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Election Day 2020

Look, even more vile, personal attacks. Who knew?

You are vile and you're a fraud,fake, fiction, a fabrication. You spew off bullshit for years then cry like a little *****. All from some ****** country in Europe which you obviously love or you'd be here.

Ain't nothing personal. It's a message board. Your message board personality sucks ***.
Take Trump out of the equation for a second, are you good with the government spying on a presidential candidate on the basis of a known fake dossier bought by the opposition candidate?.

Well, if that candidate is a Republican, the answer is obvious.
Take Trump out of the equation for a second, are you good with the government spying on a presidential candidate on the basis of a known fake dossier bought by the opposition candidate?.

I wish you would stop amplifying this known falsehood. The Steele dossier was just one sliver of several bits of information on which that investigation was based on. The investigation was into Russian hacking and sabotage by Putin's government agents, which was a real and ongoing attack against the country. The FBI has a sworn duty to protect the Republic, and its election integrity. The fact Trump and his orbit got caught up in that investigation, should tell you everything you need to know.

And btw, the board remains eerily silent on the current massive Russian hacking operation that's been ongoing for months now, into the servers of our largest companies and government institutions, including defense and the Treasury. Trump, as he has consistently done, is again downplaying this attack by the Russians. Why, for the love of God, is he so adamant to protect Putin, over and over again? The fact that doesn't trouble you and others here, is deeply disturbing.
This should be deeply concerning to all Americans, that this happening on Trump's watch, during his lameduck period, after having recently significantly weakened our cyber defenses and capabilities.

US scrambling to understand fallout of suspected Russia hack

The US government is still in the dark over how deeply Russian hackers penetrated its networks during the worst ever cyber attack on federal agencies, members of Congress warned on Friday.

At least six government departments were breached in a likely Russian intelligence operation thought to have begun in March. Although there is no evidence that classified networks were compromised, it is not known what the hackers may have stolen or how long it will take to purge them.

Members of Congress said the government is still scrambling to understand the fallout as details emerge. “This hack was so big in scope that even our cybersecurity experts don’t have a real sense yet in the terms of the breadth of the intrusion itself,” commented Stephen Lynch, head of the House of Representatives’ oversight and reform committee, after attending a classified briefing.

Congressman Jamie Raskin, another member of the committee, added: “There’s a lot more that we don’t know than what we do know. I’m hopeful the government will learn exactly how this was perpetrated on us and what is the full scope of the damage.”

US officials say they only recently became aware of the attacks on both the government and some Fortune 500 companies in which cyber spies roamed undetected for as long as nine months. The energy department and national nuclear security administration, which manages the country’s nuclear weapons stockpile, was among the agencies breached.

Hackers injected malicious code into the software of SolarWinds, a company that provides network services, and appeared to use other tools to gain access. America’s cybersecurity agency warned of a “grave risk” to the nation’s infrastructure.

Tech giant Microsoft
, which has helped respond to the breach, said it has identified more than 40 government agencies, think tanks, non-governmental organisations and IT companies infiltrated by the hackers. Four in five were in the US – nearly half of them tech companies – with victims also in Canada, Mexico, Belgium, Spain, the UK, Israel and the United Arab Emirates.

Microsoft said in a blogpost: “This is not espionage as usual, even in the digital age. Instead, it represents an act of recklessness that created a serious technological vulnerability for the United States and the world.”

But Donald Trump, long reluctant to criticise his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, has been conspicuously silent, focused instead on overturning an election that he lost. The US president is under growing pressure to speak out about what some described as an epic national security crisis.

The Republican senator Mitt Romney, a former presidential candidate, told SiriusXM radio: “What I find most astonishing is that a cyber hack of this nature is really the modern equivalent of almost Russian bombers reportedly flying undetected over the entire country.”

Describing the country’s cyber defences as extraordinarily vulnerable and weak, Romney added: “In this setting, not to have the White House aggressively speaking out and protesting and taking punitive action is really, really quite extraordinary.”

Trump’s absence on the issue implies that it will be left to his successor, Joe Biden, to retaliate through sanctions, criminal charges or other means. In a statement on Thursday, the president-elect said his administration “will make dealing with this breach a top priority from the moment we take office”.

The damage, however, could take years to remedy. Thomas Bossert, Trump’s former homeland security adviser, wrote this week in a New York Times column: “While the Russians did not have the time to gain complete control over every network they hacked, they most certainly did gain it over hundreds of them. It will take years to know for certain which networks the Russians control and which ones they just occupy.

“The logical conclusion is that we must act as if the Russian government has control of all the networks it has penetrated. But it is unclear what the Russians intend to do next. The access the Russians now enjoy could be used for far more than simply spying.”
Deflecting from the question asked as usual.

"Inaccurate, incomplete, and unsupported by appropriate documentation. Antithetical to the heightened duty of candor required" And used to spy on a presidential campaign.

You are eerily silent on this Tibs. I find that deeply disturbing.


WASHINGTON — The secret federal court that approves orders for conducting surveillance on suspected foreign terrorists or spies issued a strong and highly unusual public rebuke to the FBI on Tuesday, ordering the agency to say how it intends to correct the errors revealed last week by a Justice Department report on one aspect of the FBI's investigation of Donald Trump's 2016 campaign.

Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz said the FBI made serious and repeated mistakes in seeking under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, or FISA, to conduct surveillance of Carter Page, a former Trump campaign adviser.

The FBI's submission to the court made assertions that were "inaccurate, incomplete, or unsupported by appropriate documentation," the report said.

Rosemary Collyer, presiding judge on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, said in the unusual public order that the report "calls into question whether information contained in other FBI applications is reliable." She ordered the FBI to explain in writing by Jan. 10 how it intends to remedy those problems.

Collyer said the FBI's handling of the Page case "was antithetical to the heightened duty of candor" required by the law that established the surveillance court. Judges on the court rely entirely on the government's submissions. Because they are the only documents the court sees, the government has a heightened duty of candor, she said.

Her order said the FBI must explain "what it has done, and plans to do, to ensure the statements of facts in each FBI application accurately and completely reflects information possessed by the FBI."

Inspector General Michael Horowitz said last week that he has already opened a new review, looking at whether the FBI is complying with its duty to provide accurate information to the FISA court in seeking to conduct surveillance of Americans in terrorism and spying investigations.

FBI Director Christopher Wray announced shortly after the inspector general's report was issued that he has ordered changes in how the FBI submits requests to the FISA court.

In response to Tuesday’s order, the FBI said in a statement that it is committed to working with the FISA court and the Justice Department to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the process. "FISA is an indispensable tool in national security investigations," the FBI said.

The FISA court, established by Congress, consists of 11 federal judges chosen by the Supreme Court's chief justice and meets in secret in a federal courthouse in Washington. It has long been criticized by civil libertarians who consider it simply an arm of the government and not sufficiently independent.

"This was not the first time the government abused its surveillance powers, nor was it the first time the intelligence court was made aware of surveillance abuses," said Neema Singh Guliani of the ACLU. "Congress must radically reform the FISA process to increase accountability, and to ensure that there is a meaningful opportunity to challenge the government's allegations in FISA applications. We can't trust the secret intelligence court alone to police this process."
Deflecting from the question asked as usual.

What bothers you more, that there were minor irregularities regarding FISA warrants in 2016 - none of which affected the overriding scope or legitimacy of that investigation - or, that your President is mum on the fact the Russians just carried out the largest cyber hacking attack against our country in history?
What bothers you more, that there were minor irregularities regarding FISA warrants in 2016 - none of which affected the overriding scope or legitimacy of that investigation - or, that your President is mum on the fact the Russians just carried out the largest cyber hacking attack against our country in history?

Minor irregularities. LOL.

They both bother me. One is an attack from outside our country, one is an attack from inside our government. Both extremely dangerous, which even those of us who don't particularly like Trump but have critical thinking skills are able to acknowledge.
Are you lawyered-up yet, along with the rest of the MAGA's on the board? Asking for a friend.

Just worried about some of you guys, hope it all ends well for you.

Hang the FBI. Hang the President. Hang the CIA. Rape the VP (as if anyone would want to).

All speech protected under the First Amendment, as evidenced by the lack of prosecution of Kathy Griffin, Madonna, Johnny Depp and others over the past 4 years.

I'm worried about you and your hysterical ranting against criticsizing government figures. Perhaps your man-friend tightened that ligature around your neck a little too tightly during your role playing last evening? You need to be careful with that sort of thing, don't want to end up like David Carradine.
I'm worried about you and your hysterical ranting against criticsizing government figures. Perhaps your man-friend tightened that ligature around your neck a little too tightly during your role playing last evening? You need to be careful with that sort of thing, don't want to end up like David Carradine.

Yet another unprovoked, vile, personal attack, that has nothing to do with the topic being discussed.

Just keeping track for the likes of Tim & Confluence, who are gravely concerned about this type of thing here on the board.
Yet another unprovoked, vile, personal attack, that has nothing to do with the topic being discussed.

Just keeping track for the likes of Tim & Confluence, who are gravely concerned about this type of thing here on the board.

You're very sensitive. It wasn't an attack, I was trying to steer you away from danger.
This should be deeply concerning to all Americans, that this happening on Trump's watch, during his lameduck period, after having recently significantly weakened our cyber defenses and capabilities.

US scrambling to understand fallout of suspected Russia hack

Did you contribute to a "news source" that has an obvious leftard agenda? Laughable SJW source.

From their "news" page......
[h=1]America’s future: what’s next?[/h] [h=2]Trump’s presidency is ending, but America’s systemic challenges remain. From a broken healthcare system to corrosive racial inequality, from rapacious corporations to a climate crisis, the need for robust, fact-based reporting that highlights injustice and offers solutions is as great as ever. We value your ongoing support and hope you’ll consider a year-end gift.[/h] $925,000contributed
$1,250,000Our goal
Did you contribute to a "news source" that has an obvious leftard agenda? Laughable SJW source.

You have to be kidding. Take one quick look around, choose whatever news sources you like. Did the Russians just carry out the largest cyber hacking attack on US government and business servers in history?

Yes or no?

This is a test of the 'MAGA's Grasp of Reality' system.
You have to be kidding. Take one quick look around, choose whatever news sources you like. Did the Russians just carry out the largest cyber hacking attack on US government and business servers in history?

Yes or no?

This is a test of the 'MAGA's Grasp of Reality' system.

There was a hack. Yes. To what extent? We do not know, so I can't say whether it was the largest cyber attack in history, and neither can you. At this point, some are saying it was the Russians. Are we sure? It could be the Chinese. Are we sure? No. Is accusing the Russians a diversion? Anything is possible. What is Trump doing about it? We don't know, which is probably a good thing. Until we have the facts, it is probably wise to not issue any blistering accusations. And I don't trust anything coming out of the mouths of any Democrat.
Are we sure? It could be the Chinese.

I see the Trump effect is in full force. Perhaps the reorientation camps for the MAGA flock isn't such a terrible idea.

I mean, come on.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has blamed Russia for the hack.

So too have the chairs of the Senate and House of Representatives' intelligence committees

Computer Hack Blamed on Russia Tests Limits of U.S. Response

US cyber-attack: Around 50 firms 'genuinely impacted' by massive breach

How to Understand the Russia Hack Fallout

No One Knows How Deep Russia's Hacking Rampage Goes

Russia’s Hacking Frenzy Is a Reckoning

Suspected Russian hack is much worse than first feared: Here’s what you need to know
You have to be kidding. Take one quick look around, choose whatever news sources you like. Did the Russians just carry out the largest cyber hacking attack on US government and business servers in history?

Yes or no?

This is a test of the 'MAGA's Grasp of Reality' system.

Were you upset in any way when the Russians hacked the DNC server back in 2016? As I recall, there was nothing to see there. Heck, they wouldn't even let the FBI see those servers.

I don't know how this is could be connected to Trump, anyway. Seems like more incompetent unelected government officials who weren't doing their job.
In the event, what do you recommend the response to be? How would you handle it?
In the event, what do you recommend the response to be? How would you handle it?

Oh, I don't know. Maybe have a President in the WH who denounces this attack in no uncertain terms and let's Putin know he will not get away with it. Followed by thorough, punitive measures, freezing Russian bank accounts, putting Russian officials on no-fly lists, sanctions against Russian oligarch businesses. Send a strong message that we won't solemnly grab our ankles and do nothing, while Putin slams us in the ***, over and over again.

Also, perhaps it would help not having a President in the WH who fires the head of national cybersecurity a week after the election, due to hurt feelings the man didn't go down the rabbit hole with him on his lies about election fraud?

That would be a good place to start.
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Oh, I don't know. Maybe have a President in the WH who denounces this attack in no uncertain terms and let's Putin know he will not get away with it. Followed by thorough, punitive measures, freezing Russian bank accounts, putting Russian officials on no-fly lists, sanctions against Russian oligarch businesses. Send a strong message that we won't solemnly grab our ankles and do nothing, while Putin slams us in the ***, over and over again.


Maybe send them pallets of cash to the Moscow airport. Or possibly a tersely worded letter.

And sounds like the head of cybersecurity was incompetent, based on this hack.
Perhaps the reorientation camps for the MAGA flock isn't such a terrible idea.

Calm down Hitler, and you have the audacity to talk about the right, or their “threats” against your fragile sensibilities.
Calm down Hitler, and you have the audacity to talk about the right, or their “threats” against your fragile sensibilities.

That's pretty funny. For a guy bringing up 'fragile sensibilities' in reaction to an obvious joke about reorientation camps.

Plus the multiple threats posted on this board over the past weeks and months haven't been against my 'fragile sensibilities' but against elected government officials, FBI agents and American citizens. Huge difference.
The Russia hack pretty much sums up the problem with Trumps presidency. If there was a crazy conspiracy report about Biden or Hillary or election fraud Trump would have tweeted all kinds of crazy stuff about it instantly without even looking into it. With this hack there has barely been a peep.
I see the Trump effect is in full force. Perhaps the reorientation camps for the MAGA flock isn't such a terrible idea.

I mean, come on.

Computer Hack Blamed on Russia Tests Limits of U.S. Response

US cyber-attack: Around 50 firms 'genuinely impacted' by massive breach

How to Understand the Russia Hack Fallout

No One Knows How Deep Russia's Hacking Rampage Goes

Russia’s Hacking Frenzy Is a Reckoning

Suspected Russian hack is much worse than first feared: Here’s what you need to know

Tone it down Tibs. Consider yourself warned. And no I’m not feeling Christmas-y and nice. Knock it off.
Tone it down Tibs. Consider yourself warned. And no I’m not feeling Christmas-y and nice. Knock it off.

Sure, I'll tone it down. I won't post any more obvious jokes about reorientation camps.

It would be easier to take you and the other mods seriously, if you didn't let so many things fly right by your ear.

Seems to me, you have your work cut out for you. Good luck with being fair and balanced, as surely that's your goal.

They should have hung all of the Russian collusion people. All of them.

When the government comes for your neighbors guns it is time for you to use your guns on the government and help your neighbors.

Go suck some Hungarian dick you stupid ****. It's the god damn truth. If you don't like it,tough ******* ****. Traitor loving **** from Hungaria.
Maybe send them pallets of cash to the Moscow airport. Or possibly a tersely worded letter.

And sounds like the head of cybersecurity was incompetent, based on this hack.
Why should he bother? Just let the new guy handle it to the dem's satisfaction. Maybe he could challenge Putin to push-up competition? Or issue a statement containing harsh words like the following...
Oh, I don't know. Maybe have a President in the WH who denounces this attack in no uncertain terms and let's Putin know he will not get away with it. Followed by thorough, punitive measures, freezing Russian bank accounts, putting Russian officials on no-fly lists, sanctions against Russian oligarch businesses. Send a strong message that we won't solemnly grab our ankles and do nothing, while Putin slams us in the ***, over and over again.

Also, perhaps it would help not having a President in the WH who fires the head of national cybersecurity a week after the election, due to hurt feelings the man didn't go down the rabbit hole with him on his lies about election fraud?

That would be a good place to start.

Wouldn't that guy be in charge of preventing a hack?

Sounds like he was doing his job well.