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Critical Race Theory - Discuss

I think there was a guy in Germany who had a critical race theory about 80 or 90 years ago. It was the Aryan race.

Call them racist. Dare ya Tibs.

Tiborat won't dare come near that, he's a lunatic but he knows better.

Call them racist. Dare ya Tibs.

View attachment 5504

Great points from the parents. I never even thought about the viewpoint that CRT is teaching minorities that white kids are better than they are, a hierarchy of class , oppressors by default. It's absolutely horrid that some people believe this to be a great idea. It isn't bad enough that the media and political heads are trying to get us adults to hate one another, so they go after our kids as well. disgusting.
Time to face the facts........


Seems like this could be a useful tool for some of you. (y)

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The Cliff Notes version of this thread:

The right thinks it's racist to teach or discuss the racist parts of US history.

Seems to me it's racist not to.

The end.
Unlike you, A useless tool.
I’m sorry you’ve become so insecure of late, you didn’t used to be like this. I see it happening with MAGA’s all over, like former guy snipped your balls off with nail clippers. Such a soft, sensitive bunch. Who knew it would end up like this? 🤔
After 9/11 there was no racism. Everyone unified. American flags were flying everywhere and they were hard to find even on Amazon. Obama was the divisive racist who stoked the fires and separated our country with his lies. Now, because of him and the libtard commies, it’s racist to fly OUR flag. But IDGAF, my 1776 flag is flying proudly.
Time to face the facts........



Bingo! Just like every people/country/ race or whatever you want to term it have been conquered at some point in history. Nothing lasts forever. Just see the Romans, Genghis Khan or any other great conquer in history.
After 9/11 there was no racism. Everyone unified. American flags were flying everywhere and they were hard to find even on Amazon. Obama was the divisive racist who stoked the fires and separated our country with his lies. Now, because of him and the libtard commies, it’s racist to fly OUR flag. But IDGAF, my 1776 flag is flying proudly.

He was. That and his marxist horseshit fundamental change he pushed. You can blame his sorry *** and his followers for this garbage we have being pushed in our society now. The rise of far left radicals are infested like german roaches in the fabric of our educational system right now. Obviously so many government agencies across the board have these nutjobs in them as well.
Time to face the facts........


Thanks to CRT, we can ignore all that and keep the focus on slavery in America. Teach black youth about their inherited oppression. Teach them they are currently being suppressed. Teach them whytie is the root of all the problems. Must keep it fresh in their minds. Teach them they start out life behind the eight ball . Let them know it will be much harder to attain a successful life . Dampen their spirits, the sooner you get to shape their minds, the better. Teach them that democrats are the only ones there to help with entitlements and give aways. We'll have them voting democrat for the next 200 years.
Thanks to CRT, we can ignore all that and keep the focus on slavery in America. Teach black youth about their inherited oppression. Teach them they are currently being suppressed. Teach them whytie is the root of all the problems. Must keep it fresh in their minds. Teach them they start out life behind the eight ball . Let them know it will be much harder to attain a successful life . Dampen their spirits, the sooner you get to shape their minds, the better. Teach them that democrats are the only ones there to help with entitlements and give aways. We'll have them voting democrat for the next 200 years.

That's all this is about too. The democrats live and breath through crisis and division. If they don't have any, well they damn sure will create it. Can't ******* have people getting along..no..no.no. Let's circle back to segregation,discrimination and class warfare. Blame all of your life's issues on whitey and how he has kept everyone down. Is somehow better than you. How insulting. And this is coming from some old twisted corrupt white people in power. It's just a ploy.

Insert CRT into schools and getting kids hating each other for no damn reason. Get them separated into groups and classifications. They'll automatically segregate. One group gets to feel like oppressed victim and the other like they are born bad. It's disgusting and it's completely false.

From my perspective the people pushing this stuff should have the ever loving dog **** beat out of them and not be allowed to teach in any public school. Ever. You can take your soul cancer and **** off with your self loathing weak pathetic self.

If you want to start your own mind poison private school,knock yourself out.

Good people need to speak up. Enough of letting these twisted politicians poison the waters from which we all drink.

These are not good people and they absolutely positively don't care about any of us.
So, slavery shouldn’t be taught in schools as a part of American history? We should simply remove that chapter altogether, teach our kids blacks came here along with the European settlers, in search of religious freedom? Teach then blacks were always treated with respect and an integral part of American political, cultural life?
Love Tiborat's "how racist are you?" sliding scale. Hilarious. I think we need to add a few measuring spots:

Wow, you are really, really racist
  • I like mayonnaise.
  • I think "Blazing Saddles" is hilarious.
  • Releasing criminals causes more crime.
  • "Systemic racism" seems to exist more in governments run by people who claim to be opposed to "systemic racism."
You Are Finally Coming Around - Almost There
  • I punched a white guy today for no reason.
  • I think albinos should be gathered up and executed in public.
  • People with blue eyes should be forced to wear contact lenses to change eye color.
  • I think all criminals should be released, just into somebody else's neighborhood.
  • Defund the police, but make sure I have armed security guards 'cuz I'm woke.
  • Diversity means exact replication of appearance and ideology. D'uh.
So, slavery shouldn’t be taught in schools as a part of American history? We should simply remove that chapter altogether, teach our kids blacks came here along with the European settlers, in search of religious freedom? Teach then blacks were always treated with respect and an integral part of American political, cultural life?
Absolutely not. That slaves were a part of American history should be taught. It should be taught so that it does not happen again. To any race. Yet here we are teaching that white people are inherently evil - all white people. Not just the ones who had slaves, or the ones who set slaves free --- all white people are 100% evil, even if their family never owned slaves or they had family who were slaves. Those statues that were torn down? Those were excellent reminders that slavery is ****** and shouldn't ever be done again. Yet only political one side wants to rip those down. Only one political side wants to remove all reminders that this country had a dark past. How about we use those statues as tools to remind all walks of life here that slavery should not ever raise its ugly head here again? How about we use those statues to remind people that racism is ugly and we should - as a people - move past that?

ah, **** that. Republicans are evil since they let the Democrats slaves gain freedom.
21IQ and Tiborat respond, Supe:

“War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.”​

21IQ and Tiborat are very, very, VERY strong.
I’m sorry you’ve become so insecure of late, you didn’t used to be like this. I see it happening with MAGA’s all over, 🤔
Actually, you're right. I didn't used to be like this. Many of us didn't. But, never in my 52 years, until recent years, have I/we been demonized as we are today. We are told everything is our fault. We are guilty of it all just for being white. We are accused of every kind of "ism" for not bowing down to the hate groups and the race hustlers. And when we decide to push back against the attacks, people like you point their finger and say, see, what vile creatures they are? We knew it all along. Insecure? No. Aware of the unwarranted hatred towards us? Yes.
What do CRT, the 1619 Project, BLM, and white supremacists have in common? All promote the depraved idea that some Americans are sufficiently different from others not to have a common interest in a unified country, a melting pot of immigrants of all races and ethnicities connected with the binding force of nationalism.
The rulers of Communist China, who have their own problems with ethnic minorities who do not want to live under their rule, also have both the motive and opportunity to promote these agendas. The United States' very existence is a daily and worldwide reminder of the inferiority of their form of government, as shown by American flags waving in Hong Kong, just as Israel's very existence is a daily reminder to the subjects of neighboring dictatorships that their own rulers have nothing to offer but poverty, squalor, hate, and violent ideologies. When a beacon on a hill, or a light unto the nations, exposes your government as despotic and dysfunctional, you have one of two choices. Light your own beacon, or extinguish the other. Here is how you achieve the latter.
*Tell Black people that they are still essentially slaves and that "systemic racism" means they will never be accepted as genuine Americans. Incite white supremacists to crawl out of their holes to wave their swastikas and white power symbols to prove you right. Play both sides of this street by telling Caucasians, with BLM and Antifa rioters and looters as your "evidence," that this is how Black people behave. This is not at all different from pointing to Derek Chauvin to "prove" ACAB (all cops are b-------), BLM looters to "prove" ABAB, the KKK to "prove" AWAB, Hamas and ISIS to "prove" AMAB, the Westboro Baptist Church to "prove" AC(hristians)AB, or Bernie Madoff to "prove" AJAB. It's not all, most, many, or even a significant minority; it's a handful of bad actors in all cases.
* Incite BLM and Antifa rioters to vandalize statues and monuments to not only Confederate generals, but also Robert Gould Shaw and the 54th (Black American) Regiment of Civil War fame. Incite BLM and Antifa to ransack the businesses and livelihoods of people of all races — plenty of Black Americans were on the receiving end — the same way the Nazis looted Jewish stores in 1938. The "umbrella man" who allegedly incited one looting incident is alleged to have white supremacist connections. It's just the same excrement (rioting, smashing windows, looting, and violence) from different rectums — Nazis then, BLM and Antifa today


Stand up and applaud. What a thoughtful, accurate, intelligent speech. Kudos.

Stand up and applaud. What a thoughtful, accurate, intelligent speech. Kudos.

It is just common sense. We should not have to be fighting this evil in our country.
And it is evil. They are using propaganda to brainwash our children. They use the media to brainwash adults. This has to stop.
The Cliff Notes version of this thread:

The right thinks it's racist to teach or discuss the racist parts of US history.

Seems to me it's racist not to.

The end.

When has the racist parts of history not been taught? I learned about slavery and trail of tears etc. The difference is they are now trying to turn history into the present tense pretending that minorities have it just as bad today as 100 years ago. That's the bullshit part.