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DOJ tells Mueller to limit testimony to his public report

My liberal friend Twitterverse is very quiet today, lol.
My liberal friend Twitterverse is very quiet today, lol.

The impeachment momentum ...

My liberal friend Twitterverse is very quiet today, lol.

Don't worry, as soon as the hearings end today, CNN will trumpet and prance around like it was some great victory for the impeachment movement and get your Liberal friends all fired up again. If we have learned anything it is that Liberals do not require evidence to believe anything. If the media gods say it, it must be true.
Mueller has looked terrible in this hearing. BUT, the Demonrats have looked even worse.

The only thing the Demonrats had going for them this morning was Mueller agreeing with a questioner that they couldn't indict a sitting President. The main stream media arm of the DNC spun that and said "Mueller admits Trump could be indicted for obstruction when he leaves office.

And, THEN, after lunch Mueller had a correction. He said they didn't recommend indictment because there wasn't enough evidence.

You just can't make this **** up. I seriously don't think Mueller even knows what was in "his" report. Dude looks completely lost.
Nunes ******* curb stomped his ***. He didn't even bother allowing this doddering evil dolt to respond to anything, he just laid this whole thing out perfectly.

"There is collusion in plain sight - collusion with Russia and the Democratic Party." BAM!!

Found myself daydreaming at the end of that video of Nunes elbowing Shiffforbrains in the jaw. Woulda been great.
Mueller looks a though he has not been involved in this investigation, and barely read the report.
Found myself daydreaming at the end of that video of Nunes elbowing Shiffforbrains in the jaw. Woulda been great.

No doubt. A lot of these commie ***** need a good curb stomping. It's now up to Bill Barr to bring back some public confidence in the rule of law.
Mueller looks a though he has not been involved in this investigation, and barely read the report.

Absolutely true.

Oh, and you know why Mueller continually claims a lack of memory? Because he is under oath, and a claim of lack of recollection cannot give rise to a perjury charge. He knows this. That is why his memory is shockingly bad about matters not set forth in excruciating detail in the report.

"Did you meet with Rosenstein on May 10, 2017?" "I don't recall."

"Did you discuss the issue of a special counsel in such meeting?" "I don't recall."

"Did you meet with Rosenstein and Comey on May 13, 2017?" "I don't recall."

"Did the topic of appointment of a special counsel come up during such meeting?" "I don't recall."

He is just tapdancing to avoid a perjury charge.
Full disclosure: I freely admit that I have had the hearing paused on DVR and have skipped through every Democrat speaker and only listened to the Republicans. It's because with the Democrats this is all theater. I do not believe that they think any of this **** is actually true. They are trying to create hysteria for their impeachment dreams, so I just can't care at all what they have to say.
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I've been following here and there at work all day and mostly avoided the Dim's Q&A shitshow. Their main purpose was to bolster public opinion in support of impeachment and that backfired on them spectacularly.
I've been following here and there at work all day and mostly avoided the Dim's Q&A shitshow. Their main purpose was to bolster public opinion in support of impeachment and that backfired on them spectacularly.

Watched a bit, and frankly the (D)im showing was embarrassing. They had some congressman from New York reading his script, looking at the papers in front of him the whole time and not paying a whit of attention as to what Mueller actually said.

Jee-zus, day one of trial advocacy we learned to NEVER read from a script. Look at notes, sure, but make eye contact with the witness and, oh, I don't know, LISTEN TO THE TESTIMONY.
Ha ha ha, Trey Gowdy just said, "I do want to give credit to Democrat lawmakers today, they managed to have a hearing without having a convicted felon as a witness". Niiiiice.
i was at work, but caught bits and pieces. I agree Mueller was horrible, but i would not say he is senile. Im guessing he is either playing dumb or is just not a social person. In his old testimony clips he does not appear very comfortable either. Some people have amazing minds, but just don't do well under the spotlight. Regardless i think the hearing is largely a win for Trump and is only going to divide the dems more
when will Tibs be here to defend the honorable actions of a reputable American patriot as he is viciously attacked by rabid Republicans circling the wagons at Drumpf's directive?
i was at work, but caught bits and pieces. I agree Mueller was horrible, but i would not say he is senile. Im guessing he is either playing dumb or is just not a social person. In his old testimony clips he does not appear very comfortable either. Some people have amazing minds, but just don't do well under the spotlight. Regardless i think the hearing is largely a win for Trump and is only going to divide the dems more

Today more than solidifies (for me) what I kept hearing leading up to today in that this was mostly Andrew Weissmann's report and Mueller is nothing more than the figurehead for this whole hoax. Can't take away the fact that he could've been more intimately aware of the details in the report rather than looking like a deer in headlights. This is biggest scandal in US history, he could've been much better prepared....conversely, he perjured the **** out of himself, BIGLY
when will Tibs be here to defend the honorable actions of a reputable American patriot as he is viciously attacked by rabid Republicans circling the wagons at Drumpf's directive?


Oh, you mean Mueller. Right?
i was at work, but caught bits and pieces. I agree Mueller was horrible, but i would not say he is senile. Im guessing he is either playing dumb or is just not a social person. In his old testimony clips he does not appear very comfortable either. Some people have amazing minds, but just don't do well under the spotlight. Regardless i think the hearing is largely a win for Trump and is only going to divide the dems more

He wasn't even familiar with the contents of the letter to Barr that he supposedly wrote. He wouldn't answer when asked if he wrote it. That letter came directly from the Trump haters on his team. My guess is he had very little involvement in the details of any of this.
If he had even said "Hillary Clinton? yes, I met her. She's a lovely lass" then we'd know he's lying
Today proves that this whole sham / hoax / witch hunt was set up by Hillary, the DNC, DOJ and Obama administration. Mueller was just a puppet used to try and legitimize it. Big fail. He didn't even write the report. He doesn't know jack ****.