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Executive Orders


Pronouns: Your lordship
Apr 8, 2014
Reaction score
Picksburgh, PA
Although I do support many of Trump's initiatives that are fueled by executive orders, I find it troubling. Obama used them frequently to pass his own agenda into law.

Does this trouble anyone else? We elect presidents, not kings. Isn't it the responsibility of the Congress to enact legislation?

On the other hand, with all of the gridlock in Washington, maybe this is the only way meaningful things get done.

I just think a dangerous precedent has been set, and we need to keep a close eye on things.

Any thoughts?
Nobody here cares as long as the guy doing it has an "R" next to his name
not a big fan of executive orders except in extremely rare conditions. Hopefully President Trump starts using Congress and not his pen.....
He has to undo the commie dickbag executive orders that nobody with a D gave a rats *** about until now. ******* sucks when the shoe is on the other foot and you've been pushed into a corner.

I'm sure the president and congress will accomplish much. Getting that big fat **** you to the middle class health care law should be front and center. The Supreme Court who also ****** us with that law will be next.
What about using executive orders to undo the prior, inappropriate executive orders?

That does not bother me since it is returning power to Congress.

Using them to bypass Congress? Yes, it bothers me.
Obummer used them for things he had little political, public, or business backing for. It was a total knife in the back to the majority of the country. Trump on the other hand is acting on the will of the electorate. If anyone doubts that he has taken this country by storm they have been in a hole for 3 months.
Trump has taken the country by storm but he's acting on our behalf. We The People have taken our country back, and it's awesome.
What about using executive orders to undo the prior, inappropriate executive orders?

That does not bother me since it is returning power to Congress.

Using them to bypass Congress? Yes, it bothers me.

That's what I see so far. Obama set an agenda driven path of executive orders and now they have to be cleared from the books....jus like Trump promised.

A year before his swearing in as President, Trump vowed that he would go after what he called then-President Obama’s executive orders. Or, as he crudely put it, his “illegal and overreaching executive orders.” He repeatedly came back to that threat on the campaign trail, echoing the standard GOP hit line that Obama supposedly went way overboard and usurped his presidential authority by using his pen to make law. On day one of his swearing in, he wasted no time in doing exactly what he told an interviewer he’d do.

His first act was to sign an executive order nailing the one law above all others that he made a campaign mantra to nail, that is Obamacare. His executive order directs agencies to “waive, defer, grant exemptions” to any part of Obamacare they choose. Getting rid of many of Obama’s executive orders won’t be so easy. Some are firmly ensconced as law and will require extensive public comment, hearings and review. That’s a long, tedious, drawn-out process. Others have been in place long enough that government agencies have made them part of their compliance requirements.

Nobody here cares as long as the guy doing it has an "R" next to his name

Please point me to the thread you started, showing your concern, when Bammy was doing it.
Nobody here cares as long as the guy doing it has an "R" next to his name

I said several times over the years that Bammy was setting a precedent that the Dems would come to regret. Ditto for basically eliminating filibusters and 60 vote majorities in the Senate.
I heard on NPR that Obamma had 13 executive orders his first week in office vs. Trump's 14.

Not that big a difference.
I just think a dangerous precedent has been set, and we need to keep a close eye on things.

It's nothing new

By his first Wednesday in office, Trump had issued twelve presidential actions. Four of these were executive orders, and eight of them were presidential memorandums.

The two immigration actions — building the wall, and interior enforcement — were executive orders, as was his expediting of environmental reviews for infrastructure projects and his Obamacare economic burden action. Everything else Trump had done was through a memorandum.

Barack Obama - 249 total orders, 39 in the first year, 16 in the first 30 days

George W. Bush - 291 total orders, 54 in the first year, seven in the first 30 days

Bill Clinton - 364 total orders, 57 in the first year, six in the first 30 days

Ronald Reagan - 381 total orders, 50 in the first year, five in the first 30 days

- See more at: https://www.conservativereview.com/...es-what-you-need-to-know#sthash.oVlCnwSE.dpuf
Trump signs memorandum to defeat ISIS, curtain ex-officials from lobbying

President Trump on Saturday signed one executive order and two memoranda -- to lengthen the ban on administration officials working as lobbyists and two related to national security, particularly strengthening efforts to defeat the Islamic State terror group.

The order on the lobbying ban extends the existing one from two years to five years and puts in place a lifetime ban on ex-officials lobbying for foreign countries.

Trump vowed on the campaign trail to make such changes and others, to voters’ chants of “drain the swamp.”

One memorandum attempts to strengthen the country’s National Security Council and Homeland Security Council. The second memorandum instructs the U.S. military’s Joint Chiefs of staff to come up with a plan in 30 days to defeat ISIS.

“Lots of additional safety,” Trump said in signing the actions at his desk. “We’ve been talking about doing this for a long time, many years.”

TRUMP is kicking so much ***. It's awesome to watch. At this pace he'll have everything done in six months and can spend the rest of his term doing what he does best: building things. Our country needs to be rebuilt.
The second memorandum instructs the U.S. military’s Joint Chiefs of staff to come up with a plan in 30 days to defeat ISIS.

LOL, that's not an executive order, that's a phone call. And I thought he promised he'd exterminate ISIS soon as he gets in office. Now he sends a directive that the boys should ''work out a plan and get back to him.'

Very telling how you guys fall for his crap, it's quite sad. Popcorn politics, brought to you by the reality show star. smh
LOL, that's not an executive order, that's a phone call. And I thought he promised he'd exterminate ISIS soon as he gets in office. Now he sends a directive that the boys should ''work out a plan and get back to him.'

Very telling how you guys fall for his crap, it's quite sad. Popcorn politics, brought to you by the reality show star. smh
Obama had 8 years to get **** done. What we got was ****.

Next man up.
LOL, that's not an executive order, that's a phone call. And I thought he promised he'd exterminate ISIS soon as he gets in office. Now he sends a directive that the boys should ''work out a plan and get back to him.'

Very telling how you guys fall for his crap, it's quite sad. Popcorn politics, brought to you by the reality show star. smh
well, our former POTUS just dropped random bombs.
that didn't quite work out, did it?
Back to the 'ol drawing board, Donald. There's this pesky thing called the Constitution and laws, etc. Gonna have to overcome that somehow, I'm sure you'll find a way.

[h=1]Federal Judge Grants Emergency Stay on Deportations Under Trump’s Executive Order[/h]http://www.vanityfair.com/news/2017/01/trump-refugee-ban-protest-new-york?mbid=social_facebook
Awesome to see Americans come together all around the country, from all walks of life, to stand up for democracy and core American values. This is the way forward, no doubt.


Chicago O'Hare


Chicago O'Hare








More alternative facts from King Humpty Trumpty, lol: Trump Says Executive Order Is “Working Out Very Nicely. You See It at the Airports.”

This is how we treat our friends and allies. Thank you, President Trump.

This is not a ban. Its a temporary freeze to ensure we can tell the sheep from the goats and make sure the "refugees" are not in fact hardcore jihadists. I am still of the opinion that we should refuse any of them save for the Coptic Christians until the Gulf Oil States take some in. The Gulf Oil States are not taking them in due to the risk of, wait for it, jihadi terrorists hiding amongst the refugees. Ipersonally don't want to have to deal with things like this:


If we aren't very careful some of these type of people will get through to our country along with the refugees.