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Donald Trump: Main roles of federal government are security, education and healthcare

Btw, that pepper spray pic you guys seem to be gloating about. Says a lot about anyone that cheers for this kind of crap.

Police: Donald Trump Supporters Grope, Pepper Spray 15-Year-Old Girl At Wisconsin Rally

Police in Janesville, Wisconsin are searching for two men who attended Donald Trump’s raucous town hall Tuesday night in the small post-industrial town: one accused of sexually assaulting a 15-year-old girl who was protesting Trump, and another man who pepper sprayed the 15-year-old and a 19-year-old woman. Both women were taken to local hospitals.

According to the police report, a male in the crowd groped the 15-year-old girl. When she pushed him away, another person in the crowd sprayed her.

In a video of the protest, the young woman holds up a sign reading, “Damn, Donald, back at it again with the white supremacy.” An angry crowd of older Trump supporters surrounds her, screaming, “All lives matter.”

In another video, the young woman’s friends are holding her back as she angrily confronts the man she claims groped her. She hits him, and instantly recoils from having her eyes hit with pepper spray at point-blank range. Police told local reporters that the young woman could also face charges for hitting the man.

Over 350 police officers were at the rally Tuesday, and their report said of their efforts to keep the peace: “For the most part, we were successful.” Yet physical clashes may not have happened had Trump’s campaign not issued tickets to five times the number of people that could fit in the Janesville Holiday Inn where his event was held, and had police not decided to put the overflow crowd of supporters in the same fenced-in “free speech zone” that also held hundreds of protesters.

Protesters told ThinkProgress they feared Donald Trump supporters would be incited to physical violence by past comments from their candidate, who has suggested protesters be punched in the face and said he was considering paying the legal fees of a supporter who punched a protester and was later charged with assault. Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke, who supports Trump, has also publicly suggested that protesters should be “hit first and hit hard.”

Janesville Police additionally reported that they had to turn away two people last night who had concealed weapons, and two others who were openly carrying firearms. Another Trump supporter abandoned his vehicle in the middle of the street, causing police concern about explosives, but it turned out “they had left the vehicle in the street to get food.”
Liar - look at her! ha ha

She was a #BLM protestor? - why are they all ugly whiteys?

More importantly, Donald is changing the TONE of the country - revolutionary!

Judge rips thug: ‘Black lives don’t matter to black people with guns’

“Black lives matter,” Justice Edward McLaughlin told defendant Tareek Arnold, 24, as he sentenced him in Manhattan Supreme Court.

“I have heard it, I know it, but the sad fact is in this courtroom, so often what happens is manifestations of the fact that black lives don’t matter to black people with guns.”



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You can do whatever you want. Won't diminish the fact Donald Trump got called a five-year old to his face, which is exactly the level of his emotional and intellectual maturation.

...equivalent to the intellect that's been residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue for the past 7.5 years. Donald's just much less nefarious.
Btw, that pepper spray pic you guys seem to be gloating about. Says a lot about anyone that cheers for this kind of crap.

Police: Donald Trump Supporters Grope, Pepper Spray 15-Year-Old Girl At Wisconsin Rally

Sorry, like I believe that bullshit Tibs. First, it comes from Think Progress. Second, this comes from the side that is hiring protestors, $15/hour, like mercenaries. You think they won't lie, cheat and steal to make the Right look bad? They are HIRED thugs. They are HIRED to intimidate and to snuff out free speech. Of course they are going to claim to be victims, it's right out of the Alinsky playbook.

Sorry, I call 100% bullshit on that.
100% bullshit


Ha ha ha...I knew the Trump apologists and cheerleaders would discount it. His "qualifiers"? He said nothing that makes any sense at all. Education is one of the top three roles of the federal government...that's what he said...the he blabs out some **** about Common Core cause he knows no one likes it...doesn't discount the fact that he said the federal government's main roles should be to provide education, healthcare, housing, good neighborhoods etc. THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT! That's more liberal than Bernie.

Trump supporters showing your true colors...you don't care that he's dumb and doesn't know what he's talking about and is basically a big government liberal...you like him cause he's loud and obnoxious and says mean stuff to people. Something a toddler can do.

Yeah, that's what's most important in a president...someone who can be a big jerk. Even if he stands for nothing and knows nothing.

I can't get out of the low information party fast enough. Never thought I'd say that.
You are leaving out his qualifiers.

I know many would prefer rehearsed, robotic responses that never reflect what the candidate will really do. I prefer a guy who makes occasional gaffes but will actually do things that I think are important.

Occasional gaffe...ha ha, I can't stop laughing at you guys This guy has no clue what he's talking about. I bet he hasn't even read his own website. He surely didn't write what's on there because what comes out of his mouth when asked about any virtually any issue is a big fat wad of contradictions. The only thing he's good at is insulting and demeaning people.
LOL what an asshat

Donald Trump said ‘excuse me’ 18 times in a 1-hour town hall

<iframe width='480' height='290' scrolling='no' src='//www.washingtonpost.com/video/c/embed/caf05a88-f679-11e5-958d-d038dac6e718' frameborder='0' webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>

Our asshat head coach says "obviously" 18 times in a 10 minute press conference. What's the difference?
Our asshat head coach says "obviously" 18 times in a 10 minute press conference. What's the difference?
Tomlin isn't a childish, unknowledgable, bigoted, intolerant, xenophobic, racist, sexist bully who's running for POTUS, that's what.
Maybe Bernie will give her hazard pay? lmao...
Yup, keep gloating over a 15 year old that got sexually harrassed and pepper-sprayed. Showing your true colors, yet again.
Kasich is a snake, plain and simple.

OR an opportunity. I'm okay with Kasich. He's not getting a nomination unless something bad would happen t Trump or Cruz. He also leads Clinton head to head. Trump does not...for now.

A brokered convention would not necessarily be a bad thing as long as the top vote person wins.

Cruz and Kasich can be in position for " Deals " . Possibly the some pet project for Cruz, and VP pick for Kasish.
Yup, keep gloating over a 15 year old that got sexually harrassed and pepper-sprayed. Showing your true colors, yet again.

She's a paid protester, hired to start **** at Trump's rally. She was out of control and punched an old man. She got what she deserved. That's all on video. Where's the video of the old man grabbing her ugly ***? You Trump haters are an odd breed. You ignore fact, believe liberal media lies and hype, are devoid of common sense and are supportive of the corruption that has been going on in our government.
oh, keep in mind that none of the leftist news reporting sites are saying nor showing that she punched at the old fart.
keeping that off their site, but some phantom groping is the news.
oh, keep in mind that none of the leftist news reporting sites are saying nor showing that she punched at the old fart.
keeping that off their site, but some phantom groping is the news.

Of course, they're following liberal sanitation protocol.
100% bullshit



Haha....I love the "fraud" proofing......when you're hiring any dreg that'll crawl in off the street for crack money I guess you have to be careful.

Yup, keep gloating over a 15 year old that got sexually harrassed and pepper-sprayed. Showing your true colors, yet again.

I know it's a favorite leftist tactic, but just because you keep saying it doesn't really make it true.
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Our asshat head coach says "obviously" 18 times in a 10 minute press conference. What's the difference?

One has a high-profile yet unimportant job, the other is running for POTUS.
POLL: Who won the #GOPTownHall?
@tedcruz 21%
@realDonaldTrump 73%
@JohnKasich 6%
Yup, keep gloating over a 15 year old that got sexually harrassed and pepper-sprayed. Showing your true colors, yet again.

The video shows her throwing a punch and then getting pepper sprayed. She deserved that.

Now she claims she was sexually harassed/touched? Wow, interesting she was not saying something like, "Don't touch me" on the video and instead was yelling, "**** you." She said that 3x, threw a punch, and was pepper sprayed.

So stop sobbing about her, Tibs. Seriously. She showed up to start ****, to fight, to argue, to yell. She was not at a Hillary rally where some guys started yelling "**** Hillary." She went to a Trump rally to start trouble, threw a punch, and was rightfully pepper-sprayed.

Oh, she's 15? Then why the **** was she not at school? You wanna act the tough guy? Be willing to pay the price. And please, for the love of God, don't ***** when the tab comes.
Yes, finally! There is an answer to this madness.

Hypnotist: Trump winning with ‘Trumpnosis’

A world-renowned hypnotist says there’s one person folks should turn to if they want a master class in the art of mesmerizing a crowd: Donald Trump.

Richard Barker has even coined a term for what he says the GOP presidential front-runner engages in on the campaign trail: “Trumpnosis.”

“Trumpnosis has been around for a very long time, including politics and religion,” Barker, known professionally as “The Incredible Hypnotist,” says. “But Donald Trump has mastered it. What it basically is, is it’s mass persuasion, mass influence and mass hypnosis.

“The idea of Trumpnosis is being able to sow the seeds of persuasion, suggestion and ideas en masse to other people.”

The triggers, according to Barker, a former police detective who’s worked and performed as a hypnotist for more than two decades, are always the same: “It’s always identifying the problem, identifying another problem and then verbalizing the solutions to the point that people need the solutions.”

Barker gives an example of what he means. “If I said to you, ‘It’s a beautiful day outside, isn’t it?’ It’s an undeniable truth. You’re more than likely to say ‘yeah’ because if you say ‘no,’ then I can come back with, ‘What’s wrong with you?’ ”

The London-born hypnotist says since Trump is “not a very good public speaker” compared to seasoned politicians, he falls back on “future pacing” repetitive words and phrases that hypnotize his supporters. Barker lists “when I’m your next president,” “America was once great” and “we need to fight those that are taking our country away from us” among Trump’s go-tos.

“I teach hypnosis, and if you want to learn hypnosis, look at the way Trump’s doing it,” says Barker, author of the book “Selling Hypnotically: The Art of Suggestion.”

“He creates expectations, which is you know what you’re going to get. He gets his audience to visualize, which is part of a hypnotic trance. He gets them to visualize two problems, then he gets them [to] nod their heads three or four times for solutions.

“He does all the things that a hypnotist would do when you’re hypnotizing somebody.”

Asked if he feels he’ll have stiff competition if the whole White House gig doesn’t work out for Trump, Barker replies with a laugh, “I don’t think he’s going to get into the world of doing stage shows, thankfully.”

Barker, an American citizen, says he hasn’t voted in a presidential election since coming to the United States in 2003. But despite being critical of Trump and saying he’s not “seeing much substance” from the entire 2016 field, he notes this time around, he might be just as hypnotized as the rest of the country.

“In a kind of strange way, I’m almost more than likely going to vote for Trump just because I want to see his hypnosis and how it plays out over the next four years or so,” says Barker. “I just think it would be fascinating.”
hmmm.... Obamanosis.