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DOJ tells Mueller to limit testimony to his public report

Y’know, we haven’t visited them because we don’t put much stock in a lot of what they’re arguing.

I got news for CNN. Nobody puts any stock in anything they’re arguing. The ratings bear that out.

This needed Schiff, Schumer, Nadler and all the rest to be running from the scene.

What a coincidence that the Hindenburg was built by Nazis and "Mueller" is German.
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Congress takes their 6 week vacation home and Dems left to stew in their sour humiliating dud Mueller juices


Man the “I told ya so’s” are pretty universal in my neck of the political spectrum...

Things this witch hunt probably did:
End any talk of impeachment
Lose the dems the house
Hand Trump 2020
Ruin all the major networks charade of impartiality
Maybe is the first steppingstone to the inevitable collapse of the current democratic party structure

Don’t cry wolf to cover up that you rigged an election and still lost...
Ruin all the major networks charade of impartiality.

I think that ship sailed during Reagan's first term.

Maybe is the first steppingstone to the inevitable collapse of the current democratic party structure

The party is collapsing under the loony left onslaught. "Free college!! Free healthcare, especially for illegals!! Higher minimum wages!! Reparations!! Desperations!! No borders, no walls, no USA at all, no money, no budget, time to just say **** it!!"
Anyone with sense shouldn't have had any faith left in the media after McCain.

Before running against Obama he was a hero to the left.
Running against Obama, the debil
Didn't like Trump, hero again.
Just a coup attempt to unsit a duly elected president. A lot of hands in that cookie jar including the former president. Nothing will ever become of it,but it shows how dangerous and ****** up that party has become. It's been completely over run. They'll fall back to their alamo of asinine bs they've been spewing for 50 years and hope the economy tanks.
They'll fall back to their alamo of asinine bs they've been spewing for 50 years and hope the economy tanks.

I suspect that the (D)ims are doing a lot more than "hoping" the economy tanks. I believe they are actively taking steps to try and make that happen with their proposed payroll tax increases and $15 minimum wage. Those two measures alone would radically slow down consumer confidence and spending, and very likely trigger a recession.

Trump calls for probe of Obama book deal

President Trump on Friday lashed out at Democrats over their ongoing investigations into his administration, suggesting there should instead be probes into former President Obama's book deal and other activities under his predecessor.

"They want to investigate, they want to go fishing and I watched Bob Mueller and they have nothing," Trump said of Democrats during an Oval Office gathering to announce an agreement with Guatemala.

"It's a disgrace," he continued. "We want to find out what happened the last Democrat president. Let's look into Obama the way they've looked into me. From day one they've looked into everything we've done."

"They could look into the book deal that President Obama made. Let's subpoena all of his records," Trump continued. "Let's subpoena all of the records having to do with Hillary Clinton and all of the nonsense that went on with Clinton and her foundation and everything else."

Mueller Reminds Congress Report Doesn't Exonerate Trump From Assassination Of President Lincoln

<img src="https://babylonbee.com/img/articles/article-4574-1.jpg" width="400" height="226">

WASHINGTON, D.C.—In his 29-hour-long testimony to Congress earlier this week, former special counsel Robert Mueller was quick to remind lawmakers that his report on Russian interference in the 2016 election did not exonerate Trump from the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln in 1865.

"Now I want to be clear," he said, "that while this report did not find the president guilty of obstruction of justice or collusion with the Russians, it also does not exonerate him from the assassination of President Lincoln."

Confused congresspeople sat in silence, looking at one another awkwardly.

"While we couldn't place him at Ford's Theatre on the evening of April 14, 1865, we could not confirm he wasn't present, either," Mueller continued. "That is for Congress to decide."

One congressperson asked Mueller if Trump could be charged with the crime of shooting Lincoln in the head when he leaves the White House.

Mueller thought for a moment. "I don't want to answer that. But yes."
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Now that special council is dead and gone we'll move on to grand jury. Why does this remind me of elections in Florida? You know if my man doesn't get elected we will continue counting and recounting ballots until he does.
Impeachment You Say? Trump Gives Barr Authority To Turn #SpyGate Docs Over To Nunes

While Democrats in the House of Representatives continue to rumble about impeachment, requesting documents from the Mueller report they say are necessary to move in that direction, Trump gave Attorney General Bill Barr the authority to declassify any documents the DOJ has related to their “investigation into the investigators” and turn them over to Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), who sits on the House Intelligence Committee.



There’s gotta be a judge available in Hawaii somewhere.

Not sure what good turning them over to Nunes would do...

And Comey has left the building

Here is an article offering that possibly Mueller is pulling a Gigante move to avoid criminal prosecution.

Thus, just in case he is unable to pull off denying his participation in the most egregious fraudulent hoax ever perpetrated on the President and the American public in U.S. history, he also used his highly publicized appearance before Congress last week to avail himself to a Plan B—i.e., present to the public the image of a befuddled old man who decency would dictate should be left alone. His hope there, of course, being to use this newly created doddering image of himself at some point in the future to enlist the court of public opinion to come to his defense, if and when it ever becomes necessary.

So, which is he?

A feeble, yet honorable, old man coming to the end of a life dedicated to serving his country, as he would have us believe? Or, is he, in reality, a guilty man on the run who is as sly as a fox?

At present, there is only one thing we can know for sure.

He can’t be both.
