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DOJ tells Mueller to limit testimony to his public report

somebody got his pee pee whacked

the Dem dream is dead as a doornail

Schiff downplays impeachment, says that at this point, Trump is only leaving 'by being voted out'

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.) on Thursday sharply downplayed the prospects of removing President Trump from office through impeachment, saying the only way he’s leaving office, at this point, is “by being voted out.”

“We do need to be realistic, and that is, the only way he’s leaving office, at least at this point, is by being voted out"



It was funny watching Morning Joe today trying to put a happy face on what even Politico admits was a complete disaster for Mueller.
Republicans are not the enemy, but they sure as **** haven't come out in solidarity for their duly elected President. Maybe today marks a change in that.

That's so true, and I don't mean to imply that Reps all are noble and honest statesmen, the Reps have bad apples for sure. The dems however are sinister, pure evil. Look at the **** they pulled on Kavanaugh.
We have never seen corruption and chicanery at this level.

I got perturbed when a Trump hater and staunch supporter of the democrat witchhunt throughout this entire charade finally concedes to the fact that the dems were wrong, then tries to make himself feel better by saying the Republicans are just as bad. **** you.
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I got perturbed when a Trump hater and staunch supporter of the democrat witchhunt throughout this entire charade finally concedes to the fact that the dems were wrong, then tries to make himself feel better by saying the Republicans are just as bad. **** you.

I'm a staunch supporter of the Democrat witch hunt and a trump hater? That's funny. The Democrats are what they are. They aren't changing. But you'll never convince me that the Republicans are "just a couple bad apples." They are complicit. They ******* allow it to happen. They buckle even when the Dems are the minority.

For example....the wall. Had a majority in both houses. Could have had the wall funded and built, but they didn't even put a bill forward until the Dems had retaken the house, and it was doomed to fail. Why? Just too busy?

Healthcare is another. Hey, lets destroy Obamacare, then put absolutely nothing forward to replace it. Then, let's give the Dems the high ground by giving ******* incompetent answers when called on it. Obamacare was retarded. Destroying it without a plan to replace it was worse.

When was the last Republican that came out and defended you or me, (you know, their constituents), when we are called deplorables, racists, homophobes, Islamaphobes, misogynists, and every other name under the sun, for the horrible crime of being white and conservative?

And since you mentioned Kavanaugh, how many were on the fence about that, initially? When they finally wised up to the fact that they can't win going against Trump, yeah they held their nose and voted for him.

Republicans don't give a **** about you or me. See, to me, actions speak louder than words. All those tough talking TV sound bites are great until you realize no action is coming behind them.

I want my representatives to stand up for me, and people like me. Not stand idly by while I am slandered by Democrats in every news outlet that will listen. Not promise me the world if only I just vote for them, and when I do, they fail over and over, beaten by a democrat minority. I know political survival is foremost to them, but serving their constituents should be front and center, whether you get re-elected or not.

And for every time we hear about this or that is going to be declassified and released or this will be investigated and none of it ever goes anywhere. Almost makes you think that if this episode were truly, truly exposed, you'd probably find a fair amount of republicans got dirty hands too. That whole body of government is sinister if you ask me. Democrats simply aren't afraid to show it anymore, thanks to the cover they get from the media.

I get that the Republicans in the house are the minority, but when the Dems are in the minority, they seem to get more **** done thanks to the majority that buckles and allows it.

What I can say, is at least the senate is doing some worthwhile stuff, confirming political appointees and judges.

No, I'm not some staunch supporter of anything Democrat. And, I don't really hate Trump. Don't care for him much as a person, but it's hard to argue with what he has done politically. I'm just a middle aged white guy that wishes the Republican party had my back they way I've had theirs.
Republicans don't give a **** about you or me. See, to me, actions speak louder than words. All those tough talking TV sound bites are great until you realize no action is coming behind them.

I want my representatives to stand up for me, and people like me. Not stand idly by while I am slandered by Democrats in every news outlet that will listen. Not promise me the world if only I just vote for them, and when I do, they fail over and over, beaten by a democrat minority. I know political survival is foremost to them, but serving their constituents should be front and center, whether you get re-elected or not.

Here, here. I genuinely like a few Republicans (Devin Nunes, Lindsay Graham since McCain died, Dan Crenshaw), but I know that a politician has one job. ONE. Getting elected.

If protecting me and you helps the politician do that, GREAT! If @#$%ing you and me gets the politician elected ... get the lube ready.
Hence the need for term limits. And to do that we'll have to circumvent Washington. Two terms of SERVICE just like the president and you're back to whatever you did before.

It's the only way to fix this two party stranglehold on the nation. It doesn't have to be done,it must be done!
Here, here. I genuinely like a few Republicans (Devin Nunes, Lindsay Graham since McCain died, Dan Crenshaw), but I know that a politician has one job. ONE. Getting elected.

If protecting me and you helps the politician do that, GREAT! If @#$%ing you and me gets the politician elected ... get the lube ready.

I like Graham for showing some balls this last year and Crenshaw needs to be president of this country.
Here, here. I genuinely like a few Republicans (Devin Nunes, Lindsay Graham since McCain died, Dan Crenshaw), but I know that a politician has one job. ONE. Getting elected.

If protecting me and you helps the politician do that, GREAT! If @#$%ing you and me gets the politician elected ... get the lube ready.

Out of that crew, I LOVE Dan Crenshaw. The others are meh. Just stand up to the Democrats. That's all I think any of us wants. They do it on TV, not so much in the halls of congress. If Trump has shown them anything, it's that it is ok to stand up to Democrats.
Democrats Don’t Know How to Defeat Trump, So They Wanted Mueller to Do It for Them

I wonder if Democrats ever considered that all this angst over Donald Trump being president is the discord the Russians wanted to sow. Feed them disinformation through the fake dossier, get a couple lackeys to try and meet with Trump over some more disinformation, cause an investigation, accusations, an attempted soft coup.

Nah, it was just some Facebook ads. The Russians couldn’t have hoped it would turn out this well. The Democrats got played. A lot.
Ok. I give up. Who's the lady in the white dress?
I think the Russians wanted to just create chaos in general which they have succeeded. They are playing both sides and it's working.
As for congress they definitely should have had a health care bill ready to go along with other things. All they do is complain about the other side instead of actually trying to get things done. Unfortunately i don't see things getting better anytime soon.
I wonder if Democrats ever considered that all this angst over Donald Trump being president is the discord the Russians wanted to sow. Feed them disinformation through the fake dossier, get a couple lackeys to try and meet with Trump over some more disinformation, cause an investigation, accusations, an attempted soft coup.

Anybody who doubts that is as dumb as a brick and not paying attention.

Ho-lee ****, does anybody actually believe that Russia had better polling data on the 2016 election than Hilldog?!? If so, then why the @#$% would Russia want to impugn Hildabeast relative to e-mail destruction, dirty DNC tactics, lying, destroying evidence, etc.? To harm the person most - indeed almost all people, apart from Tim and Spike - thought would be the next President, that's why.
I think the Russians wanted to just create chaos in general which they have succeeded. They are playing both sides and it's working.
As for congress they definitely should have had a health care bill ready to go along with other things. All they do is complain about the other side instead of actually trying to get things done. Unfortunately i don't see things getting better anytime soon.

I think the dems have been in bed with them for years. Truth is coming soon with a real investigation
That fat man was right again! Well not really, just blaming Mueller for what didn't happen, never mind the fact he had an army of FBI agents,1,000,000+ documents to examine and who nows how many interviews.

A frail old man, unable to remember things, stumbling, refusing to answer basic questions...I said it in 2017 and Mueller confirmed it today — All you pundits and moderates and lame Dems who told the public to put their faith in the esteemed Robert Mueller — just STFU from now on. Mike Moore.
Get a load of what CNN's David Gergen had to say lol....

The Republicans or conservatives are crying out now that this was a disaster for the Democrats. It wasn’t just Mueller’s hesitancy but, in fact, the substance. He wasn’t there, and they — they came prepared to fight. I had not expected that! I mean, they were much more coordinated. Y’know, they presented things, frankly, we haven’t talked about much on CNN, aspects of this that are on the right, but we don’t… Y’know, we haven’t visited them because we don’t put much stock in a lot of what they’re arguing.

"They presented things we (CNN) haven't talked about". No ****???!!! You mean CNN never talked about the Steele dossier, the illegally obtained FAISA warrants, Fusion GPS? Say it aint so!

Sure the Republicans came prepared, but that's not what made you dems look like a-holes. You looked like a-holes because you had no ****** case, you never did.

Gergen is supposed to be CNN's political analyst, a position that should assume unbiased analysis...yet he uses "we" and "they". What a ********.
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I think the Russians wanted to just create chaos in general which they have succeeded. They are playing both sides and it's working.
As for congress they definitely should have had a health care bill ready to go along with other things. All they do is complain about the other side instead of actually trying to get things done. Unfortunately i don't see things getting better anytime soon.
just now this occurs to you?


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