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Democrats are self-destructing.


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
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Democrats are self-destructing.

  • Their two front-runners in the race for President are Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden. Each of whom will be 78 years when sworn in, IF they were elected President. Stadler and Waldroff anyone? Oh ho ho ho ho!

  • They appear to care more about illegal immigration, ( though they didn't care about Obama deporting them at all ) over our own citizens, many of whom were crime victims that number in the tens of thousands. Once the camera is pointed at the USA crime victims, the number of hardcore drugs ruining lives, here, and the ugly human trafficking/sex trade, not even CNN could steer their sheep-like audience away from the reasons why better border security is needed.

  • Several of their elected officials are fanning flames for confrontation in public. The low IQ Waters has become their poster women for the Democratic movement. Such behavior, if the Democrats had class should be vocally repudiated. Yet they tolerate such actions.

  • Many of their* " quote-unquote " leaders in the media are going off the deep end. Bill Maher, on HBO's Real-Time, is on record saying he hopes the economy tanks, and millions lose their jobs, as it best chance the Democrats have in 2020. Rooting for America to fail is not in vogue among Democrats, and they aren't even ashamed to admit it. Wow.

Come July 9th, they know they will have lost the supreme court for decades
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It seems like every day lately I read a story online or see another Youtube testimonial video given by a Hispanic or Black person talking about how they have become a Conservative and have turned their backs on the Democrat party because they are now realizing that Democrats aren't what they portray in terms of race relations. I think more people are waking up to the fact that prosperous and happy minorities are the exact opposite of what Liberal politicians want, no matter what bullshit they spew otherwise. Liberals only want poor, angry minorities that they can take advantage of and use for political leverage.

I really hope this trend of realization continues and kudos to those people who are going public and putting themselves out there online. It takes guts for a white person to publicly admit they support Trump.....so I cannot fathom the ridicule and vile hatred a Black person or Hispanic person faces in admitting it. It must be horrific. But on the bright side this trend seems to be snowballing faster and faster, which hopefully will lessen the stigma on these folks eventually. Either way it will be an absolute disaster for Democrats if it continues.
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That's all they have is old farts. And look who's in the news all the time, Maxine and Nancy. A couple of old, dried up prunes. They need to start pushing some young blood forward to be in front of the camera.
That's all they have is old farts. And look who's in the news all the time, Maxine and Nancy. A couple of old, dried up prunes. They need to start pushing some young blood forward to be in front of the camera.

Problem is the young guys are pure socialists or pure race democrats. Their party is really split between the two ideologies. And I don't see anyone like an Obama that can snake oil sell both sides what they want to hear. And they have completely pushed away traditional swing voters other than the Anti-Trumpers who are just so bitter and hateful (see the people here) that their toxicity is driving people away from politics or even wanting to discuss it or get involved.

Everything the democrats have right now is hate and spite and animosity. Either the blacks hate the cops, the hispanics hate ICE, the liberal elite hate Trump.... I haven't heard one policy or answer to a problem in this country from the left in over a year (maybe more). Only that the answers Trump is proposing and enacting are so bad they will collapse all of Western civilization (which is funny how it never seems to happen).

I mean think of all the problems we talk about or want to improve... economy, immigration, trade, taxes, health care... the democrats right now are basically running on "status quo". Economy is fine (don't do anything). Immigration is fine (go back to Obama's look the other way approach), trade is fine (just let it alone), taxes were fine (no one needs a tax break, we need to tax MORE), health care is fine (let Obamacare alone).

I guess according to the democrats everything was just perfect after Obama and everyone in this country knows that is wrong (at least when they really thought about it). That's why they lost and that's why they will lose again. They will end up running a campaign of "lets go back to Obama" and rolling back everything Trump has/will do. I don't think that wins.
Problem is the young guys are pure socialists or pure race democrats. Their party is really split between the two ideologies. And I don't see anyone like an Obama that can snake oil sell both sides what they want to hear. And they have completely pushed away traditional swing voters other than the Anti-Trumpers who are just so bitter and hateful (see the people here) that their toxicity is driving people away from politics or even wanting to discuss it or get involved.

Everything the democrats have right now is hate and spite and animosity. Either the blacks hate the cops, the hispanics hate ICE, the liberal elite hate Trump.... I haven't heard one policy or answer to a problem in this country from the left in over a year (maybe more). Only that the answers Trump is proposing and enacting are so bad they will collapse all of Western civilization (which is funny how it never seems to happen).

I mean think of all the problems we talk about or want to improve... economy, immigration, trade, taxes, health care... the democrats right now are basically running on "status quo". Economy is fine (don't do anything). Immigration is fine (go back to Obama's look the other way approach), trade is fine (just let it alone), taxes were fine (no one needs a tax break, we need to tax MORE), health care is fine (let Obamacare alone).

I guess according to the democrats everything was just perfect after Obama and everyone in this country knows that is wrong (at least when they really thought about it). That's why they lost and that's why they will lose again. They will end up running a campaign of "lets go back to Obama" and rolling back everything Trump has/will do. I don't think that wins.

The Dems can't say African Americans And Hispanics are suffering under Trump as unemployment is at an all time low for both groups.

I don't think hatting ICE will work either. The same group said nothing about it when Obama was in power, and it would be a losing argument. Do you care about ICE or the USA first?

Some of my liberal friends are quietly backing off of the new style Democratic politics. They are self destructing, leaderless, and fragmented.
***** riding my coattails again

(already posted)

Dem nightmare deepens as party is 'underperforming' among Hispanics

Golly gee, it turns out that race-baiting and fear-mongering aren't paying off for the Democrats and that Hispanic voters are not universally motivated by the call of open borders.

Democrats counting on President Trump's hard-line immigration policies to spark energized Hispanic turnout and a wave against GOP candidates in this year's midterms will be surprised to see what's transpiring. Even during the heat of the family-separation crisis, Democrats are underperforming in heavily Hispanic constituencies, from GOP-held border battlegrounds in Texas to diversifying districts in Southern California to the nation's most populous Senate battleground in Florida[.]

It's becoming increasingly obvious that Democrats believe all sorts of racist stereotypes about minorities: that blacks are incapable of advancing themselves without help from Democrats and the quotas they espouse, and that Hispanics are all supportive of illegal immigration, for example.



Dems Issue Depressing Statement on Independence Day as People Leave Party in Droves

The Democrat party is in complete disarray.

The violence, threats, calls to abolish borders and abolish ICE are causing people to leave the Democrat party in droves.

The #WalkAway campaign is gaining momentum as decent Americans are fed up with the vitriol and overall lack of message from the Democrat party.

The mask is completely off; Democrats are openly embracing a Communist Socialist candidate for the House of Representatives.

DNC Chairman Tom Perez claimed this week that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a self-proclaimed Democratic Socialist running for Congress, is “the future of our party.”

The Democrats released a bleak message riddled with identity politics and doom and gloom on this July 4th.



Hysterical Democrats worried that Donald Trump is winning

I know what has Democrats so hysterical. And it’s not the separation of kids from their illegal alien parents at the border.

If that were the issue, why didn’t Democrats, Hollywood liberals or the liberal media speak up under Barack Obama? Because this was America’s policy for eight years under Obama. Yet not a peep from liberals when Obama separated illegal alien parents from children.

Let’s compare American heroes to foreign lawbreakers. Don’t our own U.S. military heroes have to be separated from their own kids to serve overseas?

Of course, they do.

Democrats value foreign illegal alien criminals over American military heroes? Really? It certainly appears so.

I’ve never seen one Democrat, Hollywood celeb or liberal journalist protest or shed a tear about military parents being separated from their children. Have you?

I’ve also never seen one Democrat shed a tear or get hysterical over “Angel Moms” — mothers whose children were murdered by illegal aliens. That’s forced separation for life. These are American moms whose kids are murdered by foreign illegal alien criminals. They will never see their kids again. Where are the liberal tears?

So why now? Why blame Trump for decisions knowingly made by illegal alien parents? Why make this the No. 1 headline in America?

Because Trump is #winning. That’s what terrifies Democrats. That’s really why they are so hysterical. It’s a WMD: Weapon of Mass Distraction.

■ Trump’s approval rating at Rasmussen is higher than Obama.

■ Trump’s approval at Gallup is the highest of his presidency.

■ The approval for “the direction of the country” is the highest in 12 years.

■ Trump’s approval among GOP voters is now higher than Obama, Reagan or JFK. It’s actually the second-highest in history at 88 percent. That’s why this issue suddenly reared its ugly head.

Democrats aren’t worried about kids. They’re worried they can’t beat Trump in upcoming elections.



Headline News - Democrats lose ground with millennials

(Reuters) - Enthusiasm for the Democratic Party is waning among millennials as its candidates head into the crucial midterm congressional elections, according to the Reuters/Ipsos national opinion poll.

Reuters Poll: Young White Americans Flee Democrat Party In Droves Since Trump’s Election

Young white Americans are fleeing the Democrat Party en masse following the election of President Donald Trump in 2016, a new poll reveals. The latest Reuters/Ipsos Poll surveyed more than 16,000 registered voters between the ages 18 to 34 over the course of the last three months of 2018. This same poll was conducted in 2016 around the same time period.

Young white Americans, in 2016, favored Democrats over Republicans in 2016 by a 47 to 33 percent margin. Since Trump’s election — and his booming economy which has secured high-paying jobs and record job opportunities — young white Americans’ favoritism for Democrats has disappeared.




Sen. Chuck Schumer and Rep. Nancy Pelosi are now being condemned by a number of African-American leaders after distancing themselves from Rep. Maxine Waters’ rhetoric encouraging the harassment of Trump cabinet members.

Politico reports that in a letter sent to the two Democratic leaders on July 3rd, “Black Women Leaders and Allies” expressed their “profound indignation and deep disappointment over your recent failure to protect Congresswoman Waters from unwarranted attacks from the Trump Administration and others in the GOP.”

Al Sharpton and Donna Brazile signed the letter, among many others.



The left's contempt is going to reelect Trump

Democrats have a new theory for how they can win back Congress and the White House. Democrats are targeting the "20% of Trump's voters [who] told exit pollsters they didn't like him" hoping these reluctant Trump voters will help power a "blue wave" in the 2018 midterms and defeat President Trump in 2020.

One problem with that theory: The left's nonstop, over-the-top attacks on Trump are not peeling those voters away from him; they are pushing them further into the president's camp.

First, there was Robert De Niro's "f -- Trump" tirade at the Tony awards, followed by Samantha Bee's calling Ivanka Trump a "feckless c -- " on her TV show.

Then the owners of the Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, Va. threw out White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders because she works for the president, while chanting protesters heckled Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen at a Mexican restaurant.

Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., added fuel to the fire by openly calling on mobs of left-wing activists to "absolutely harass" Trump officials.

Then, there were the countless Trump opponents in the media, Congress and on Twitter who compared family separations at the southern border with Nazi Germany, and the Time magazine cover depicting Trump staring down heartlessly at a crying migrant girl and implying she was separated from her mother (until it emerged that she had not in fact been separated from her mother). And now come the threats to block Trump's Supreme Court nominee before he has even nominated one.

How do liberals think that 20 percent of reluctant Trump voters respond to these displays of unbridled contempt? They are outraged not at Trump but at his critics. The unhinged hatred for the president makes these voters almost reflexively defend him.

Don't take my word for it. The New York Times recently interviewed dozens of tepid Trump voters who explained how the incessant attacks are causing them to rally around the president.

These are exactly the voters Democrats are hoping to win back. Instead, they are doing the opposite. Polls bear this out.

Democrats are deluding themselves if they think they lost because of "#NeverHillary" voters who will come home when she is not on the ballot. They lost because they have become a party of coastal liberal elites who have lost touch with millions of ordinary citizens in Middle America -- working-class voters who are struggling with factories closing, jobs leaving and an opioid epidemic that is destroying their families. These voters concluded in 2016 that Democrats no longer care about their problems and that Trump does.

Spasms of anti-Trump outrage are not going to win them back. If anything, they are confirming these voters' conclusions that Democrats still don't get it -- and don't get them.

The left's miasma of contempt may feel cathartic, but it is the best thing that ever happened to Trump. Indeed, it may very well get him reelected.



'Abolish ICE' is a gift to Republicans

“Abolish ICE” has become the new rallying cry of the left, which is trying to turn the fury Americans are feeling about the horrors at the Mexican border on the little-understood agency known as U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

But replace it with what? Democrats don’t have a clear answer for that, which is why they are heading into dangerous political territory.

Demonizing a government agency is an old, tired strategy — one that rarely if ever has worked.



It's pretty clear how Obama and his ilk destroyed the democratic party. They thought they were so smart with their apology tours, white guilt, race reparations, globalization and "wink, wink" open boarders. They thought the quicker they made the country "brown" the quicker they would never lose another election.

And it all backfired. The whites they thought would always vote for them (because they did in the past) ran away in droves (and I think they are still running away). They realized some whites still had some pride and respect of law and weren't embarrassed to be Americans or White. And Trump (even though he is rude and crude and lies) played all those cards perfectly.

And the democrats still haven't figured this out. Give me one policy proposal they have proposed to get back white voters? The white voters they used to have? The 50-year union guys? Middle America? They don't have any.

They can hitch their wagon to elitists, academia snobs, coastal wealth (which provide all the money) and try to win just minority voters everywhere else, but that doesn't add up. It doesn't add up in the electoral college at all. And it won't add up in the Senate.

So let them. I'm not going to tell them how to fix their problems. I want them to keep losing. I can't wait until Trump wins another term and that bat Ruth Bader Ginsberg HAS to finally retire. Then I can sleep well the rest of my life knowing there's a Constitutionalist court to stop massive government intervention no matter who is elected (because pendulums do swing).
It's pretty clear how Obama and his ilk destroyed the democratic party. They thought they were so smart with their apology tours, white guilt, race reparations, globalization and "wink, wink" open boarders. They thought the quicker they made the country "brown" the quicker they would never lose another election.

And it all backfired. The whites they thought would always vote for them (because they did in the past) ran away in droves (and I think they are still running away). They realized some whites still had some pride and respect of law and weren't embarrassed to be Americans or White. And Trump (even though he is rude and crude and lies) played all those cards perfectly.

And the democrats still haven't figured this out. Give me one policy proposal they have proposed to get back white voters? The white voters they used to have? The 50-year union guys? Middle America? They don't have any.

They can hitch their wagon to elitists, academia snobs, coastal wealth (which provide all the money) and try to win just minority voters everywhere else, but that doesn't add up. It doesn't add up in the electoral college at all. And it won't add up in the Senate.

So let them. I'm not going to tell them how to fix their problems. I want them to keep losing. I can't wait until Trump wins another term and that bat Ruth Bader Ginsberg HAS to finally retire. Then I can sleep well the rest of my life knowing there's a Constitutionalist court to stop massive government intervention no matter who is elected (because pendulums do swing).

If Ginsberg is replaced by Trump with a Republican controlled Senate it will be a Waterloo moment for the Democrats, who are now just a few steps away from decades of checkmate in the Supreme Court.

Breyer will be 80 in August, Ginsberger 86.
Everything the democrats have right now is hate and spite and animosity. Either the blacks hate the cops, the hispanics hate ICE, the liberal elite hate Trump.... I haven't heard one policy or answer to a problem in this country from the left in over a year (maybe more). Only that the answers Trump is proposing and enacting are so bad they will collapse all of Western civilization (which is funny how it never seems to happen).

I mean think of all the problems we talk about or want to improve... economy, immigration, trade, taxes, health care... the democrats right now are basically running on "status quo". Economy is fine (don't do anything). Immigration is fine (go back to Obama's look the other way approach), trade is fine (just let it alone), taxes were fine (no one needs a tax break, we need to tax MORE), health care is fine (let Obamacare alone).

I've watched several interviews with democrats and they were asked about their ideas. Every single one without exception said something about "Coming together to discuss X issue". I get 2 things from this. 1. They know they have no real ideas or no ideas they can say out loud. 2. They want to "discuss" things because that's how they get RINOs to go along with them. Every time Reps. compromise the dems win. Reagan gave them amnesty but they never gave him border security. Bush gave them everything including "No child left behind" which was written by Teddy Kennedy and he got nothing. I can't remember one time in my life where the dems and reps came together and the dems got screwed or the reps got what they wanted... not once.

Even though I didn't want trump during the primaries and voted for Cruz I'm glad he is the president now. He simply does what he says and best of all he WINS. I'm tired of getting beat by "compromise". The reason many are leaving the dems isn't just because the dems are imploding (which they are) it is because people finally see someone actually getting the job done without apology.
The Dems invited the hard left Marxists onto their train with the Bernie bots, and they now they are taking control.

The "moderate" Dems pushed ALL their chips to the center of the table betting on Hillary, and she LOST!

They have NO identity, NO platform except "Hate Trump"

Trump has driven them so far left and insane U might as well call them the Socialist-Anarchist Party.



Illegal immigration is at historic lows and Republicans seem obsessed with the issue. It was high during the Bush years, but Obama greatly
improved it, likely from setting records of deporting people.

Nobody has declared for the Dems in 2020, it's doubtful Bernie or Biden run. I like Warner and Hickenlooper.

Last I checked Bill Maher is a comedian and Maxine acts like one. Neither of them have many Democrats ear. Conservatives seem to take outlier events and individuals
and give them broad brush influence when they are really insignificant. Keep thinking that way and wait for a Surprise.
Like the 2,000 kids ICE separated from their parents under Trump compared to roughly 80,000 under Obama? Those kind of outlier events?
I don't think Democrats are self destructing. I think they are certainly fragmented. That said, one thing democrats do, is rally around one candidate in the end. Last election, they were pretty badly divided between Bernie and Hillary. Yet, somehow, they managed to rally around Hillary and get her 3 million more votes than Trump. One Truth about Democrats is that they will ALWAYS vote for the democrat. They are less likely, in my opinion, to seek a 3rd party candidate than Republicans.

I just think more republicans vote based on personal principle, and more democrats vote based on party. When I say that, I mean that while your principles may dictate liberalism, you may be opposed to socialism. Even so, the typical democrat, even if opposed to socialism is gonna vote for the Democratic Socialist because that person is still a democrat. Some republicans would and do vote libertarian, even though a libertarian has no chance at winning, instead of voting for a Republican they disagree with.

They might be torn between Democrats and Democrat Socialists now, but no way they are voting Republican in numbers great enough to make any sort of major difference come November. Hell, I would feel safe saying no way they are voting Republican.
The above is a good analysis of the difference between Trump and Obama border policies. Obama faced a different problem, because many of those 80,000 kids
you mentioned came without parents. And they separated kids from parents if the parent was involved in another crime like drug smuggling.

I find it funny those that mention Dems having no ideas when we have a Republican House & Senate & President and little major legislation is getting passed.
If Republicans had an idea in regard to immigration, now is a great time to pass it. When you think Republican you think smaller government and fiscal responsibility
and so far under Trump the government is getting larger and deficits are on the rise again. Quite principled they are. If you believe in smaller government and fiscal
responsibility and you control the entire government, let's see some legislation that matches your principles. That's what I would expect, unless you have no ideas.
The above is a good analysis of the difference between Trump and Obama border policies. Obama faced a different problem, because many of those 80,000 kids
you mentioned came without parents. And they separated kids from parents if the parent was involved in another crime like drug smuggling.

I find it funny those that mention Dems having no ideas when we have a Republican House & Senate & President and little major legislation is getting passed.
If Republicans had an idea in regard to immigration, now is a great time to pass it. When you think Republican you think smaller government and fiscal responsibility
and so far under Trump the government is getting larger and deficits are on the rise again. Quite principled they are. If you believe in smaller government and fiscal
responsibility and you control the entire government, let's see some legislation that matches your principles. That's what I would expect, unless you have no ideas.

For some reason you don't mention catch and release. I wonder why? Also thousands of the kids Trump is dealing with came without parents. But you don't mention that either. Obama deported thousands of illegals.... but they changed the way they counted them. Before Obama if Mexicans were caught and simply put back into Mexico it didn't go down as a deported person. Obama changed that so he could look tough on immigration while allowing catch and release and filled the country with illegals.

Seriously have you ever been to the border? California? They are ******* filled with illegals. 11 million is bullshit. I would estimate over 20 easily. My wife is in California right now. Wading through the hoards of ******* illegals and tent cities. Don't tell me how great Obama was on it. The ******* country is flooded. Just watch an episode of Live PD. They are pulling over illegals in Ohio, South Carolina ETC.

My idea is simply and easy. 1. Build a wall so big that a fly can't squeeze through. 2. Start putting company CEOs in jail for hiring illegals. 3. Use E-verify for job openings. 4. Make it a felony to cross the border illegally.

Illegal immigration is at historic lows and Republicans seem obsessed with the issue. It was high during the Bush years, but Obama greatly
improved it, likely from setting records of deporting people.

Nobody has declared for the Dems in 2020, it's doubtful Bernie or Biden run. I like Warner and Hickenlooper.

Last I checked Bill Maher is a comedian and Maxine acts like one. Neither of them have many Democrats ear. Conservatives seem to take outlier events and individuals
and give them broad brush influence when they are really insignificant. Keep thinking that way and wait for a Surprise.

If everything is better than why is our media reporting a "crisis" at the border like they have been the past 4 weeks? Again, even when GOOD things are happening our media turns it into something bad that Trump did. Honestly, America is just tired of it. We're tired of being told we are the bullies. We're tired of being told our history is fake. We're tired of being told we don't do enough. We're tired of being told we're the bad guys. If the Democrats (Obama) and the Media keep saying it (and they did for 8 years), eventually people say "**** You" back. Trump was the "**** You" to everyone that got on a TV and acted all high and mighty over the past 8 years during Obama and lectured the American people (and Obama lectured A LOT).

I love what is happening. I couldn't be happier with this Presidency. It's not perfect (just like America's past) but I'm not about to go around apologizing for it either. I'll let Tibs apologize to all his European friends instead. I don't apologize to my liberal friends. I tell them if they don't like it, vote and we'll see how it plays out. All this whining and marching doesn't mean ****.

It was high during the Bush years, but Obama greatly
improved it, likely from setting records of deporting people.

What a vile, racist, xenophobic, hate monger Obama was to deport those poor Hispanic children and families. I always knew he was on the Alt Right and he probably was a Russian spy as well. Everyone who voted for Obama is obviously a racist hate monger as well.
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If Ginsberg is replaced by Trump with a Republican controlled Senate it will be a Waterloo moment for the Democrats, who are now just a few steps away from decades of checkmate in the Supreme Court.

Breyer will be 80 in August, Ginsberger 86.

I can't see how it won't happen

And it all backfired. The whites they thought would always vote for them (because they did in the past) ran away in droves (and I think they are still running away). They realized some whites still had some pride and respect of law and weren't embarrassed to be Americans or White. And Trump (even though he is rude and crude and lies) played all those cards perfectly.

And the democrats still haven't figured this out. Give me one policy proposal they have proposed to get back white voters? The white voters they used to have? The 50-year union guys? Middle America? They don't have any.
Dems moved too far Left too fast. They have no issues that appeal to white working class voters nor do they want to. Anything they do to appeal to whites will now alienate their new base. We are the Walmart shoppers that Lisa Page said she could smell in southern Virginia. As it is, the Dems CAN NOT nominate a heterosexual white man for President now and maintain their street cred. Be a ******* revolution at the convention like we haven't seen since Chicago 1968.

They can hitch their wagon to elitists, academia snobs, coastal wealth (which provide all the money) and try to win just minority voters everywhere else, but that doesn't add up. It doesn't add up in the electoral college at all. And it won't add up in the Senate.
Exactly. They figured they could hitch their wagon to the coastal elites and brown people. Problems are 1) the country is still roughly 66% white and 2) the brown people are concentrated in urban areas and states that are already blue and not evenly spread out like the white people are. This is why if they pick up another million votes in CA it won't make any difference.
Sarge said:
One Truth about Democrats is that they will ALWAYS vote for the democrat. They are less likely, in my opinion, to seek a 3rd party candidate than Republicans.

You are completely WRONG

For one thing, Bernie isn't even a Democrat!

JILL STEIN voters won us the election!


Go Bernie bots!

Vote your conscience!

Vote Green Party!


Trump's victory margin smaller than total Stein votes in key swing states

In Michigan, Trump defeated Democrat Hillary Clinton by 10,704 votes, while Stein got 51,463 votes, according to current totals on the state’s official website.

And in Wisconsin, Trump’s margin over Clinton was 22,177, while Stein garnered 31,006 votes.

In Pennsylvania, meanwhile, Stein’s total of 49,485 votes was just slightly smaller than Trump’s victory margin of 67,416 votes

When parents commit crimes in the US and bring their kids along - it is a big deal, and the kids are separated from their parents immediately. Put your kids in the back seat, go go get a big buzz on and find a patrol car to flip off. I wonder who will be demonstrating for you? I would like to know what would happen if you got caught bringing your family illegally across the Mexican border.
One Truth about Democrats is that they will ALWAYS vote for the democrat. They are less likely, in my opinion, to seek a 3rd party candidate than Republicans.
You are completely WRONG

I would however argue that the Libertarians pull more voters from the GOP than they do from the Dems.

From the same article:

Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson received 4,442,771 votes, or 3.3 percent of the vote, and Stein got 1,420,351 votes, or 1.1 percent.

A lot of the activist Democrats, and they're getting louder and more numerous now, didn't like Hildebeast and even Bomma because they thought they weren't Leftist enough.
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I would however argue that the Libertarians pull more voters from the GOP than they do from the Dems.

I still say you're wrong

Yes, Gary helped Trump win too!


How Gary Johnson and Jill Stein helped elect Donald Trump

Neither Libertarian Party nominee Gary Johnson nor the Green Party's Jill Stein managed to make a dent in the Electoral College, but they did post a significant enough showing in several states arguably to help elect Donald Trump.

The Johnson campaign regularly said they thought they were pulling support equally from would-be Trump supporters and would-be Clinton voters. Stein's campaign, meanwhile, made a constant, explicit appeal to disenchanted Democrats and former supporters of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.

Trump won 290 Electoral College votes to 232 for Hillary Clinton, but had the Democrats managed to capture the bulk of third-party voters in some of the closest contests -- Wisconsin (10), Pennsylvania (20), Michigan (16) and Florida (29) -- Clinton would have defeated Trump by earning 307 Electoral College votes, enough to secure the presidency.

If Johnson and Stein weren't in the race, it's also possible many of their supporters may have stayed home. But if about half of Johnson's supporters would have voted for Clinton over Trump, and if most of Stein's supporters broke for the Democrats, the electoral map would have been decidedly different.
