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Election Day 2020

But biden will be our president. I hope he has a good 4 years. Gotta get behind our new President and hope for the best.
No. He's not my president. I have no intention of aiding or legitimizing this government in any way, shape or form.
Really? That’s not cool, drunk or not.

Oh my God. It was a ******* joke we made about somebody who posted that years ago. Obviously I don't want him to die in a fire.

As for
We cant be like the other side and hate from the get go.
We can. In fact it's really our duty as American citizens to do precisely that.
No. He's not my president. I have no intention of aiding or legitimizing this government in any way, shape or form.

This government has shown it's true colors. Trump pulled back the curtain of the great Oz. We knew they were 95% corrupt shitbags, but the sham election was it for me (and tens of millions of other Americans).

Djfan knew this was gonna happen (as I'm sure many of you did). I was just holding out hope good would triumph over evil for once. How silly of me.
LOL. I'm the son of a Protestant minister who grew up in a parsonage, our church congregration served as my extended family. I'll use that term and refer to praying whenever I want. You bozos have dibs on nothing having to do with God or religion. In fact, Christianity has been wildly perverted and twisted inside-out by those on the right. But thanks for playing. God Bless you, my man.

Well. your dad was a ****** minister if he raised you to be the way you are.
LOL. I'm the son of a Protestant minister who grew up in a parsonage, our church congregration served as my extended family. I'll use that term and refer to praying whenever I want. You bozos have dibs on nothing having to do with God or religion. In fact, Christianity has been wildly perverted and twisted inside-out by those on the right. But thanks for playing. God Bless you, my man.

Again, nobody here really gives a **** about your personal story, Saint Tibs aka commie shitbag. You obviously need some serious validation, so go find a "we can all share our feelings and give each trophies" message board, because you sure as **** aren't going to get it here.
As he wraps up his 4 years in office, Trump's approval rating has sunk to 29%, the lowest ever in the history of the United States.

Wrong again dumbass, Carter's was lower so were a few others.


While that number is still way too high given the words and actions of this broken man, it does reflect a cold, hard truth of his presidency. Trump has always been, and always will be the leader of just a sliver of Americans. He was never able to reach out and unite the nation. He didn't even try. He didn't give two ***** about anything other than his hardcore MAGA base. And even that he did soley for selfish, personal reasons, to try to hold onto power and enrich himself.

Trump created record employment for minorities, Blacks, Latinos, Asians, created opportunity zones for Black businesses and approved government funding for Black Colleges. Just because some fat Liberal virtue signalling women and the Marxist loving BLM didn't like him doesn't mean everyone else wasn't a fan. You know, I know and everyone else knows, if the China virus wasn't released Trump wins easily.

The hardcore Biden voting BLM/Antifa base, filtered down to its most extremist, Communist loving, violent core, were successful in stealing and cheated us from a free and fair election and committed an insurrection against the Republic.

The Biden name, along with BLM, will live on forever in infamy. Much, much worse than Clinton ever was.

As the nation braced for the violent, murderous summer of 2020, Washington DC along with several other cities across the entire country had become militarized zones, with 100,000+ troops guarding them.

The Democrat party has left the nation in tatters, ripped apart by hatred, lies and reckless conspiracy theories, most notably the Russia Hoax and fake impeachment that the Senate rightfully dismissed.

The fall-out from all of this will take years to digest and fully comprehend.

This, my friends, is what happens, when you elect a demented madman who sniffs little children and takes billions from China to the highest office.

Unfortunately, lessons weren't learned, and American politics will return to the brink, pushed there by Biden/Harris and their lunatic, criminal supporters.

Praying for peace and safety this weekend in DC and around the country. And not looking forward to a new day in American politics, a return to insanity, Chinese influence and criminal behaviour.

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LOL. I'm the son of a Protestant minister who grew up in a parsonage, our church congregration served as my extended family. I'll use that term and refer to praying whenever I want. You bozos have dibs on nothing having to do with God or religion. In fact, Christianity has been wildly perverted and twisted inside-out by those on the right. But thanks for playing. God Bless you, my man.

Damn Tibs. I am drunk as well but my friend, I have to disagree with the right having perverted Christianity exclusively. I would have to say both side have done that damn well. I am probably more left leaning on my Christianity to be honest but to say it is only the right that has perverted it is quite false. Humanity as a whole has. I don't think any human sect or denomination or religion for that matter has a monopoly on what the truth is. Neither does either political side but the left is a bit more off the reservation right now.
No. He's not my president. I have no intention of aiding or legitimizing this government in any way, shape or form.

Wig. I typically love your posts. I believe I agree with almost everything you believe. But if you are an American then Biden right or wrong will be your president as of next week.
I am not happy with it. But will get behind it.

We have called out those peeps that have said not my president the last 4 years. Dont become that
On Dominion voting machines.

Good ******' luck dude.

The Biden Administration spokesperson on election reform stated today that the Biden administration will be working on election reform ASAP...One of the first big milestones will be to replace the Dominion voting machines. They have come out with a new machine that ensures 100% accuracy. It is the new Empire Voting Machine. The official went on to state "this machine incorporates all the benefits of the Dominion voting machine but also prints out an "I Voted" sticker when you put your ballot into the shredder,,,,er scanner.. Yay.."


Morgan Jones
Preferred Pronouns: She, He, Hers, His, It, What the **** is that?
Wig. I typically love your posts. I believe I agree with almost everything you believe. But if you are an American then Biden right or wrong will be your president as of next week.
I am not happy with it. But will get behind it.

We have called out those peeps that have said not my president the last 4 years. Dont become that

Why? I can't think for myself or understand I'm being bamboozled by the most powerful people in the world, so I just accept it?

**** that, sorry. I understand people's reactions and feelings on the matter, I really do, but I'm not there. Not in the slightest. I've already expressed my thoughts on the matter so it's inconsequential at this point, but I will never submit.
Wig. I typically love your posts. I believe I agree with almost everything you believe. But if you are an American then Biden right or wrong will be your president as of next week.
I am not happy with it. But will get behind it.

We have called out those peeps that have said not my president the last 4 years. Dont become that

Yeah, **** that as well.

Biden gets exactly the same support Trump got from the Democrats.

This is the problem. Democrats toe the line. They fall in step. They do not waver. Especially in Congress. Like it or not, they are unified. And they wouldn't support our last 4 Presidents, back to and including Reagan. Tried even destroying him.

We ***** foot. We give in. We take the high road. We are the better people. But look where it's gotten us.

Nah, Joe Biden will never get anything but 100% criticism from me and zero support. **** that administration.

Morgan Jones
Preferred Pronouns: She, He, Hers, His, It, What the **** is that?

Another example of a coward saying something here they would never say publicly.

I’m not a religious person, but I am fond of the proverb “There but for the grace of God, go I”.
Yeah, **** that as well.

Biden gets exactly the same support Trump got from the Democrats.

This is the problem. Democrats toe the line. They fall in step. They do not waver. Especially in Congress. Like it or not, they are unified. And they wouldn't support our last 4 Presidents, back to and including Reagan. Tried even destroying him.

We ***** foot. We give in. We take the high road. We are the better people. But look where it's gotten us.

Nah, Joe Biden will never get anything but 100% criticism from me and zero support. **** that administration.

that will only be two years at most. will you also criticise the first BLACK FEMALE PRESIDENT, you sexist, racist bigot?
Yeah, **** that as well.

Biden gets exactly the same support Trump got from the Democrats.

This is the problem. Democrats toe the line. They fall in step. They do not waver. Especially in Congress. Like it or not, they are unified. And they wouldn't support our last 4 Presidents, back to and including Reagan. Tried even destroying him.

We ***** foot. We give in. We take the high road. We are the better people. But look where it's gotten us.

Nah, Joe Biden will never get anything but 100% criticism from me and zero support. **** that administration.

Trump got about as much support/respect from liberals/Democrats as conservatives/Republicans extended to Barack Obama for 8 years.

Remember the "Birther" nonsense, of which Trump was a key proponent?

Republicans impeached Bill Clinton over a blowjob.

Get off that high horse, man.
Republicans impeached Bill Clinton over a blowjob.

Slick Willie 1
Trump 0
Pretty sure he lied under oath.

They caught him on the "sex with that woman" stuff, but he skated on Whitewater, etc.

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Slick Willie 1
Trump 0
Pretty sure he lied under oath.

They caught him on the "sex with that woman" stuff, but he skated on Whitewater, etc.

Sent from my SM-N975U using Tapatalk

He lied under oath over a blowjob. The fact it even got to that point was a product of vicious partisan politics, led by Republicans in congress.

Republicans/conservatives have NOT taken the high road since the Regan era. Not even close.
He lied under oath over a blowjob. The fact it even got to that point was a product of vicious partisan politics, led by Republicans in congress.

Republicans/conservatives have NOT taken the high road since the Regan era. Not even close.
I think the salient part is the "lying under oath" part. The BJ just makes it memorable.

Both sides have been divisive and hypercritical of the other's leaders for many decades. If you feel that you can judge that fairly, fine.....just grant the respect you would want from others to those with a different judgment that they feel strongly about.

Sent from my SM-N975U using Tapatalk
Trump got about as much support/respect from liberals/Democrats as conservatives/Republicans extended to Barack Obama for 8 years.

Remember the "Birther" nonsense, of which Trump was a key proponent?

Republicans impeached Bill Clinton over a blowjob.

Get off that high horse, man.

False equivalence.

I will never say there is one political party that is ethical or beyond reproach.

But to compare the past 4 years to what Obama faced in terms of criticism is a complete and utter joke. Obama didn't face 10% of the backlash and criticism that say for instance Bush did for 8 years. For god's sake man, your side still blames him for "creating" Katrina and killing thousands.

Contrarily Obama killed between 304 and 807 innocent civilians with his incessant use of drone strikes overseas. The outcry? None. You know full well had Trump killed one innocent, there'd have been a month of blistering coverage and he'd have been called baby killer incessantly.

Sorry, there's no comparison. It's far worse how Republicans are treated nationwide when in office.

I'll ride this high ******* horse till it collapses.
Trump got about as much support/respect from liberals/Democrats as conservatives/Republicans extended to Barack Obama for 8 years.

Remember the "Birther" nonsense, of which Trump was a key proponent?

Republicans impeached Bill Clinton over a blowjob.

Get off that high horse, man.

You're equating a "Birther" story (created by the Clinton's) where not one main stream journalist covered it with the FBI spying on a president and his team before he was even elected? You've got to be out of your mind.
False equivalence.

I will never say there is one political party that is ethical or beyond reproach.

But to compare the past 4 years to what Obama faced in terms of criticism is a complete and utter joke. Obama didn't face 10% of the backlash and criticism that say for instance Bush did for 8 years. For god's sake man, your side still blames him for "creating" Katrina and killing thousands.

Contrarily Obama killed between 304 and 807 innocent civilians with his incessant use of drone strikes overseas. The outcry? None. You know full well had Trump killed one innocent, there'd have been a month of blistering coverage and he'd have been called baby killer incessantly.

Sorry, there's no comparison. It's far worse how Republicans are treated nationwide when in office.

I'll ride this high ******* horse till it collapses.

McConnell declared from day one of Obama's Presidency that Republicans in congress were going to work to obstruct him.

Republicans blamed Obama for everything from Benghazi to the Ferguson riots, and nearly led the country to credit default and financial ruin on two occasions, while trying to use the debt ceiling to leverage Obama into repealing the ACA.

No political or moral high ground at all.
You're equating a "Birther" story (created by the Clinton's) where not one main stream journalist covered it with the FBI spying on a president and his team before he was even elected? You've got to be out of your mind.

It was actually covered quite a bit. Fox News gave it some credence, while others just ridiculed it for the nonsense that it was.
McConnell declared from day one of Obama's Presidency that Republicans in congress were going to work to obstruct him.

Republicans blamed Obama for everything from Benghazi to the Ferguson riots, and nearly led the country to credit default and financial ruin on two occasions, while trying to use the debt ceiling to leverage Obama into repealing the ACA.

No political or moral high ground at all.
So its always Reps fault?

Why would you not expect them to judge your opinion in the same way?

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