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Election Day 2020

It may shock you, but I agree wholeheartedly with all of those.

<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/0K6bCMd0wdHX7Um8q2" width="480" height="270" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="https://giphy.com/gifs/nba-0K6bCMd0wdHX7Um8q2">no</a></p>

<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/1d5Zn8FqmJqApu4hNU" width="480" height="269" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="https://giphy.com/gifs/vh1-black-ink-crew-blackinkchi-blankinkcrew-1d5Zn8FqmJqApu4hNU">you</a></p>

<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/1kfhoNWKY94uLGX2kO" width="480" height="366" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="https://giphy.com/gifs/1kfhoNWKY94uLGX2kO">don't</a></p>
Who knows, maybe he's got a few more wrenches to throw into the machine between now and Jan 20th. We'll see.

Uh, no


It may shock you, but I agree wholeheartedly with all of those.

Your words and actions here expose that lie. You may want all of those things because they sound nice coming out of your mouth, but the truth is you only want them if delivered through a hard-left Progressive agenda.

You see, for 4 years, we had most of what Supe mentioned. People were getting very much ahead in life. Unemployment for everyone, and especially blacks and hispanics and women at all time lows. The economy, the best we've ever seen, benefited most Americans. The markets soared. People's investments increased. People were treating each other better, despite what you will say in retort. Trump did a ton to improve the racial issues Obama fomented. Trump fought identity politics and his stance led to many Americans and outlets standing up and saying "enough of this" even though the Dems keep pushing it hard. The general sentiment in the country was what Supe said - allowing people to be who they are and to be happy, whether gay, bi, black, white.

For 4 years you called success failure. You refused to see the progress we made. The growth, the gains, the re-birth of true love of America. You **** on it all because you simply didn't like the channel through which it was provided. You supported a coup, you supported outright lies, smears and baseless attacks, you supported abuse of taxpayer dollars in pursuit of a coup, you supported a party that refused to govern and support the American people and instead focused 24x7 effort on attempting to destroy a Presidency, you supported violent Leftists destroying lives and businesses, killing other Americans...all while refusing to open your eyes and see people were far better off the past 4 years than any had been in their lifetimes by and large.

Yeah, take that horseshit meaningless statement and shove it up your ***. There isn't a soul here who believes you mean a single ounce of that.
It may shock you, but I agree wholeheartedly with all of those.

You say that, but the government measures you support prove otherwise:

  • You support illegals, who directly harm the opportunities and wages of those with high school education or lower the most.
  • So much for supposedly "helping the little guy."
  • You have zero problem with and actively support suppression of speech by Google, Fakebook, *******, etc.
  • So much for the 1st amendment and "free speech."
  • You support politicians who use public office for massive personal gain - the Bidens, Bernie, Sanders, etc.
  • So much for keeping corruption out of politics.
  • You support government-run healthcare.
  • So much for private enterprise and individual choice.
  • You support "common sense gun control," i.e., whatever leftists can get passed.
  • So much for the rights of private citizens and the 2nd amendment.

The policies you support have turned California - once a very conservative state and arguably the best place to live, ever, with incredible schools, roads, education, courts, etc. - into a shithole that has destroyed the middle class. The policies you support have targeted and harmed the middle class and poor much, much more than your pampered, vile heroes, living with armed guards and behind walls while lecturing us on how evil and racist we are for wanting police and guns for our protection. The policies you support have never worked, ever, except in the smallest, most homogeneous countries with literally zero immigration, and even then only where such nations had a developed, prosperous capitalist base on which to build.

Your policies of massive government grabs and restrictions on the great unwashed but of course not on the elected geniuses who couldn't solve the Monday NYT crossword puzzle reward the liars and thieves known as politicians and hammer and destroy the middle class. The fact you don't realize that is simply irrelevant.

You should return to your former haunt in Long Beach. See what your wonderful policies have done.
You say that, but the government measures you support prove otherwise:

  • You support illegals, who directly harm the opportunities and wages of those with high school education or lower the most.
  • So much for supposedly "helping the little guy."
  • You have zero problem with and actively support suppression of speech by Google, Fakebook, *******, etc.
  • So much for the 1st amendment and "free speech."
  • You support politicians who use public office for massive personal gain - the Bidens, Bernie, Sanders, etc.
  • So much for keeping corruption out of politics.
  • You support government-run healthcare.
  • So much for private enterprise and individual choice.
  • You support "common sense gun control," i.e., whatever leftists can get passed.
  • So much for the rights of private citizens and the 2nd amendment.

The policies you support have turned California - once a very conservative state and arguably the best place to live, ever, with incredible schools, roads, education, courts, etc. - into a shithole that has destroyed the middle class. The policies you support have targeted and harmed the middle class and poor much, much more than your pampered, vile heroes, living with armed guards and behind walls while lecturing us on how evil and racist we are for wanting police and guns for our protection. The policies you support have never worked, ever, except in the smallest, most homogeneous countries with literally zero immigration, and even then only where such nations had a developed, prosperous capitalist base on which to build.

Your policies of massive government grabs and restrictions on the great unwashed but of course not on the elected geniuses who couldn't solve the Monday NYT crossword puzzle reward the liars and thieves known as politicians and hammer and destroy the middle class. The fact you don't realize that is simply irrelevant.

You should return to your former haunt in Long Beach. See what your wonderful policies have done.

Yeah, but orange man bad.

ST, everything you stated above is clear and factual, and should be understood by a 5 year old. The fact that leftards cannot clearly understand this indicates some mental deficiency.
What is the population of the counties where Biden won by a lot?
about 1/2 the number of votes sent in for Biden from those counties.
If you're not randomly punching a liberal's baby in the face, you just aren't trying...
Do you really believe if he had only been more enthusiastic on mask wearing it would have significantly changed the outcome?


'We want them infected'

A top Trump appointee repeatedly urged top health officials to adopt a "herd immunity" approach to Covid-19 and allow millions of Americans to be infected by the virus.

"It may be that it will be best if we open up and flood the zone and let the kids and young folk get infected" in order to get "natural immunity…natural exposure"



Let the trials for the Mass Murdering War Criminals begin! ....over 300,00 DEAD Americans, at their command!

The only question is, should they all be extradited to Nuremberg, or stand trial here, where the bloodbath was ordered?

**** your bullshit image
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Wow, brilliant, Spike. Amazing how he coordinated with the ******* CHINESE to release a virus in Wuhan, China, lie about it, make sure the virus spread across Europe and America, and then inexplicably stopped travel from China to America - the easiest ******* way to bring the disease to our nation - and get called a racist for doing so.

That degree of planning and evil skullduggery makes the most pernicious Bond villain seem like your average Sunday school teacher.

'We want them infected'

A top Trump appointee repeatedly urged top health officials to adopt a "herd immunity" approach to Covid-19 and allow millions of Americans to be infected by the virus.

"It may be that it will be best if we open up and flood the zone and let the kids and young folk get infected" in order to get "natural immunity…natural exposure"



Let the trials for the Mass Murdering War Criminals begin! ....over 300,00 DEAD Americans, at their command!

The only question is, should they all be extradited to Nuremberg, or stand trial here, where the bloodbath was ordered?

**** your bullshit image

Good Lord Spike, seriously, seek help. Did you read the damned article??

A top Trump appointee repeatedly urged top health officials to adopt a "herd immunity" approach to Covid-19 and allow millions of Americans to be infected by the virus, according to internal emails obtained by a House watchdog and shared with POLITICO.

“There is no other way, we need to establish herd, and it only comes about allowing the non-high risk groups expose themselves to the virus. PERIOD," then-science adviser Paul Alexander wrote on July 4 to his boss, Health and Human Services assistant secretary for public affairs Michael Caputo, and six other senior officials.

Someone in the administration "urged" using herd immunity as the approach.


Guess what? Medical professionals the world over have suggested we should have done this instead of killing millions of businesses and people through these draconian lock down measures. Nations like Sweden have taken this approach. Politicians take the lead from advisors. In cases like this, from their medical advisors. And the medical community is all over the map on how to best treat this virus.

And the Administration DID NOT TAKE THIS ADVICE.

Yet...... someone issued an opinion that we should consider herd immunity as the approach and you advocate hanging them?????

Seriously...you advocated KILLING politicians?

For the love of God stop.
The only question is, should they all be extradited to Nuremberg, or stand trial here, where the bloodbath was ordered?

**** your bullshit image


Uh oh, Schmidty (you're the Steve Schmidt of SN, only loonier), you got your picture taken down, whatchu gonna do now?

Seems they don't respect your work here. I'm sure the hospital staff where you're staying does though. Keep your chin up, champ.

Uh oh, Schmidty (you're the Steve Schmidt of SN, only loonier), you got your picture taken down, whatchu gonna do now?

Seems they don't respect your work here. I'm sure the hospital staff where you're staying does though. Keep your chin up, champ.

Just....holy ****. Spike must have made full use of his 10 minute straight jacket break in order to post this ****. What's it say that Tibs is in full agreement with his way of thinking? Tibs you should take a hard look at who you are aligning your opinions with. First Michael Avannati, now this. Yikes!

Uh oh, Schmidty (you're the Steve Schmidt of SN, only loonier), you got your picture taken down, whatchu gonna do now?

Seems they don't respect your work here. I'm sure the hospital staff where you're staying does though. Keep your chin up, champ.

Good grief homeboy has gone off the deep end. If anyone should be mad at anyone over the19th coronavirus, be mad at the Chinese Government. Those ******* deserve a dirtnap.

Nobody was or is stopping that. Mask,no mask doesn't ******* matter. We would have had to shut out the world for a year,nobody in period. That's if the little commie **** ***** had been honest from the get go. I think the ******** did it with intent. Probably with the approval of leftists in high places here.
Damn it, if Trump had simply banned travel from China to the United [wife whispers in ear] ... never mind.

If ******* Trump had simply ordered a vastly speedier process for a vaccine so that [wife whispers in ear] ... never mind.

If goddamn Trump had simply shut down tens of millions of jobs and told people to stay home [wife whispers in ear] ... never mind.

If ******* Trump had used the Defense Production Act to get ventilators [wife whispers in ear] ... never mind.

Well, I mean if Trump had just announced a Chinese flu health emergency in late January so that [wife whispers in ear] ... never mind.

Goddammit to hell, if ******* Trump had simply shipped test kits to 30 countries who lacked the necessary materials [wife whispers in ear] ... never mind.

Uhh, see, you know, I mean, if Trump had just demanded access to Wuhan for US scientists in early February, the Chinese would never [wife whispers in ear] ... never mind.

See, so if Trump had just demanded a ****-ton of government money to help citizens and businesses try to survive "flattening the curve" [wife whispers in ear] ... never mind.

Okay, but what about more travel restrictions in February and March from Italy, etc., I mean if [wife whispers in ear] ... never mind.


******* Trump. All his fault.

That's why Tibs, Spike, Flog, etc. never once blame China for the European flu. Doing that would be just crazy, man.
And here I thought gaining immunity over a virus was a good thing. Who knew?

And if you read the entire article as Tim mentioned, and not cherry pick certain words (and if you're not a lunatic), he simply says infect the zero/low risk to gain antibodies needed to combat the virus through herd immunity. Also said to protect the vulnerable and maintain hand-washing and other safety precautions.

Perspective. Common sense.

Things Schmidty and his merry band of lefty loons have absolutely zero of, apparently. Another big nothing-burger.
Trump's High Command Officers bailing on him now....they can hear the artillery closing in on him from the bunker!


Office of the DNI@ODNIgov


Amanda Schoch, ODNI Director of Strategic Communications: "This afternoon the DNI was notified by career intelligence officials that the Intelligence Community will not meet the December 18 deadline, set by Executive Order and Congress to submit the IC’s classified assessment on foreign threats to the 2020 U.S. elections."
And here I thought gaining immunity over a virus was a good thing. Who knew?

Silly Rabbit, this is an opportunity to destroy the middle class, destroy small businesses, and truly drive an agenda.
Trump's High Command Officers bailing on him now....they can hear the artillery closing in on him from the bunker!


Office of the DNI@ODNIgov

Amanda Schoch, ODNI Director of Strategic Communications: "This afternoon the DNI was notified by career intelligence officials that the Intelligence Community will not meet the December 18 deadline, set by Executive Order and Congress to submit the IC’s classified assessment on foreign threats to the 2020 U.S. elections."

What's up Spike, no more calls of death for those you disagree with? Meds kicking in?
Silly Rabbit, this is an opportunity to destroy the middle class, destroy small businesses, and truly drive an agenda.

This is why the hubs and I go to local places as much as we can. Small business is the backbone of America and I fully support them. I do shop at Wally World, but that is more of a health reason (they carry stuff that the Hubs needs that local can’t) but 90% of the time we shop locally.
Send them ALL to federal pound em in the *** prison!

Detroit asks federal judge to impose sanctions against pro-Trump lawyer Sidney Powell over 'Kraken' lawsuit

"Few lawsuits breathe more lies than this one. The allegations are little more than fevered rantings of conspiracy theorists built on the work of other conspiracy theorists," said the filing.

"Plaintiffs rely on affidavits of so-called 'experts' — really confidence men who spread lie after lie under cover of academic credential — which misstate obviously false statistics. These 'experts' use academic jargon as if that could transmute their claims from conspiracy theory to legal theory," they added.



Her and Lin Wood will both be sanctioned and eventually disbarred.

Wood will likely wind up in prison eventually for something, like tax crimes
Silly Rabbit, this is an opportunity to destroy the middle class, destroy small businesses, and truly drive an agenda.

Makes me sick to my stomach when read aloud.