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Election Day 2020

Just lip service. Technology is a pretty handy weapon to deceive the masses nowadays. It's a stacked deck all on one side. It really is every man for himself now. Why play by the rules anymore,when they do not.

That was also part of the lockdown strategy and implementation of work from home by Big Tech: They've created a feeling of isolation and demoralization in the populace. The feeling that there's nothing any one of us can do in the face of such insanity and tidal shifts toward collectivism in our society. This has been a psyop more than anything. That we're all alone and it's every man for himself.

The conservative's Achilles Heel strategically is that he has always wanted to live life and be left alone. We're getting to that point in the Coward of the County song where "you could've heard a pin drop, when Tommy stopped, and locked the door."
I think many of us are coming to the realization that except for a few of the newcomers, the fix is in and has been for quite awhile. Otherwise there would be all sorts of investigations and objections to the election being certified.

Just like when the Republicans had the power to smash Obamacare to dust, they didn't do it.. Yep the Republicans and Democrats in DC are on the same team and all the back and forth is totally scripted. Hate to break it to you but we have no true representation. It's essentially us vs them and they have the high ground.


The conservative's Achilles Heel strategically is that he has always wanted to live life and be left alone. We're getting to that point in the Coward of the County song where "you could've heard a pin drop, when Tommy stopped, and locked the door."

I was thinking this today when I saw an argument on FB (Libs now feel they can step into Conservative groups) where some Liberal Karen was absolutely orgasmic over the extra measure of government control over peoples' lives that Covid gives them an excuse to do.
I was thinking this today when I saw an argument on FB (Libs now feel they can step into Conservative groups) where some Liberal Karen was absolutely orgasmic over the extra measure of government control over peoples' lives that Covid gives them an excuse to do.

Most of them are miserable ugly people. They get off on forcing misery on others. Pretty silly lot.
Sorry to step on the conversation but this just came to my attention and I thought it compelling to share..............bwahahahaha


and second place goes to.........


The masked fool in the water is a great deal of our population unfortunately. I've seen a lot of this nonsense on this level of ignorance and obviously they are scared to death.
If it takes 15 pages to articulate the problem, communication of the problem is a huge issue.

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That's just supporting info. I can articulate the problem in one statement: The election was stolen with massive, blatant, provable voting fraud.
Yet the miracle of this provable fraud, is that nobody can prove any of it. Not even a handful. Do you think maybe Trump is smart enough to know that if I claim fraud, many of my supporters
are so stupid and gullible they will be willing to send me money that I can pocket?
Yet the miracle of this provable fraud, is that nobody can prove any of it. Not even a handful.

You need to stop reading the Daily Kos and similar rags. More than 1,100 declarations under penalty of perjury detailing very specific instances of voter fraud; videotape of ballots being hauled out from under a table in Atlanta after (R) poll watchers sent home; thousands of absentee ballots in Georgia from voters who no longer live in Georgia; thousands of mail-in ballots in Nevada from people who no longer live at the address designated; ballots being shipped from New York to Philadelphia; vote switching at 3:30 a.m.; vote counting stops inexplicably in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Arizona at the exact same time for no credible reason; statistical evidence from experts, showing that the vote totals literally cannot be possible, to the tune of 1 in 1,000,000,000; illegal changes to how the Pennsylvania election is run; supposed 92% voter turnout in Wisconsin.

And on and on and on and on.

You are simply parroting bullshit because you think the cheating helps you. You are a Patsy fan, explaining that the cheating did not help the team steal games. In other words, you are a lying liar telling lies about your lies.
You are simply parroting bullshit because you think the cheating helps you. You are a Patsy fan, explaining that the cheating did not help the team steal games. In other words, you are a lying liar telling lies about your lies.

How dare you speak to a Pullitzer Prize winning, best selling author that way.
Looks like GA just went all blue...
Anyone surprised?

Nope. What’s even more gross is the media hailing Stacy Abrams as some the savior of “democracy.” I am done with news for the next 4 years. Done.
Nope. What’s even more gross is the media hailing Stacy Abrams as some the savior of “democracy.” I am done with news for the next 4 years. Done.

Good idea. **** all of these people. Can't stand any of them. Bunch of morons.
Patriots have stormed the Capital Building in DC. Senate has been evacuated and a local group here just made a call to arms and were told to get to DC NOW!