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Democrats and gun control - "You first"

Notice Virginia is doubling down with laws that restrict speech now that they ignored the 2nd Amendment protests? It’s almost like there is a playbook or something.
Virginia lawmakers on Monday rejected a gun control bill proposed by Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam, as the state continues to become the battleground in the nation's gun debate.
The Senate Judiciary Committee voted against Northam's bill that would make it a felony to "recklessly leave a loaded, unsecured firearm” in a way that endangers a minor.

[FONT=Roboto, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]“This bill will keep children safe from loaded, unsecured firearms. Like Gov. Northam’s other commonsense gun safety measures, it is something that everyone -- including responsible gun owners -- should support,” said Northam’s spokeswoman, Alena Yarmosky.[/FONT]

You can read the rest of the story here: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/virginia-senate-blocks-another-gun-bill
[FONT=Roboto, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]“This bill will keep children safe from loaded, unsecured firearms. Like Gov. Northam’s other commonsense gun safety measures, it is something that everyone -- including responsible gun owners -- should support,” said Northam’s spokeswoman, Alena Yarmosky.[/FONT]

This is how these idiots think. No, that bill won't keep children safe from loaded guns. It will punish people who are careless with their guns.
So back to my original point - consider this.

Number of politicians assassinated during the nearly 244 years our nation has been in existence: 59. About one every four years.


Number of private citizens murdered just last year: about 17,000, or an average of 46 per day, every day. So about the same number of private citizens are murdered EVERY DAY as the number of politicians killed DURING OUR ENTIRE NATIONAL HISTORY.


So explain to me again why politicians need armed protection, and private citizens don't???
So back to my original point - consider this.

Number of politicians assassinated during the nearly 244 years our nation has been in existence: 59. About one every four years.


Number of private citizens murdered just last year: about 17,000, or an average of 46 per day, every day. So about the same number of private citizens are murdered EVERY DAY as the number of politicians killed DURING OUR ENTIRE NATIONAL HISTORY.


So explain to me again why politicians need armed protection, and private citizens don't???

The same reason they need 20 foot high walls and security gates and nobody else does.
The same reason they need 20 foot high walls and security gates and nobody else does.

What a deplorable comment. Have worn this shirt a couple of times, with several kudos:

VA House Passes Northam’s Gun Ban Bill In 51-48 Vote

The Virginia House of Delegates approved HB961 Tuesday afternoon, sending the gun, magazine, suppressor, and trigger activator ban to the state Senate on a narrow 51-48 vote. There was bipartisan opposition to the bill, with several Democrats voting against the proposal, but only Democrats supported the gun ban measure.

The bill was modified on the House floor in order to bring more Democrats on board. The original provision making it a felony to possess a magazine that can accept more than 12-rounds of ammunition was amended to make possession a misdemeanor offense. This doesn’t make sense if you truly believe that possessing this magazines is tantamount to possessing a weapon of war, but if you’re a Democrat who’s looking at this from a political angle, not public safety, it’s just another bargaining chip that can be used to deliver a few more votes.

In fact, I’m growing increasingly concerned that Virginia state senators will modify the bill even further, introducing a grandfather clause for owners of existing magazines but putting a ban in place on the future purchase or sale of magazines over 12-rounds. The language we’ve seen from Democrats like Sen. Lynwood Lewis is that they can’t support any bill that would take guns or magazines from Virginians. Would a grandfather clause give them the political cover to vote for the bill? I don’t know, but it worries me, and I hope every Virginia gun owner is contacting their state senator and telling them to oppose HB961 in any form.

Sen. Lewis did help to defeat one of Gov. Northam’s gun control proposals on Tuesday, when he joined fellow Democrat Chap Petersen and every Republican state senator in opposing SB 67, which would have fined gun owners who failed to report their lost or stolen firearms to police within 24 hours of their absence. If those two senators vote against HB961, it won’t get to Northam’s desk, and it’s a good sign to see them buck the governor’s wishes, though a similar measure passed the House and is currently in a Senate committee.

There’s no doubt that Northam wants to be able to say he got a gun ban into law in Virginia, and I suspect he’s willing to horsetrade a lot of the specifics in order to make it happen. Gun owners have to understand that any ban on the future sale of specific firearms, magazines, or suppressors also amounts to a future ban on the current possession of those items. We saw this with the original gun ban language supported by Northam, which contained no grandfather clauses whatsoever.

Northam and anti-gun activists started with what they wanted, and they’re whittling the bill down to what will pass. If they’re able to get HB961 to Northam’s desk this year, he’ll happily sign it, though it doesn’t go nearly as far as he wants. It’s much easier to add to a law than it is to take it away, and Democrats believe they can expand the legislation in 2021, even if they don’t get everything they want this year.

HB961 is not assured of passage in the state Senate, and every contact gun owners can make with their state senator will help the cause. Be polite, be civil, but be clear: there’s no way you can support them if they support HB961 in any form.
I went to a gunshow this weekend, what a disaster.

No used guns at all, all high-priced retail prices for everything else, I asked a couple dealers I knew where all the good deals have gone, 'we can't keep any guns in the store, they all sell as soon as they hit the counter' he said. Even the surplus military rifles we used to get for $100 are $300-400 now, if you can find any at all

I seen more than a couple blue and purple haired girls with tattoos and nose rings buying pink handguns though, not sure what that means.

A couple booths were the hottest in the whole show, with lines of people paying $20 for two Trump hats a flag, lol
No used guns at all, all high-priced retail prices for everything else, I asked a couple dealers I knew where all the good deals have gone, 'we can't keep any guns in the store, they all sell as soon as they hit the counter' he said. Even the surplus military rifles we used to get for $100 are $300-400 now, if you can find any at all.

What?!?!? Law-abiding citizens buying guns by the hundreds, no, by the THOUSANDS??

Mass murder must be out of control in Virginia then. You know, since dumbfuck leftists say guns cause mass shootings and violence and since so many guns have been sold, so ...

Why the hell are news outlets suppressing the many, many instances of mass shootings and rampaging murder in Virginia????
What?!?!? Law-abiding citizens buying guns by the hundreds, no, by the THOUSANDS??

Mass murder must be out of control in Virginia then. You know, since dumbfuck leftists say guns cause mass shootings and violence and since so many guns have been sold, so ...

Why the hell are news outlets suppressing the many, many instances of mass shootings and rampaging murder in Virginia????

the NRA, when not directly selling and delivering guns to your door, is busy suppressing the numbers leaked to the honest MSM regarding the violence resulting from guns.
the NRA, when not directly selling and delivering guns to your door, is busy suppressing the numbers leaked to the honest MSM regarding the violence resulting from guns.

That makes sense. Not sure how, since it comes from you, but still ... makes a lot of sense.
That makes sense. Not sure how, since it comes from you, but still ... makes a lot of sense.

as if you, Jimmy Avenatti, American Patriot, sewer-dwelling jack-weasel attorney, practicing law (emphasis on practissin') would even have the mental faculty to recognize and understand the definition of "honesty"
as if you, Jimmy Avenatti, American Patriot, sewer-dwelling jack-weasel attorney, practicing law (emphasis on practissin') would even have the mental faculty to recognize and understand the definition of "honesty"

My honesty is beyond reproach. (Have your kids explain the hard words, Soop.)

And I remember awarding a medal to an Afghan hero who responded, "I don't deserve this medal! The men who died, they deserve it!" I also attended a historically black college, back when it was mainly white and Asian. Further, I have previously described my encounter with Pop Corn and his gang, and was assistant to the Vice President in 2018 during the Parkland shooting, and I was a coal miner whose helicopter was forced down in rural Scranton and called Obama a "damn war criminal" to his face and participated in sit-ins at segregated restaurants and movie theaters at my all-black college (no whites allowed, as I recall).

And I ask for your vote for President of my local book club.

Because honesty.
Virginia Senate committee advances slew of conformed gun-control bills

Several House-passed gun-control bills advanced out the Virginia Senate Judiciary Committee on Monday, including red-flag laws, expanded background checks and restrictions on minors having access to weapons.

Both chambers passed their own versions of red-flag laws and expanded background-check laws, but the Judiciary Committee advanced substitute versions of these bills that conform them to substitute versions that advanced out of the House Public Safety Committee last week, making the language consistent in both chambers.

These two bills are expected to have enough support to pass both chambers of the General Assembly and both have the support of Gov. Ralph Northam.

House Bill 674, which is the red-flag law, would allow a judge or a magistrate to order police to seize a weapon from a person’s home if that person is deemed to be a threat to himself or others. A person who has his guns seized would be guaranteed a hearing no later than 14 days afterward. A person would not need to be convicted of a crime, charged with a crime or even accused of a crime for his guns to be taken away, but the seizure only would be temporary.

The law would require police first request that the person hand his guns over before they can search his house. Police can ask for a search warrant if the person refuses to hand over his guns or says he does not have any when the police believe he does.

“This bill is as much a suicide prevention bill as anything else. … The statistics on suicide by gun are, frankly, overwhelming,” Del. Rip Sullivan, D-Fairfax, the primary sponsor of the bill, told the committee. “It is certainly the most effective form of suicide, so when a person in that kind of trouble no longer has a gun with which to accomplish that, it has been shown by studies in the other states [with similar legislation] that it cuts down on suicide rates very dramatically.”

The background check legislation, House Bill 2, passed the committee, 9-5. This legislation would require a background check for private firearm transactions unless the transaction occurs between two close family members.

The substitute version of House Bill 1083, which passed the committee, 9-6, would make it a Class 1 misdemeanor to recklessly allow a child under the age of 14 to access a loaded firearm. Current law provides a Class 3 misdemeanor.

The Senate committee blocked more aggressive legislation that was considered earlier this month. That legislation would have made it a Class 3 misdemeanor to recklessly allow a minor under the age of 18 to access a loaded firearm. Opponents worried that the reckless standard was too vague and that it could be used to prosecute a person who lets a minor access a firearm even if that minor knows how to use one.

The committee also advanced House Bill 421, which gives localities more authority to pass firearm restrictions, and House Bill 812, which would prohibit a person from buying more than one handgun in a 30-day period.


Libtards in VA believe the ref flag law will prevent suicides.

In my home county, they passed a plastic bag tax to "save the Chesapeake" from plastic bags in the estuary, blah blah, ignoring that 90% of what I purchase in the store is in....PLASTIC CONTAINERS. Likewise, this Red Flag law will prevent suicides because pills, razor blades, rope, and tall buildings can't be used for suicide.
ILikewise, this Red Flag law will prevent suicides because pills, razor blades, rope, and tall buildings can't be used for suicide.

Common sense razor control!! No more 5 and 6-bladed razors. How many blades does a person need? If you need six blades, you must be a bad barber.

Politicians are failures in life. Losers. They could never actually succeed in the rough-and-tumble world of reality. When they go into politics, they try and control everything to compensate for their own inability to control anything. What you can eat, drink, how fast you drive, where you live, where you work, what you pay for bread, what you pay for gas ... they have to control everything simply because they are losers and exercising their idiotic control makes them feel slightly less flaccid. The legislation does not work, at all, and has devastating unintended effects? Pfffft, the mini pretend-kings don't give a ****.