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DOJ tells Mueller to limit testimony to his public report

i was at work, but caught bits and pieces. I agree Mueller was horrible, but i would not say he is senile. Im guessing he is either playing dumb or is just not a social person. In his old testimony clips he does not appear very comfortable either. Some people have amazing minds, but just don't do well under the spotlight. Regardless i think the hearing is largely a win for Trump and is only going to divide the dems more

Well, he had to explain **** in his own words without the media spinning it for him.

He didn’t have to agree to be a stooge for this anti-American sham, he chose to be involved in the lie and to prolong it. We saw him crumble today because he knows it’s all bullshit.

He's a tool in more ways than one. It wasn't really his probe, we can see that now since he didn't know what the hell was in it, he was doing the bidding of Rosenstein, Weisman, and others.
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Bye bye, Russian Collusion peach pie
Put the leader in the spotlight, and the agenda went dry
That good ole boy may have been drinking whiskey and rye
Sayin' this'll be the day this dies
This'll be the day that this dies

And in the streets Jerry Nadler screamed
The liberals cried, and conservatives creamed
But not a word was spoken
That Mueller's brain seems broken

(Yeah I think I have a little too much time on my hands tonight)
I am sad for America today. This whole episode has done nothing but divide this country along political and racial lines. I had been hanging on to the idea that surely America could come together over something. Hell, anything. Not anymore. There is a domestic enemy, alive and well, actively working against the best interest of every American citizen. It is the United States Congress. Whether it is the Democrats advocating for every illegal immigrant that rolls across the border, or the Republicans too impotent to do anything about it, we the people are getting *** ****** in the process. **** them all.
I am sad for America today. This whole episode has done nothing but divide this country along political and racial lines. I had been hanging on to the idea that surely America could come together over something. Hell, anything. Not anymore. There is a domestic enemy, alive and well, actively working against the best interest of every American citizen. It is the United States Congress. Whether it is the Democrats advocating for every illegal immigrant that rolls across the border, or the Republicans too impotent to do anything about it, we the people are getting *** ****** in the process. **** them all.

Don’t be sad. I think today proved that one side is right and the other side is dead ******* wrong. It was a big win for the the good guys.
I am sad for America today. This whole episode has done nothing but divide this country along political and racial lines. I had been hanging on to the idea that surely America could come together over something. Hell, anything. Not anymore. There is a domestic enemy, alive and well, actively working against the best interest of every American citizen. It is the United States Congress. Whether it is the Democrats advocating for every illegal immigrant that rolls across the border, or the Republicans too impotent to do anything about it, we the people are getting *** ****** in the process. **** them all.

This is convoluted.
This whole episode can be blamed solely on the democrats. A partisan witch hunt it was. To place equal blame on both parties is ludicrous. That sounds like something a conceding cowardly democrat would say rather than take full responsibility for his party's involvement in this charade.

Democrats/libs/progressives are the true enemy within. Keep the Republicans out of it, some may be inept politicians, but they're not the enemy.
Don’t be sad. I think today proved that one side is right and the other side is dead ******* wrong. It was a big win for the the good guys.

I can't speak for Sarge, but I think he's talking about our United States Congress. They are absolutely okay with taxpayer money funding that dog and pony show, but they can't (or won't) solve the immigration problem or healthcare in this country. It's all political theater. I've lost faith in all the people representing our constituency, the hard-working tax-paying American, and that failure really falls on both sides of the aisle.
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This is convoluted.
This whole episode can be blamed solely on the democrats. A partisan witch hunt it was. To place equal blame on both parties is ludicrous. That sounds like something a conceding cowardly democrat would say rather than take full responsibility for his party's involvement in this charade.

Democrats/libs/progressives are the true enemy within. Keep the Republicans out of it, some may be inept politicians, but they're not the enemy.

Republicans are not the enemy, but they sure as **** haven't come out in solidarity for their duly elected President. Maybe today marks a change in that.
Republicans are not the enemy, but they sure as **** haven't come out in solidarity for their duly elected President. Maybe today marks a change in that.

That's why RINO's must go. No more Mitt Romney's and John McCain's. Paul Ryan is personally responsible for not allowing Trump to get his agenda passed the first 2 years.
Democrats on Suicide Watch Following Mueller Meltdown

Special Counsel Robert Mueller testified before Congress today on the Trump-Russia Collusion witch hunt.

He could not have looked more confused and pathetic if he tried.

It was a slow motion trainwreck.

Mueller looked like a confused, stuttering, mumbling, lost, doddering and nervous old man. He frequently paged through his notes.

It was so bad even Michael Moore admitted that Mueller was a complete disaster. President Trump delighted in Mueller’s meltdown. The liberal media had a rough day.




Obviously Mueller didnt want to be there, but I dont know how you can go into something so unprepared. Unless he has a major social disorder or is one heck of an actor Mueller really bombed. Even if he didnt write the report he should have had it pretty much memorized to avoid looking like a fool. Regardless of what Trump did or didnt do i think its pretty clear the public and Mueller is ready to move on. Its time to drop it and let the voting public decide in 2020.
Salty tears, so sweet

Pelosi rebuffs Nadler on impeachment after Mueller flop

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler pushed to launch impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump during a closed-door meeting Wednesday, only to be rebuffed by Speaker Nancy Pelosi,

At a caucus meeting following the hotly anticipated testimony of special counsel Robert Mueller, Nadler suggested that several House committee chairs could begin drafting articles of impeachment against Trump. Pelosi called the idea premature.

So,......does this mean Trump won't be hanged by the neck???!!!!! Cause Maddow said he would be!
Best Hitler parody video yet.

According to Tibs, since that is from PolishPatriotTV, that is potentially election interference and propaganda. Hell, that video might have changed a voter's opinion of Trump. Oh, the OUTRAGE!!!
They look like someone shot their dog, lol. **** them. Notice how none of those socialists wear an American flag pin?
I know tibs is peeking


Leftist rags trash Mueller!

Democrats suffer anxiety attacks over Robert Mueller testimony

There must have been a point in the Robert Mueller hearings when the big thinkers of CNN and MSNBC curled up on the floor in fetal positions and began breathing into brown paper bags, trying to remain calm.

Breathe. Collusion. Breathe. “Did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime.” Breathe. Ted Lieu? Breathe.

Those paper bags popped in and out, out and in, when Democratic media wizard David Axelrod and Harvard Law’s Laurence Tribe pronounced the Mueller hearings an unmitigated disaster for their side. And Donald Trump puffed himself up to crow.

“The Democrats had nothing,” the president said after Mueller’s testimony. “And now they have less than nothing.”

He’s already elevated the hard left of the Democratic Party — the socialist “squad” or as I’d call them, The Gang of Four — as his true ideological opponents in 2020. And then Democrats said Mueller failed them.

“This is delicate to say, but Mueller, whom I deeply respect, has not publicly testified before Congress in at least six years,” Axelrod said on Twitter. “And he does not appear as sharp as he was then.”



The collapse of Mueller and his report

Total confusion at hearings discredits Mueller findings

What an unmitigated disaster Robert Mueller’s appearances before congressional hearings were yesterday. So confused, frail and doddering was the former special counsel that the integrity of his nearly 450-page report must be questioned.

In addition, the integrity of the investigation itself has been undercut totally by Mueller’s inability and disinterest in ensuring his staff was impartial and held no animus toward President Trump
