• Please be aware we've switched the forums to their own URL. (again) You'll find the new website address to be www.steelernationforum.com Thanks
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Election Day 2020

Either make it a pay site or don't. That will cure cost. I've pumped in hundreds of dollars over the years and haven't for a good while now. Since I saw the majority did not contribute why should I?

It would be nice to see actual operational cost posted. That would help a lot for those on the fence.
Cheers, Tibs

yeah, this place has turned into a Trump death cult, with the same Clique trying to run everyone off so the worshippers can have their own little echo chamber temple

Cultists living deep in the conspiracy net, probably all Q contributors too

QAnon Supporters Vow to Leave GOP After Mitch McConnell Accepts Election Result

Supporters of the QAnon conspiracy theory have unsurprisingly turned their backs on Mitch McConnell after he finally congratulated President-elect Joe Biden on his election victory.

Followers of the radical movement who believe President Donald Trump is waging a secret war against satanic pedophiles, as well as pushing baseless claims that the election was rigged, were dismayed at the Senate Majority Leader and accusing him of being a traitor.

Others said they will now leave the GOP or even form a new political party all together.


"Allegations are little more than fevered rantings of conspiracy theorists built on the work of other conspiracy theorists"

I see Booted's point. I am a contributor and will continue to be. But he brings up a valid point (I know it's been discussed before). A select few here pay the way for the rest. SF81 more than anyone. And yet you have these 10K, 20K posters paying nothing. Seems eerily like our real world where taxpayers pay the bill while others free-load. I digress.

The last thing we want are loyal, long time posters stopping paying given this position. I agree with his points.

I suggest it is time we strongly consider making sections like Poli and Concession Stand areas for Contributors only. Pay to play.

that may require a different version of the board we use. not sure, but SF81 is aware of these things.
yeah, this place has turned into a Trump death cult, with the same Clique trying to run everyone off so the worshippers can have their own little echo chamber temple

Cultists living deep in the conspiracy net, probably all Q contributors too

QAnon Supporters Vow to Leave GOP After Mitch McConnell Accepts Election Result

Supporters of the QAnon conspiracy theory have unsurprisingly turned their backs on Mitch McConnell after he finally congratulated President-elect Joe Biden on his election victory.

Followers of the radical movement who believe President Donald Trump is waging a secret war against satanic pedophiles, as well as pushing baseless claims that the election was rigged, were dismayed at the Senate Majority Leader and accusing him of being a traitor.

Others said they will now leave the GOP or even form a new political party all together.


"Allegations are little more than fevered rantings of conspiracy theorists built on the work of other conspiracy theorists"


96 Percent of Trump Voters Don't Regret It

According to a new poll, 96 percent of Americans who voted for President Donald Trump do not regret their vote

53 percent support the idea that he is a strong leader.

Additionally, 67 percent said the Democratic Party, in its role as the opposition party, is out of touch with Americans


Jeff Sessions on Mexican Border Wall: 'We're Going to Get It Paid for, One Way or the Other'

Appearing on this morning’s broadcast of ABC’s This Week, Attorney General Jeff Sessions was pressed by host George Stephanopoulos over who will be financially responsible for the proposed border wall along the US/Mexican border.

“Well, we’re going to get it paid for one way or the other,” the AG noted. Sessions went on to explain that there is excess money in tax credits going to Mexicans that the US can utilize to help finance the wall.

“There are a lot of ways we can find money to help pay for this,” Sessions added. This led an incredulous Stephanopoulos to ask, “How are you going to capture that money?” The attorney general responded that the government just needs to change regulations and enforce them properly, then $4 billion a year can be saved.



Bernie Sanders Defends Ann Coulter

in a surprising turn of events, every millennial’s favorite old man, Sen. Bernie Sanders, has come out in defense of Ann Coulter, denouncing threats that forced the University of California, Berkeley, to try to postpone her appearance at the college.

“I don’t like this. I don’t like it,” Sanders told The Huffington Post in response to the security threats that forced the university to put off the conservative firebrand’s event.

“Obviously Ann Coulter’s outrageous―to my mind, off the wall. But you know, people have a right to give their two cents-worth, give a speech, without fear of violence and intimidation,” he added.


Sessions: DoJ Has Sent a Letter to 10 ‘Sanctuary Cities’ in Possible Violation of Immigration Law

Attorney General Jeff Sessions revealed he sent a letter to 10 cities functioning as so-called “sanctuary cities,” which may be in violation of federal law.

Sessions warned a failure to respond to those letters could result in those cities losing their federal funding.

“Last year, the Obama administration sent out notices that people had to comply with this cooperative language in the law that was passed several years ago,” Sessions explained. “And we sent out a letter today to 10 cities that the Inspector General’s office last year said were potentially in violation of the law involving deportation in sanctuary cities. We expect them to respond. If they don’t respond, they should not receive the grants because the grants were issued on condition of cooperation.”


Trump Ends Obama’s African Ebola Amnesty

In a refreshing move, the Trump administration is eliminating one of Barack Obama’s many outrageous amnesty initiatives, this one involving illegal immigrants from African countries affected by the Ebola virus a few years ago. The Ebola amnesty scandal got buried in the hoopla of the administration’s broad executive order protecting millions of illegal alien Mexicans and Central Americans, but it was just as alarming. Launched in 2014, the Ebola reprieve was issued separately—and quietly—via a Temporary Protected Status (TPS), a humanitarian program that’s supposed to be short-term.

Under the plan, the administration designated Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone for TPS for 18 months. That’s how it always starts—for a short period of time then it grows into years. Before you know it, illegal aliens who benefit from TPS for humanitarian reasons are legal residents enjoying all the generous perks—free education, food stamps, medical care etc.—that Uncle Sam has to offer. For instance, “temporary” protection for Hondurans and Nicaraguans has been extended over and over again thanks to a hurricane (Mitch) that hit the Central American countries more than a decade and a half ago.

Another recent example is the TPS the Obama administration gave to nearly 50,000 Haitians after the 2010 earthquake.

http://www.judicialwatch.org/blog/2...mpaign=corruption chronicles (3)&utm_content=

Hide your gardeners!

ICE arrests 76 criminals across the state of Florida

MIAMI – U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers arrested 76 criminal aliens last week in an enforcement action targeting individuals who pose a threat to public safety. ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) officers made the arrests across the state of Florida.

Of those arrested by ICE during the enforcement action, which was conducted from April 18-21, 57 had criminal records that included felony convictions for serious or violent offenses, such as lewd & lascivious behavior, sexual battery, child sex crimes, sex offenses, aggravated assault with deadly weapon, weapons charges and drug violations. Additionally, 19 had less serious or violent violations to include; larceny, petty theft, trespass, driving under the influence, fraud, driving with no driver’s license.

"ICE is committed to making our communities safer by removing threats to our public safety," said Marc J. Moore, Field Office Director for the Miami Field Office of ERO, which oversees all of Florida, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. “Communities across Florida and Puerto Rico are safer today because of the hard work of our ERO officers.

During the operation, ERO was supported by ICE’s Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), U.S. Customs and Border Protection and other federal and local law enforcement agencies, including the Diplomatic Security Service.

The arrests were made in the Florida counties of: Broward (16), Collier (2), Duval (4), Hillsborough (4), Martin (20), Miami Dade (16), Orange (11), and municipalities in Puerto Rico (3).

https://search.usa.gov/search?query...t ICE&submit.x=0&submit.y=0&affiliate=ice.gov

Trump at NRA convention: 'Eight-year assault' on gun rights is over

On the eve of his 100th day in office, President Trump rallied a convention of the National Rifle Association by vowing to "never, ever infringe" on Second Amendment rights and declaring his predecessor's alleged "assault" on those freedoms is over.

“I am here to deliver you good news: the eight-year assault on your Second Amendment freedoms has come to a crashing end,” Trump told the cheering crowd.

Trump is the first sitting president to address an NRA convention in more than three decades. The last president to do so was Ronald Reagan in 1983.


EPA removes climate change page from website

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) removed several pages – including those related to climate change – from its website on Friday as part of an update to “reflect the agency’s new direction under President Donald Trump and Administrator Scott Pruitt.”

EPA officials removed the page relating to the Obama administration’s main emissions regulation for power plants, which now directs to an article about an executive order Trump signed in March undoing Obama’s climate agenda.

The agency’s pages relating to climate change, climate science, the impacts of climate change and what readers can do about climate change are all gone from the live site, each replaced with a banner headline saying “this page is being updated.”

“We want to eliminate confusion by removing outdated language first and making room to discuss how we’re protecting the environment and human health by partnering with states and working within the law.”


Trump administration ending Michelle Obama's girls education program

Washington (CNN)The Trump administration is discontinuing a signature girls education initiative championed by former first lady Michelle Obama, according to officials.

The "Let Girls Learn" program, which she and President Barack Obama started in 2015 to facilitate educational opportunities for adolescent girls in developing countries, will cease operation immediately, according to an internal document obtained by CNN.

While aspects of the initiative's programming will continue, employees have been told to stop using the "Let Girls Learn" name and were told that, as a program unto itself, "Let Girls Learn" was ending.

"Moving forward, we will not continue to use the 'Let Girls Learn' brand or maintain a stand-alone program," read an email sent to Peace Corps employees this week by the agency's acting director Sheila Crowley



You ever hear a wookie scream?

More winning!?

Rumors surround Justice Kennedy exit

WASHINGTON – As one justice settles into his new job at the Supreme Court, is another about to leave?

Eighty-year-old Justice Anthony Kennedy is so far refusing to comment on speculation that he may soon retire after 29 years on the court.

But that hasn't stopped President Donald Trump and, obliquely, the Republican senator in charge of high court confirmation hearings from weighing in on the prospect that Kennedy could step down as soon as this spring or summer. If not this year, several former law clerks said they would not be surprised to see the justice retire in 2018.

"I've heard the same rumors that a lot of people have heard. And I have a lot of respect for that gentleman, a lot," Trump told The Washington Times in an interview published Sunday.

Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, told reporters last month, "I would expect a resignation this summer." He did not name any names but cited a "rumored" retirement.



find your safe spaces!

FDA, TVs now turned to Fox News and can't be switched

Attention viewers at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration: Televisions will now be tuned to Fox News.

CBS News has confirmed an email was sent to researchers at the FDA's Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research responding to apparent efforts to change the channel on internal television screens. The email from " Digital Display" sent on Wednesday, May 3, was sent to inform the researchers of the "reason for the change from CNN to Fox." White Oak is the name of the FDA's campus.

The email goes on to inform employees that the decision came from the Trump administration.

"The reason for the change is that a decision from the current administration administrative officials has requested that all monitors, under our control, on the White Oak Campus, display FOX news," the email reads.


Now the asswhack

Trump to Announce Slate of Conservative Federal Court Nominees

WASHINGTON — Having filled a Supreme Court vacancy, President Trump is turning his attention to the more than 120 openings on the lower federal courts. On Monday, he will announce a slate of 10 nominees to those courts, a senior White House official said, the first in what could be near monthly waves of nominations.

Jonathan H. Adler, a law professor at Case Western Reserve University, said the appeals court picks on Mr. Trump’s list included “incredibly strong nominees” who were within the judicial mainstream and should “have an intellectual influence on their courts.”


Taking back America - one tee-vee at a time

Conservative media group set to become nation's largest owner of local TV stations

Two months before Monday’s announcement that Sinclair Broadcast Group would pay $3.9 billion for Tribune Media and add to its dominance as the nation’s largest owner of local TV stations, a top executive at Sinclair beamed a short commentary piece to many of the company’s 173 stations.

In the segment, which looks like it belongs in a newscast, Sinclair vice president for news Scott Livingston stands before a wall of video monitors and warns that “some members of the national media are using their platforms to push their own personal bias and agenda to control exactly what people think.” He accuses the national media of publishing “fake news stories” — a direct echo of President Trump’s frequent complaint — and then asks viewers to visit the station’s website to share “content concerns.”


Trump Fills 10 More Judicial Seats Mitch McConnell Stole From Obama

President Trump announced ten federal judicial nominees today. All of them will sail through the Senate. All of them will fill seats stolen from President Obama. There are over 120 vacancies in the federal judiciary, and Obama had nominated people to fill 81 of them.

But by the end of his two terms, 59 of those nominees were still in limbo, because Mitch McConnell’s Senate confirmed only 22.

This week, ten new nominees were announced to take their seats—as promised, mostly conservative firebrands picked by the Heritage Foundation and Federalist Society—with many more sure to come. The Republicans’ strategy of unprecedented obstructionism has, once again, paid off in spades. If you think Judge Merrick Garland’s Supreme Court seat was stolen, well, here’s 59 more of them.


Can we talk about Trump's Legacy now?

Younger Judicial Nominees Give Trump Chance for Legacy in Courts

President Donald Trump will begin to leave his mark on the lower courts of the federal judiciary with 10 nominees named Monday, many of them judges still in their 40s.

Shortly after 7:30 p.m. Monday, the White House formally announced Trump’s nomination of five judges to federal appellate courts and another five judges to lower federal courts.

“They all appear to be bright, young, capable conservatives who promise to be outstanding judges; some are already judges,” John Malcolm, a legal scholar who oversees the Institute for Constitutional Government at The Heritage Foundation

Most Supreme Court justices previously served as appeals court judges. Also, the high court can take only a limited number of cases. So, circuit court nominees are highly important.



But . . . but . . . Trump isn’t a “real” conservative

they are definitely being driven insane by all this WINNING!

President Trump to sign executive order establishing commission on 'election integrity'

President Donald Trump is expected to sign an executive order today establishing a commission to review alleged voter fraud and voter suppression in the American election system, multiple senior administration officials tell ABC News.

The officials say Vice President Mike Pence and Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach will be announced as Chair and Vice Chair of the ‘Presidential Commission on Election Integrity’ in a press release today. It's not clear whether the White House will allow coverage of the order signing.

The commission, which will include Republicans and Democrats, will be tasked with studying "vulnerabilities" in U.S. voting systems and potential effects on "improper voting, fraudulent voter registrations and fraudulent voting," according to one official with knowledge of the announcement.



National Voter ID!

Do it!

From my lips to Trump's ear

Trump Picks Voter ID Advocate for Election Fraud Panel

President Trump on Thursday named Kris W. Kobach, the Kansas secretary of state who has pressed for aggressive measures to crack down on undocumented immigrants, to a commission investigating vote fraud, following through on his unsubstantiated claim that millions of “illegals” voted for his Democratic rival and robbed him of victory in the national popular vote.

Mr. Kobach, who has championed the strictest voter identification laws in the country, will be the vice chairman of the commission, which will be led by Vice President Mike Pence and is expected to include about a dozen others, including state officials from both political parties, said Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the deputy White House press secretary.


Will there be riots?

Trump to light White House blue to honor police

The president signed a proclamation Monday declaring the day "Peace Officer Memorial Day" and the upcoming week "Police Week." At the signing ceremony, Trump said that he would also request that American flags fly at half-mast to memorialize fallen officers, according to a pool report.

"During Peace Officers Memorial Day and Police Week, we honor the men and women of law enforcement who have been killed or disabled in the course of serving our communities. Police officers are the thin blue line whose sacrifices protect and serve us every day, and we pledge to support them as they risk their lives to safeguard ours," Trump said in the text of the proclamation.


BWAhahahahaha - it only gets better

Sheriff David Clarke accepts job in Department of Homeland Security.

Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr. will leave the office next month to accept a federal appointment as an Assistant Secretary in the Department of Homeland Security.


He will work in the department's Office of Partnership and Engagement as a liaison with state, local and tribal law enforcement and governments.

"I'm looking forward to joining that team," Clarke said Thursday afternoon on the Vicki McKenna talk show on 1130 WISN Radio.


as you can see, Spike is a front-running spineless choke-down-to-the-balls wormy **** who lacks loyalty, cognitive function and general pleasantness.
I think it's time for new mods

Dave used to have an annual change of mods to keep the place on balance, remember I was a mod for over a year too!

yes, we need a Poll, Vote for new mods

I submit Tibs, me, and oh what the hell, that other guy, Sarge
I think it's time for new mods

Dave used to have an annual change of mods to keep the place on balance, remember I was a mod for over a year too!

yes, we need a Poll, Vote for new mods

I submit Tibs, me, and oh what the hell, that other guy, Sarge

You and Tibs wouldn't do any of the required work. Freeloading *******.

"Sergeant Spiketard reporting for mod duty, sir."
I think it's time for new mods

Dave used to have an annual change of mods to keep the place on balance, remember I was a mod for over a year too!

yes, we need a Poll, Vote for new mods

I submit Tibs, me, and oh what the hell, that other guy, Sarge

how about no. ******* weasel.
yeah, this place has turned into a Trump death cult, with the same Clique trying to run everyone off so the worshippers can have their own little echo chamber temple]
So, you think if we got rid of the freeloaders,such as yourself, this place would be an echo chamber? What does that tell you?
I think it's time for new mods

Dave used to have an annual change of mods to keep the place on balance, remember I was a mod for over a year too!

yes, we need a Poll, Vote for new mods

I submit Tibs, me, and oh what the hell, that other guy, Sarge

Lunatics need not apply.
Send them ALL to federal pound em in the *** prison!

Detroit asks federal judge to impose sanctions against pro-Trump lawyer Sidney Powell over 'Kraken' lawsuit

"Few lawsuits breathe more lies than this one. The allegations are little more than fevered rantings of conspiracy theorists built on the work of other conspiracy theorists," said the filing.

"Plaintiffs rely on affidavits of so-called 'experts' — really confidence men who spread lie after lie under cover of academic credential — which misstate obviously false statistics. These 'experts' use academic jargon as if that could transmute their claims from conspiracy theory to legal theory," they added.



Her and Lin Wood will both be sanctioned and eventually disbarred.

Wood will likely wind up in prison eventually for something, like tax crimes

Wow, in 31 years of practice, I have NEVER heard a party being sued claim the lawsuit was bullshit, should be thrown out, lawyers sanctioned, blah-dee-******* blah.

Wait. You know what I call it when a person or business being sued shrieks, "It's all lies!", demands sanctions, threatens Rule 11, blah, blah, blah?? Monday.

And lo and ******* behold, 99.99% of the time the shrieking saint winds up paying a bunch of money for wrongdoing and was just lying about his or its innocence.

Number of times the party filing suit is sanctioned? Maybe - MAYBE - 0.1%. Probably less. Number of times a lawyer is disbarred for filing a suit? Zero. Ever. In history.

Spike, you have no clue what you are talking about. None. The fact that a person being sued or prosecuted shrieks his innocence means exactly nothing. OJ said he was "100% not guilty." I guess you believe that too.
I think it's time for new mods

Dave used to have an annual change of mods to keep the place on balance, remember I was a mod for over a year too!

yes, we need a Poll, Vote for new mods

I submit Tibs, me, and oh what the hell, that other guy, Sarge

Supe posted, what, 15 of your prior comments about Trump, 100% positive, supporting him and his policies, some as late as 2019. The fact you are now spewing idiotic anti-Trump garbage does nothing other than prove you are two-faced. (For example, nobody on this forum but you has EVER posted anything about "Q." You must live in some bizarre fantasy world if you think a single individual - other than you - even knows what the **** that is. I thought he was the inventor in the Bond movies.)

Hey, Tony Two-Face, have you traded in your Patriots #12 jersey for a Buccaneers jersey yet?
In today's issue of galactic stupidity...

Right-wing militant leader pledges violent support for Trump dictatorship


Anti-government extremist Stewart Rhodes again called on President Donald Trump to invoke the Insurrection Act and deploy the U.S. military against his domestic opponents.

The Oath Keepers leader posted an open letter Monday urging the president to order “trusted military units” to “seize” the databases of CIA, DNI, FBI, NSA and state election systems and administrators to expose an alleged conspiracy between U.S. “elites” and the Chinese government to hand the election to Joe Biden, reported Right Wing Watch.

“You must act NOW as a wartime President, pursuant to your oath to defend the Constitution, which is very similar to the oath all of us veterans swore,” he added. “We are already in a fight. It’s better to wage it with you as Commander-in-Chief than to have you comply with a fraudulent election, leave office, and leave the White House in the hands of illegitimate usurpers and Chinese puppets. Please don’t do it. Do NOT concede, and do NOT wait until January 20, 2021. Strike now.”

Spike, you seem to know a lot about these weird, fringe organizations. And fail to see NOBODY else here has any idea about these people. Just you. Only you.

Maybe you should re-think your internet viewing choices.

as you can see, Spike is a front-running spineless choke-down-to-the-balls wormy **** who lacks loyalty, cognitive function and general pleasantness.

While I'm not a medical doctor, I do have a doctorate degree, and conclude that Supe's assessment seems to have merit.

Dissociative identity disorder perhaps? It's the only thing I can come up with for the 180.
Dr. Steeltime is happy to acknowledge another doctor in this group, a notable pearl among this flotsam.

How go things in Phoenix, Doctor?


Jimmy, already inside the goddamned ammalampse.

Holy ****, is Ana Kasparian from TYT getting a little red-pilled? "Fear mongering about Trump" Watch her completely annihilate Cenk and watch his reaction. So satisfying:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Is there something going on at The Young Turks that I need to know about? &#55358;&#56611; <a href="https://t.co/ukYmDWFMzl">pic.twitter.com/ukYmDWFMzl</a></p>— Undoomed (@Undoomed) <a href="https://twitter.com/Undoomed/status/1339303798603460610?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 16, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

In reality, I'm sure she still despises Donald Trump, it's just nice to see someone exercising a little critical-thinking and seeing the media for what they really are.
Brutal, barely made it into the mid 60's today.

Was talking to my cousin in Pittsburgh today, he's been shoveling snow. Said they got 5 inches in the last 24 hours. NY is getting hit really hard apparently.