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Executive Orders

I love this thread....***** hat warriors screaming at the top of their weak lungs that the AG slams the Presidential EO only to hear the loud thud when PRESIDENT TRUMP drops the hammer. "Oh, but this obscure law prevents Trump from making profit from his business and this obscure law prevents him from using his son-in law as an advisor and this obscure law prevents Bannon.....LOL!" You lost GOOD DAY SIR!!!

WINNING, WINNING and more WINNING!! Hey, the ex-President says he fundamentally disagrees with the new immigration policy....I fundamentally don't give a ****. Golf away Obama, we got Winning being served tonight!
I'll bet Trump and Bannon did not consider this:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Breaking: obscure law requires Sen confirmation for WH aide like Bannon to serve on NSC. 50 U.S. Code § 3021 <a href="https://t.co/1sRQEnP3CY">https://t.co/1sRQEnP3CY</a></p>— Jonathan Alter (@jonathanalter) <a href="https://twitter.com/jonathanalter/status/826284614188662784">January 31, 2017</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Now that is something we can all look forward to, Senate hearings on Bannon's appointment to Security Council. Both sides will tear him apart. My guess is - after further review - Trump will remove his appointee, so Bannon can stay onboard as Senior Counselor or whatever the **** he is currently.
Susan Rice went on TV and told the nation multiple times that a Youtube video caused a spontaneous demonstration that caused the Benghazi embassy attack. Obama's NSC was a disaster. Bannon would be fine.

I see that uncle George has forwarded more funding for Brock and his MMfA troops. The latest bogeyman is obviously the most detrimental to the cause. huh Tibs.


You might not want to spend ALL that money on one guy either, there's lots more coming....count on it.
Im not an attorney but I'm pretty sure Giuliani just admitted that Trump wanted to ban a group of people...Muslims... based on their religion. If I heard him right, he basically asked the former mayor to figure out a way to legally ban Muslims by making it look like it was for another reason. I think these statements will be able to be used against him in court.


Fake News: NBC Deceptively Edits Giuliani Comments on Immigration Order
By Kyle Drennen | January 30, 2017 | 4:05 PM EST

Despite all of the media hand-wringing over fake news lately, on Monday, NBC’s Today engaged precisely in that kind of shoddy journalism as the morning show deceptively edited a soundbite from Rudy Giuliani about President Trump’s immigration order.

During a report on protests against the executive action travel ban directed at seven Middle Eastern nations, correspondent Peter Alexander proclaimed: “Amid the chaos, President Trump is defending his actions. The statement reading, ‘To be clear, this is not a Muslim ban, as the media is falsely reporting. This is not about religion – this is about terror and keeping our country safe.’ But Trump's argument is seemingly contradicted by one of his advisors. Rudy Giuliani telling Fox News Trump consulted him and others.”

A brief clip ran of the former New York City mayor telling Fox News host Jeanne Pirro on Saturday: “When he first announced it, he said Muslim ban. He called me up, he said put a commission together, show me the right way to do it legally.”

However, a longer clip of Giuliani aired just minutes earlier on MSNBC’s Morning Joe clearly showed there was no contradiction, as he repeatedly stated that the policy he helped develop was “not based on religion”:

When he first announced it, he said Muslim ban. He called me up, he said put a commission together, show me the right way to do it legally. I put a commission together and what we did was we focused on, instead of religion, danger. The areas of the world that create danger for us, which is a factual basis, not a religious basis. Perfectly legal, perfectly sensible, and that’s what the ban is based on. It's not based on religion.

While NBC was dishonest in its editing, later that morning, the hosts of ABC’s The View played the full clip but willfully misinterpreted it to fit their narrative. A tease at the top of the talk show asked: “Did one of Trump's biggest confidantes admit they're targeting religion?” The answer, of course, is no. In fact, Giuliani said exactly the opposite.

Moments later, co-host Whoopi Goldberg ran with the talking point anyway: “The Trump team was quick to say it's not called a Muslim ban, but Rudy Giuliani must not have gotten that memo. Take a look.” Even after airing the full soundbite of Giuliani expressly saying the order was not about religion, Goldberg was undeterred: “So to be clear, he said Trump asked him about a Muslim ban. Right? Am I right?”

One network reports false information while another one ignores that information in order to stick to its liberal spin. Talk about fake news.
Except none of that is true.....

We know for FACT that liberals are creating safe spaces in colleges right now. Michigan had a group session of cookies and milk and playdoh to talk about their feeling after Trump was elected.
I love this thread....***** hat warriors screaming at the top of their weak lungs that the AG slams the Presidential EO only to hear the loud thud when PRESIDENT TRUMP drops the hammer. "Oh, but this obscure law prevents Trump from making profit from his business and this obscure law prevents him from using his son-in law as an advisor and this obscure law prevents Bannon.....LOL!" You lost GOOD DAY SIR!!!

WINNING, WINNING and more WINNING!! Hey, the ex-President says he fundamentally disagrees with the new immigration policy....I fundamentally don't give a ****. Golf away Obama, we got Winning being served tonight!

If the Big O fundamentally disagrees with anything that makes me lean towards thinking it is a great idea!
Except none of that is true.....

We know for FACT that liberals are creating safe spaces in colleges right now. Michigan had a group session of cookies and milk and playdoh to talk about their feeling after Trump was elected.

A generation of weakling Snoooowflakes. Think I'm going to open up some pc safe zone cafes. I'll serve 7 dollar black coffee and cream puffs.
Well, you can use food stamps to buy specialty coffee drinks in Wawa so why not Starbucks next....
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Breaking: obscure law requires Sen confirmation for WH aide like Bannon to serve on NSC. 50 U.S. Code § 3021 <a href="https://t.co/1sRQEnP3CY">https://t.co/1sRQEnP3CY</a></p>— Jonathan Alter (@jonathanalter) <a href="https://twitter.com/jonathanalter/status/826284614188662784">January 31, 2017</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Fake News Alert!

No - Bannon does not need Senate confirmation to sit on the Principals Committee at NSC

Why non-lawyers should avoid legal analysis, Part MCMXVIII. Bannon is an invited attendee, not a member of the NSC.

The law isn't obscure but it dsn't require Senate confirmation to serve on the Principals Committee, which isn't part of NSC as such.


Fake News: NBC Deceptively Edits Giuliani Comments on Immigration Order
By Kyle Drennen | January 30, 2017 | 4:05 PM EST

Despite all of the media hand-wringing over fake news lately, on Monday, NBC’s Today engaged precisely in that kind of shoddy journalism as the morning show deceptively edited a soundbite from Rudy Giuliani about President Trump’s immigration order.

During a report on protests against the executive action travel ban directed at seven Middle Eastern nations, correspondent Peter Alexander proclaimed: “Amid the chaos, President Trump is defending his actions. The statement reading, ‘To be clear, this is not a Muslim ban, as the media is falsely reporting. This is not about religion – this is about terror and keeping our country safe.’ But Trump's argument is seemingly contradicted by one of his advisors. Rudy Giuliani telling Fox News Trump consulted him and others.”

A brief clip ran of the former New York City mayor telling Fox News host Jeanne Pirro on Saturday: “When he first announced it, he said Muslim ban. He called me up, he said put a commission together, show me the right way to do it legally.”

However, a longer clip of Giuliani aired just minutes earlier on MSNBC’s Morning Joe clearly showed there was no contradiction, as he repeatedly stated that the policy he helped develop was “not based on religion”:

While NBC was dishonest in its editing, later that morning, the hosts of ABC’s The View played the full clip but willfully misinterpreted it to fit their narrative. A tease at the top of the talk show asked: “Did one of Trump's biggest confidantes admit they're targeting religion?” The answer, of course, is no. In fact, Giuliani said exactly the opposite.

Moments later, co-host Whoopi Goldberg ran with the talking point anyway: “The Trump team was quick to say it's not called a Muslim ban, but Rudy Giuliani must not have gotten that memo. Take a look.” Even after airing the full soundbite of Giuliani expressly saying the order was not about religion, Goldberg was undeterred: “So to be clear, he said Trump asked him about a Muslim ban. Right? Am I right?”

One network reports false information while another one ignores that information in order to stick to its liberal spin. Talk about fake news.

Once again Captain Renault is Shocked!!
Dems deeply depressed - all that protesting and America still strongly favors President Trump on immigration ban

Americans Divided Over Trumps Travel Ban

The Jan. 30-31 poll found that 49 percent of American adults said they either "strongly" or "somewhat" agreed with Trump's order, while 41 percent "strongly" or "somewhat" disagreed and another 10 percent said they don't know.

Trump Halted $181 Billion in Regulatory Costs on First Day in Office

In one of his first acts as president, Donald Trump effectively halted nearly $200 billion worth of regulations, according to a new analysis.

President Trump has taken aggressive action to curb regulations in his first week, promising to cut 75 percent or "maybe more," and signing an executive order Monday to cut two regulations from the books when every new rule is introduced.

The first move came in the form of a memo to all federal agencies from Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, freezing all recently finalized and pending regulations. The American Action Forum, a center-right policy institute, found the action resulted in stopping rules that would cost the economy $181 billion.

"On day one in office, President Trump’s Chief of Staff, Reince Priebus, signed a memo to all executive agencies imposing a regulatory moratorium," wrote Sam Batkins, director of regulatory policy for the American Action Forum. "This may sound like an extraordinary action, but President Obama’s then-Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, penned an almost identical memo eight years ago."

"According to American Action Forum (AAF) research, this memo put a hold on $181 billion in total regulatory costs, including $17 billion in annual costs, and 5.5 million hours of paperwork," Batkins wrote. "This moratorium freezes 22 rulemakings with annual costs above $100 million and 16 measures with more than $1 billion in long-term costs."

The Trump administration memo stopped the publication of new rules in the Federal Register, withdrew regulations that were sent for formal publication so they can be reviewed, and postponed recently finalized regulations for 60 days.

The American Action Forum found 206 rules that are subject to the administration memo, including five major rules that will likely be scaled back or withdrawn altogether.

One rule halted was the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Department of Transportation's plan to mandate all new cars, vans, and SUVs install technology that would share their speed and brake status information with nearby vehicles.

The Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications rule would have cost an estimated $108 billion. The regulation is in its beginning stages, with plans to finalize in 2019.

The American Action Forum said the Trump administration "will almost surely veto" any attempt to move the regulation to the final-rule stage.

Other costly regulations that were pushed through in the final days of the Obama administration are also likely to not move forward. A $12.3 billion final regulation imposing stricter energy rules for air conditioners can be withdrawn if it received opposing comments, a "virtual certainty," the American Action Forum said.

Additionally, new efficiency standards for furnaces that cost $9.2 billion, and efficiency standards for battery chargers costing $4.6 billion, have been put on hold.

A $5.7 billion rule stemming from Obamacare that includes addressing "discriminatory behavior by healthcare providers that may create real or perceived barriers to care" in rural hospitals is also likely subject to the freeze.

The Environmental Protection Agency has already frozen 30 regulations in response to the memo, including the Renewable Fuels Standard, which would have cost $1.5 billion.

Meh obama did much of the same only to Dem cheers and pub tears... whatever keeps the sheep bleating i guess....