for elective surgeries, depriving them of their usual income and making them more desperate for government payouts. Covid patients were forced into nursing homes, immediately killing thousands of frail victims and terrifying the public with the skyrocketing death count. Safe, widely used drugs like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin were demonized, and studies were fabricated to lie about their effectiveness. Doctors and scientists who tried to speak the truth were fired, investigated, and censored. Why?

We’re living through a time of historic crimes against humanity, rife with atrocities that once would have been unimaginable in America. We don’t yet know how many innocent people were killed in the hospitals during Covid, but whatever that number is -- some experts estimate hundreds of thousands -- it’s too many. Every one of those innocent dead was someone’s son, daughter, mother, father, husband, wife, friend.

For all the faceless dead, let’s pause for a moment to pay tribute to Grace Schara, a sweet 19-year-old girl with Down Syndrome who died on October 13, 2021, at St. Elizabeth Hospital in Appleton, Wisconsin. Grace was injected with a lethal mix of sedatives and as she sank into death, her sister was prevented from seeing her by an armed guard. Her parents begged over Facetime for the nurse to save her, but they were told that Grace was coded DNR (Do Not Resuscitate), although they had ordered the hospital to take all life-saving measures. Alone, uncomprehending, and in pain, Grace slowly died as her parents watched on Facetime. Her father, Scott Schara, is now suing the hospital to “pave the way for thousands of other victims’ families to file similar claims.” Grace was loved. May her memory be a blessing and an inspiration.
  • Angry
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Germany is waking up. May other nations start to follow.

Vaccine injuries become the dominant theme of German reporting on the mRNA jabs...​

The number of unflattering press stories has been growing since the bivalents flopped last Fall.​

Last month, German Health Minister and renowned virus pest Karl Lauterbach gave a remarkable interview in which he denounced “exorbitant” pharmaceutical profits, deplored “dismaying” vaccine injuries, and called for the manufacturers to set aside funds for those who have been harmed. He did so amid a growing wave of reporting on vaccine injuries in the German press – a wave which his statements have now turned into a tsunami. In the weeks since, vaccine injuries and side effects have become the dominant theme of German press coverage on the jabs, from local papers to national media.

It’s been a serious shift, the likes of which I’m not sure has unfolded in any other country. To give you a taste of it, I’ve assembled a representative selection of stories from the last eight weeks or so, in roughly reverse chronological order. As you read through them, remember that these are all links to publications read by ordinary people...
  • From the national tabloid BILD:
    He lost his sight: Dietmar S. sues Biontech for 150,000 Euros.

    Dietmar S. became as good as blind in his right eye following Covid vaccination. Now the case is going to trial.
  • From Der Spiegel:
    “The problems are hushed up”: Marburg cardiologist Bernhard Schieffer treats people who suffer from long-term symptoms after Covid vaccinations. He criticises the lack of support – and Health Minister Karl Lauterbach.
  • From the Hessische/Niedersäschsische Allgemeine, a regional paper:
    Post-Vac: “My life is no longer like before” – Sick after Covid vaccination.

    Almost five million people in Hesse have been vaccinated against Covid-19. Some have developed serious illnesses afterwards. One of them is Dieter Gebert from Kassel.
  • From the local Frankfurter Neue Presse:
    Lupus after Covid vaccination: A young woman from Hesse is treated in special Cologne clinic.

    19-year-old Juline from Butzbach was severely injured by a Corona vaccination and now requires expensive immunoadsorption.
  • From the state media behemoth ZDF:
    Covid vaccine injury: Do manufacturers face liability? Anyone who has suffered vaccine damage can take action against the vaccine manufacturers and apply for state benefits. But the hurdles for compensation are high.
  • From tagesschau, a major state media news service:
    Soon the first lawsuits will start: Across Germany, there are almost 200 civil lawsuits against Corona vaccine manufacturers like BioNTech. The plaintiffs claim to have been harmed by the vaccination.
  • From the regional Schwäbische Zeitung:
    Injection with an aftermath: A man from Sigmaringen suffered a stroke after Covid vaccination

    Shortly after the second jab, Bernhard Strobel collapsed. He still feels the consequences today. Now he is going to court.
  • Again from BILD:
    VACCINE INJURY! 1ST CASE BEFORE THE COURT: Oxana G. (35) is wheelchair-bound following Covid vaccination.

    Across Germany, 185 civil lawsuits are pending because of damages caused by Corona vaccinations. Oxana G. (35) is one of the injured parties. The fact that the courts are finally dealing with her case is already seen as a success by the woman from Halle: “I have lost my life - as I knew it before. I hope that my family and I will finally receive compensation and help.”
  • From hessenschau, a publication of the regional Hessischer Rundfunk:
    Sick following Covid vaccination: Why official points of contact [for the vaccine injured] are necessary.

    Around 5 million people in Hesse have been vaccinated against Corona. Some have become seriously ill as a result of the vaccination. Those affected often fail in their search for medical expertise; they feel abandoned by the health system and the state.
  • From Die Zeit, Germany’s largest weekly newspaper:
    What we know about Covid vaccine injury: Karl Lauterbach has promised victims of vaccine damage faster help - and caused confusion about how common it is in the first place. The state of the question.
  • From the Berliner Zeitung:
    Covid vaccine researcher: “Allegations must be investigated immediately.” Vaccine researcher Carlos A. Guzmán talks about the benefits, limitations and side effects of the Covid vaccine – as well as allegations of inconsistencies in the approval process.
  • From the Bamberg-based news portal inFranken:
    Pensioner (87) dies eight months after Covid vaccination – his son’s lawsuit fails.

    After an elderly man died within a few months of Covid vaccination, his son filed a lawsuit against the doctor. He has now failed before the Landgericht.
  • Again from ZDF:
    The suffering of Covid vaccine victims: Long-term complaints can occur following a Corona infection. Vaccination is supposed to protect against this – but it can also have side effects. What’s next for the vaccine-injured?
  • From Tagesspiegel:
    Possible heart damage after Covid vaccination: Woman sues BioNTech for damages. The company is facing its first civil lawsuit for alleged damages caused by the Corona vaccine. The trial is scheduled to begin on 15 March at the Frankfurter Landgericht.

The trend is so dominant that it colours all other reporting on Covid and the vaccines. It’s hard to miss the subtle anxiety at work in pieces like this one from the Vienna-based Standard, asking whether we’ll have to vaccinate ourselves against Corona every year from here on out, or the not-so-veiled notes of hope in ZDF reporting on successful Phase 1 trials of the German nasal vaccine. What’s the big deal about regular vaccination and why should we care about new live attenuated vaccines, if the mRNA jabs were God’s gift to man?

There are clear, encouraging patterns here. The reporting originally surrounded lawsuits brought against the vaccine manufacturers, but has steadily assumed a more general focus. Regional and local papers are carrying a big share of these stories, with major state media playing a supporting role. The publications most popular with German biens pensants, meanwhile, like Süddeutsche Zeitung and Die Zeit and even Frankfurter Allgemeine, are pointedly underrepresented. This is a trend driven from the bottom up by popular interest, and in that it is the opposite of much Covid reporting since 2020.

Of course, these stories have always been out there, but until the last few months, enthusiasm for the vaccines was sufficient to suppress them. As with all pandemic policies, mass vaccination exhibits qualities of inertia. Obsession steadily grew through the summer months of 2021, as the jab failed to eradicate Covid, and achieved a frenzied peak around December 2021. There was nothing to do about the insane mania and its manifold irrationality back then, and the steady disenchantment with these products will prove just as inexorable.

This isn’t the repudiation I would have chosen. The focus on isolated stories allows the very same press outlets to recycle WHO propaganda that the vaccines have saved a million European lives, and to repeat uncritically the claims of foolish regulators that “vaccination was the decisive factor” in ending the pandemic. I also have reservations about the emerging discussion of “Post-Vac Syndrome” – not because I doubt that the vaccines have made people sick, but because it seems to be built from the same ill-defined grab-bag of fibromyalgia-adjacent symptoms as Long Covid. This is a continuation of the media-supported myth that vaccine injuries are merely a subset of the long-term sequelae from Covid itself, and it’s a not-so-subtle way to preempt any kind of cost-benefit analysis. But, for a pandemic that was also built largely on innumerate anecdotes, and a media that has proven chronically unable to notice basic patterns or count things, perhaps this is the only repudiation that was ever possible.

The pharmaceuticals have made a lot of money, but their mRNA vaccines have failed. The Robert Koch Institut have stopped updating their vaccine dashboard, after almost four months of totally flatlined uptake; one of the foremost mRNA promoters, Bill Gates, has called the jabs a disappointment and compared them unfavourably to masks, of all things; and BioNTech, facing a revenue decline of 70 percent, have announced an impending return to mRNA-based cancer therapies – their original focus upon their founding in 2008, where they’ve never enjoyed particular success. Perhaps if the vaccinators had proceeded cautiously, limiting their promises and jabbing only the most vulnerable on a strictly voluntary basis, they could’ve preserved some future for their doubtful products. Instead, they oversold and over-administered their snake oil, and two years later most people have decided they don’t like it very much.
Damn. Going straight after Fauci, blaming our excess deaths on Remdesivir, which they knew would kill you. Watch the Dr. Paul Marik video.

.@RobertKennedyJr: "Tony Fauci Knew That Remdesivir Would Kill You"

"How does it kill you?" he asked. "Kidney failure, heart failure, and all-organ collapse."

"All the doctors said. You heard it again and again. 'We've never seen a virus that attacks the kidneys.' Because it… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Death by Remdesivir: Under Fauci, We Had the Highest Body Count in the World

"It [Remdesivir] was Tony Fauci's pet drug. We were the only ones that had it for a year. And we – in our country – we have 4.2% of the global population; we had almost 20% of global deaths from COVID.… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Dr. Paul Marik (@drpaulmarik1) in January 2022:

"The federal government is incentivizing hospitals to prescribe a medication which is toxic."
'It Has No Place in Medicine': The U.S. Government Will Give a 20% Bonus for Prescribing a Toxic Drug

Dr. Paul Marik (in December 2022) recalled how his hospital did not allow him to use methylprednisolone or vitamin C for Covid-19. Instead, they wanted him to use remdesivir, a… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Dr. David Martin: 'We Murdered People' With Remdesivir

"It [Remdesivir] was so deadly that the World Health Organization itself pulled the drug from consideration for Ebola treatments," denoted Dr. Martin.

"We let that publication of information in 2018 fail to inform our… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Damn. Going straight after Fauci, blaming our excess deaths on Remdesivir, which they knew would kill you. Watch the Dr. Paul Marik video.

.@RobertKennedyJr: "Tony Fauci Knew That Remdesivir Would Kill You"

"How does it kill you?" he asked. "Kidney failure, heart failure, and all-organ collapse."

"All the doctors said. You heard it again and again. 'We've never seen a virus that attacks the kidneys.' Because it… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Death by Remdesivir: Under Fauci, We Had the Highest Body Count in the World

"It [Remdesivir] was Tony Fauci's pet drug. We were the only ones that had it for a year. And we – in our country – we have 4.2% of the global population; we had almost 20% of global deaths from COVID.… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Dr. Paul Marik (@drpaulmarik1) in January 2022:

"The federal government is incentivizing hospitals to prescribe a medication which is toxic."
'It Has No Place in Medicine': The U.S. Government Will Give a 20% Bonus for Prescribing a Toxic Drug

Dr. Paul Marik (in December 2022) recalled how his hospital did not allow him to use methylprednisolone or vitamin C for Covid-19. Instead, they wanted him to use remdesivir, a… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Dr. David Martin: 'We Murdered People' With Remdesivir

"It [Remdesivir] was so deadly that the World Health Organization itself pulled the drug from consideration for Ebola treatments," denoted Dr. Martin.

"We let that publication of information in 2018 fail to inform our… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
to be fair, Trump took this.

would that be nefarious?
Just a reminder for those who need it ... a trip down Covid memory lane:


Yep x 2.

Yep x 3.

Wow. 100% correct, in every respect.

Mr. Staub was right in every respect. Every single thing he worried about is true. The Covid propaganda worked beautifully. We willingly gave up our jobs, our ability to travel, see loved ones, wore useless masks, and took a brand new vax.

We were played and those who tried to warn us were vilified.
I’ve had covid twice and while I can say it was a mild illness for me both times it was quite different from the flu. Flu was likely way down because of social distancing (and I don’t mean the 6 feet apart business but schools being closed, a huge reduction in other large gatherings etc. ) and mask wearing
I’ve had covid twice and while I can say it was a mild illness for me both times it was quite different from the flu. Flu was likely way down because of social distancing (and I don’t mean the 6 feet apart business but schools being closed, a huge reduction in other large gatherings etc. ) and mask wearing
I think it was the hand sanitizing more than anything else. But yes, the flu was greatly reduced. I think the mask reduced the likelihood of getting the flu but didn't do much for covid.
Just wait we said...

10 myths told by COVID experts — and now debunked

In the past few weeks, a series of analyses published by highly respected researchers have exposed a truth about public health officials during COVID:

Much of the time, they were wrong.

To be clear, public health officials were not wrong for making recommendations based on what was known at the time.

That’s understandable. You go with the data you have.

No, they were wrong because they refused to change their directives in the face of new evidence.

When a study did not support their policies, they dismissed it and censored opposing opinions.

At the same time, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention weaponized research itself by putting out its own flawed studies in its own non-peer-reviewed medical journal, MMWR.

In the final analysis, public health officials actively propagated misinformation that ruined lives and forever damaged public trust in the medical profession.

Here are 10 ways they misled Americans:

Misinformation #1: Natural immunity offers little protection compared to vaccinated immunity

A Lancet study looked at 65 major studies in 19 countries on natural immunity. The researchers concluded that natural immunity was at least as effective as the primary COVID vaccine series.

In fact, the scientific data was there all along — from 160 studies, despite the findings of these studies violating Facebook’s “misinformation” policy.

Since the Athenian plague of 430 BC, it has been observed that those who recovered after infection were protected against severe disease if reinfected.

That was also the observation of nearly every practicing physician during the first 18 months of the COVID pandemic.

Most Americans who were fired for not having the COVID vaccine already had antibodies that effectively neutralized the virus, but they were antibodies that the government did not recognize.

Misinformation #2: Masks prevent COVID transmission

Cochran Reviews are considered the most authoritative and independent assessment of the evidence in medicine.

And one published last month by a highly respected Oxford research team found that masks had no significant impact on COVID transmission.

When asked about this definitive review, CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky downplayed it, arguing that it was flawed because it focused on randomized controlled studies.

But that was the greatest strength of the review! Randomized studies are considered the gold standard of medical evidence.

If all the energy used by public health officials to mask toddlers could have been channeled to reduce child obesity by encouraging outdoor activities, we would be better off.

Misinformation #3: School closures reduce COVID transmission

The CDC ignored the European experience of keeping schools open, most without mask mandates.

Transmission rates were no different, evidenced by studies conducted in Spain and Sweden.

Misinformation #4: Myocarditis from the vaccine is less common than from the infection

Public health officials downplayed concerns about vaccine-induced myocarditis — or inflammation of the heart muscle.

They cited poorly designed studies that under-captured complication rates.

A flurry of well-designed studies said the opposite.

We now know that myocarditis is six to 28 times more common after the COVID vaccine than after the infection among 16- to 24-year-old males.

Tens of thousands of children likely got myocarditis, mostly subclinical, from a COVID vaccine they did not need because they were entirely healthy or because they already had COVID.

Misinformation #5: Young people benefit from a vaccine booster

Boosters reduced hospitalizations in older, high-risk Americans.

But the evidence was never there that they lower COVID mortality in young, healthy people.

That’s probably why the CDC chose not to publish its data on hospitalization rates among boosted Americans under 50, when it published the same rates for those over 50.

Ultimately, White House pressure to recommend boosters for all was so intense that the FDA’s two top vaccine experts left the agency in protest, writing scathing articles on how the data did not support boosters for young people.

Misinformation #6: Vaccine mandates increased vaccination rates

President Biden and other officials demanded that unvaccinated workers, regardless of their risk or natural immunity, be fired.

They demanded that soldiers be dishonorably discharged and nurses be laid off in the middle of a staffing crisis.

The mandate was based on the theory that vaccination reduced transmission rates — a notion later proven to be false.

But after the broad recognition that vaccination does not reduce transmission, the mandates persisted, and still do to this day.

A recent study from George Mason University details how vaccine mandates in nine major US cities had no impact on vaccination rates.

They also had no impact on COVID transmission rates.

Misinformation #7: COVID originating from the Wuhan lab is a conspiracy theory

Google admitted to suppressing searches of “lab leak” during the pandemic.

Dr. Francis Collins, head of the National Institutes of Health, claimed (and still does) he didn’t believe the virus came from a lab.

Ultimately, overwhelming circumstantial evidence points to a lab leak origin — the same origin suggested to Dr. Anthony Fauci by two very prominent virologists in a January 2020 meeting he assembled at the beginning of the pandemic.

According to documents obtained by Bret Baier of Fox News, they told Fauci and Collins that the virus may have been manipulated and originated in the lab, but then suddenly changed their tune in public comments days after meeting with the NIH officials.

The virologists were later awarded nearly $9 million from Fauci’s agency.

...to be continued

Misinformation #8: It was important to get the second vaccine dose three or four weeks after the first dose

Data were clear in the spring of 2021, just months after the vaccine rollout, that spacing the vaccine out by three months reduces complication rates and increases immunity.

Spacing out vaccines would have also saved more lives when Americans were rationing a limited vaccine supply at the height of the epidemic.

Misinformation #9: Data on the bivalent vaccine is ‘crystal clear’

Dr. Ashish Jha famously said this, despite the bivalent vaccine being approved using data from eight mice.

To date, there has never been a randomized controlled trial of the bivalent vaccine.

In my opinion, the data are crystal clear that young people should not get the bivalent vaccine.

It would have also spared many children myocarditis.

Misinformation #10: One in five people get long COVID

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention claims that 20% of COVID infections can result in long COVID.

But a UK study found that only 3% of COVID patients had residual symptoms lasting 12 weeks. What explains the disparity?

It’s often normal to experience mild fatigue or weakness for weeks after being sick and inactive and not eating well.

Calling these cases long COVID is the medicalization of ordinary life.

What’s most amazing about all the misinformation conveyed by CDC and public health officials is that there have been no apologies for holding on to their recommendations for so long after the data became apparent that they were dead wrong.

Public health officials said “you must” when the correct answer should have been “we’re not sure.”

Early on, in the absence of good data, public health officials chose a path of stern paternalism.

Today, they are in denial of a mountain of strong studies showing that they were wrong.

At minimum, the CDC should come clean and the FDA should add a warning label to COVID vaccines, clearly stating what is now known.

A mea culpa by those who led us astray would be a first step to rebuilding trust.
Second half of this is money.

Shady **** re: Moderna coming out as well.

In February 2021, Moderna scientists published results from the Phase 2 trial of the company’s mRNA Covid jab in the journal Vaccine.

Moderna had started the “P201” trial with 600 healthy volunteers on May 29, 2020, mostly to examine if the shots were safe.

The company had good news on that front. In the “Highlights” section at the top of the paper, Moderna’s scientists reported:

No serious adverse effects were observed.

That statement was untrue.

Oddly, later in the paper, Moderna’s scientists contradicted what they had said in the Highlights section. They noted the company had received a single report of a serious side effect in a jab recipient, a case of pneumonia that lasted almost a month.

That statement was also untrue.

Two months before the Vaccine paper, Moderna had reported not one but three cases of serious side effects in P201 trial subjects who received mRNA to the Food and Drug Administration.

The FDA downplayed the side effect reports, including the pneumonia case, saying it did not believe they were related to the shot.

But serious side effects in the jab recipients continued after the company’s initial disclosures to the FDA.

By the time Moderna’s scientists finished revising the Vaccine paper in early February, the company may have received up to four more reports of serious side effects. In all, during the placebo-controlled phase of the trial, which ended in early 2021, seven of the 400 healthy volunteers who received a two-shot regimen of Moderna’s vaccine suffered serious side effects. (Two hundred of those volunteers received the 100-microgram dose that became the approved version, while another 200 received a lower 50-microgram dose.)

The problems included a heart attack and two miscarriages.

In comparison, the 200 people who received a placebo shot without any mRNA had no serious side effects.

Seven vs. zero.

And after the placebo-controlled phase of the trial ended, more side effects piled up when trial subjects received a booster. Those problems included a third miscarriage.

By the time Moderna stopped collecting safety data from the trial in mid-2021, 14 out of 550 people who received jabs in the trial had suffered serious side effects. (The number of subjects who received mRNA in the P201 trial rose in early 2021 when Moderna broke the trial blind and offered placebo recipients the shot. 158 of them took it.)

The company never updated the Vaccine paper with any of these reports. On December 30, 2022 the federal clinicaltrials.gov Website quietly posted final safety data from P201, including all the serious adverse event reports.





Why Moderna did not disclose accurate side effect data in the Vaccine paper is not clear, especially considering that the FDA had already mentioned some of the reports, albeit in an appendix on the final page of a 54-page report.

The company may simply not have wanted to admit them in February 2021, as complaints of side effects flooded into the federal VAERS database, raising concerns the jabs were not as safe as regulators and the companies had claimed.

Moderna declined to respond to or even acknowledge a detailed list of questions sent repeatedly to its press office for this story.




Beyond calling Moderna’s honesty into question, the P201 data raise a broader and arguably even more troubling issue.

Because it started in May 2020, two months before the big pivotal trials, the P201 trial had a placebo-controlled arm for longer than any other mRNA Covid jab trial.

Regulators and public health experts had always believed that if the shots had side effects, they would be evident quickly. Moncef Slaoui, the head of Operation Warp Speed, the government program that helped develop the jabs, told federal officials that 99 percent of side effects from vaccines became visible within 60 days.

But the gap in serious side effects between placebo and vaccine recipients widened for as long as the P201 trial progressed, belying Slaoui’s assumption.

The P201 results raise the question of what might have happened if regulators had forced Moderna and Pfizer to continue collecting placebo-controlled safety their much larger pivotal Phase 3 clinical trials for even two or three more months in early 2021.

Instead, almost immediately after regulators okayed the use of the mRNA Covid shots in December 2020, Pfizer and Moderna offered placebo recipients in P201 and the big trials the chance to take the active vaccine. Most did.

As a result, we do not have and will never have long-term safety data comparing people who received the jabs with those who received a placebo. The P201 safety dataset is the longest publicly available.

It is not comforting.

The miscarriage reports are striking, given the small number of women of childbearing age - almost certainly no more than 150, and possibly closer to 100 - in the trial.

Worse, in its final report on side effects, Moderna disclosed a third miscarriage in 2021 in a P201 trial subject after she received a booster shot. (Moderna began testing boosters on the P201 trialists in January 2021, at a time when the public was being told that Covid boosters would probably not be needed for years, if ever.)

In all, in its final report, Moderna counted a total of 11 people who suffered serious side effects among about 350 people who received the jabs plus a single booster shot.

In addition, two placebo recipients suffered serious side effects after the trial was unblinded and they took the jab. Finally, in the trial’s final phase, Moderna gave 60 people a second booster; one of those 60 developed stage four cancer.

In all, 14 people who received jabs in the trial suffered serious side effects.

These trialists were a generally healthy group - healthier than the Phase 3 trialists, or average Americans. For example, Moderna excluded people with diabetes from P201, and few people in the trial were obese.

Aside from miscarriages, the other serious side effects are mainly cardiovascular, with six total. Despite the relative health of the participants, they include heart rhythm disorders, the heart attack, pericarditis, and a pulmonary embolism.

Throughout the trial Moderna downplayed the significance of the side effects to regulators, claiming they were unrelated to the jabs. In a December 2021 report on the side effects that followed the booster shot, Australian regulators reported that “all were considered by the investigator [the Moderna-paid scientists who conducted the trial] to be not related to mRNA-1273.”

And Moderna would never lie.
those motherfuckerz!!
Fake news
Tucker Carlson
The vaccines are safe
Ya'll are killing people
OFTB will be around soon with some peer reviewed data to make you feel better while your government reduces your liberty to test experimental drugs on your family.

And you will like it.
The fallout from the Iraq invasion, Russia, Russia, Russia!, and the vax is that I don't believe a single thing my government tells me. Not a syllable. Yeah, maybe I'm late to the party but if somebody like me - who spent his whole life reading about the rules and following rules - now for very good reason does not believe anything the government tells me, that is a bad thing.

That is why I know - and I mean I KNOW for a fact - the government is lying about Ukraine. They are lying about why they are dedicating our money and resources to that corrupt nation, the effect on our ability to defend ourselves, and who is making money from the scam and why.

When independent thinkers challenge the government narrative about Ukraine, the lying liars respond, "We have always been at war with Eastasia." Wow, wonder why I think they're lying ... again.
The fallout from the Iraq invasion, Russia, Russia, Russia!, and the vax is that I don't believe a single thing my government tells me. Not a syllable.

Surprisingly, too many still do. Even rational, thinking people like OFTB. Tens of millions cheer for the lies and the deception (uneducated, or intentionally obtuse Dems)

Yeah, maybe I'm late to the party but if somebody like me - who spent his whole life reading about the rules and following rules - now for very good reason does not believe anything the government tells me, that is a bad thing.


That is why I know - and I mean I KNOW for a fact - the government is lying about Ukraine. They are lying about why they are dedicating our money and resources to that corrupt nation, the effect on our ability to defend ourselves, and who is making money from the scam and why.

This realization and discussing it is one of the main reasons Murdoch fired Tucker. When media voices are being silenced for speaking their truth about Ukraine, you know it is sinister. And it is.

When independent thinkers challenge the government narrative about Ukraine, the lying liars respond, "We have always been at war with Eastasia." Wow, wonder why I think they're lying ... again.

No wonder involved. They are lying.
I think it was the hand sanitizing more than anything else. But yes, the flu was greatly reduced. I think the mask reduced the likelihood of getting the flu but didn't do much for covid.

Difference is it just disappeared. Literally, no flu season in 2021. Nada. Zilch. Poof.


I get the logic - "we masked, we social distanced." Great. Those measures would have reduced the flu burden. Not remove it. We had no flu season.

I laugh at those who believe masking and social distancing caused this massive elimination of the flu. A reduction, yes, elimination, no. The Government and media continuing to explain the eradication of the flu only serves to further brainwash people into believing that masking and social distancing does work. That empowers idiot universities to do things like propose mask mandates during flu seasons, etc. It pushes further misinformation and junk science on people.

What really happened (my theory)? Covid testing was ****. Always was. Tons of false positives. People with the flu were mistakenly being diagnosed with Covid. It over-inflated the Covid numbers. Hid the real flu numbers.

The flu didn't disappear. It just got buried into the plandemic numbers.

We were played.
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Difference is it just disappeared. Literally, no flu season in 2021. Nada. Zilch. Poof.

View attachment 10853

I get the logic - "we masked, we social distanced." Great. Those measures would have reduced the flu burden. Not remove it. We had no flu season.

I laugh at those who believe masking and social distancing caused this massive elimination of the flu. A reduction, yes, elimination, no. The Government and media continuing to explain the eradication of the flu only serves to further brainwash people into believing that masking and social distancing does work. That empowers idiot universities to do things like propose mask mandates during flu seasons, etc. It pushes further misinformation and junk science on people.

What really happened (my theory)? Covid testing was ****. Always was. Tons of false positives. People with the flu were mistakenly being diagnosed with Covid. It over-inflated the Covid numbers. Hid the real flu numbers.

The flu didn't disappear. It just got buried into the plandemic numbers.

We were played.
its the flu bro.


Occam's Razor
Bombshell paper trail the MSM didn't run with, exposed by Project Veritas. All of the documents are included. We paid for Covid 19.

Reading through this report again, I am shocked by the allegations made in this report dated August 13, 2021. This virus has killed millions of people. All indications are that the US government was directly and extensively involved in creating this virus, in cooperation with the WIV (Wuhan Institute of Virology).

It is time for more than Congressional and 3-letter agency investigations. It is time that criminal charges be brought against those who have created and released this virus upon the world.

Furthermore, how can the people of the United States accept that their government has killed millions of people in the name of science, and in the name of “public health”? How do the people of the world respond to this?

How can anyone who realizes what has been done not be beyond furious.

We, the people of the world, deserve answers.
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We said, the lockdowns would be more damaging and deadly than the virus. Shortbus told us they were necessary and wouldn't have much of an impact.

"Just wait."

One-third of US teen girls seriously considered attempting suicide in 2021: CDC​

The number of teen girls who made a suicide plan also increased from 2019.

The number of teenage girls experiencing suicidal thoughts and behaviors increased during the second year of the pandemic, new federal data showed.

The percentage of high school female students who seriously considered attempting suicide rose from 24.1% to about one-third, or 30%, between 2019 and 2021, according to the latest results of the Youth Risk Behavior Survey, published Thursday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The percentage of those who made a suicide plan increased from 19.9% to 23.6% and there was also an increase in suicide attempts from 11.0% to 13.3%, according to the CDC survey.
Bombshell paper trail the MSM didn't run with, exposed by Project Veritas. All of the documents are included. We paid for Covid 19.

Reading through this report again, I am shocked by the allegations made in this report dated August 13, 2021. This virus has killed millions of people. All indications are that the US government was directly and extensively involved in creating this virus, in cooperation with the WIV (Wuhan Institute of Virology).

It is time for more than Congressional and 3-letter agency investigations. It is time that criminal charges be brought against those who have created and released this virus upon the world.

Furthermore, how can the people of the United States accept that their government has killed millions of people in the name of science, and in the name of “public health”? How do the people of the world respond to this?

How can anyone who realizes what has been done not be beyond furious.

We, the people of the world, deserve answers.