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Dem primaries begin! Let there be fire and brimstone in Iowa!

I don't know, Bernie draws crowds and is not hated like Hillary. The dems hate him, but his supporters are like trumps. I think we wil have a better idea once the field dwindled down more. Will Warren supporters follow Sanders or someone else? If 3 people are getting 60-70 percent of the vote that leaves alot of votes out there after others drop out

Trump may have a rabid faction, but I'd say a pretty large majority of his supporters are supporters of our Constitution and Capitalism. I may even say reluctant Trumpers as they don't really like the guy as a person, but they like what he's done for this country. Practical people.

You say the Dems hate Bernie Sanders. Well, moderate (and even left-leaning) Dems that don't want socialism for this country are scared as hell about him being the nominee. Totally different from Trump. Impractical people are his base.

Not even close to being the same.
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I get the fear of The Bern. He's got the same kind of mojo Trump had. Socialist proclamations work great at dumdum rallies, it's a different thing to defend those positions in a debate. Bernie will try to convince people that they don't have jobs and the economy isn't great, and Trump will call Bernie a grumpy old Marxist wishing things sucked.
I get the fear of The Bern. He's got the same kind of mojo Trump had. Socialist proclamations work great at dumdum rallies, it's a different thing to defend those positions in a debate. Bernie will try to convince people that they don't have jobs and the economy isn't great, and Trump will call Bernie a grumpy old Marxist wishing things sucked.

And then he'll try to convince people that his plan consists of fairy dust, while rational Americans look at their paychecks and 401ks. Seriously dude, This. Isn't. The. Same.
If Bernie does win it will be an interesting clash of supporters at the debates
I read somewhere the life expectancy of 78 year old men with a heart attack is 3.1 years.

VP Warren had no comment

JoeBiden says to the crowd in South Carolina that he is "running for the United States Senate" and that if they don't like him they can "vote for the other Biden."

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<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/1r8iQrFQkBC0g" width="480" height="201" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="https://giphy.com/gifs/1r8iQrFQkBC0g">via GIPHY</a></p>
One guy was convinced that Biden's kids are making him run so they can make money off his presidency. He called it elder abuse.
You say the Dems hate Bernie Sanders. Well, moderate (and even left-leaning) Dems that don't want socialism for this country are scared as hell about him being the nominee. Totally different from Trump. Impractical people are his base.

James Carville was saying he'd rather Trump won, it would save the Democrat party and they can regroup with a better candidate (i.e. not Communist) in 2024.
James Carville was saying he'd rather Trump won, it would save the Democrat party and they can regroup with a better candidate (i.e. not Communist) in 2024.

There are no better candidates or they would have showed up this year. They are imaginary. The party is infiltrated with hate mongers, race baiters and communists. I can't think of one ******* Senator, Congressmen, Governor or Mayor that doesn't fall into those categories.

Their demographics are so ****** up; so expecting of "free stuff" and "special attention" that they can not win nationally trying to appease all the "victim classes" they have created.
Regarding Sanders, my good friend who ran for Congress posted the following. Don't miss reading this.

Trump may well destroy Sanders in the election this fall. What should scare all of us even more is the growing swell of Socialism. We, the human race, are simply not intelligent enough not to repeat the sins of our past. We will vote in Socialism. We will ruin this great country. Ignorance and greed being the reasons.


Like watching a horror film as characters foolishly proceed toward life-threatening danger I got silently irate watching Bernie's town hall on CNN last night as people of every age, color, background who have clearly benefitted from the US cheered at the lunacy of his anti American idea. Except, in this instance, everyone in that room should know how that movie ends. Seemingly they do not, so like the fool in the film the proceed toward a precarious place.

This, not 24 hours after he lauded Fidel Castro for his "literacy program". It is not without irony, that JFK, the previously iconic face of the Dem party and Fidel Castro were bitter bitter, mortal enemies who wanted one another dead for the sake of their own political faith. The Dem party has come full circle.

As Chambers [Whitaker Chambers - "Witness'] said upon his defection from socialism to being a "man of the right"; "I have left the winning side for the losing side." I was filled with the same sense of inevitable dourness about the prospects for my children, grandchildren.

We may win this election but the left never stops and never will. Unlike the right, which is a loosely bound collection of individuals who are rarely moved to "organize" the left is bound by a "semi-military like discipline" that gives them a force many times their size. And in Sanders, they have found a galvanizing figure who, over an unimpressive 40-year career has perfected the ability to agitate class against class, color against color, man against woman. If it has any appeal during this time of great prosperity, imagine it's appeal during a crisis.

I surely know those who were quick to chastise Trump's tongue will now have their own tongues tied while otherwise good people vote for a man, or otherwise remain silent who represents everything that this country is not. To remain silent is cowardly, irresponsible. Your criticisms, humor of Trump have no doubt earned you the lazy admiration from those you seek not to disturb and gain favor but you do so at great cost, and I know down deep too many.

In the book, Chambers, who knew those good people who were wrongly absorbed into the appeal of socialism but were trapped by their own hubris and inability to part with it, he made this plea:

"There is much good in this man—so much good that I want to speak directly to him as I cannot otherwise do across the barrier of fear and conflict that divides us. Since there was much humor in our friendship, and it is the instinct of both of us to treat very serious things with a saving lightness, I would like to say the serious thing I have to say in the least serious way. I should like simply to quote (commandolike) from the least expected text—I mean that other pirate story, Treasure Island. I have in mind the moment when the small loyal party is abandoning the Hispaniola to fight its forlorn hope against the mutineers ashore. As the last boat is ready to push off from the ship, Captain Smollett calls out to the one decent man whom the pirates have somehow won over. “‘Now, men,’ said he, ‘do you hear me?’ There was no answer from the forecastle. ‘It’s to you, Abraham Gray—it’s to you I am speaking.’ Still no reply. ‘Gray,’ resumed Mr. Smollett a little louder, ‘I am leaving this ship. . . . I know you are a good man at bottom, and I dare say not one of the lot of you’s as bad as he makes out. . . . Come, my fine fellow, don’t hang so long in stays.’ . . . There was a sudden scuffle, a sound of blows and out burst Abraham Gray with a knife cut on the side of his cheek. . . . ‘I’m with you, sir,’ said he.” While it is possible to hold it, I will not give up the faith that Paul is the man I believe him to be and that one day the world will hear that scuffle and that sound of blows and see the slash of honor on his face."
Poor Bernie, after getting blasted for defending Castro and the Soviets they are gonna pile on now

Bloomberg adviser blasts Sanders for 'loopy' 2015 essay mentioning rape fantasies

A senior adviser to Michael Bloomberg's presidential campaign criticized Sen. Bernie Sanders on Tuesday over a 1972 essay he wrote that mentioned women fantasizing about rape, describing it as "loopy stuff."

“We have a candidate who has risen in the polls because of this track record,” Bloomberg senior adviser Tim O’Brien told CNN's "New Day" co-anchor Alisyn Camerota.

“[But] Bernie has loopy stuff in his background, saying women get cancer from having too many orgasms or toddlers should run around naked and touch each other’s genitals to insulate themselves from porn.”



Sanders Official: "Mayor Pete Buttigieg is what happens when the therapist botches the conversion"

Ben Mora, a regional field director for @BernieSanders’ campaign, used a private Twitter account to attack other Democratic contenders

“Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Mora has tweeted, “looks like her name: pained, chunky, confused origin/purpose.”

Mayor Pete Buttigieg “is what happens when the therapist botches the conversion,” and his husband, Chasten, will be ‘busted for running a meth racket’”



Sanders Official: "Mayor Pete Buttigieg is what happens when the therapist botches the conversion"

Ben Mora, a regional field director for @BernieSanders’ campaign, used a private Twitter account to attack other Democratic contenders

“Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Mora has tweeted, “looks like her name: pained, chunky, confused origin/purpose.”

Mayor Pete Buttigieg “is what happens when the therapist botches the conversion,” and his husband, Chasten, will be ‘busted for running a meth racket’”


The DNC is a dumpster fire right now. I can't imagine how hard it would be to be loyal to that side right now. The only thing that they have going for themselves right now is "We hate Trump."
The DNC is a dumpster fire right now. I can't imagine how hard it would be to be loyal to that side right now. The only thing that they have going for themselves right now is "We hate Trump."

That is true, but Tucker had a discussion with a Bernie supporter and the two talked about a possible global recession brought on by China and the coronavirus. In the event the economy tanks, it is very much a possibility that our nation - the greatest nation the world has ever seen, the defender of the individual over government for more than 240 years - will elect a communist who will seek to destroy our nation.

We need to make sure that does not happen. I have not knocked on doors for a political candidate since 1980 and Reagan. I am going to break that skein and volunteer, soon, for Trump.
I have not knocked on doors for a political candidate since 1980 and Reagan. I am going to break that skein and volunteer, soon, for Trump.

Can you imagine the sheer terror? ::knock knock:: [opens door]

Cucktime staring you down...."Wanna vote for Trump?"


Can you imagine the sheer terror? ::knock knock:: [opens door]

Cucktime staring you down...."Wanna vote for Trump?"



I am very intimidating in person.


And persuasive. I misused my talents. With my combination of intimidating presence and persuasiveness, I could have become a millionaire selling vacuum cleaners door to door.

Wasted my damn talent on becoming a lawyer. To be fair, however, a lot of traffic ticket recipients are the better for my decision.
Can you imagine the sheer terror? ::knock knock:: [opens door]

Cucktime staring you down...."Wanna vote for Trump?"



knocks like Sheldon Cooper - with the same level of humor to add.
Bernie has just lost Florida, he's finished in the GE

Go Bernie or Bust!
knocks like Sheldon Cooper - with the same level of humor to add.

Sheldon is hilarious. Funniest character on the show. Also, we are laughing WITH him, not at him.

No surprise I have to explain this to you, but still ...
Ayep, he will get hammered in the debate tonight

Biden, who has made multiple blunders while on the campaign trail, undermined his point by apparently confusing Chinese leaders, claiming to have worked on the deal with former premier Deng Xiaoping who died in 1997.

"One of the things I'm proudest of is getting passed, getting moved, getting in control of the Paris Climate Accord," Biden told the crowd. "I'm the guy who came back after meeting with Deng Xiaoping and making the case that I believe China will join if we put pressure on them. We got almost 200 nations to join.



Say goodnight, Dementia Joe.