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Election Day 2020

Waaaaaaaaah, wah wah waaaaaaah!

Trump Is Throwing A Temper Tantrum And Thinking About Not Leaving The White House On January 20

Trump is slipping deeper into denial about the election results and considering not leaving the White House on January 20.

In his moments of deepest denial, Trump has told some advisers that he will refuse to leave the White House on Inauguration Day, only to be walked down from that ledge.

“He’s throwing a ******* temper tantrum,” an adviser said. “He’s going to leave. He’s just lashing out.”




Drag him out! Kicking and screaming preferred,

I demand entertainment


Spike, you have no credibility here anymore. You have become a pathetic mouse. Scurry away.
He is no longer a $ contributor. Maybe time to send him to the pasture.
This is why the hubs and I go to local places as much as we can. Small business is the backbone of America and I fully support them. I do shop at Wally World, but that is more of a health reason (they carry stuff that the Hubs needs that local can’t) but 90% of the time we shop locally.

I stopped going to Wally World when they cut their hours back so much. I felt that they were pushing the control factor way too much. I only go there if absolutely necessary. I understand that it may be necessary but it hasn't been for me.
Send them ALL to federal pound em in the *** prison!

Detroit asks federal judge to impose sanctions against pro-Trump lawyer Sidney Powell over 'Kraken' lawsuit

"Few lawsuits breathe more lies than this one. The allegations are little more than fevered rantings of conspiracy theorists built on the work of other conspiracy theorists," said the filing.

"Plaintiffs rely on affidavits of so-called 'experts' — really confidence men who spread lie after lie under cover of academic credential — which misstate obviously false statistics. These 'experts' use academic jargon as if that could transmute their claims from conspiracy theory to legal theory," they added.



Her and Lin Wood will both be sanctioned and eventually disbarred.

Wood will likely wind up in prison eventually for something, like tax crimes

This from one of the most fraudulent cities in the US. Methinks they doth protest too much.
I'd be throwing some tantrums too if I'd campaigned as hard as he did only to have the scum steal it.
This from one of the most fraudulent cities in the US. Methinks they doth protest too much.

And it looks like some 3rd world shithole or the result of a nuclear weapon strike. That's 50+ years of democrat rule for you. Hell that's what all their cities do. They turn to **** and they keep them that way. Much easier to control people enslaved to you. Just vote for us ,then **** off. Oh here's your check&food stamps.
Spike, you have no credibility here anymore. You have become a pathetic mouse. Scurry away.
He is no longer a $ contributor. Maybe time to send him to the pasture.

My contributor status is up today and I have decided not to renew after many years of donating faithfully since the option to donate was made available. I refuse to fund the platform, on which all of the freeloading, lefty loons of this board stand and spew their bile. I believe the P&R forum should be reserved for contributors only. Be you Alt Left, Alt Right or anywhete in between. Pay up to get the extra forums. Steelers football forum is the only part of the board freeloaders should have access. I'm just one guy. One lousy $85 bucks a year. I realize it won't be missed and nobody gives a **** but maybe if a few more took the same approach , somebody would notice.
My contributor status is up today and I have decided not to renew after many years of donating faithfully since the option to donate was made available.

Yeah, I'm with you on that Booted, but for slightly different reasons.

I decided against re-upping my subscription over the summer, when SteelChip posted a meme of a semi with blood splattered all over the grill, a meme about the ongoing BLM/George Floyd protests happening around the country at the time. The fact that didn't bother a single poster or mod on here, proved to me how low this board has sunk. Of course, Spike's over-the-top image depicting violence was immediately removed and he was called out for it.

I've been on this board for what seems like forever, have been a contributor for nearly a decade. In the early days after the Steelerwatch merger, I helped Dave upload articles on the front page, did that for about a year. I came here, and stayed all these years based on my love of the Steelers franchise.

This politics forum has been a topsy-turvy roller coaster ride. I've always been left of center in my political views, spent hours on end debating on here during the Bush & Obama years. Back then, things would get heated, but the personal attacks were infrequent, particularly those having to do with the fact I'm an expat American living in Europe. Nor do I recall being called a commie, a paid Soros troll or worse, during those years.

The Trump presidency changed everything. It certainly changed me. The insults started flying and got nastier with each passing day. It's highly ironic to read from Tim and others, how vile I am, how I've insulted everyone on this board. Well, maybe so. But you know what, I too have been insulted by just about everyone on here. It's a chicken or the egg dilemna, who insulted who first, or more often? It doesn't matter. The gloves came off, I got sick of all the insults, and starting flinging the **** right back where it came from. In time, my relationship with long-time posters deteriorated, and I became public enemy number one. I could post anything at all, and the attacks would start immediately, about me living in Hungary, being an antifa supporter, not being an American, hating America and so on.

I take responsiblity for my words that have provoked and insulted others. My views on Trump remain unchanged, but my anger and frustration towards those who supported him, and continue to support him has increased. My anger and frustration regarding the hypocrisy on this board also has increased. While I'm called out and confronted for being a contrarian on a board with an overwhelming opposite political slant, the personal attacks against me go completely unchecked by mods and regulars alike. It's been open season on liberals on here for many years now. So be it.

I don't know how often I'll visit or post here. I understand full well most here want to see me gone. I get it. If I do post, I will refrain from insulting or attacking anyone here. How others react to me, my posts and my political views will be determined. We'll see where the mud-slinging originates from, where the belittling, petty personal attacks come from. It won't be coming from me.

I wish for and hope for an America where the division dies down, the mud-slinging and personal attacks between people with differing political views is replaced with normal conversation and debate. I understand that has to start with me, since that's all I can control.

I apologize to anyone and everyone I've belittled or insulted during these past few years. I do not apologize for my views on - and criticism of - Trump, his behavior or his presidency.

Cheers, Tibs
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I take responsiblity for my words that have provoked and insulted others. My views on Trump remain unchanged, but my anger and frustration towards those who supported him, and continue to support him has increased. My anger and frustration regarding the hypocrisy on this board also has increased. While I'm called out and confronted for being a contrarian on a board with an overwhelming opposite political slant, the personal attacks against me go completely unchecked by mods and regulars alike. It's been open season on liberals on here for many years now. So be it.

This part was my favorite. You admit to provoking posters and then cry about how you're treated by said posters. That is rich.
Yeah, I'm with you on that Booted, but for slightly different reasons.

I decided against re-upping my subscription over the summer, when SteelChip posted a meme of a semi with blood splattered all over the grill, a meme about the ongoing BLM/George Floyd protests happening around the country at the time. The fact that didn't bother a single poster or mod on here, proved to me how low this board has sunk. Of course, Spike's over-the-top image depicting violence was immediately removed and he was called out for it.

I've been on this board for what seems like forever, have been a contributor for nearly a decade. In the early days after the Steelerwatch merger, I helped Dave upload articles on the front page, did that for about a year. I came here, and stayed all these years based on my love of the Steelers franchise.

This politics forum has been a topsy-turvy roller coaster ride. I've always been left of center in my political views, spent hours on end debating on here during the Bush & Obama years. Back then, things would get heated, but the personal attacks were infrequent, particularly those having to do with the fact I'm an expat American living in Europe. Nor do I recall being called a commie, a paid Soros troll or worse, during those years.

The Trump presidency changed everything. It certainly changed me. The insults started flying and got nastier with each passing day. It's highly ironic to read from Tim and others, how vile I am, how I've insulted everyone on this board. Well, maybe so. But you know what, I too have been insulted by just about everyone on here. It's a chicken or the egg dilemna, who insulted who first, or more often? It doesn't matter. The gloves came off, I got sick of all the insults, and starting flinging the **** right back where it came from. In time, my relationship with long-time posters deteriorated, and I became public enemy number one. I could post anything at all, and the attacks would start immediately, about me living in Hungary, being an antifa supporter, not being an American, hating America and so on.

I take responsiblity for my words that have provoked and insulted others. My views on Trump remain unchanged, but my anger and frustration towards those who supported him, and continue to support him has increased. My anger and frustration regarding the hypocrisy on this board also has increased. While I'm called out and confronted for being a contrarian on a board with an overwhelming opposite political slant, the personal attacks against me go completely unchecked by mods and regulars alike. It's been open season on liberals on here for many years now. So be it.

I don't know how often I'll visit or post here. I understand full well most here want to see me gone. I get it. If I do post, I will refrain from insulting or attacking anyone here. How others react to me, my posts and my political views will be determined. We'll see where the mud-slinging originates from, where the belittling, petty personal attacks come from. It won't be coming from me.

I wish for and hope for an America where the division dies down, the mud-slinging and personal attacks between people with differing political views is replaced with normal conversation and debate. I understand that has to start with me, since that's all I can control.

I apologize to anyone and everyone I've belittled or insulted during these past few years. I do not apologize for my views on - and criticism of - Trump, his behavior or his presidency.

Cheers, Tibs

This board (P&R) is probably not much different than the boards you visit at HuffPost, DailyKos and Daily Beast. Difference is, those board are vile to conservatives, while this one is vile to liberals. It's probably just not what you're used to.
Her and Lin Wood will both be sanctioned and eventually disbarred.

Wood will likely wind up in prison eventually for something, like tax crimes

Who cares? Neither of them are putting food on my table, so I couldn't care less. Most lawyers are scum anyway. See Avenatti, Michael.
This board (P&R) is probably not much different than the boards you visit at HuffPost, DailyKos and Daily Beast. Difference is, those board are vile to conservatives, while this one is vile to liberals. It's probably just not what you're used to.

I don't visit any other messageboards, but you're likely correct, your point is understood.
This is why the hubs and I go to local places as much as we can. Small business is the backbone of America and I fully support them. I do shop at Wally World, but that is more of a health reason (they carry stuff that the Hubs needs that local can’t) but 90% of the time we shop locally.


This part was my favorite. You admit to provoking posters and then cry about how you're treated by said posters. That is rich.

In conclusion of election 2020.
Biden wins on fraud and Tibs is not well liked
you people might need to understand that the board membership fees are very much needed. Sure, there are things that need to be or should be done (such as making this part of the forum members-only), but it is my understanding that the board is being propped up as is by a few people and one board owner. The board owner pays for what the membership fees don't cover - for hosting the board and making some of the few bells and whistles available. SF81 is doing as much as he can to add features and keep the board afloat, while the board owner is - as previously said - digging into his own pocket to cover the extras.

don't want to re-up? your prerogative

just don't fire off emails to mods, etc when you can't get the board URL to work.
I didn't think there were even enough lefty loon trolls here to think that way (Spike, Tibs, 21 and to an extent, Flog?), but like Supe said, everybody's own prerogative.

Hope you still stick around at least, Booted. Your typical wit and sense of humor needed.
you people might need to understand that the board membership fees are very much needed. Sure, there are things that need to be or should be done (such as making this part of the forum members-only), but it is my understanding that the board is being propped up as is by a few people and one board owner. The board owner pays for what the membership fees don't cover - for hosting the board and making some of the few bells and whistles available. SF81 is doing as much as he can to add features and keep the board afloat, while the board owner is - as previously said - digging into his own pocket to cover the extras.

don't want to re-up? your prerogative

just don't fire off emails to mods, etc when you can't get the board URL to work.

Thanks for the reminder, I got the re-up email a few days ago.
you people might need to understand that the board membership fees are very much needed. Sure, there are things that need to be or should be done (such as making this part of the forum members-only), but it is my understanding that the board is being propped up as is by a few people and one board owner. The board owner pays for what the membership fees don't cover - for hosting the board and making some of the few bells and whistles available. SF81 is doing as much as he can to add features and keep the board afloat, while the board owner is - as previously said - digging into his own pocket to cover the extras.

don't want to re-up? your prerogative

just don't fire off emails to mods, etc when you can't get the board URL to work.

There's some stimulus money heading their way very soon. They can use that to contribute instead of being a drain on the interwebz
Peter Navarro Releases Damning Report on 2020 Election Fraud

Director of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy and Assistant to the President Peter Navarro released a thirty-six page report on the 2020 election earlier this morning.

Titled “The Immaculate Deception: Six Key Dimensions of Election Irregularities,” the report focuses on outright voter fraud, ballot mishandling, contestable process fouls, equal protection clause violations, voting machine irregularities, and significant statistical anomalies.

A summary of the report’s key allegations from its executive summary are as follows:

The ballots in question because of the identified election irregularities are more than sufficient to swing the outcome in favor of President Trump should even a relatively small portion of these ballots be ruled illegal.
  • All six battleground states exhibit most, or all, six dimensions of election irregularities.
  • This was theft by a thousand cuts across six dimensions and six battleground states rather than any one single “silver bullet” election irregularity.

A table from the report breaks down which irregularities apply to each state analyzed. It also compares Biden’s reported margin of victory to the number of potential illegal ballots in each state.


Of the above chart, the report states:

  • Significant irregularities appear to be ubiquitous across the six battleground states. Only Arizona is free of any apparent widespread ballot mishandling while only Pennsylvania lacks significant statistical anomalies. The rest of the matrix is a sea of checkmarks and occasional stars.

Of dead and “ghost” voters, the report states:

  • In Pennsylvania, for example, a statistical analysis conducted by the Trump Campaign matching voter rolls to public obituaries found what appears to be over 8,000 confirmed dead voters successfully casting mail-in ballots. In Georgia – underscoring the critical role any given category of election irregularities might play in determining the outcome – the estimated number of alleged deceased individuals casting votes almost exactly equals the Biden victory margin.
  • On the Ghost Voter front, a “Ghost Voter” is a voter who requests and submits a ballot under the name of a voter who no longer resides at the address where that voter was registered. In Georgia for example, it is alleged that over 20,000 absentee or early voters – almost twice the Biden victory margin – cast their ballots after having moved out of state.

In the section of the report on election voting machine irregularities, the report makes note of a number of improbable vote surges all in favor of Biden:

  • At least one instance of a large and inexplicable vote switching and vote surge in favor of Joe Biden took place in Antrim County, Michigan – and it is associated with the controversial aforementioned Dominion-Smartmatic voting machine hardware-software combo. In this Republican stronghold, 6,000 votes were initially, and incorrectly, counted for Joe Biden. The resulting vote totals were contrary to voter registration and historical patterns and therefore raised eyebrows. When a check was done, it was discovered that the 6,000 votes were actually for Donald J. Trump. A subsequent forensic audit of the Antrim County vote tabulation found that the Dominion system had an astonishing error rate of 68 percent. By way of comparison, the Federal Election Committee requires that election systems must have an error rate no larger than 0.0008 percent.
  • In Georgia, there were numerous “glitches” with the Dominion machines where the results would change. The most notable of these changes was a 20,000 vote surge for Biden and 1,000 vote decrease for Trump

See full report here: https://bannonswarroom.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/The-Immaculate-Deception-12.15.20-1.pdf


Encourage you to read the full report. Some interesting excerpts:

Consider, then, Arizona which does not allow same-day voter registration. According to testimony from an MIT-trained mathematician, Candidate Biden may have received a weighted 130% total of Democrat votes in Maricopa County to help him win the state due to an algorithm programmed into the Dominion voting machines used there.

Cybersecurity executive and former NASA analyst, Russ Ramsland, testified that in Wayne County, Michigan, where Dominion Voting Systems equipment was used, 46 out of 47 precincts
in the county displayed greater than a 96% voter turnout. 25 out of those precincts showed a 100% voter turnout.

Wisconsin, which also allows same-day voter registration, also reported abnormally high voter turnout when compared to 2016 numbers. For example, Milwaukee reported a record 84% voter turnout during the 2020 presidential election versus 75% in 2016. 136 of the city’s 327 voting wards, 90 reported a turnout of greater than 90%.

In Georgia, more than 300,000 individuals were permitted to vote who had applied for an absentee ballot more than 180 days prior to the Election Day. This is a clear violation of state law.

From the findings of this report, it is possible to infer what may well have been a coordinated strategy to effectively stack the election deck against the Trump-Pence ticket. Indeed, the patterns of election irregularities observed in this report are so consistent across the six battleground states that they suggest a coordinated strategy to, if not steal the election, then to strategically game the election process in such a way as to unfairly tilt the playing field in favor of the Biden-Harris ticket.

A major part of this “stuff the ballot box” strategy has been aptly summarized in a complaint filed before the US Supreme Court by the State of Texas:

Using the COVID-19 pandemic as a justification, [Democrat] government officials [in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin] usurped their legislatures’ authority and unconstitutionally revised their state’s election statutes. They accomplished these statutory revisions through executive fiat or friendly lawsuits, thereby weakening ballot integrity.

According to the Texas complaint – which the Supreme Court sadly refused to hear – the goal of this strategy was to flood the battleground states “with millions of ballots to be sent through the mails, or placed in drop boxes, with little or no chain of custody.” At the same time, Democrat government officials also sought to “weaken the strongest security measures protecting the integrity of the vote signature verification and witness requirements.”1
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you people might need to understand that the board membership fees are very much needed. Sure, there are things that need to be or should be done (such as making this part of the forum members-only), but it is my understanding that the board is being propped up as is by a few people and one board owner. The board owner pays for what the membership fees don't cover - for hosting the board and making some of the few bells and whistles available. SF81 is doing as much as he can to add features and keep the board afloat, while the board owner is - as previously said - digging into his own pocket to cover the extras.

don't want to re-up? your prerogative

just don't fire off emails to mods, etc when you can't get the board URL to work.

Trust me, it hurts my feelings to make my decision. I know how much it is needed. But it absolutely makes my blood boil seeing all the freeloaders with over 10,000 posts over 20,000 in some cases . They use the board more than everyone yet won't pay up. And here we are, paying their way so they can tell us how much we suck. Let me know when P&R is subscribers only. I got my money ready. In the real world,vwhen there are more takers than givers , things go to hell. I hope that isn't the case with this board. It would be a sad day.
Trust me, it hurts my feelings to make my decision. I know how much it is needed. But it absolutely makes my blood boil seeing all the freeloaders with over 10,000 posts over 20,000 in some cases . They use the board more than everyone yet won't pay up. And here we are, paying their way so they can tell us how much we suck. Let me know when P&R is subscribers only. I got my money ready. In the real world,vwhen there are more takers than givers , things go to hell. I hope that isn't the case with this board. It would be a sad day.


I see Booted's point. I am a contributor and will continue to be. But he brings up a valid point (I know it's been discussed before). A select few here pay the way for the rest. SF81 more than anyone. And yet you have these 10K, 20K posters paying nothing. Seems eerily like our real world where taxpayers pay the bill while others free-load. I digress.

The last thing we want are loyal, long time posters stopping paying given this position. I agree with his points.

I suggest it is time we strongly consider making sections like Poli and Concession Stand areas for Contributors only. Pay to play.
Peter Navarro Releases Damning Report on 2020 Election Fraud

Director of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy and Assistant to the President Peter Navarro released a thirty-six page report on the 2020 election earlier this morning.

Titled “The Immaculate Deception: Six Key Dimensions of Election Irregularities,” the report focuses on outright voter fraud, ballot mishandling, contestable process fouls, equal protection clause violations, voting machine irregularities, and significant statistical anomalies.

A summary of the report’s key allegations from its executive summary are as follows:

The ballots in question because of the identified election irregularities are more than sufficient to swing the outcome in favor of President Trump should even a relatively small portion of these ballots be ruled illegal.
  • All six battleground states exhibit most, or all, six dimensions of election irregularities.
  • This was theft by a thousand cuts across six dimensions and six battleground states rather than any one single “silver bullet” election irregularity.

A table from the report breaks down which irregularities apply to each state analyzed. It also compares Biden’s reported margin of victory to the number of potential illegal ballots in each state.


Of the above chart, the report states:

  • Significant irregularities appear to be ubiquitous across the six battleground states. Only Arizona is free of any apparent widespread ballot mishandling while only Pennsylvania lacks significant statistical anomalies. The rest of the matrix is a sea of checkmarks and occasional stars.

Of dead and “ghost” voters, the report states:

  • In Pennsylvania, for example, a statistical analysis conducted by the Trump Campaign matching voter rolls to public obituaries found what appears to be over 8,000 confirmed dead voters successfully casting mail-in ballots. In Georgia – underscoring the critical role any given category of election irregularities might play in determining the outcome – the estimated number of alleged deceased individuals casting votes almost exactly equals the Biden victory margin.
  • On the Ghost Voter front, a “Ghost Voter” is a voter who requests and submits a ballot under the name of a voter who no longer resides at the address where that voter was registered. In Georgia for example, it is alleged that over 20,000 absentee or early voters – almost twice the Biden victory margin – cast their ballots after having moved out of state.

In the section of the report on election voting machine irregularities, the report makes note of a number of improbable vote surges all in favor of Biden:

  • At least one instance of a large and inexplicable vote switching and vote surge in favor of Joe Biden took place in Antrim County, Michigan – and it is associated with the controversial aforementioned Dominion-Smartmatic voting machine hardware-software combo. In this Republican stronghold, 6,000 votes were initially, and incorrectly, counted for Joe Biden. The resulting vote totals were contrary to voter registration and historical patterns and therefore raised eyebrows. When a check was done, it was discovered that the 6,000 votes were actually for Donald J. Trump. A subsequent forensic audit of the Antrim County vote tabulation found that the Dominion system had an astonishing error rate of 68 percent. By way of comparison, the Federal Election Committee requires that election systems must have an error rate no larger than 0.0008 percent.
  • In Georgia, there were numerous “glitches” with the Dominion machines where the results would change. The most notable of these changes was a 20,000 vote surge for Biden and 1,000 vote decrease for Trump

See full report here: https://bannonswarroom.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/The-Immaculate-Deception-12.15.20-1.pdf


Encourage you to read the full report. Some interesting excerpts:

Hey Tim, check this out. Look, I don't know how legit the numbers are or how they got there, but disturbing:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">��Major Voter Fraud in Nevada��<br><br>42k people voted more than once<br>1.5k dead people voted<br>19k didn't live in NV<br>8k voted from a non-existent address<br>15k registered to a commercial address<br>4k non-citizens voted<br><br>How many have been prosecuted yet?<br><br>ZERO<br> <a href="https://t.co/Zwa5RgpYfs">pic.twitter.com/Zwa5RgpYfs</a></p>— Courtney Holland ���� (@hollandcourtney) <a href="https://twitter.com/hollandcourtney/status/1339378122362290176?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 17, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

130,000 irregularities/fraudulent ballots that they've found in one state with a population of 3 million people? That should alarm anyone.