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Democrats and gun control - "You first"

Preach! Love that guy.

And yes, Tibs has departed the building. He was HOPING there would be a riot. Or worse. Just hoping for it.

He is utterly out of touch.

If he's still in Hungaria then he's way way way out of touch with his former country.
Tibsy only shows up when he can express, or rather virtue signal, his faux outrage.

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Or when Unk dispatches him.


Drunk driving was a bigger problem prior to the 80's, states toughened laws and deaths per year have dramatically fallen. Same could be done with guns, if Americans felt saving 30,000 American lives per year was worth it.

I thought libbies opposed the death penalty for murder. I guess that "tougher on crime" bullshit turns out to be a lie, as lefty "prosecutors" implement programs to release prisoners by the thousands.

Politicians in their gated communities don't care and don't suffer. Politicians protected by armed guards and metal detectors don't care and don't suffer. The cost for their idiocy is, as always, paid by working America.

Drunk driving was a bigger problem prior to the 80's, states toughened laws and deaths per year have dramatically fallen. Same could be done with guns, if Americans felt saving 30,000 American lives per year was worth it.

You can't just throw numbers like that around during conversations or debates, as it isn't accurate when the topic is centered on how more strict gun laws could save lives. Almost 2/3 of your number are death by suicide and when someone reaches the end, even without a gun, they'll find a way. For the remaining 1/3 you have to look at inner city/ Gang violence and understand that there is NO gun laws that will stop or even lessen the black market. NONE. Many Gang members are carrying automatic weapons that even I can't get my hands on. Throwing large numbers around to exacerbate your point is dishonest and simply leads lambs into a false narrative.
How do you think he got there?

Sometimes I suspect your avatar shows you standing beside a liberal. Then I realize the drone you are standing besides actually works and kills terrorists, so I know it can't be a liberal.
Sometimes I suspect your avatar shows you standing beside a liberal. Then I realize the drone you are standing besides actually works and kills terrorists, so I know it can't be a liberal.

That picture was taken in Afghanistan, January 2019. Predator drone. Not a liberal.
You can't just throw numbers like that around during conversations or debates, as it isn't accurate when the topic is centered on how more strict gun laws could save lives. Almost 2/3 of your number are death by suicide and when someone reaches the end, even without a gun, they'll find a way. For the remaining 1/3 you have to look at inner city/ Gang violence and understand that there is NO gun laws that will stop or even lessen the black market. NONE. Many Gang members are carrying automatic weapons that even I can't get my hands on. Throwing large numbers around to exacerbate your point is dishonest and simply leads lambs into a false narrative.

It isn't the first or the second time 21 has posted those misleading numbers. Liberals do that. 33,000 deaths per year by firearms!!! Ban guns!!!

When you take out the suicides and the accidental deaths, as was eloquently stated in others' posts, this is a minority problem in inner cities.

We all saw on Monday what happened when you armed a bunch of Right Wing people with weapons and got them to march on a State Government.

Absolutely Nothing.

Guns don't kill. People do. The problem is people not the guns.
Politicians in their gated communities don't care and don't suffer. Politicians protected by armed guards and metal detectors don't care and don't suffer. The cost for their idiocy is, as always, paid by working America.

Yep, and that's why nothing's going to change.
I know some here think it's a lost cause, but I think VA has a chance to go back to red in November because of the gun grab.
That picture was taken in Afghanistan, January 2019. Predator drone. Not a liberal.

My bad. When I see or hear a drone, my first thought is, "dumb liberal." However, the fact that the drone actually works, protects Americans, and kills terrorists immediately disqualifies it as a liberal.
I know some here think it's a lost cause, but I think VA has a chance to go back to red in November because of the gun grab.

The rumbling that has (D)ims very, very concerned about 2020 is that Biden is the only (D)im candidate - and I mean ONLY - who has any significant support in the African-American community. If bumbling Joe falls off a cliff or stutters on incoherently and loses the nomination (a significant possibility if not likelihood), then Trump is going to get 15% of the African-American vote and win Virginia, Nevada and Minnesota.
Tibs has left the building. Again.


This is becoming comical as hell. Notice the pattern...

  • He screamed and yelled throughout 2016 about Trump the candidate, predicting this and that, insulting the man AND us left and right - until Trump won. Then *poof* gone behind his wall for 3 months like a coward
  • Russia collusion began to heat up, he shows up, blathering and meme'ing us to death with more false predictions. Then *poof* - gone.
  • When the Dims found all of these "witnesses" against Kavanaugh, Tibs shows up, blathering on and on until the Dim strategy failed. Tibs' predictions all wrong (again) then *poof* gone.
  • The Stormy Daniels story started to heat up. As predictable as the sun, Tibs shows up, 59 posts a day (hoping to be right) until...*poof* - gone.
  • When Michael Avenatti had a brief run of believability, Tibs, as sure as the sun rising, could be seen posting non-stop again JUST SURE this time they'd get ole Orange Man - then *poof* gone.
  • When the Charlottesville incidents occurred, Tibs showed up to call us all racists and remind us that Trump is a White Supremacist, until that story got exposed for its lie - then *poof* gone.
  • When Nick Sandman took a lil' trip to DC and a hack-Indian instigator baited his Christian schoolmates and he into a confrontation, Tibs was here with 37 posts a day until that false narrative was destroyed - then *poof* gone
  • When the Ukraine story took off, Tibs makes a TRIUMPHANT return to tell us all this was it...Trump's gonna get it this time. Until if too fizzled then *poof* gone
  • When the US embassy was being attacked by Iranian terrorists, no Tibs. But the second Trump launched attacks, Tibs shows up to post 23 times a day about how awful Trump is for getting us into WWIII...until it appeared Trump was right AGAIN...then *poof* gone
  • Lev "Julie Swetnick" Parnas hits the news and Tibs nearly loses his mind telling us all THIS IS IT!! before *poof* gone again

Once again...Tibs was SURE that violence would occur in VA. He was hoping for it. He needed another Charlottesville. And nothing...happened. *poof* gone - he slithers away...again.

Every prediction he made while insulting us all along the way also went *poof* gone, failing to materialize.

His behavior pattern follows these simple steps:

  1. Tibs is absent.
  2. Then potential disparaging news about Trump comes to light somewhere in the media...
  3. Tibs scurries back to SN Political Forum and begins his TDS tirades against Trump and broad brush labels us all racists, mysoginists, homophobes, nationalists...
  4. Said disparaging news disappears and fizzles away into nothing
  5. Tibs slithers back behind the wall and under the bed for who knows how long....yet...again


Confluence is right. Ground Hog Day, over and over and over and over again.

Tibs Tibs Tibs Tibs Tibs Tibs Tibs Tibs Tibs Tibs Tibs Tibs Tibs Tibs

Excellent post Tim, kudos to you. Thanks for all your hard work, and for caring this much. I appreciate it, I really do, man.
He called DBS a "white supremacist" in this thread. He has called Supe a racist.

He has kinda called me a white nationalist for pointing out that the Proud Boys was not a "white nationalist" group and in fact was led by Enrique Terrio, who is not white. This is Terrio:


Tibs simply vomits out idiotic, stupid, false and disproved talking points from leftist sites. And in terms of political content, including global warming and all conservative ideals, Wikipedia is as lefty liberal as the gender studies department at your local college.

Wikipedia is edited by the public masses, and the leftists absolutely jump all over editing things to fit their narrative... lets take impeachment for example. The old page used to be more neutral on the matter... I used to reference it occasionally when arguing my “Impeachment shouldn’t be causally performed” stance.. it recently was overhauled to fit lockstep with the accusations against Trump.. that cannot be a coincidence...
Last edited:
Wikipedia is edited by the public masses, and the leftists absolutely jump all over editing things to fit their narrative... lets take impeachment for example. The old page used to be more neutral on the matter... I used to reference it occasionally when arguing my “Impeachment shouldn’t be causally performed” stance.. it recently was overhauled to fit lockstep with the accusations against Trump.. that cannot be a coincidence...

Wikipedia is absolutely overrun with the libbiest of libs. Your experience with the impeachment page is a good example. The "global warming" page is the best example. Credentialed contributors tried to correct misstatements on that page and BOOM!! Their edits deleted immediately. Page gets more and more comically hysterical, some counter the shrieking claims of doom, and those corrections BOOM!!! Gone immediately.

The Wikipedia page is moronic in terms of any modern political issue and economics, but remains a pretty decent site for information on Constitutional history, leading cases, the commerce clause, the Civil War, WWII, and to a lesser extent, Vietnam.

But I don't need to go to the page to know that the comments about Annoying Oral Crap are glowing and boot-licking.
I had a buddy years ago, on another Steelers forum, who used to watch the Ray Lewis Wiki page like a hawk. He always made sure that it said "But the police still suspect Lewis actually killed the victim."

Not sure he is still at it, but he loved making sure it said that.
First post after lurking here for a while. While there's no prohibition against "factually unfounded opinion" may I suggest everyone bookmark this website, or at least give it a look:

First post after lurking here for a while. While there's no prohibition against "factually unfounded opinion" may I suggest everyone bookmark this website, or at least give it a look:


What are you addressing to be fact checked, exactly?