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DOJ tells Mueller to limit testimony to his public report

He is just agreeing with Democrats for the most part, and then gets awfully stuttery and forgetful when Republicans question him, asking for questions to be repeated in an effort to waste time.
He ******* sounds like a senile old man.
The only thing I have learned from this hearing is that the investigation was even more corrupt than I thought.
Stanton now trying to do damage control and Mueller blowing even that.
Mark Levin summed it up perfectly:

The American people have a right to be furious with the spectacle of this Mueller hearing. Mueller is largely incoherent and rambling. The Democrats are simply cherry picking from Vol. II of the Mueller report and trying to force their views on the hapless Mueller...

..The most important revelation is that the special counsel was not competent to lead this or any major investigation. He is largely unfamiliar with his own report. And he was obviously a puppet of the radical partisans he hired and relied on in his office...
WOW - I'm shocked the Communist News Network posted this video of Republican Gohmert's TOTAL dismantling of Heir Mueller.

I am proud to say I am part of the hearing. Tuned in very briefly, and the stunningly inept and idiotic Eric Swallowell referred to a "letter" signed on the internet by "more than 1,000 former prosecutors."

If you recall, Tibs made a big deal about this stupid letter, so I logged in to sign the letter and did so under the name "Michael Mouse." Damn, I wish somebody had asked Mueller, "Isn't it true that Mickey Mouse also signed the stupid internet letter?"
LOL, CNN trying to blame the way Republicans asked the questions for Mueller's abysmal performance.
Those GOP reps seem to finally be doing their jobs and getting to the heart of this hoax. Bring it on.
Now Adam Schiff spinning a fantasy that has nothing to do with anything in the report.
I think, whether you are a Republican or a Democrat, this hearing was disappointing. Embarrassing. There was nothing gained anywhere, other than the realization that Robert Mueller is a stuttering, stammering, old, senile fool.
Nunes, “Welcome to the last gasp of the Russian conspiracy theory.”


There is nothing new here. A waste of time. I suppose the Democrats feel better now?
They should feel humiliated.

David Axelrod@davidaxelrod

This is very, very painful.

8:57 AM · Jul 24, 2019 · Twitter for iPhone

When you've got David Axelrod saying this, you know it's bad. No wonder Mueller was dead set against testifying.
As I told Tibs months ago with his ramblings about this issue.

******* impeach or get off the pot. Even he should realize now there is no "smoking gun" of information out there that will change anyone's mind on the issue. So just impeach and vote. See where that gets the Democrats. See if that actually removes Trump from office.

I am still hearing the utter sky-is-falling rhetoric over and over and over about Russia's meddling in our election. As if it's the coming apocalypse. As if 2016 was the first or last time "propaganda" and false truths and white lies influenced Americans to vote one way or another.

The really sad thing is we all know had Clinton won the election the "story" and "importance" and "sky-is-falling" rhetoric by the media about Russian interference wouldn't even exist. It would have been a blurb on the news. A small, unreported committee would have been appointed by the House yielding little. And the intelligence community would be issuing their yearly "nothing to worry about here" nonsense. And the media would have just run with that narrative and life (and elections) would just continue as always, Facebook posts and all.

To not see the entire "Russian Interference" story is only here because of who won is arguably the greatest chink in the Democrat armor on this whole issue. NONE of this story would be in the news. Tibs knows that. The media knows that. Democrats know that.
Nunes ******* curb stomped his ***. He didn't even bother allowing this doddering evil dolt to respond to anything, he just laid this whole thing out perfectly.

"There is collusion in plain sight - collusion with Russia and the Democratic Party." BAM!!

From a guy who wrote a book on impeaching Trump:

Laurence Tribe@tribelaw

Much as I hate to say it, this morning’s hearing was a disaster. Far from breathing life into his damning report, the tired Robert Mueller sucked the life out of it. The effort to save democracy and the rule of law from this lawless president has been set back, not advanced.
Mueller is a partisan, biased stammering idiotic lying fool. What an embarrassment shitshow for the Dims. How many times has Shady Bob committed perjury today?
Reminded me of the Steve Brule character
