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Election Day 2020

Ohh, I know! Trump could draw a 'red line' or a 'line in the sand' the way Barack did in Syria! That worked out well.
I am laughing so hard that you are defending the head of national cybersecurity after this hack. A lot of these guys are right...you are an idiot.
I am laughing so hard that you are defending the head of national cybersecurity after this hack.

If only you had even an inkling of what you were talking about. It goes well beyond the fact Trump fired Christopher Krebs for refuting Trump's claims of election fraud. His firing had zero to do with the Russian hacking attack, which Trump's hasn't even acknowledged.

Our vulnerabilities have increased steadily during his entire presidency.

The Cybersecurity 202: Trump took the nation in the wrong direction on cybersecurity, experts say

During four years in office, Trump failed to hold adversaries including Russia accountable for hacking U.S. targets, removed experienced cyber-defenders from their posts for petty reasons and undermined much of the good work being done on cybersecurity within federal agencies, according to 71 percent of respondents to The Network, a panel of more than 100 cybersecurity experts who participate in our ongoing informal survey.

The survey concluded before news broke about probably the most significant breach of the Trump administration — a hack linked to the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, or SVR, that infected at least five federal agencies — the Commerce, Treasury, Homeland Security and State departments as well as the National Institutes of Health — and probably several others, as well as foreign governments and companies across the globe.

Yet, the respondents’ comments reflect widespread concern Trump is disinterested in the damage that hack has done to national security, unwilling to take Russia to task and preoccupied instead with his own efforts to sow baseless doubts about his election loss.

“Much of the work done
[during the Trump administration] was weakened by a president who didn’t prioritize cyber-issues and who, in many cases, actively undercut any actions or messaging against our adversaries,” said Chris Painter, the State Department cyber-coordinator under President Obama who also served for several months under Trump until his post was eliminated.

That was one of several Trump administration moves that thinned the government's top ranks of cybersecurity experts. Other respondents cited the loss of a White House cyber-coordinator role. That job was filled by longtime NSA official Rob Joyce until it was eliminated in 2018 by Trump’s national security adviser at the time, John Bolton.

“Eliminating the White House cyber-coordinator role was a step in the wrong direction,” said Debora Plunkett, a former top NSA official who is now a senior fellow at Harvard University’s Belfer Center.

“From a cybersecurity policy and operations standpoint, firing Chris Krebs, Tom Bossert, and Rob Joyce have put our nation in peril at a time when we need cyber-protection the most,” former NSA official Steve Ryan said, looping in the former homeland security adviser, Bossert, who left his post soon after Bolton took office. Ryan is founder and chief executive of Trinity Cyber where Bossert is now president.

Congress mandated creating an even more powerful White House cyber-director position that will be confirmed by the Senate in a recent defense policy bill, but Trump has threatened to veto the bill because of his objections to that post, among other reasons.

That veto threat “speaks volumes about White House priorities,” said Mark Weatherford, a former DHS cybersecurity official and chief strategy officer at the National Cybersecurity Center.
I see the Trump effect is in full force. Perhaps the reorientation camps for the MAGA flock isn't such a terrible idea.

I mean, come on.

Computer Hack Blamed on Russia Tests Limits of U.S. Response

US cyber-attack: Around 50 firms 'genuinely impacted' by massive breach

How to Understand the Russia Hack Fallout

No One Knows How Deep Russia's Hacking Rampage Goes

Russia’s Hacking Frenzy Is a Reckoning

Suspected Russian hack is much worse than first feared: Here’s what you need to know

wait your ***** *** disappears because you can't handle a real President and now come back preaching re-education camps for Trump supporters

you are a couple of clicks from being on the outside looking in...
wait your ***** *** disappears because you can't handle a real President and now come back preaching re-education camps for Trump supporters you are a couple of clicks from being on the outside looking in...

Ooh, looks like I got the attention of not one, but a second mod as well.

Again, I wrote that as a joke, not knowing how sensitive you guys are to something which is clearly not happening.

As you let numerous threats of violence fly on the board, against FBI agents, elected government officials and American citizens. That doesn't seem to upset anyone around here.

If only you had even an inkling of what you were talking about. It goes well beyond the fact Trump fired Christopher Krebs for refuting Trump's claims of election fraud. His firing had zero to do with the Russian hacking attack, which Trump's hasn't even acknowledged.

Our vulnerabilities have increased steadily during his entire presidency.

The Cybersecurity 202: Trump took the nation in the wrong direction on cybersecurity, experts say

I'm sorry. I keep it simple. Under the head of cybersecurity, Christopher Krebs, the Russians had a major hack. He was the head of cybersecurity. It was his job. It is always the same. Unelected incompetent people, then some excuses made for them.
Ooh, looks like I got the attention of not one, but a second mod as well.

Again, I wrote that as a joke, not knowing how sensitive you guys are to something which is clearly not happening.

As you let numerous threats of violence fly on the board, against FBI agents, elected government officials and American citizens. That doesn't seem to upset anyone around here.


why don't you worry about you and let us worry about the rest. if something bothers you report it

I understand you were a ***** and left until the election went the way you wanted...and now you are back to gloat and act superior
I'm sorry. I keep it simple. Under the head of cybersecurity, Christopher Krebs, the Russians had a major hack. He was the head of cybersecurity. It was his job. It is always the same. Unelected incompetent people, then some excuses made for them.

You mean Krebs, who was appointed by Trump himself?

Great, now address all the other issues during this presidency, the numerous things Trump did to systematically weaken our cyber security defenses.

One thing you seemingly don't understand, is that close to 40% of the US population believe that the latest presidential election was rigged, despite the campaign by the MSM to make it disappear. That stat includes 10% Democrats. Let that settle in.

How do we move on from here? This isn't going away, despite all the Guardian articles you cite.
I see the Trump effect is in full force. Perhaps the reorientation camps for the MAGA flock isn't such a terrible idea.

I mean, come on.

Computer Hack Blamed on Russia Tests Limits of U.S. Response

US cyber-attack: Around 50 firms 'genuinely impacted' by massive breach

How to Understand the Russia Hack Fallout

No One Knows How Deep Russia's Hacking Rampage Goes

Russia’s Hacking Frenzy Is a Reckoning

Suspected Russian hack is much worse than first feared: Here’s what you need to know

so, Russia, again?
the same Russia whom Hillary Clinton allowed to mine/claim uranium in our country?
the same Russia that gave Bill Clinton a hefty paycheck for making a speech?
the same Russia that ... oh, you get the idea.

anyway, it's absolutely preposterous, and the links you supplied come short of saying as much, to believe that the election was NOT interfered with by RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA.
now, per YOUR screeching for 4 years, how and why would RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA interfere with the election *AGAIN* and not ensure that their man on the inside was not POTUS *again*? Unless they did just that?

While CNN argues that Biden never got money from Russia, it's awfully difficult for those of us who can think logically that he was not somehow involved.

then there's Biden's little mess with Ukraine back when he was Vice President Peepads
Biden got his start with heavy aid, right from the very beginning of his career, from both Al Gore, Sr. and the Council for a Livable World (CLW). The CLW advocated for Russian interests and was founded by communist-supporting Leo Szilard, who was later outed as a conspirator with Moscow. Al Gore, Sr., for his part, was sponsored by Armand Hammer, who had a personal relationship with none other than Lenin.

None of this is a secret. Here is Biden himself lauding the CLW: "my ties to the Council go long and deep stretching way back to my first campaign for the United States Senate. I'll never forget the faith you showed and the help you gave to a young man making a long shot bid ... because of you, we won."


While President Donald Trump has been cleared of charges of Russian collusion, there is a better case of Russian collusion to be made against another U.S. leader—former Vice President Joe Biden. An investigation into Biden’s Russian ties is long overdue and urgent, as he is likely to declare his campaign for the Democratic Party presidential nomination sometime soon.

While widely regarded as the moderate face of the Democratic Party, that perception might change quickly if more people were aware of his past work to further the interests of the former Soviet Union and Russia.

Biden visited the Soviet Union several times during his early Senate career and was well known to Soviet leaders. The appalling Soviet treatment of dissidents was a big issue at the time, and then-Sen. Biden would sometimes express concern at their plight.

Vadim Zagladin was deputy chief of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union’s Central Committee’s International Department until 1987 and then served as adviser to the last leader of the Soviet Union—Mikhail Gorbachev—until 1991. Zagladin was reportedly both an envoy and a spy, responsible for gathering secrets and spreading propaganda and disinformation to advance Soviet interests.

City Journal writer Claire Berlinski told of a circa 1979 report, recovered from Soviet archives, written by Zagladin on his observations of Sen. Biden and his leftist Indiana Republican colleague and former President Barack Obama’s “favorite Republican,” Richard Lugar:

”Unofficially, Biden and Lugar said that, at the end of the day, they were not so much concerned with having a problem of this or that citizen solved as with showing to the American public that they do care for ‘human rights.’ … In other words, the collocutors directly admitted that what is happening is a kind of a show, that they absolutely do not care for the fate of most so-called dissidents.”

Biden was not just soft on the Soviets; he actively worked in lock step with their military and foreign policy objectives.

Throughout the 1980s, Biden consistently opposed President Ronald Reagan’s tough line against the Soviet Union. Biden instead favored détente—which, had that policy remained in place, would have meant more subsidies and trade deals, keeping the Soviet Union alive much longer than necessary. Biden also strongly opposed Reagan’s effort to fund the Contras, an anti-communist rebel group fighting against Nicaragua’s pro-Soviet Sandinista regime.

Biden was also a strong opponent of U.S. military opposition to Soviet expansionism.

In 2008, Pete Wehner wrote in the Wall Street Journal:

“Throughout his career, Mr. Biden has consistently opposed modernization of our strategic nuclear forces. He was a fierce opponent of Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative. Mr. Biden voted against funding SDI, saying … ‘The president’s continued adherence to [SDI] constitutes one of the most reckless and irresponsible acts in the history of modern statecraft.’ Mr. Biden has remained a consistent critic of missile defense and even opposed the U.S. dropping out of the Antiballistic Missile Treaty after the collapse of the Soviet Union (which was the co-signatory to the ABM Treaty) and the end of the Cold War.”

Council for a Livable World
To understand why Biden was so consistently on the wrong side of history, it’s important to understand his connections to the little-known but highly influential Council for a Livable World (CLW).

Founded in 1962 by former Manhattan Project scientist Leo Szilard, CLW is a Washington-based nonprofit advocacy organization that claims to be “dedicated to reducing the danger of nuclear weapons and increasing national security.”

In truth, CLW has worked consistently to disarm the United States to the benefit of Moscow throughout its entire history.

Szilard was an active supporter of Bela Kun’s short-lived communist government in post-World War I Hungary. After moving to the United States, Szilard became one of many communist sympathizers and agents working inside the Manhattan Project, the top-secret effort to build an American atomic weapon.

In 1942, Gen. Leslie R. Groves, head of the newly formed Manhattan Project, was so concerned about Szilard’s ideology that he declared Szilard was “detrimental to the project and that he should be arrested and interned for the duration of the Second World War.”

Szilard survived Groves’ displeasure, and after helping produce the bombs that ended World War II, the communist sympathizer became a prominent anti-nuclear campaigner leading to a two-hour meeting with then-Soviet premier Nikita Krushchev in 1960.

Pavel Sudaplatov, former wartime director of the Administration for Special Tasks, an elite unit of the Soviet intelligence service, claimed in his 1994 book, “Special Tasks, Memoirs of an Unwanted Witness—A Soviet Spymaster,” that Szilard, along with fellow scientists Robert Oppenheimer and Enrico Fermi, knowingly supplied information to Soviet contacts during their work on the Manhattan Project. This information was subsequently used to help build the first Soviet atomic weapon.

Sudaplatov went on to explain that Szilard’s usefulness to the Soviet cause wasn’t confined to spying:

“After our reactor was put into operation in 1946, [Soviet spy chief Lavrentiy] Beria issued orders to stop all contacts with our American sources in the Manhattan Project; the FBI was getting close to uncovering some of our agents. Beria said we should think how to use Oppenheimer, Fermi, Szilard, and others around them in the peace campaign against nuclear armament.

“Disarmament and the inability to impose nuclear blackmail would deprive the United States of its advantage. We began a worldwide political campaign against nuclear superiority, which kept up until we exploded our own nuclear bomb, in 1949. Our goal was to preempt American power politically before the Soviet Union had its own bomb. Beria warned us not to compromise Western scientists, but to use their political influence.”

After the 1961 Cuban missile crisis resulted in a Soviet backdown and a withdrawal of their missiles from Cuba, Szilard set about becoming a Washington “insider” to work politically for U.S. disarmament.

According to the pro-disarmament Pugwash Institute:

“In 1962, he [Szilard] founded the Council for a Livable World to raise money for U.S. Senators who favored arms-control treaties. By Szilard’s calculus, all states had two Senators, so votes came cheapest by supporting campaigns in the least populous states. The Council’s first successful candidate was Sen. George McGovern from South Dakota. Today the Council thrives by supporting candidates from all states and the House of Representatives as well. It is America’s first political action committee for arms control and disarmament.”

According to the CLW website: “Almost 50 years ago, Council for a Livable World pioneered a system for helping progressive congressional candidates get elected to office. Over the last 44 years, we have helped elect 113 U.S. arms control candidates to the Senate and 151 candidates to the House of Representatives.”

The CLW’s main way of promoting “peace” has been to promote U.S. disarmament concessions to the Soviet Union/Russia and “non-intervention” against Moscow-backed aggression.

Young “progressive” Joe Biden from the tiny state of Delaware was a perfect candidate for CLW recruitment.

According to The Tennessean:

“When Joe Biden started running for a Senate seat in 1972, few people thought the young man from Delaware had a chance.

“But a well-placed Tennessee couple tagged him early as an up-and-comer.

“’I was 29 years old, running for the United States Senate against a guy with an 81 percent favorable rating, a year where Richard Nixon won my state by over 65 percent of the vote, and I was an Irish Catholic in a state that (had) never elected one,’ Biden told Tennessee Democrats in a [2010] speech.

“Biden pulled off a stunning, 3,162-vote upset with a mix of youthful vigor, skillful campaigning, energized volunteers and smart advertising—fueled by tens of thousands of dollars that a prominent Tennessee couple raised for his campaign. …

“His candidacy caught the eye of former Tennessee Sen. Albert Gore, Sr., who was working with a Washington, D.C.-based arms control group called the Council for a Livable World.”

Albert Gore Sr.
Albert Gore Sr. raised $89,000, nearly one-third of the $287,000 Biden raised in total.

To reiterate, Gore Sr., the father of “the creator of the Internet” and promoter of global warming, financed Biden.

The Tennessean article continued:

“Ted Kaufman, who volunteered for Biden’s campaign, said the Gores’ support was critical. …

“Albert Gore, Sr., who had lost a re-election bid in 1970, sent out a letter to the Council for a Livable World’s supporters, urging them to ‘take a hard look at the Delaware race,’ Kaufman recalled.

“‘It gave [Biden] credibility in Washington,’ he said. ‘It also attracted people to come and help on the race.’”

Gore Sr. himself was supported by CLW and would go on to become its chairman.

“On June 21, 1971, The Nashville Banner reported that Gore, six months removed from the Senate, would become the Washington chairman of the Council for a Livable World, which advocates for decreasing the threat of nuclear weapons. Founded in 1962, the council also works to help like-minded candidates win Senate and House seats.

“Gore ‘expects to spend much time in the next 18 months traveling across the country in behalf of 1972 Senate candidates for which the council is raising campaign money,’ the Banner reported in a short story.

“Nashville civil rights attorney George Barrett, who practiced law with both Albert and Pauline Gore in the early 1970s, said the couple saw in Biden ‘a progressive, bright, hard-working young man.’”

The CLW Strategy
The CLW’s highly effective tactic is to explicitly seek long-shot candidates to fund so it can lean on them later to help with its goal of disarming the United States.

John Isaacs, a senior fellow of the CLW, spelled this strategy out in his 2013 eulogy to his predecessor, Massachusetts-based socialist Jerome Grossman:

“Now, as an aside, we have a dictum at Council for a Livable World. If we support a candidate in his or her first major political contest, he or she will always remember who was with them at the beginning. That has been true with such political figures—(he says modestly)—as President Barack Obama and Vice President Joseph Biden. …

“They remember who was with them when they launched their political careers. And that’s why it was so nice to see a tweet from Vice President Biden after Jerry’s death: ‘He was a good friend who worked tirelessly to advance U.S. security through nuclear arms control.’”

Biden was certainly obligated: “Here’s the deal: I was desperately trying to raise money. … I got a call from a woman named Pauline Gore. Would I come down to Washington and meet with [her] and Senator Gore and some … concerned scientists who wanted to talk about the spread of nuclear weapons? It was an outfit called the Council for a Livable World,” Biden said in a 2010 speech in Nashville, according to The Tennessean.

“So I showed up in Sen. Gore’s apartment in the Methodist House, which was catercorner from the Supreme Court. … I sat there, and it basically was an interview. I didn’t realize it. Sen. Gore, who had left the Senate two years earlier, said, ‘I’m going to help you.’”

Isaacs said finding and getting behind Biden “was one of our great coups,” according to The Tennessean. Biden has always remembered the group’s support, Isaacs said. “When you support a politician in his first race, especially an unknown local candidate like Joe Biden, they remember it forever.”

During his 2010 speech, Biden called himself “a product of Al Gore Sr.”

Armand Hammer
It’s worth remembering that Gore Sr. was himself the “product” of a very rich man named Armand Hammer—the long-time head of Occidental Petroleum.

According to espionage expert Edward Jay Epstein:

“In 1950, Hammer made Mr. Gore ‘a partner in a cattle-breeding business, from which the Senator made a substantial profit.’ Thereafter, Gore was Hammer’s designated door-opener in official Washington. When Mr. Gore retired, Hammer made him president of Occidental’s coal division, where he ‘earned more than $500,000 a year.’

“Son Al next put the family’s Senate seat at Hammer’s service. At the 1981 inauguration of Ronald Reagan, Junior managed for Hammer to be seated in a section reserved for senators. Hammer lurked in the doorway, hoping to glad-hand the president, but Mr. Reagan brushed by him without a glance, and with reason. Years earlier, Alexandre de Marenches, the head of French intelligence, had warned him that Hammer was a Soviet ‘agent of influence.’”

Hammer is one of the most famous Soviet operatives of all time. The son of a Communist Party USA founder, Hammer made millions trading with the newly founded Soviet Union at a time when international sanctions almost strangled the newborn Soviet state in its infancy. Hammer met regularly with Lenin when he lived in the Soviet Union from 1919 to 1928.

FBI director J. Edgar Hoover began creating a massive file, “61-280—Armand Hammer, Internal Security—Russia,” as early as 1919. According to Epstein, Hoover knew that Hammer financed communist agents but did not move against him,saying that “‘it is often more profitable not to arrest a detected courier’ when there is no assurance that the replacement will be detected.”

It was reported that Hoover was preparing to finally move against Hammer in the 1960s but was dissuaded from doing do by Al Gore Sr.

In sum, likely Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden owes his career in politics to the CLW, an organization created by alleged Soviet agent Leo Szilard, supported by money from Al Gore Sr., who in turn was funded by the Soviet Union’s best friend in the United States, Armand Hammer.

The U.S. military would surely suffocate under President Biden’s watch.

The CLW is deeply involved at the highest levels of U.S. foreign and defense military policymaking, almost always to the detriment of the United States and to the benefit of Moscow. CLW claims credit for canceling many vital U.S. weapons projects and negotiating several disadvantageous weapons treaties with the Soviet Union/Russia.

CLW was involved in establishing a U.S. nuclear testing moratorium in 1992, limiting the deployment of the MX missile and B-2 bomber, blocking deployment of National Missile Defense by the Clinton administration, and eliminating funding for the nuclear “Bunker Buster” and “Reliable Replacement Warhead.”

CLW was also involved in ratifying the Chemical Weapons Convention and Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces, Conventional Forces in Europe, and Strategic Arms Reduction (START) treaty, which President Donald Trump recently canceled because of persistent Russian cheating.

All these measures helped Moscow and hurt the United States, and Biden was in the thick of it.

In October 2012, Biden made a two-minute video congratulating the CLW on its 50th anniversary. Biden was very open about the CLW’s influence on both himself and U.S. policymaking:

“My ties to the Council run long and deep, stretching way back to my first campaign for the United States Senate. I’ll never forget the faith you showed and the help you gave to a young man making a long-shot bid for the United States Senate in 1972. Because of you, we won. That help has continued throughout my entire career. Especially when I was chairman of the United States Senate Foreign Relations Committee and it continues to this very day.

“My appreciation for your work has only grown over that period as we continue to work together on a wide range of projects all aimed at reducing the danger of nuclear weapons. …

“The insight, counsel and the support you provided me and my colleagues on Capitol Hill and the White House have contributed to landmark achievements from ratifying the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty and START to establishing a nuclear testing moratorium here at home to the chemical weapons convention. And to this very day your support and guidance during our recent effort to ratify New START.”

After two years, special counsel Robert Mueller failed to find evidence that the Trump campaign conspired with Moscow to win the 2016 presidential election. Perhaps Mueller could be hired to investigate Biden’s lifelong collaboration with pro-Moscow forces to hurt the U.S. military.

The U.S. military is only just beginning to recover under Trump from the huge cuts inflicted on it by another CLW protégé, President Barack Obama.

If Biden becomes president, the U.S. military may be gutted to the point that a U.S. war with Russia, China, or more likely both, becomes unwinnable.

Thanks to Obama, Biden, and the CLW, America may already be at that point.

Trevor Loudon is an author, filmmaker, and public speaker from New Zealand. For more than 30 years, he has researched radical left, Marxist, and terrorist movements and their covert influence on mainstream politics.
We might as well go ahead and get the shooting started, and whoever wins gets the country. It ain’t coming back together. Just read this thread, or just about any on this board. There are truly two Americas. It’s over. Might as well ride it out until the violence cranks up again.
We might as well go ahead and get the shooting started, and whoever wins gets the country. It ain’t coming back together. Just read this thread, or just about any on this board. There are truly two Americas. It’s over. Might as well ride it out until the violence cranks up again.

You are one of those bad people calling for violence - Tibs.
You mean Krebs, who was appointed by Trump himself?

Great, now address all the other issues during this presidency, the numerous things Trump did to systematically weaken our cyber security defenses.

So? So were a number of swamp people. That is part of the problem. Entrenched incompetents.

I don't know. Maybe it's true, maybe not. I don't believe much anymore, one way or the other. I know the swamp will circle the wagons.
You are one of those bad people calling for violence - Tibs.

This goes way beyond this little message board. We have watched violence in our streets for a year now. Burning,looting,violence and murder. All allowed by democrats in power.We watched a coup attempt that lasted from before Trump even took office through the election. Nonstop 24/7 treasonous horseshit that goes to the highest levels even to our FBI. Which are about ******* worthless as the supreme court, who obviously are scared to death aside from Justice Thomas.

I'm not angry anymore.I past that **** a year ago. I genuinely hate these mother ******* and it's pure now.

I'm just chilling until it's party time whenever that comes. I'd prefer they just **** off and go their own way, but we know that's not going to happen.

Millions feel the way I do. They could easily fix this **** and open it all up, but that won't happen because it's fraud and we all know it
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I’ll say this ...... whether you are for him or against him, this nation has an incredibly unhealthy obsession with Donald Trump. I wonder if that will change any after January 20th.
The Russia hack pretty much sums up the problem with Trumps presidency. If there was a crazy conspiracy report about Biden or Hillary or election fraud Trump would have tweeted all kinds of crazy stuff about it instantly without even looking into it. With this hack there has barely been a peep.
You mean like a two year FBI investigation into influence peddling arrangements surrounding the family of a Presidential candidate?

Sent from my SM-N950W using Tapatalk
Tibs is vile. His return, as Coolie points out, is not to discuss/debate anything here, but rather to turn up the rhetoric. He is now openly suggesting re-education camps, then backing that off when forced.

In what bizzaro world is it ok for some acknowledged foreign poster to make continued threats, or implied threats, against contributors here at SN.com?

Vile Tibs has sunk to a new low. Again.

Sent from my SM-N950W using Tapatalk
Tibs is vile. His return, as Coolie points out, is not to discuss/debate anything here, but rather to turn up the rhetoric. He is now openly suggesting re-education camps, then backing that off when forced. In what bizzaro world is it ok for some acknowledged foreign poster to make continued threats, or implied threats, against contributors here at SN.com?

Ha ha, that's rich. Poster from strange foreign land up north, drops in off his high horse to dole out truth & justice... on a board he hardly participates in. Which is obvious, since he's missed several pages of ongoing discussion and debate in this very thread. Even more telling, is how oblivious he is to the actual vile insults and threats that are posted on this board. Sadly, those are coming from like-minded posters of his ilk, so those are invisible to him.

I nominate Confluence for the Hypocrite of the Year award. Congratulations, well deserved!
Ha ha, that's rich. Poster from strange foreign land up north, drops in off his high horse to dole out truth & justice... on a board he hardly participates in. Which is obvious, since he's missed several pages of ongoing discussion and debate in this very thread. Even more telling, is how oblivious he is to the actual vile insults and threats that are posted on this board. Sadly, those are coming from like-minded posters of his ilk, so those are invisible to him.

I nominate Confluence for the Hypocrite of the Year award. Congratulations, well deserved!
Read back a couple hundred pages here, you douchenozzle, to the predictions that you would advocate for "re-education" of those, the vast majority of contributors here, that you disagreed with.

Now that has come true.

You are vile.

Sent from my SM-N950W using Tapatalk
Read back a couple hundred pages here, you douchenozzle, to the predictions that you would advocate for "re-education" of those, the vast majority of contributors here, that you disagreed with. Now that has come true.

Good God, get a grip of yourself. The concept of 're-education camps' came from one of the more unhinged right-wing posters on here, don't remember who. Was probably 2-3 years ago. Kept posting about how conservatives would be hauled off on trains to these camps.

I found the whole thing to be so surreal and batshit crazy, I started poking fun at it. I mean, who actually believes something like that would be possible? So it became a recurring joke and jab on my part, since the whole idea is so outlandish and nutso, completely seperated from anything even slightly resembling reality.

But grab the hem of your skirt and keep shouting from the rooftops how indignified all this is to you. Poor guy.
I’ll say this ...... whether you are for him or against him, this nation has an incredibly unhealthy obsession with Donald Trump. I wonder if that will change any after January 20th.

That's sure to get a "like" from Tibs because you've never been so wrong.

The obsession lies with saving a country being devoured by the left. How can you be so obtuse as not to see this?

You wanna play the "obsessed" card then then you need not go back any farther than Obama. Obsessed over him the person, not what he had accomplished. Schoolchildren made to sing odes of praise to "the one". Our lord and savior. What did Obama do to receive the Nobel Prize for again? You people blow my mind.
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Good God, get a grip of yourself. The concept of 're-education camps' came from one of the more unhinged right-wing posters on here, don't remember who. Was probably 2-3 years ago. Kept posting about how conservatives would be hauled off on trains to these camps.

I found the whole thing to be so surreal and batshit crazy, I started poking fun at it. I mean, who actually believes something like that would be possible? So it became a recurring joke and jab on my part, since the whole idea is so outlandish and nutso, completely seperated from anything even slightly resembling reality.

But grab the hem of your skirt and keep shouting from the rooftops how indignified all this is to you. Poor guy.
Two SN mods have taken you to task on this very issue, just a few posts up in this very thread.

You make judgments on posters here, as above, then justify your own vile threats.

Perhaps the context of your decades long decision to return to ancestral homeland has removed from you the sensibility that so many contributors here seem to possess.

I think this maybe was what the mods were advising in their warnings to you, along with the "stop threatening re-education camps" part that was very clearly offensive, that you justify as humor.

From my perspective, this site is far better when you, Tibs, just **** off. i hope that happens again, soon. Go back under your rock/bridge in your walled-off Hunagaria.

Sent from my SM-N950W using Tapatalk
From my perspective, this site is far better when you, Tibs, just **** off. i hope that happens again, soon. Go back under your rock/bridge in your walled-off Hunagaria.

Ah, just more of the vile, angry, xenophobic personal attacks you've become known for. Same old, same old. A+ for consistency.
Ah, just more of the vile, angry, xenophobic personal attacks you've become known for. Same old, same old. A+ for consistency.

Same bullshit from you the last 15 years as well. A+ for you playing the poor victim. You have that down well. Same old, same old, poor me..sniff sniff.
We might as well go ahead and get the shooting started, and whoever wins gets the country. It ain’t coming back together. Just read this thread, or just about any on this board. There are truly two Americas. It’s over. Might as well ride it out until the violence cranks up again.

There are two Americas. The DNC went full communist and they have been using "Intersectionality" to divide people up into grievance groups and polarize their bas against patriotic Americans for years now. It's time we all choose a side now for a free republic or communist totalitarian state. As for me I choose freedom, civil rights, and The Constitution.