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Election Day 2020

Paging Dr. Jill ... paging non-doctor Dr. Jill, holder of an Ed.D.

According to the AP Style Manual, writers should NOT use the designation "doctor" for those holding academic (as opposed to medical) degrees.

Before a name, use Dr. on first reference for a person who holds a doctor of dental surgery, doctor of medicine, doctor of osteopathy, or doctor of podiatric medicine degree. For multiple people, use Drs. Do not continue the use of Dr. in subsequent references.

Care should be taken when referring to people with non-medical degrees as doctors; state the person’s specialty by the second reference (visit Know Your AP Style: Academic degrees).

Proper use:

Dr. J Marion Sims, often called the “Father of Gynecology,” is a controversial historical figure whose methods are questioned by modern ethicists.

English primatologist Dr. Jane Goodall is an expert on chimpanzees and has made a lifelong study of the species’ family structure in Tanzania.

Improper use:

Dr. Louis Pasteur is lauded for his contributions to the science of vaccines and pasteurization. (The French chemist and microbiologist was not a medical doctor, though he urged doctors and their assistants to wash their hands before it was common practice.)

Spike is a primadonna attention *****. He always whined when people didn't acknowledge his copy and paste posts. God forbid when you didn't give him karma, it resulted in a 16 yo temper tantrum. Kind of nice around here in his absence.

Yep. If you posted a link Spike had previously posted, he'd lose his **** and let you know. Conversely, if you posted something and he did subsequently, his attitude was so what I'm SNS.

Primadonna for sure.
Yep. If you posted a link Spike had previously posted, he'd lose his **** and let you know. Conversely, if you posted something and he did subsequently, his attitude was so what I'm SNS.

Primadonna for sure.

<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/j3mj2KeNwX16GRz5RG" width="480" height="270" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="https://giphy.com/gifs/bowtiecomedy-mike-goodwin-bowtie-comedy-comedian-j3mj2KeNwX16GRz5RG">Spike is Coach, Coach is Spike</a></p>
<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/j3mj2KeNwX16GRz5RG" width="480" height="270" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="https://giphy.com/gifs/bowtiecomedy-mike-goodwin-bowtie-comedy-comedian-j3mj2KeNwX16GRz5RG">Spike is Coach, Coach is Spike</a></p>

Spike is a primadonna attention *****. He always whined when people didn't acknowledge his copy and paste posts. God forbid when you didn't give him karma, it resulted in a 16 yo temper tantrum. Kind of nice around here in his absence.

Wow, I just posted something similar in the Biden Destroying Us thread.
Yep. If you posted a link Spike had previously posted, he'd lose his **** and let you know. Conversely, if you posted something and he did subsequently, his attitude was so what I'm SNS.

Primadonna for sure.

Yup Just said this same thing also....funny
My contributor status is up today and I have decided not to renew after many years of donating faithfully since the option to donate was made available. I refuse to fund the platform, on which all of the freeloading, lefty loons of this board stand and spew their bile. I believe the P&R forum should be reserved for contributors only. Be you Alt Left, Alt Right or anywhete in between. Pay up to get the extra forums. Steelers football forum is the only part of the board freeloaders should have access. I'm just one guy. One lousy $85 bucks a year. I realize it won't be missed and nobody gives a **** but maybe if a few more took the same approach , somebody would notice.

Ok...just to update you all. I just paid in for another year subscription. I couldn't see punishing the board because of a few asswipes. It's ok....we're conservatives...we're used pulling the wagon while the riders whine we're not going fast enough. Just waiting for the lights to be turned back on and all will be right again.
You're a good man, Booted. Best wishes to you and yours.
If no election fraud whycome the republicans held the senate and gained seats in the house? Onlyest reason this hillbilly can see is cause the Democrats put all their efforts into the presidential race.
Damn Tim, you and others are so full of ****. Get over it. Your man is out, soundly rejected by voters all across the country following a dismal one-term in the WH.

In the days and weeks following the election, Trump & GOP lawyers had ample opportunity to submit each and every case of supposed election fraud or irregularity to the courts. To courts all around the country, with both liberal and conservative judges.

Guess what? The claims of voter fraud were widely and unanimously rejected, over and over and over again. Wonder why? Think long and hard, maybe you'll come up with an answer.

You think if there was an ounce of proof, of any type of actual evidence of any of these claims, that at least some court cases would have proceeded around the country? Maybe in States with Trump-appointed judges? Maybe? Just a couple? Or even a single one?

You've been played.

Your level of confusion and falling head over heels for Trump's lies and deceptions is sadly on par with what has kept your horse-blinders on these past few years. Time to take them off, and step back into reality. Or don't, I don't give a **** what you do.

Theyll never get over the love with this narcissistic cult leader .... Trump has played suckers for a long time and his base is simply the quintessential element of suckers and add to that these suckers are filling his PAC which stands at over $200 million.

I find it laughable that he can stand in front of a mic or declare by tweet "I won...by a lot!!!" and do so with no ******* evidence. Or to smuggishly suggest that the voting counts should stop at the closing of the polls for in-person voting. He knows thats not how **** works and again, he investing hope many in his base are ignorant of the election votes counting process. Elections are not like Best Buy retail outlets...you dont close shop and stop transactions at x hour.

Trump knew he was going to lose this election because folks in his campaign warned him weeks prior that he had very little shot with all that was going on with the pandemic and this election being a referendum on him. So, his tactic was to throw out the baseless "RIGGED" tag. He did that **** in 2016 but was shocked himself that he won....KellyAnne Conway even admitted they didnt think he would win the general election.

Trump is made for suckers....and as long as they exist, hell have a platform to milk and exploit them. Frankly, i enjoy the splitting at the seams of the diehards in this forum who know of his flaws and digest his bullshit. Confirmation of everything ive stated...they're suckers.
Theyll never get over the love with this narcissistic cult leader .... Trump has played suckers for a long time and his base is simply the quintessential element of suckers and add to that these suckers are filling his PAC which stands at over $200 million.

I find it laughable that he can stand in front of a mic or declare by tweet "I won...by a lot!!!" and do so with no ******* evidence. Or to smuggishly suggest that the voting counts should stop at the closing of the polls for in-person voting. He knows thats not how **** works and again, he investing hope many in his base are ignorant of the election votes counting process. Elections are not like Best Buy retail outlets...you dont close shop and stop transactions at x hour.

Trump knew he was going to lose this election because folks in his campaign warned him weeks prior that he had very little shot with all that was going on with the pandemic and this election being a referendum on him. So, his tactic was to throw out the baseless "RIGGED" tag. He did that **** in 2016 but was shocked himself that he won....KellyAnne Conway even admitted they didnt think he would win the general election.

Trump is made for suckers....and as long as they exist, hell have a platform to milk and exploit them. Frankly, i enjoy the splitting at the seams of the diehards in this forum who know of his flaws and digest his bullshit. Confirmation of everything ive stated...they're suckers.

Truer words never spoken. Your posts on this board are like a lightsaber cutting through the deep layers of lies and falsehoods Trump has planted in people's minds. The most current one, the false hope of a victory (in the face of a clear and unambiguous loss) and calling into question the entire American electoral system. Who knew Republicans could be - and would be - such poor losers?
Truer words never spoken. Your posts on this board are like a lightsaber cutting through the deep layers of lies and falsehoods Trump has planted in people's minds.

Ok , pull up your pants and move along...this is family friendly board. People don't want to see that stuff.
Truer words never spoken. Your posts on this board are like a lightsaber cutting through the deep layers of lies and falsehoods Trump has planted in people's minds. The most current one, the false hope of a victory (in the face of a clear and unambiguous loss) and calling into question the entire American electoral system. Who knew Republicans could be - and would be - such poor losers?

For 3 years you \were all in with the demonrat anarchists... the Russian collusion hoax without 1 shred of evidence in an attempt to remove him from office. Illegal deepstate investigations that left no stone unturned, and now you expect us to believe that this election was as clean as the purely driven snow, amid mountains of evidence?? You are an *******.

Sickening how you now blather about "democracy" and the Constitution, while all of a sudden losing interest in investigations. Now is when you should demand them. Wouldn't it be great for you to be able say "I told ya so"?

What are you afraid of?
For 3 years you \were all in with the demonrat anarchists... the Russian collusion hoax without 1 shred of evidence in an attempt to remove him from office. Illegal deepstate investigations that left no stone unturned, and now you expect us to believe that this election was as clean as the purely driven snow, amid mountains of evidence?? You are an *******.

Sickening how you now blather about "democracy" and the Constitution, while all of a sudden losing interest in investigations. Now is when you should demand them. Wouldn't it be great for you to be able say "I told ya so"?

What are you afraid of?

They should have hung all of the Russian collusion people. All of them. I wouldn't call it a hoax. It was a soft coup and it was highly treasonous. Any other country they would hang your *** for that **** or firing squad. Beheading in middle eastern countries.

Here they get reelection and operate with impunity.
They should have hung all of the Russian collusion people. All of them.

That's a vile call for violence which should get you immediately banned from the board.

I wonder if this site is flagged by the FBI, given the large number of threats of violence which get posted here, day in and day out. Would not shock me one iota. Probably happened years ago, given the constant flow of threats of violence on this board, including armed insurrection, violence against US government officials and US citizens.
That's a vile call for violence which should get you immediately banned from the board.

I wonder if this site is flagged by the FBI, given the large number of threats of violence which get posted here, day in and day out. Would not shock me one iota. Probably happened years ago, given the constant flow of threats of violence on this board, including armed insurrection, violence against US government officials and US citizens.

Take Trump out of the equation for a second, are you good with the government spying on a presidential candidate on the basis of a known fake dossier bought by the opposition candidate?.
That's a vile call for violence which should get you immediately banned from the board.

I wonder if this site is flagged by the FBI, given the large number of threats of violence which get posted here, day in and day out. Would not shock me one iota. Probably happened years ago, given the constant flow of threats of violence on this board, including armed insurrection, violence against US government officials and US citizens.

Go suck some Hungarian dick you stupid ****. It's the god damn truth. If you don't like it,tough ******* ****.

Traitor loving **** from Hungaria.
We should hang the FBI.

Are you lawyered-up yet, along with the rest of the MAGA's on the board? Asking for a friend.

Just worried about some of you guys, hope it all ends well for you.
Go suck some Hungarian dick you stupid ****. It's the god damn truth. If you don't like it,tough ******* ****. Traitor loving **** from Hungaria.

Aha, the vile, personal attacks. Yes, it is clear to see where this is all coming from.
Are you lawyered-up yet, along with the rest of the MAGA's on the board? Asking for a friend.

Just worried about some of you guys, hope it all ends well for you.

**** off dickbag.