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DOJ tells Mueller to limit testimony to his public report


Regular Member
Apr 20, 2014
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The last gasp for the perpetually triggered

The Justice Department on Monday told former special counsel Robert Mueller that he should limit his Wednesday testimony before Congress to the four corners of his public report on Russian interference.

“Any testimony must remain within the boundaries of your public report because matters within the scope of your investigation were covered by executive privilege, including information protected by law enforcement, deliberative process, attorney work product, and presidential communications privileges,” Associate Deputy Attorney General Bradley Weinsheimer wrote in a letter to Mueller that was obtained by The Hill.

“These privileges would include discussion about investigative steps or decisions made during your investigation not otherwise described in the public version of your report,” Weinsheimer wrote.



Word on the street is Mueller asked the DOJ to include that, Dems outraged
The Dims want a new bombshell out of this. Not going to get it.
If the GOP has the balls, they will ask a handful of questions that will put all of this nonsense to bed, once and for all. One questions should be - why didn't Mueller recuse himself since he is good friends with Comey. 2 more questions would be - why was his entire legal team on the case made up of libtard Hillary donors. And, let's not forget - were Hillary and the Demonrats investigated for their role with the Russians, including the fake dossier? If not, why? There was a very obvious connection there between Hillary, the DNC and the Russians. But, I am guessing none of these questions will be asked or allowed to be asked by the Demonrats.
Mueller Testimony

So my liberal friends on social media are all excited about Mueller's testimony tomorrow.They really think this is going to be some monumental, earth shattering thing. There's talk of Watergate and popping popcorn and impeachment.

Mueller is not going to say anything that's not in the public report. He's already stated that. Do they actually think he's going to offer up his personal opinion of what Congress should do or something?

It's hilarious how hyped they are for what is sure to be yet another big letdown.

Of course the media will seize on some awkward turn of phrase and twist it into something it wasn't meant to say. I'm prepared for that.
Me thinks you need new friends. :nod:
Me thinks you need new friends. :nod:

Keep your friends close, but the enemy closer.

Or something like that. Even Mueller didn't want this. Dog & Pony show, nothing more.
what was the last hearing that the liberals all packed bars to watch and were disappointed because nothing happened?
Nothing will happen. Mueller will stick to the report and will have some lawyerly version of "i plead the 5th" to not answer a bunch of questions.

The real show will be the media pretending there was some huge news. They will then knowingly lie by pretending Mueller's refusal to answer is because Barr won't let him talk. But if he could, he would tell us all the dirt.
The report has everything he knows there is nothing else he can tell them. This is political theatre.
This will be a show of Democrats trying to twist Muellers words. This will be a dud for Democrats. The media
Nothing newsworthy here. Just a distraction to keep people from focusing on the real problems we have at our border and the psychopaths we have sitting in Congress.

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Of course the media will seize on some awkward turn of phrase and twist it into something it wasn't meant to say. I'm prepared for that.

Running through the news programs this morning, it seems everyone is convinced that Democrats want him to say that if not for DOJ policy, he would have indicted Trump. They all seem to agree that this is what Democrats are going to try to get him to say. They believe if he says that, "the vast majority" of the country would then rally behind impeachment. On CNN and MSNBC, you get the sense that they are rooting for that, praying for that. I don't know if he will or not, but if he does, look for **** to hit the fan.
Shady Bob is all ***-puckered in anticipation of the questions from Republicans about the witch hunt hoax.
Guy is stuttering and stammering around like he just learned English yesterday. Seems to have a lot of issues understanding English as well.
He seems to have no clue what anyone is talking about.
Headline at CNN.com: Mueller confirms that report did not exonerate Trump.
He seems to have no clue what anyone is talking about.

He's as thick as a brick. Keeps on saying will you repeat that. And after a couple of will you repeat that he just agrees. I'll bet he doesn't even know the war is over, the first world war.
He wouldn't even confirm his own joint statement. WTF?
He has no chance up there. He knows damn well this was all based on horseshit from the beginning as demonstrated by his lack of answers.