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Crying Nazi Snowflake Needs A Safe Space

Seriously, you need to step away from this forum, find some sort of release/happy place and give politics a rest for awhile. I'm not sure if you are trying to make valid points or incite hostility for ***** and giggles. It's hard to distinguish your real motive now. I don't know much about you, other than we are Steeler fans, first and foremost, but enough is enough, man. Your assumptions are ludicrous.

Yeah *** kickings usually result in one of the victims friends saying to the one dishing out the *** kicking " C'mon man he's had it".

Good to know you're that guy. Oh, and I made no assumptions. I laid out the facts and used their own words.
you very well make many assumptions because most are S.N. CONservatives.

Tell me again how my mentioning of race is tired and that you S.N. CONservatives don't support violence(against certain people) bus

nope, no assuming there. . .
This was a thread about an illegal immigrant who was deported 20 times and sexually assaulted two women. Not your best example of supporting "violence against innocent civilians because of their political beliefs".

A nice wall would keep a lot of that from happening.
And start shooting them as they sneak in. I''d put signs up all over to warn them..

It's not like they don't shoot at our Border Patrol.
Can someone explain how a woman being 2 generations removed from the Nazi party is the same thing as an actual Nazi? I'm having trouble with the logic.
The polarization in this country is disheartening and sickening. Nazi scum openly in our streets and ANTIFA and BLM inciting violence and the media is ******* drooling over this ****. I mean, the Russian thing was getting stale and Kim Jung Un stepped down after getting his pee pee smacked by China. The terrorists were getting jealous of all the attention being diverted away from them so they attack Barsalona and the world is reminded that we should still hate violence in the name of Jihad but don't hate Muslims. The LGBTIIHNKBLM (did I get them all?) community isn't getting the twisted attention they need, look for someone famous to come out of the closet or proclaim their XY has no bearing on their gender. Oh, and we haven't had a mass shooting in a while to rile up the anti-second amendment crowd and forcing pro-second amenders to debate gun control. Any other story lines that I may have missed that the media uses to divide us?
The lunatic fringe is running around the roost. It's unreality t.v. 24/7.
Any other story lines that I may have missed that the media uses to divide us?
Badcat., couple of questions. Should the media not report on these events? Is it the media's fault how people react to the news of the day? Or, is it everyone's personal responsibility how they react to the media reporting the news? Furthermore, is it the media's or each individual's personal responsibility if they allow events happening to 'divide us?' And finally, do you not think Fox News - for instance - is equally to blame for running divisive content that is 'meant to divide us?'
Badcat., couple of questions. Should the media not report on these events? Is it the media's fault how people react to the news of the day? Or, is it everyone's personal responsibility how they react to the media reporting the news? Furthermore, is it the media's or each individual's personal responsibility if they allow events happening to 'divide us?' And finally, do you not think Fox News - for instance - is equally to blame for running divisive content that is 'meant to divide us?'

I think most people, if simply given FACTS by the news media, would react much differently. But CNN, FOX, MSNBC ABC, NBC, CBS--hell, all of them--do not simply just present facts. They omit things, details, facts--in order to make a story more sensational or to create a boogey man or push an agenda that the parent company believes. It has gotten to the point, in some news cycles, where even if a story is factual, no one buys it because of all of the other stuff that has been proven false by an agenda driven media. You can (and do) pretend that this sort of thing isn't happening because the media you follow is telling stories in a manner you like. Same with those that watch FOX. You will change your tune the minute that changes.
I think most people, if simply given FACTS by the news media, would react much differently. But CNN, FOX, MSNBC ABC, NBC, CBS--hell, all of them--do not simply just present facts. They omit things, details, facts--in order to make a story more sensational or to create a boogey man or push an agenda that the parent company believes. It has gotten to the point, in some news cycles, where even if a story is factual, no one buys it because of all of the other stuff that has been proven false by an agenda driven media. You can (and do) pretend that this sort of thing isn't happening because the media you follow is telling stories in a manner you like. Same with those that watch FOX. You will change your tune the minute that changes.

the media is biased. Always has been and always will be. They try to create stories rather than report them. There's certain trigger words they use to get people in an uproar. There's a lot that goes on that we hear bits, pieces and not the whole story. They run the story with minimal facts to be the first ones out with it, no matter if the facts are credible or not. .
Badcat., couple of questions. Should the media not report on these events? Is it the media's fault how people react to the news of the day? Or, is it everyone's personal responsibility how they react to the media reporting the news? Furthermore, is it the media's or each individual's personal responsibility if they allow events happening to 'divide us?' And finally, do you not think Fox News - for instance - is equally to blame for running divisive content that is 'meant to divide us?'

That's what you don't get, they AREN'T reporting on the events. They are hammering their agenda down America's throat all day, every day. If the news doesn't fit the agenda they want, guess what? You won't see it or hear it from them. If something fits their agenda you WILL hear about it......for about 15 hours a day until it runs it's course. More people have started to realize what a sham it all is, but not enough. The mainstream media is a propaganda machine for the Democratic Party and they don't even try to hide it any more.
A nice wall would keep a lot of that from happening.

it doesnt even have to be nice. hell, it could even be ugly as elfie and I'd be fine with it. just as long as it's deeper than elfie's puddle of intellect.
Can someone explain how a woman being 2 generations removed from the Nazi party is the same thing as an actual Nazi? I'm having trouble with the logic.

no one is saying she is an actual Nazi.
the old saying of stones and glass houses absolutely does apply to her, though. she calls everyone who disagrees with her a Nazi.
though her dear old beloved grandfather was an actual Nazi.
Understanding hypocrisy is usually not the strength of left leaning libtards.
I think most people, if simply given FACTS by the news media, would react much differently. But CNN, FOX, MSNBC ABC, NBC, CBS--hell, all of them--do not simply just present facts. They omit things, details, facts--in order to make a story more sensational or to create a boogey man or push an agenda that the parent company believes. It has gotten to the point, in some news cycles, where even if a story is factual, no one buys it because of all of the other stuff that has been proven false by an agenda driven media. You can (and do) pretend that this sort of thing isn't happening because the media you follow is telling stories in a manner you like. Same with those that watch FOX. You will change your tune the minute that changes.

Come on Sarge. I know you have been around long enough to know that the media can not cover stories that do not spark some kind of controversy or shock and awe and continue to exist. Headlines are their bread and butter and the more eager they are for ratings the more they are willing to push the envelope. ' Hate Trump ' is a hot ticket right now, any kind of violence...sells big all over as well as any conspiracy or controversy. Some journalistic honesty would be nice but don't count on it, attention is the goal, all other rules be damned.

Can someone explain how a woman being 2 generations removed from the Nazi party is the same thing as an actual Nazi? I'm having trouble with the logic.

This. Truth be told, I bet most of the white people here saw some degree of racism in our grandparents.
This. Truth be told, I bet most of the white people here saw some degree of racism in our grandparents.

Since I am sure you missed this......

no one is saying she is an actual Nazi.
the old saying of stones and glass houses absolutely does apply to her, though. she calls everyone who disagrees with her a Nazi.
though her dear old beloved grandfather was an actual Nazi.
Understanding hypocrisy is usually not the strength of left leaning libtards.
This. Truth be told, I bet most of the white people here saw some degree of racism in our grandparents.

Good Lord.

****** this one up too.

And since it bears repeating over and over because...it's so simplistically true:

no one is saying she is an actual Nazi.
the old saying of stones and glass houses absolutely does apply to her, though. she calls everyone who disagrees with her a Nazi.
though her dear old beloved grandfather was an actual Nazi.
Understanding hypocrisy is usually not the strength of left leaning libtards.

And it's got a little pot and kettle mixed in as well.

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Just because your grandparents were racist doesn't mean mine were. GTFO with that bullshit group think you liberals love.

if even they were, it would make their children and grandchildren less likely to want to be like that. A lot of our grandparents didn't finish high school, let alone go to college, so their world views and experiences are vastly different from later generations. Schools were not integrated like my parents and mine were. Every school I attended had a healthy dose of mixed races and orientations. Guess what, we got along, never had any problems.
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Just because your grandparents were racist doesn't mean mine were. GTFO with that bullshit groupthink you liberals love.

Eh, one side of my grandparents were. My maternal Great Grandfather. Had a large farm. He had the form of racism that was just "ignorant" racism. Was never around anyone but white country farm folk. Anyway, my aunt (I have 4) married a black man. They had a daughter, Jenna. This didn't sit well with Great Granddad. I once heard him use the word "coon" and referred to Jenna as "nigger baby" once. I saw my aunts turn on him so fiercely, it was great. Great Granddad died when I was 14. These comments were made when I was like 10. And I remember vividly those two times, hearing him say them and the hatred I felt for him at that moment and just how uncomfortable it made me feel. I can remember it like yesterday thinking in my head - that is cruel and wrong, she's a human being. This is a man that once struck me and I thought my mom was gonna kill him. Anyway, I knew at a young age I hated racists and that talk and while he detested what my aunt did, I thought it was the coolest thing in the world that she married Stone (his name, on his birth certificate) and that I have a black cousin. Still do.

To your point Sarge, not all grandparents were racist. I had one who was, the other side of my family was quite opposite. Don't care, it doesn't make me who I am or define me - as Liberals would try to do.

Tying back into Chelsea, I'm not running around calling anyone racist. She is running around calling people Nazis.
Since I am sure you missed this......

no one is saying she is an actual Nazi.
the old saying of stones and glass houses absolutely does apply to her, though. she calls everyone who disagrees with her a Nazi.
though her dear old beloved grandfather was an actual Nazi.
Understanding hypocrisy is usually not the strength of left leaning libtards.

So what if she had a relative that was a Nazi? As long as it had no effect on her believes or behavior ,it means nothing.

It's like one of you having a mentally ill relative who hurts someone in a violent fashion, then me calling you a hypocrite if you speak out against violence. That would be idiotic.

It's not hypocrisy, it's desperation on the part of CONservatives here.Trying to latch onto anything just because your POTUS just showed the whole world that the bar is never too low when it comes to his sliminess.
Just because your grandparents were racist doesn't mean mine were. GTFO with that bullshit groupthink you liberals love.

I love how CONservatives talk about groupthink when they are just drones regurgitating whatever Limbaugh or Breitbart fed them that day.

The only problem with your belief is we have all the thinkers on our side.
