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(D)ims, hypocrisy on line 1. Hypocrisy, line 1.


They killed Kenny!
Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
The nearest Steelers bar.
(D)ims lecture us on "believing all women." Fair enough. So what happens when a rapist is awaiting trial but out of jail for some reason (*cough* (D)ims), and then assaults and threatens the victim who actually went to the police for the rape and where the investigation showed enough evidence to prosecute?

Why, you praise the rapist of course. What "courage" he has getting up into the face of a teenage girl and taking her car keys. The blow-job professional tells the rapist she is "proud" of him. Not for the rape, but I mean the other stuff. Like violating a restraining order and taking her car keys. Okay, not that. For getting into a physical altercation with police and violating lawful orders to stand down. Or something.

Harris called the meeting “really wonderful” saying, “I mean they’re an incredible family and what they’ve endured and they do it with such dignity and grace. And you know, they’re carrying the weight of a lot of voices on their shoulders.”


Yes, great family. Dad a lunatic Farrakhan devotee' and racist.

I can imagine how kind the press would be to Trump if he visited a white rapist in the hospital, said he was proud of him, and then told the press that his Nazi father was part of an "incredible family."

You want to know why nobody cares a thing about what you say, Tibs, 21, Flog, etc.? This. You pompous hypocritical ******** think praising lunatic racists and a rapist is just fine and dandy.
(D)ims lecture us on "believing all women." Fair enough. So what happens when a rapist is awaiting trial but out of jail for some reason (*cough* (D)ims), and then assaults and threatens the victim who actually went to the police for the rape and where the investigation showed enough evidence to prosecute?

Why, you praise the rapist of course. What "courage" he has getting up into the face of a teenage girl and taking her car keys. The blow-job professional tells the rapist she is "proud" of him. Not for the rape, but I mean the other stuff. Like violating a restraining order and taking her car keys. Okay, not that. For getting into a physical altercation with police and violating lawful orders to stand down. Or something.


Yes, great family. Dad a lunatic Farrakhan devotee' and racist.

I can imagine how kind the press would be to Trump if he visited a white rapist in the hospital, said he was proud of him, and then told the press that his Nazi father was part of an "incredible family."

You want to know why nobody cares a thing about what you say, Tibs, 21, Flog, etc.? This. You pompous hypocritical ******** think praising lunatic racists and a rapist is just fine and dandy.
It is worse than that.

Since they know the effects to be unlawful, harmful, etc. they are abetting criminals in undermining governmental/police authority.....maybe there are some laws against that?

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It is worse than that.

Since they know the effects to be unlawful, harmful, etc. they are abetting criminals in undermining governmental/police authority.....maybe there are some laws against that?

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Only unenlightened peasants think laws apply to important people.
Only unenlightened peasants think laws apply to important people.
And the funders, large and small?

Zap the accounts, like those funding Al Qaeda et al.

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Harris' family owned slaves, so vote for her but tear down statues of alleged slave owners.
I thought he was charged with 3rd degree sexual assault. Wouldn't rape be 1st degree.
I thought he was charged with 3rd degree sexual assault. Wouldn't rape be 1st degree.

I'm not sure what the exact charge was, 3rd degree is what I heard. But the flavor of rape matters to you? What is it with Liberals? It was ok for Biden to shove his fingers inside of a woman. Same with Blake. Digital "rape" is A-OK I suppose to the Left.

As LNB lay there, on her back, the defendant, suddenly and without warning, reached his hand between her legs, penetrated her vaginally with a finger, pull[ed] it out and sniffed it, and said, “Smells like you’ve been with other men.”

[The officer] reported LNB had a very difficult time telling him this and cried as she told how the defendant assaulted her and then the defendant immediately left the bedroom.

LNB stated the defendant penetrating her digitally caused her pain and humiliation and was done without her consent.

LNB stated she was upset but collected herself and ran after the defendant out the front door and then realized her vehicle was missing. LNB ran back inside to her purse, which was on the kitchen counter and checked it, quickly realizing her key to her truck (Ford Explorer 2002), a black individual key and the only key for the vehicle and her Great Lakes Debit Card were missing. LNB immediately called 911.

Blake is a HERO folks. A role model for children for centuries to come.
I thought he was charged with 3rd degree sexual assault. Wouldn't rape be 1st degree.

he finger banged her against her will. yes, that is sexual assault.
does that lesser charge warrant him being extolled in such degree that a VP-candidate takes time out of her day to visit with his ******* family? whabout all the other people across this here nation who are victims of sexual assault? Should Heels Up Harris personally meet with those shitbags and their families, too?

"when they go low, we go high"

except the Dims don't go much higher than whale **** at the bottom of the ocean.

<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/XdFe4OnQ8urbq" width="480" height="360" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="https://giphy.com/gifs/win-ve-XdFe4OnQ8urbq">Way to go 21IQ</a></p>
I'm not sure what the exact charge was, 3rd degree is what I heard. But the flavor of rape matters to you? What is it with Liberals? It was ok for Biden to shove his fingers inside of a woman. Same with Blake. Digital "rape" is A-OK I suppose to the Left.

Blake is a HERO folks. A role model for children for centuries to come.

Jacob Blake >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jesus
I thought he was charged with 3rd degree sexual assault. Wouldn't rape be 1st degree.

[ reyp ]
Unlawful sexual intercourse or any other sexual penetration of the vagina, anus, or mouth of another person, with or without force, by a sex organ, other body part, or foreign object, without the consent of the victim.


You are referencing the degree of rape, you idiot. Try to keep up.
He came back. It is not too much of a hypothetical, but the cops don't come, she may end up dead. Enough situations like that end up that way.

BTW, supposedly he committed the assault with the woman's kid in the bed.
[ reyp ]
Unlawful sexual intercourse or any other sexual penetration of the vagina, anus, or mouth of another person, with or without force, by a sex organ, other body part, or foreign object, without the consent of the victim.


You are referencing the degree of rape, you idiot. Try to keep up.
maybe 21 is okay with the less rapey stuff?

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Come-on folks, don't be so critical, over judgemental and opinionated out there.


I want yinz to remember when and where ya seen this prediction
There's still acouplla weeks till he goes back underground, so don't forget


Don't think it'll work ? watch.