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Elfie hates Christianity and Judaism but is an apologist for Moslems


Oct 26, 2014
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This goes right to the equivalency argument Christians like to make and why I tell them ALL religion is B.S.

The Islamic bigot hates you because you won't believe his nonsense.

The Christian bigot is spineless so he says his "god hates your unbelief/sin" so he's just warning you......but really he hates you/fears you just the same as the Muslim kook.

Gotta love Bernie getting angry after the putz says over and over "I'm a Christian......."

Translation= "I'm not a bigot....my god is. I'm humble and obedient to my bigoted god so I deserve respect."

What a bunch of tools.
My belief is that ALL RELIGIOUS beliefs should be left in the parking lot if you work for the government.
My belief is Bernie ******* Sanders is a ******* socialist pig fraud. Go buy another house poor Bernie. Spew socialist horseshit to the masses while enjoying the fruits of capitalism. Fraud can go die in a fire with hildabeast. They have no place in public office.
What do they call coming in 2nd place in an election?

Maybe I am missing something here, but I didn't think what Bernie said was offensive at all. Nor did I find the other guy's response to be as hate filled as Elfie made it out to be. This is just another manufactured stupid story.
So by Mr. Sanders logic, this should eliminate any devout Muslim from holding a government post.

Or anyone who believes in the tenets of their faith. Swing and miss!
So by Mr. Sanders logic, this should eliminate any devout Muslim from holding a government post.

Or anyone who believes in the tenets of their faith. Swing and miss!

Absolutely. If he/she believes sharia law needs to be the law of the land they need to hit the highway. If they hid that fact and use their position to try and advance their 7th century B.S., then they need to be prosecuted....that simple.
Maybe I am missing something here, but I didn't think what Bernie said was offensive at all. Nor did I find the other guy's response to be as hate filled as Elfie made it out to be. This is just another manufactured stupid story.

Of course you don't see it.

It's like the Maher bit during his stand up routine in South Carolina a few years ago where he was making fun of Scientology and the audience was in stitches at how ludicrous that religion is.

Then he turned on a dime and started talking about the nonsense of "sons of god" and " virgin births" the icing on the cake "god on a suicide mission sending his son.....who is really him......"

You could hear a pin drop at that point.

Just like those people could or would not see(and were probably offended) how utterly ridiculous their beliefs are, neither can you see the hate.

Instead Elfie is the hater...the old" I know you are but what am I?" from the elementary schoolyard.

Perfect.....you can't make it up, just can't.
This goes right to the equivalency argument Christians like to make and why I tell them ALL religion is B.S.

The Islamic bigot hates you because you won't believe his nonsense.

The Christian bigot is spineless so he says his "god hates your unbelief/sin" so he's just warning you......but really he hates you/fears you just the same as the Muslim kook.

I usually try and think of a snappy retort, but in this case, you are just too ****** up to deserve one.

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Of course you don't see it.

It's like the Maher bit during his stand up routine in South Carolina a few years ago where he was making fun of Scientology and the audience was in stitches at how ludicrous that religion is.

Then he turned on a dime and started talking about the nonsense of "sons of god" and " virgin births" the icing on the cake "god on a suicide mission sending his son.....who is really him......"

You could hear a pin drop at that point.

Just like those people could or would not see(and were probably offended) how utterly ridiculous their beliefs are, neither can you see the hate.

Instead Elfie is the hater...the old" I know you are but what am I?" from the elementary schoolyard.

Perfect.....you can't make it up, just can't.
Your name is really perfect, because you and Maher can "fiero" with Beelzebub, since you've both obviously accepted his invitation at the crossroads.

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Your name is really perfect, because you and Maher can "fiero" with Beelzebub, since you've both obviously accepted his invitation at the crossroads.

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Awwwwww....another follower of the magical hippie: purveyor of infinite love/mercy and purveyor of infinite hell fire for even the most petty finite infractions.......because "all things are possible", right non thinker?
Awwwwww....another follower of the magical hippie: purveyor of infinite love/mercy and purveyor of infinite hell fire for even the most petty finite infractions.......because "all things are possible", right non thinker?

Well stated, I bet all those in your cult love those words of wisdom as they sip on their grape Kool-Aid.

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Of course you don't see it.

It's like the Maher bit during his stand up routine in South Carolina a few years ago where he was making fun of Scientology and the audience was in stitches at how ludicrous that religion is.

Then he turned on a dime and started talking about the nonsense of "sons of god" and " virgin births" the icing on the cake "god on a suicide mission sending his son.....who is really him......"

You could hear a pin drop at that point.

Just like those people could or would not see(and were probably offended) how utterly ridiculous their beliefs are, neither can you see the hate.

Instead Elfie is the hater...the old" I know you are but what am I?" from the elementary schoolyard.

Perfect.....you can't make it up, just can't.

Wow. Way to swing and miss my point.
NEITHER what Sanders said NOR what the other dude said was offensive. It's a NON STORY.
And for the record, I don't practice a religion, so shove that belief up your ***.
Bernie the bum should be more concerned with the dealings of his wife.
This goes right to the equivalency argument Christians like to make and why I tell them ALL religion is B.S.

The Islamic bigot hates you because you won't believe his nonsense.

The Christian bigot is spineless so he says his "god hates your unbelief/sin" so he's just warning you......but really he hates you/fears you just the same as the Muslim kook.

The only thing Bernie Sanders could destroy would be a Senior sized box of Depends.

..and when I say that his wife pampers him, I mean she Pampers him!

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And the bad guys I've planted may have thought the same up to the point of contact.

Fortunately, unlike you, they aren't here to talk about it.

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Awwwwwww...always to the violence with the Reich Wing. Here you go, enjoy some music they say it soothes the savage beast.

Bernie sounds like a six year old hearing about salvation for the first time. What Russell Vought believes will happen to someone's immortal soul after they die has nothing to do with government service. All Bernie did was expose his own stupid intolerant self.
Yay.. more religious bigotry... by the secular religion of course...

we best wise up and follow the great and wise bernie sanders...( i have some small figurines of him in my trunk... you can buy one and talk to it if you want...) praise be to the secular communist ways... death to all who oppose it.. for that way is the one true way and all who do not believe are evil and wrong....

Ummm or something
Completely unmentioned in this unmentionable thread is that Leftism IS a religion. A dark, violent religion at that. Below is just a snippet of a bit dated, but still highly accurate assessment.


What Explains the Vicious Left?
When politics becomes a religion, nonbelievers must be punished.

The asymmetry of modern politics is clear to every conservative; painfully clear to several Yale undergraduates who asked me about it recently. Leftists, they pointed out, are hostile, nasty, and seem to have no concept of a civil conversation. Why? Because they are winning? Losing? Are natural-born bullies? And how can this dangerous mood be changed?

It’s not just a question of civility versus rudeness—which of course is no small thing in itself. The deeper problem is that the left seems to have lost its taste for democracy.

You see characteristic leftist arrogance among global warmers, who show their respect for their opponents by refusing to listen to them and implying that they are crackpots. On campus, leftists have spit at conservatives, screamed obscenities at moderate liberals, yammered on about phony "rape crises" while doing everything they could think of to promote universal debauchery, rigged local votes to silence opponents of the Kill Israel (aka "BDS") movement.

The list goes on, the arrogance is staggering, the asymmetry all too obvious. Conservatives, bursting with facts and ideas (and anger and dismay), are eager to have it out with liberals and maybe even convince a few. Liberals are eager to make assertions and strike moral poses, but not to respond to rational argument or speak to the facts.

Where does the asymmetry come from? American conservatives tend to be Christians or Jews. Liberals tend to be atheists or agnostics. (Yes, there are exceptions—to nearly everything, always; but that doesn't mean we can stop thinking.) Almost all human beings need religion, as subway-riders need overhead grab bars. The religious impulse strikes conservatives and liberals alike. But conservatives usually practice the religion of their parents and ancestors; liberals have mostly shed their Judaism or Christianity, and politics fills the obvious spiritual gap. You might make football, rock music, or hard science your chosen faith. Some people do. But politics, with its underlying principles and striking public ceremonies, is the obvious religion substitute.

Hence the gross asymmetry of modern politics. For most conservatives, politics is just politics. For most liberals, politics is their faith, in default of any other; it is the basis of their moral life.

Traditional religion used to be the iron grate that kept worldly beliefs from falling into the flames and turning into red-hot religious convictions in their own right. Among most conservatives it still is.

But for modern liberals it is only natural to be upset, defensive, dogmatic, and immovable when you are challenged on your political views. Few of us are prepared to defend our deepest spiritual beliefs. Most of us rarely think about them. Many of us have never had reason to believe them; we simply believe what our parents did. That is perfectly fair and suitable—except when rational, worldly politics is forced to confront politics-as-religion head-to-head.

Why should this new and dangerous virus have broken out now, in our generation? Judeo-Christian religion has been in decline for centuries. But important milestones have passed in our own lifetimes. Baby boomers were educated, in the '50s and '60s, in public schools that were still informally Christian—in a nation that (moreover) had been created by devout Christians guided by biblical ideas, and refounded during the Civil War by another Christian generation led by the most deeply religious of all our presidents. By the generation following the Second World War, it's likely that the U.S. cultural leadership was already mostly atheist. But it was reticent about saying so; in that era, many Americans still hesitated to go all the way. And the centrality of biblical religion to America's best self was reaffirmed during these same years by the pastors, priests, and rabbis of the civil rights movement. Today all these hugely important facts have been suppressed. My impression, as a college teacher, is that most young Americans have simply never heard them.

So here we are today with a mainstream press, cultural leadership, and intellectuals who laugh off the idea that a presidential candidate's religion matters. Yet it matters intensely. Its real, practical importance is large. Unless you are a Jew or Christian, you are likely—as a modern American—to make a religion of your politics. And that will shape, in turn, your relation to the opposition and to the American people.
Even the usual-Left-leaning USA Today had a piece to say about Liberalism as a religion.


Liberalism has become like a religion to its followers

While last week Las Crucens were observing Passover and Easter, recent articles in the Sun-News unwittingly exposed the extreme left as a religion of its own.

The April 6 issue of the Sun-News included two seemingly different but intrinsically connected articles. The first, by Jacqueline Devine of the Alamogordo Daily News, detailed how, by law, parts of the Lincoln National Forest had to be temporarily closed to protect the meadow jumping mouse. The second article was a “Nation and World Watch” clip about yet another judge, this time in Missouri, who issued a ruling blocking curbs to abortion. This is another example of how the left is blind to the inconsistency of its beliefs. In this case, liberal policies impart higher importance on animal preservation than on unborn life.

Given the clear, relative importance between the life of a baby and that of a jumping mouse, what could possibly explain the progressive position? In this case, abortion and the environmentalist/animal rights movement are two sacraments in the religion of liberalism.

Environmentalism and animal rights sound noble, and while the rhetoric makes the left feel warm and righteous about saving the environment, an unbiased observer would see the rather warped, brutal reality of radical leftist belief: failure to preserve the snail dart is abhorrent, abortion is countenanced.

Unchecked immigration, gender identity, sexual license, moral relativism, the assault on the family and euthanasia round out the secular sacraments. The crusade for same-sex union was an attempt to legitimize their mockery of a sacrament in comparison to that of traditional marriage.

The idea of government in general is good, it is the magisterium in their faith and politics provides the rubric structuring their faith. Politics, government and the defense of their dogmata are, in their mind, the highest aspiration of man. Heaven help anyone who disagrees with them. Though judgementalism is a cardinal offense in their religion, there are indeed sinners to this movement. Any who stand in their way: pro-lifers, orthodox religions, right-wing radicals.

There is even a word for any who dares blaspheme, “denier.” If it weren’t so serious, it would be humorously cliché. Is there a word more bathed in cultism? To the environmentalist who is unable or unwilling to accept that a growing number of experts are courageous enough to refute man-made global warming, it simply becomes a matter of faith. Acceptance of this tenet in the face of mounting intellectual disagreement is simply proof of their blind fealty.

The liberal druid can’t imagine or allow anyone to question the faith. Those guilty of heresy can attest to progressive conversion by the sword. They defend their faith with ad hominem attacks, accusing the heretic of racism, xenophobia, dishonesty, homophobia, and doltish slacked-jawed mouth breathing.

Faithful adherence is why politics is so important to the left, it’s why they protest and the right doesn’t. Locally, their denominations consist of Viva Doña Ana, NM CAFé, Indivisible and the Progressive Voter Alliance. While a traditionalist may see him or herself as a doctor, a business owner, a teacher, an individual with a conservative viewpoint, the left identifies themselves as a liberal doctor, a liberal business owner, a liberal teacher. Liberalism is a lifestyle and the most noble of human endeavor. The traditionalist should admire and take note of liberal fervor and strength of belief. The means has become the end to the true believer.


Does the text in bold red remind us of anyone here?