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Deep state is really deep.

Lemmee see if I have this straight...the FBI blows off two credible warnings about Nikolas Cruz but they have time to wiretap college basketball coaches?
Why the **** are they doing the NCAA's job for them?
That is all.
Lemmee see if I have this straight...the FBI blows off two credible warnings about Nikolas Cruz but they have time to wiretap college basketball coaches?
Why the **** are they doing the NCAA's job for them?
That is all.

While I agree. Having friends in the fbi I will say this, there are multiple branches focusing on specific things. My bud focus is on child slavery trade. Him and his team don’t focus on YouTube threats. The ncaa thing is huge. Basicly slave labor and it is going down soon.
I wonder if the timing of the NCAA findings was to block off some of the heat the FBI is feeling now. However, that totally backfired because it's giving off the impression that wiretapping college basketball is valued more than saving lives of HS students.
Dude, what gives with the race ****? He didn’t mention it, this and the Chris Rock joke. Seems a little obsessive of late.

But you are okay with Elfie only white people commit mass shootings and we are sub-human or feeling guilty over things that we did not do. And the leftist template of calling people racist to shut down the bait and dissenting opinion has played out. The new hotness is calling people "Russian Bots", you should try that because we all know we are not racists.
While I agree. Having friends in the fbi I will say this, there are multiple branches focusing on specific things. My bud focus is on child slavery trade. Him and his team don’t focus on YouTube threats. The ncaa thing is huge. Basicly slave labor and it is going down soon.

I wonder if the timing of the NCAA findings was to block off some of the heat the FBI is feeling now. However, that totally backfired because it's giving off the impression that wiretapping college basketball is valued more than saving lives of HS students.

Calling the SN legal team. WHY is the FBI wiretapping basketball coaches? Fill me in here. Honest question. The FBI should be wiretapping only if laws are being broken or suspected of being broken. Paying players might be against NCAA rules but I don't think it's against the law. The NCAA as far as I know can NOT wiretap people. Have they broken some other law? No one on the multitude of sports talk shows I listen to is asking this question.
Have they broken some other law? No one on the multitude of sports talk shows I listen to is asking this question.

They aren't asking because people have become so accustomed to government intrusion and overreach that no one bats an eye anymore. It is the "new normal."
They aren't asking because people have become so accustomed to government intrusion and overreach that no one bats an eye anymore. It is the "new normal."

It is insane. All those Nazis that we brought here after WII have sure done their work. Them and the useful idiots who funded and helped them.
The new hotness is calling people "Russian Bots", you should try that because we all know we are not racists.

LOL! Nobody is calling people “Russian Bots”, they’re referring to software that automates social media posts.
LOL! Nobody is calling people “Russian Bots”, they’re referring to software that automates social media posts.

Double LOL, read a CNN message comments section sometime. I go to CNN's website in order to skip straight to the comments area. Every single time somebody expresses any view that is not Progressive Liberal, 10 people start posting Russian bot! Russian bot! It's become Pavlovian.
LOL! Nobody is calling people “Russian Bots”, they’re referring to software that automates social media posts.

Bullshit on that I get it all the time on Yahoo news and Facebook posts and hell I am pretty moderate. So you are absolutely wrong on this like most things.
While I agree. Having friends in the fbi I will say this, there are multiple branches focusing on specific things. My bud focus is on child slavery trade. Him and his team don’t focus on YouTube threats. The ncaa thing is huge. Basicly slave labor and it is going down soon.

NCAA is slave labor? Full scholarship, room and board, personal tutors, special dining halls, laundry services, tons of swag, stipends for walking around money.
NCAA is slave labor? Full scholarship, room and board, personal tutors, special dining halls, laundry services, tons of swag, stipends for walking around money.

No ****! Slave ******* labor my ***! Oh ******* woah is me, you got a free education. The horror! Here take my $120.000 in ******* college loans. Trade ya!
Im not necessarily jumping on board with this particular conspiracy theory, but one should note several things:

A. It is a proven and declassified fact that the US has run false flag events and staged propaganda stories in other countries for various reasons. Its really not that hard to believe it can be done here.

B. Its a proven and declassified fact that the American Intelligence Agencies put a plan together to use false flag events that involved killing American Citizens in Florida during the stand off with Cuba and JFK nixed it...

C. One of the long standing conspiracy theories involving the FBI is what happened around the Oklahoma City Bombing... While not conducted by them, it almost certainly was a botched attempt to catch the culprits with the bomb at the scene, rather than busting them where the bomb was assembled much further away. This is believed to coincide with an earlier version of the Patriot Act the intelligence community wanted passed that was ultimately shot down... Its a very sound theory with a lot of now proven facts... and it would show carless or evil acts permitted to occur on US soil to US citizens specifically to get a favored law passed

so who knows... its more plausible than people give them credit for
Do these people who appeared in front of the Sandy Hook school board sound like looney tune conspiracy theorists to anyone?
No responses from the board. Between the millions upon millions that community received in combination with gag orders, its not hard to imagine a vast cover up.

Calling the SN legal team. WHY is the FBI wiretapping basketball coaches? Fill me in here. Honest question. The FBI should be wiretapping only if laws are being broken or suspected of being broken. Paying players might be against NCAA rules but I don't think it's against the law.

Good question. The most I can find as to legal authority allowing the FBI to conduct surveillance on college basketball coaches is "bribes and corruption." I guess a veeery broad view of RICO* would cover paying players and/or coaches. Maybe. RICO generally covers underlying crimes that include illegal gambling, "bribery" and fraud.

* RICO is the "Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organization" law, 18 U.S.C. Section 1961.
NCAA is slave labor? Full scholarship, room and board, personal tutors, special dining halls, laundry services, tons of swag, stipends for walking around money.

Maybe a strong word to use, but I don’t see those things as equal to the billions schools make off of athletics students.
Maybe a strong word to use, but I don’t see those things as equal to the billions schools make off of athletics students.

Each school doesn’t make billions. I know that’s all the media says, “billion dollar industry". So is Pizza. Does that mean your local pizza joint has a billion dollars? Should Dominoes pay their drivers 100k per year since pizza is a billion dollar industry?

i guess i don’t understand this flawed logic that if you are involved in any anything that makes money, that you are then entitled to a ‘cut’ of that profit.

Women’s sports lose money. Should they have to pay extra tuition, you know, to pay their fair share?

It’s real easy to look at an Alabama and all the money they make but fact is, for every Bama, there are 3 teams like Tulsa, Akron, or Rice, that LOSE money on sports, even football.

Football is the only college sporg that makes money and not even every school does make money on it. Many lose because football is so expensive. Schools keep it at a loss because it is the best advertising they can get.

Every other sport loses money, even basketball. Sure, a couple teams like Duke, UNC, and the elite programs make a small bit on hoops but everybody else loses. Penn State loses money on basketball. They lose money on their national championship wrestling program. They lose on every women’s sport. And Penn State, backed by the Big Ten network money, is one of the top money making sports programs in the country.

Until you start adding up all the bills of the various sports programs.

Pay the football team and you have to fold up baseball or soccer or various women’s sports. Now there’s about 50 kids not getting college scholarships.

and why is it that the kids on smaller sports like wrestling or women’s field hockey seem to get by just fine on what the schools provide for free while football and basketball players spin tales of going to bed hungry.

I knew a guy who worked as a PSU football student manager. Basically a go-fer at the facility. These players have their own private dining halls. Their laundry is done for them by the team managers. They get firts pick at class scheduling. They get non-stop free shoes and shirts and bags and all kinds of swag. They have private tutors. And yes, they do get some spending cash.

they have it really really good and the only way an athlete goes hungry is if he skipped dinner. Then was too lazy to go buy his own dinner at one of they many on campus or off campus eateries. Or am i supposed to believe they are too poor to even buy a slice of pizza.
tape is right. scholarship players do get a small fund for spending. it's not a lot, but it is something. my cousin was on a golf scholarship at a D1 school, and got a stipend, as well as the other swag that tape mentions. scholar athletes aren't kept in section 8 housing, and are treated like kings on campus.
But you are okay with Elfie only white people commit mass shootings and we are sub-human or feeling guilty over things that we did not do. And the leftist template of calling people racist to shut down the bait and dissenting opinion has played out. The new hotness is calling people "Russian Bots", you should try that because we all know we are not racists.

Really? I called people "sub-human?" I said ONLY white people commit mass shootings?

There are 6 or 7 of you on here who are ABSOLUTELY UNDOUBTEDLY racists. There are about 10 more who dabble.

I'm not saying you are a racist, but I will say you could have quite a career with the Trump administration( till he's removed of course) " Ministry of Truth". You are quite the liar....congratulations.
Really? I called people "sub-human?" I said ONLY white people commit mass shootings?

There are 6 or 7 of you on here who are ABSOLUTELY UNDOUBTEDLY racists. There are about 10 more who dabble.

I'm not saying you are a racist, but I will say you could have quite a career with the Trump administration( till he's removed of course) " Ministry of Truth". You are quite the liar....congratulations.

regardless of what you believe about the people here, the vast majority believe you to be a lying, sack of ****, walter mitty-like **** of biblical proportions, with absolutely no redeemable value whatsoever.
Really? I called people "sub-human?" I said ONLY white people commit mass shootings?

There are 6 or 7 of you on here who are ABSOLUTELY UNDOUBTEDLY racists. There are about 10 more who dabble.

I'm not saying you are a racist, but I will say you could have quite a career with the Trump administration( till he's removed of course) " Ministry of Truth". You are quite the liar....congratulations.

To say college players are not compensated is ridiculous. The people shouting to be paid, as in a professional, for college sports, don't get it. The first time I heard this foolishness I thought it was the onion or something.
You don't make that comment without naming names. This I wanna hear.

Do you really want to go there?

Of course you do because it would be another weak sauce excuse to get me banned of the type that these Broward County Mods use on me every chance they get.........

Although I could pull up comments on: white people inventing everything because they are superior, black people killing each other because it's in their nature, killing undocumented immigrants( admittingly including women and children when I pressed him) if they cross the border because they are " All drug dealers or future drug dealers anyway". I can go on and on.
Do you really want to go there?

Of course you do because it would be another weak sauce excuse to get me banned of the type that these Broward County Mods use on me every chance they get.........

Although I could pull up comments on: white people inventing everything because they are superior, black people killing each other because it's in their nature, killing undocumented immigrants( admittingly including women and children when I pressed him) if they cross the border because they are " All drug dealers or future drug dealers anyway". I can go on and on.

You said it, I didn't. You went there, saying there were 6 or 7 absolutely undoubtedly racists here and about 10 that dabble. You went there.

As far as you getting banned, I couldn't care less if you post here or not. I don't care enough about you or what you say to worry about it. But when you make claims like that, then at least have enough sack to name them and tell them you think they are a racist. I am tired of hearing "bunch of racists" everywhere you turn. I don't need quotes. Be a pioneer. Name names. Call them out.