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Donald Trump: Main roles of federal government are security, education and healthcare

Why do you guys hate cops so much?

Cops: Teen Sexually Assaulted, Pepper Sprayed, Called ‘N**ger Lover’ at Trump Rally

Police in Paul Ryan’s Wisconsin hometown say they are searching for two suspects who they say attacked a protester.

Janesville, Wisconsin, police say a teenage girl was sexually assaulted and pepper-sprayed outside a Donald Trump campaign event Tuesday. “A 15 year [old] girl from Janesville was peppered-sprayed in the crowd by a non-law enforcement person,” police said in a statement. “A male in the [crowd] groped the 15 year [old] girl when she pushed him away; another person in the [crowd] sprayed her. We are currently looking for two suspects, one for the sexual assault and one for the pepper-spray.”

In one video, the girl can be heard yelling at a middle-age man with gray hair after she said he touched her chest.

In another video via ABC News, a Trump supporter can be heard yelling, “You goddamn communist nigger-lover, get the hell out of here!”

The apparent assault came hours after Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski was charged with battery against former Breitbart reporter Michelle Fields after grabbing her at a Jupiter, Florida, event on March 8.

But in recent months, violence has become common practice at rallies for the real-estate mogul. In January, he told his supporters to “knock the crap out of [protesters].” He added, “I will pay for the legal fees. I promise.”

After a 78-year-old supporter sucker-punched a black man who was being escorted out of a venue in Fayetteville, North Carolina, Trump said he was “looking into” actually following through on his word when the man was charged with assault.

On March 20, a protester was punched and kicked at a rally in Tuscon, Arizona. “I stumble back, sucker-punch.. and then you saw all hell break loose,” the man said. “He’s stomping me.” At that event, Trump had called protesters “disgusting,” “troublemakers,” and a “disgrace.”

And the reality-TV personality’s planned Chicago rally was notoriously canceled this month after a series of violent eruptions. Reports told of more than one protester being led away by police, with blood oozing out of wounds on their face and elsewhere.
I don't understand why anyone (liberals especially) are so surprised at Trump's exaggerations on his policies/positions.

He is a programmed negotiator and EVERY negotiating course you take (and I've taken a bunch) says the side that starts the "highest" or "asks for the most" at the beginning of a negotiation ends up getting the best position in the end. EVERY TIME.

In fact, one of the hardest things to teach in negotiating class is to get past your embarrassment of asking for too much. You can't be self-conscious of asking for a crazy amount of money or power or leverage or whatever else is under debate. The best negotiators don't have a filter on asking for something or starting their position.

That is what Trump is doing now. Every position he states is super crazy and ever liberal and anti-Trump advocate wants to convince us these things somehow represent what he really wants or what will really happen. That's not close to the truth.

He is stating his STARTING position on everything. And he has every right to ask for the world and start at an unattainable position. That's what good negotiators do!

But the truth is on every one of these crazy positions, if he GETS A CHANCE, he will come out with a policy that is much more beneficial to the American people that if he pigeon holed himself at the start with a soft position that sounds so warm and cuddly to the American/Liberal voter.

I'm voting for this mentality. I'm voting for a president that understands in order to win at the negotiating table for the American people you sometimes have to start by asking for the moon. You ask for a million dollars you are much more likely to get $500,000 than if you start by asking for $550,000. That is just a fact of business and negotiating.

Whether a wall gets built, I don't know. But I guarantee that when Trump meets with Mexico and discusses money with them (and we send them $50-$75 million/year in aid) and trade policies and tariffs and how the Mexican government screws us with their policies, Trump will come out of those talks ahead of any other political candidate. By far.

And I know he'll come out ahead of discussions with Europe and Russia and Saudi Arabia and China and Japan too. Because he's the only one to have the balls to ask for the world knowing full well he's not going to get that. But you have to start somewhere.....
Every position he states is super crazy.
You nailed it.

The reality is 50% of super crazy is just crazy, and 25% is mildly crazy. Regardless if he's shooting for the moon by wildly exaggerating everything that comes out of his mouth, it doesn't mean he has a sound understanding of anything, really.

I'm not surprised - at all - about Trump's exaggerations on his policies/positions. I'm mildly surprised by those that support him buying into his crap - hook, line and sinker.
Okay then move to Ohio. Kasich is even worse than Lyin' Teddy. He is far from okay, the closet democrat he is...

Kasich is a joke. I can't believe that anyone would take that RINO seriously.
oh, keep in mind that none of the leftist news reporting sites are saying nor showing that she punched at the old fart.
keeping that off their site, but some phantom groping is the news.


Round them all up - ship them off to Syria or Somalia for a year cleaning toilets

Send the libtard reporters off with them to cover that
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I don't understand why anyone (liberals especially) are so surprised at Trump's exaggerations on his policies/positions.

He is a programmed negotiator and EVERY negotiating course you take (and I've taken a bunch) says the side that starts the "highest" or "asks for the most" at the beginning of a negotiation ends up getting the best position in the end. EVERY TIME.

In fact, one of the hardest things to teach in negotiating class is to get past your embarrassment of asking for too much. You can't be self-conscious of asking for a crazy amount of money or power or leverage or whatever else is under debate. The best negotiators don't have a filter on asking for something or starting their position.

That is what Trump is doing now. Every position he states is super crazy and ever liberal and anti-Trump advocate wants to convince us these things somehow represent what he really wants or what will really happen. That's not close to the truth.

He is stating his STARTING position on everything. And he has every right to ask for the world and start at an unattainable position. That's what good negotiators do!

But the truth is on every one of these crazy positions, if he GETS A CHANCE, he will come out with a policy that is much more beneficial to the American people that if he pigeon holed himself at the start with a soft position that sounds so warm and cuddly to the American/Liberal voter.

I'm voting for this mentality. I'm voting for a president that understands in order to win at the negotiating table for the American people you sometimes have to start by asking for the moon. You ask for a million dollars you are much more likely to get $500,000 than if you start by asking for $550,000. That is just a fact of business and negotiating.

Whether a wall gets built, I don't know. But I guarantee that when Trump meets with Mexico and discusses money with them (and we send them $50-$75 million/year in aid) and trade policies and tariffs and how the Mexican government screws us with their policies, Trump will come out of those talks ahead of any other political candidate. By far.

And I know he'll come out ahead of discussions with Europe and Russia and Saudi Arabia and China and Japan too. Because he's the only one to have the balls to ask for the world knowing full well he's not going to get that. But you have to start somewhere.....

Ha ha ha...this is the best one yet. Yes, his stating he's in favor of super liberal postions is a NEGOTIATING tactic. Here's how the negotiations are gonna go...

Trump: I want the government to provide healthcare to everyone.
Dems: We do too. With us in charge of everything. Education too. Let's just call it something other than Common Core though. Cuz the sheeple hate that.
Trump: Awesome. I love being in charge of everything. Done.
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Kasich is a joke. I can't believe that anyone would take that RINO seriously.

Right, Kasich's a RINO but the guy who just said he wants the feds in charge of everything is an ultra conservative.
You nailed it.

The reality is 50% of super crazy is just crazy, and 25% is mildly crazy. Regardless if he's shooting for the moon by wildly exaggerating everything that comes out of his mouth, it doesn't mean he has a sound understanding of anything, really.

I'm not surprised - at all - about Trump's exaggerations on his policies/positions. I'm mildly surprised by those that support him buying into his crap - hook, line and sinker.

Yep. The really hard thing for me is I've spent 30 years defending Republicans as NOT being the party of backwards ill-informed sexist bigots. I mean sure I knew there were some, but I've said for years we are the party of sound economic policy, of Constitutional principles, of our founding fathers' vision of limited government and individual liberty. I can't say that anymore. I've got to move on. It's very disillusioning to me, how many in this party are willing to throw that all out the window for this crude. sexist, loudmouthed ignorant charlatan.

Maybe I've been wrong all these years after all. Depressing.
Tomlin isn't a childish, unknowledgable, bigoted, intolerant, xenophobic, racist, sexist bully who's running for POTUS, that's what.

President Obama isn't allowed to run again...
Right, Kasich's a RINO but the guy who just said he wants the feds in charge of everything is an ultra conservative.

You still don't get it. Nobody cares about labels anymore. CONSERVATISM IS DEAD, get off that train. Even the bible thumpers are voting for Trump in the Deep South

get some!

You'll never hear this from Bernie fans

"Obama has failed us!!!"
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President Obama isn't allowed to run again...

You still don't get it. Nobody cares about labels anymore. CONSERVATISM IS DEAD, get off that train. Even the bible thumpers are voting for Trump in the Deep South

You'll never hear this from Bernie fans

It's not about labels...do you not get that? It's about who he is and what he will do. Do you not care about that? Why? Because he's just that awesome? This guy who has been a cartoon character and the butt of jokes for decades?

I am resigned to his candidacy. And his loss in the general. There's going to be a lot of crying around here come November.
Yes, finally! There is an answer to this madness.

Hypnotist: Trump winning with ‘Trumpnosis’

A world-renowned hypnotist says there’s one person folks should turn to if they want a master class in the art of mesmerizing a crowd: Donald Trump.

Richard Barker has even coined a term for what he says the GOP presidential front-runner engages in on the campaign trail: “Trumpnosis.”

“Trumpnosis has been around for a very long time, including politics and religion,” Barker, known professionally as “The Incredible Hypnotist,” says. “But Donald Trump has mastered it. What it basically is, is it’s mass persuasion, mass influence and mass hypnosis.

“The idea of Trumpnosis is being able to sow the seeds of persuasion, suggestion and ideas en masse to other people.”

The triggers, according to Barker, a former police detective who’s worked and performed as a hypnotist for more than two decades, are always the same: “It’s always identifying the problem, identifying another problem and then verbalizing the solutions to the point that people need the solutions.”

Barker gives an example of what he means. “If I said to you, ‘It’s a beautiful day outside, isn’t it?’ It’s an undeniable truth. You’re more than likely to say ‘yeah’ because if you say ‘no,’ then I can come back with, ‘What’s wrong with you?’ ”

The London-born hypnotist says since Trump is “not a very good public speaker” compared to seasoned politicians, he falls back on “future pacing” repetitive words and phrases that hypnotize his supporters. Barker lists “when I’m your next president,” “America was once great” and “we need to fight those that are taking our country away from us” among Trump’s go-tos.

“I teach hypnosis, and if you want to learn hypnosis, look at the way Trump’s doing it,” says Barker, author of the book “Selling Hypnotically: The Art of Suggestion.”

“He creates expectations, which is you know what you’re going to get. He gets his audience to visualize, which is part of a hypnotic trance. He gets them to visualize two problems, then he gets them [to] nod their heads three or four times for solutions.

“He does all the things that a hypnotist would do when you’re hypnotizing somebody.”

Asked if he feels he’ll have stiff competition if the whole White House gig doesn’t work out for Trump, Barker replies with a laugh, “I don’t think he’s going to get into the world of doing stage shows, thankfully.”

Barker, an American citizen, says he hasn’t voted in a presidential election since coming to the United States in 2003. But despite being critical of Trump and saying he’s not “seeing much substance” from the entire 2016 field, he notes this time around, he might be just as hypnotized as the rest of the country.

“In a kind of strange way, I’m almost more than likely going to vote for Trump just because I want to see his hypnosis and how it plays out over the next four years or so,” says Barker. “I just think it would be fascinating.”

I'm not a cop hater. Just prefer the truth.

This woman claimed she was harassed by a cop too. Deanna Grieco tried to frame a cop and accuse him of sexual assault. Women never do that, nah...


Or this woman's claims:

...or this...


You see the pattern right? Women do claim assault when it doesn't happen.

What we know is we see that girl swing at a man. We see her get pepper sprayed. We do know that Sorros and Clinton and MoveOn.org are hiring mercenary protestors to VIOLENTLY disrupt what are supposed to be peaceful protests. To incite. We see her on camera - inciting. These are facts.

You want to believe her words, that she was assaulted? That's your choice. I'll operate on the facts known, and her own words - she said "I deserved that."

Indeed she did.

Rock on Tibs.
Personally I don't give a rat's *** what anyone's protesters do, it's not the responsibility of the candidate. I don't really care about Michelle Fields having her arm grabbed either, although Trump's juvenile response to the whole thing is typical.
Keep on being you Tim. Keep pretending there's isn't a cycle of violence and vitriol eminating from Donald Trump and his camp. Keep pretending he's not egging on his supporters to be violent and to turn on protesters. Again, keep on being you.

Personally I don't give a rat's *** what anyone's protesters do

Calm down muffin - we know women can be violent

Indiana woman beats up 15-year-old over video game (drove from Chicago to Indianapolis to do it)

NDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — A woman went to a 15-year-old’s house and challenged her to a fight.

The fight was over a video game.

The woman, Taneysh Bass, accused 15-year-old Dasiah Smith of taking a video game from her home in Chicago.

Bass drove from Chicago to confront the girl and retrieve the video game.

Police say Bass kicked in the front door of a home in the 1900 block of North Medford Avenue. She then challenged Smith to a fight.

Smith accepted.

As they fought, Bass punched Smith in the head and face. The fight started on the second floor of the home and continued down the stairs into the first floor.

A glass table was broken during the fight.

Bass left the home with a PS4 gaming system and a Call of Duty game. She got in her car and drove away with the items.

I bet she has daddy issues too. (the woman who acts like she was shot in the arm)
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Calm down muffin - we know women can be violent

Indiana woman beats up 15-year-old over video game (drove from Chicago to Indianapolis to do it)

NDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — A woman went to a 15-year-old’s house and challenged her to a fight.

The fight was over a video game.

The woman, Taneysh Bass, accused 15-year-old Dasiah Smith of taking a video game from her home in Chicago.

Bass drove from Chicago to confront the girl and retrieve the video game.

Police say Bass kicked in the front door of a home in the 1900 block of North Medford Avenue. She then challenged Smith to a fight.

Smith accepted.

As they fought, Bass punched Smith in the head and face. The fight started on the second floor of the home and continued down the stairs into the first floor.

A glass table was broken during the fight.

Bass left the home with a PS4 gaming system and a Call of Duty game. She got in her car and drove away with the items.


Now there's a woman who knows how to get things done! She can be Trump's running mate.
onefor - so if you're upset at Trump pulling the Republicans through the mud, which of the other (R)s would you want? Cruz? he doesnt exemplify your conservative values anymore. Kasich? He's as warm as a wet fish.

Trump is brash and arrogant because that is what it will take to shake **** up. Trump's inciting violence? Quick - how many of Hillary or Bernie's rallies have been disrupted by proven-admitted Trump followers? Probably somewhere between 0 and 1.
As I've stated from the beginning, this is the most interesting election cycle I've ever seen.

Look at this board: Republicans vs. Republicans with the one or two liberals just egging it all on and stoking the fires.

That's happening on a national level too. We're just a small piece of representation but it's close.

I think most Republicans would have and could have supported Trump had the RNC and "traditional" Republicans accepted and promoted him rather than attacking him with $50 million in attack add and going on the offensive in the hopes of a brokered convention (which I still don't think they get). Is he perfect Republican? No. But that doesn't mean he's unelectable in my opinion nor is he unfit to be President.

But the constant Republican attacks are succeeding. There is no doubt about that even if a majority of Republicans reject it and stick with their first gut reaction.

This is going to tear apart the party. There is still this group of Republicans that want the pastor who preaches social, christian values and smaller federal government and the "declining moral fiber" of America. I think that has proven to be a dead end on a national level and no one here can convince me otherwise.

The other, growing group of conservatives (and I won't even call them Republicans, you christian-right can keep that moniker if you want) is working class, frustrated at political correctness and a media that panders and apologizes to minorities for every/all slights. It is a nationalist group that is still extremely proud of our country, its founding fathers and the path we took to get here, warts and all. We believe in the law of the land, even if it changes due to court rulings as long as it's consistently applied and no one gets special treatment. We want our federal government to be more cost conscience and at least TRY and slow government growth. We are tired of the pork barrel add-ons and back door deals that get added to every law/bill. We believe in a strong military and have respect for those that did/are serve our country. We are anti-union when you are against the taxpayer, but we can understand (even if we don't support it all the time) the roll of unions vs. big corporations. We are pro small business. We are pro big business and understand their roll in employment but think a few more rules to keep them shipping jobs overseas or finding ways to avoid paying taxes (which we don't blame them for) should be enforced by our government. While we want more power to the states, it's not like this federalist ideal that states should be able to do whatever they want either - some standards have to be applied to all for fairness sake. We want less federal taxes, but are okay if states tax us more to makes up the difference and think states probably would spend more wisely and more efficiently. We want easier taxes for both individuals and corporations and we want people to call a tax a tax instead of trying to "sneak it past us". We're tired of professional politicians and the idea only lawyers can run our country. We don't care about abortion or gun rights (two issues on the same coin). We don't care about gay marriage or christian rights (which is an open door to muslim rights). We strongly believe in a secular government because that HAS to be the example the rest of the world follows and think we don't do enough world-wide in foreign policy to demand the same.

I don't know what party to call that yet. Maybe conservative. Maybe nationalist. Who knows. It's certainly not Republican anymore. Not after the way the "Republican" party decides to treat the candidate that is getting by far the most votes.

It's on them. Trump will either lose the nomination by in-fighting or lose in November. Either way Clinton is now our next President. The relentless "100 days of anti-Trump" that the RNC now has planned is going to work.