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Democrats are self-destructing.

So let me get this straight, it’s perfectly fine for a Canadian to cry & whine about an American living abroad for being critical of the US President? Just trying to follow along.

I don't believe I have to explain this. Here goes.....

It was ironic that you called out Confluence for his pathetic, patronizing lecturing ALL THE WAY FROM CANADA when you are doing the same thing ALL THE WAY FROM HUNGARY.
I don't believe I have to explain this. Here goes..... It was ironic that you called out Confluence for his pathetic, patronizing lecturingall the way from Canada when you are doing the same thing all the way from Hungary.
That's a false equivalency, but who cares. Of course I understand why you would think that's ironic. I do my best to stick to the issues and post about current events & political issues and present my views as opposed to unilaterally calling out posters, attacking and criticizing them, as Confluence and others do. Again, it doesn't matter. My opinions are wildy unpopluar on this board, it's no shock I get attacked relentlessly. And when I decide from time to time to ***** slap someone back, oh Lord, then I'm the bad guy. It's schoolyard politics, I get it. Enjoy your Monday everyone, hope it's a good one!
That's a false equivalency, but who cares. Of course I understand why you would think that's ironic. I do my best to stick to the issues and post about current events & political issues and present my views as opposed to unilaterally calling out posters, attacking and criticizing them, as Confluence and others do. Again, it doesn't matter. My opinions are wildy unpopluar on this board, it's no shock I get attacked relentlessly. And when I decide from time to time to ***** slap someone back, oh Lord, then I'm the bad guy. It's schoolyard politics, I get it. Enjoy your Monday everyone, hope it's a good one!

Whatever. Yes, you do nothing but bring lucid, well thought out, rational arguments, and everyone else just attacks you. You never insult or condescend to anyone ever. Nope. Not the morally superior, ultra liberal Tibor.

Give me a break.
Whatever. Yes, you do nothing but bring lucid, well thought out, rational arguments, and everyone else just attacks you. You never insult or condescend to anyone ever.
I'll do my best to be less insulting and condescending or come across as being 'morally superior'. As far as being a liberal, or the fact I oppose Trump and his policies, I can't promise that will change anytime soon. Do me a favor and see if you can raise your voice from time to time if you see others launch unprovoked personal attacks, or be insulting and condescending. Just so we can pretend the board is fair and balanced. Cheers Sarge.
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The funny thing is how different the reaction would be if I was an expat posting from Hungary in full support of Trump & the GOP. Boy that would be a sight to behold. An American patriot & a Steelers fan! - hanging out in the alt right paradise of Viktor Orban, supporting my beloved President Trump from abroad. I imagine I’d have plenty of friends around here, a hero to you all, lol.

It’s just bitter, partisan politics that make you all so sensitive to the fact I live and work abroad. I guarantee you 100% you’d be singing a different tune if I was a Republican. It is what it is.

You fail to understand why you've become ridiculed, and by some loathed. You are no different than an elitist. You are just like the Hollywood elitist or the New York elitist that has an armed body guard while lecturing the rest of us on the evil of guns and that we should lose our gun rights.

It's your never ending hypocrisy and selective outrage that have posters here attacking your sanctimonious posts.

I've exposed your blatant hypocrisy countless times, as have others. But a few of the almost never-ending examples...

Fast & Furious and Benghazi were nothing burgers to you, but Trump stood next to Kim Jong Un. Rage.
Trump tells lies, but Obama's were all excused by you, typically with a condescending explanation as to how we didn't "understand" what the man meant, like him visiting all 57 states.
You calling everyone on the Right the Alt Right (just like your vile and corrupt media) then CRYING on this board about how you are treated.
You calling the Right violent, while supporting AntiFA and comparing them to the D-Day WWII invaders.
You crying and wailing about these immigrant children now, not giving 2 ***** about them when Obama separated 80+thousand kids
You screaming for the US to let in refugees by the millions while you sit protected behind a wall (whether that is your choice or not) petting your kitties lecturing the rest of us is indeed richly priceless.

I could make this list pages. Your hypocrisy and double standards and selective outrage have no limits.

We aren't sensitive. Our eyes are open. We are "woke" as the kids say. It has nothing to do with the fact that you live in Hungary. It wouldn't matter if you lived in London or Instanbul. It's that you have no consistent basis of operation save for being partisan and you persist on lecturing from this shifting basis while insulting.

This is why Tib's smack-downs are such a favorite pastime here.
Do me a favor and see if you can raise your voice from time to time if you see others launch unprovoked personal attacks, or be insulting and condescending. Just so we can pretend the board is fair and balanced. Cheers Sarge.

Did you not say this?

I do my best to stick to the issues and post about current events & political issues and present my views as opposed to unilaterally calling out posters, attacking and criticizing them, as Confluence and others do.

I never said you were the only one, or that others don't do it. I don't recall guys like Confluence or Indy claiming they simply stick to the issues and don't attack anyone. I think they will both readily admit they do both.

You, on the other hand always try to paint yourself as a victim of the mean conservatives on this board. Fact is, a lot of this **** you post is snarky and condescending. And yes, I know, plenty of guys here do the same damn thing. I am sure you have your reasons for posting the things you do the way you do, but just don't try and pretend that you are somehow above all of that petty stuff when you pedal in it as much as anyone else.

I know you'll say you are just giving what you get, and the conservative posters will say the same damn thing. And what we end up with is a self licking ice cream cone, with a never ending argument because someone always feels slighted by something someone else said.

But hey, it makes for good political discourse. Carry on.

Why do people keep repeating the lie about 80,000 kids during Obama admin? It was a different situation, most of the 80K came across the border by themselves.
You can't separate them from their parents if the parents never came with them.

It isn't different. A lot of these kids came by themselves or with people that are not their parents. It is a fact. No one would turn away a kid that is on his/her own right?

I mean lets think about this for a second. And I will just use Obama vs. Trump, even though this problem predates both of them by a mile. Under Obama, kids showed up all by themselves when it was easier to get in, and with Trump, who clearly stated over and over that he wanted to stop the flow of illegal immigration. Not reduce it. Stop it. Knowing that, illegal immigrants started showing up as entire family units thinking that would be easier than just sending a kid and using the system of chain migration like they did during the Obama years? You really believe that?
That's a false equivalency, but who cares. Of course I understand why you would think that's ironic. I do my best to stick to the issues and post about current events & political issues and present my views as opposed to unilaterally calling out posters, attacking and criticizing them, as Confluence and others do. Again, it doesn't matter. My opinions are wildy unpopluar on this board, it's no shock I get attacked relentlessly. And when I decide from time to time to ***** slap someone back, oh Lord, then I'm the bad guy. It's schoolyard politics, I get it. Enjoy your Monday everyone, hope it's a good one!

I think it's important to have some level of respect for other views unless they are an abomination.

It's not easy being a liberal these days. The lack of leadership, the extreme point of views they focus on, and this new confrontational anger, supported by talking heads from the left.*

If you didn't know any better the left based on media coverage is for getting in the opposition face in public and seems to care more about illegal immigration than USA citizens.

This type of politics should be repudiated by both sides. But it's not.
If you didn't know any better the left based on media coverage is for getting in the opposition face in public and seems to care more about illegal immigration than USA citizens.

If you didn't know any better? They are all in on the things you mentioned, it isn't even in doubt at this point. It isn't about Americans anymore for the left. It's about power. Period.

Isn't foreign intervention, outlawing abortion and outlawing drugs ways the US government uses to tell others how to live.

As is the government forcing me to use a certain type of light bulb, a toilet that doesn't flush, a spill-proof gas can that spills more gas than the old cans, how much gas mileage my car needs to get, where you drill an oil well, and where I can build a house.
I'm against all of those things.
You were saying?

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I'll do my best to be less insulting and condescending or come across as being 'morally superior'. As far as being a liberal, or the fact I oppose Trump and his policies, I can't promise that will change anytime soon. Do me a favor and see if you can raise your voice from time to time if you see others launch unprovoked personal attacks, or be insulting and condescending. Just so we can pretend the board is fair and balanced. Cheers Sarge.

You're perfectly entitled to a different opinion. At least you're smarter than Trog, Elfie, and 21.
It's impossible to be condescending to me because I'm already more intelligent than everyone else. No biggie, carry on.
In order - national security, outlawing murder, could make a libertarian argument about it.

I know, I was just pointing out that Libs are pretty selective about what they want govt to regulate and what they don't.

That was cute, Tibs. Not very original, but cute.
You're perfectly entitled to a different opinion. At least you're smarter than Trog, Elfie, and 21.
It's impossible to be condescending to me because I'm already more intelligent than everyone else except Coolie. No biggie, carry on.

fixed it for you
The funny thing is how different the reaction would be if I was an expat posting from Hungary in full support of Trump & the GOP. Boy that would be a sight to behold. An American patriot & a Steelers fan! - hanging out in the alt right paradise of Viktor Orban, supporting my beloved President Trump from abroad. I imagine I’d have plenty of friends around here, a hero to you all, lol.

It’s just bitter, partisan politics that make you all so sensitive to the fact I live and work abroad. I guarantee you 100% you’d be singing a different tune if I was a Republican. It is what it is.

you caught **** about living abroad during Former President Obama's administration and you will continue to....you were less of a whiny ***** when your man was in power though....you weren't even this bad when Bush was in office....
you caught **** about living abroad during Former President Obama's administration and you will continue to....you were less of a whiny ***** when your man was in power though....you weren't even this bad when Bush was in office....

<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/JTe7HASbDATny" width="480" height="202" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="https://giphy.com/gifs/pandawhale-saddlesargue-JTe7HASbDATny">via GIPHY</a></p>
Yep - the wheels have come completely off their wagon

"The Democratic Party Left Me Behind"

I’m no Trump supporter, but I’ve been repulsed by the political and cultural left’s hatred, demonization and mistreatment of the president.

I am a Democrat who has spent the last two years often criticizing my own party and fellow Democrats.

Yeah, I’m a bad Democrat, I know.

I have friends and readers asking me, “Are you still a liberal?” and “Have you changed parties?” and “Why are you seemingly defending Trump?”

I’ve been a loyal Democrat for about 15 years. As someone who became a citizen in 2006, I became a Democrat during the George W. Bush years, because I liked the party’s anti-war, pro-minority, pro-environment, pro-little guy positions.

But the 2016 election was an eye-opener for me. To use the current political jargon, I became “woke,” in some very different ways, and I got “red-pilled.”

It was the year I recognized that our two political parties have become dinosaurs, ossified beyond recognition. Yes, there’s grassroots energy in the Democratic Party, but party leadership is essentially bereft of ideas.

It was the year I joined millions of Americans in losing faith in the ruling class of both parties and in many of our political institutions.

It was also the year this voter became increasingly frustrated that our national media outlets — cable, network and legacy news media — have self-bifurcated into stark pro- and anti-Trump factions.

The Democratic Party and its followers have left me for many reasons, but here are a few examples:

The party and its followers have been showing illiberal tendencies for some time.

It has gone off the rails on immigration, free speech, identity politics and some other issues — a topic I’ll defer for another day.

I’m no Trump supporter, but I’ve been horrified and repulsed by the political and cultural left’s hatred, demonization and mistreatment of President Trump, his family, his administration officials and his voters, which is even worse (if that’s possible) than what the right did to President Obama.

For what it’s worth, renegades like me are like that canary in the coal mine: We’re trying to warn Democrats when they’re tone-deaf or still don’t get it.

Youtube is filled with these videos of MyWalkAway testimonials. This is becoming a major movement.

So let me get this straight, it’s perfectly fine for a Canadian to cry & whine about an American living abroad for being critical of the US President? Just trying to follow along.

Enjoy yer all's cup of misery

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