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Executive Orders

Most Support Temporary Ban on Newcomers from Terrorist Havens

Most voters approve of President Trump’s temporary halt to refugees and visitors from several Middle Eastern and African countries until the government can do a better job of keeping out individuals who are terrorist threats.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 57% of Likely U.S. Voters favor a temporary ban on refugees from Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen until the federal government approves its ability to screen out potential terrorists form coming here. Thirty-three percent (33%) are opposed, while 10% are undecided.

I am trying to make heads or tails of the Friday executive order on immigration from Iraq, Iran, Somalia, Syria, Libya, Sudan and Yemen. I've read the whole executive order. Not just what the media is trying to tell me is in it and I really want to have a rational conversation about it but I can't find one liberal right now that isn't just completely going bonkers. I'm not even going to say I like everything in it (and I will point this out below), but my gosh...

First, this executive order applies to both immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers from those seven countries listed above. No one else. And only for a limited time.

Now it's important to separate what an immigrant is vs. a refugee as they are very different application processes and allowable numbers into our country.

It is also worth noting that while most countries have an allowable "short-term visit" without any paperwork (i.e. tourist), Obama created the list of these 7 countries in 2011 and specifically stopped tourist visits, 2-week visits, family visits, etc. from these 7 countries on security reasons. From my understanding the 7 countries Trump picked were the same 7 Obama picked for this executive action back in 2011.

With that said, a normal immigrant falls under the "work visa" application/approval process. This is done through our embassy in each country. The homeland security website lists the following "legal immigrants" that have been born from these 7 countries from 2013-2015:

2013 - 35,398
2014 - 45,956
2015 - 52,365

Note many of these come through OTHER embassies and not their place of birth embassy. But that just gives you an idea of the numbers we're talking about as far as work visa and normal immigrants.

Trump's executive order at first was interpreted that anyone with a legal work visa could not regain entry into the country, but I think Homeland Security has stopped that over the weekend. Trump's executive order DOES stop the issuance of new work visas to these seven countries for 90 days.

A refugee is defined by our immigration policy as anyone fleeing persecution based on account of religion, race, nationality, social grouping, or political opinions. Just fleeing a war zone does not seem to qualify under this definition, but seems to be commonly accepted as also gaining some degree of refugee status in our country.

That said, refugees gain entrance to our country as follows: normally once displaced from their homes, they can find United Nations Refugee Agency to start the process of relocation. It is the U.N. that takes a majority of information about people and tries to "match them up" with a host country.

The United States BY FAR offers more refugee slots than any country in the world via the United Nations program. Over that last 15 years, we have averaged about 60,000/year. Canada and Australia are next at about 10,000/year.

Now Obama DID enact a new executive order last year before he left office to increase our 2016 and 2017 refugee number, first to 85,000 cap in 2016 and then a 110,000 cap in 2017.

President Trump's executive action capped the refugee number to 50,000 for 2017. And he suspended the whole process of recommendation from the U.N. to our refugee program (the USRAP) for 120 days. There are some interesting caveats to this suspension (this applied to ALL refugees, not just the 7 countries listed above). First, he wants Homeland Security, National Intelligence and the Secretary of State to review USRAP processes and report back to Trump.

Another interesting provision Trump adds (and this might be unconstitutional by the way) is that he directs that after this 120 day wait, when the USRAP program starts up again, refugees fleeing persecution on the basis of RELIGION should be given priority.

Now according to the executive order, these "suspensions" are put in place for a reason. Trump wants the Department of Homeland Security, FBI and his Secretary of State (who has not been approved yet) to create reports on how we are getting information from home countries about people applying for refugee status (i.e. whether we can verify who they are, etc.). He also asks for recommendations if some/all of the countries listed should be removed or added to.

Lastly, the only country the above applies to indefinitely is Syria. Trump himself will have to decide when this executive order ends.

Now that is the way I am interpreting this document and I try to put it into context with reality and what happens.

First, total refugees will go down by HALF of what Obama enacted with his executive orders but very close to the amount of refugees we allowed (on average) from 2001-2015. And that refugee program is on hold for 120 days and then after than 50,000 people will likely be relocated through the U.N. and USRAP programs. Just because we are not allowing a refugee in from Syria does not mean another refugee to fill his place will not be let in. All refugees are created equal. And since this is after the 90 moratorium on Iran, Iraq, et. al. it is likely some of those 50,000 refugees we allow into our country will be from these countries.

So I guess what I want to debate/discuss is why this moratorium on immigration is such a threat to our democracy exactly? What part do you consider unconstitutional or drastically different in design from our history?

I fully admit the application of this executive order of the weekend was a cluster **** as there were approximately 500 people "in transit" that got involved in this and put on hold/in limbo while lawyers got involved. There was also some bad confusion about what to do with existing green card holders (that should have been much better defined).

But now that we know green card holders are allowed back. Now that we know the courts ruled those "in transit" have to kind of follow the old rules. What is the issue exactly?

The country is still going to allow refugees into our country. 50,000 this year in fact. The country will still allow work visa applications up to a certain level (like always), just on hold from these 7 countries for 90 days (and Syria indefinitely). So what's exactly the big deal to you that you think the Statue of Liberty is crying or our constitution is crumbling?
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Obama did the same exact thing in 2011 - no media fainting or riots?

Wonder how come?

Quinnipiac Poll

American voters support an immigration policy that mirrors the one President Donald Trump implemented on Friday, according to a poll by Quinnipiac University.

It found that, by a 48 – 42 per cent margin, American voters support ‘suspending immigration from terror prone regions, even if it means turning away refugees.’

And there is even worse news for the left’s attempt to hurt Trump by portraying him as “Islamophobic”:

The poll also found that by a broader 53 – 41 per cent, voters support requiring immigrants from Muslim countries to register with the federal government.

That’s a 12-point majority for a more “extreme” policy that Trump hasn’t even proposed, which means the left-wing is way outnumbered on the issue of Islamic immigration.



Immigrants agree with Trump's 'extreme vetting' plan, terror nation ban

A new survey of immigrants shows that more than six in 10 agree with Donald Trump's call for "extreme vetting" of foreigners coming to America, and even more older immigrants back his plan to stop migration from terrorist nations until the U.S. comes up with a better vetting scheme.

I blame Obama for the whole Syria mess

‘Vetted Moderate’ Syrian Rebel Group Officially Partners with Al-Qaeda

A Syrian rebel group that received TOW missiles as part of a CIA program officially partnered with a Syrian al-Qaeda branch today, announcing the new Tahrir al-Sham alliance.

And in the waning hours of his presidency, Obama bombed an al-Qaeda training camp that was jointly operated with Zenki, killing several of their fighters.

The al-Qaeda-allied Zenki rebels, who were deemed “vetted moderates” by the CIA, were not only using CIA-provided TOW missiles recently, but according to one report were in active communication with top State Department officials back in September:

Thank you Barack Obama for a thoughtful, measured response.

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It's so awesome! Every time Trump does what he promised he was going to do, the libtards have total meltdowns over it. It's hilarious.
There is no discrimination against Muslims in Trump's executive order on immigration.

I think it's perfectly acceptable for the President to get a thorough report on what the vetting and process is for both visa and refugee programs, to be reviewed and created by Homeland Security, his new Secretary of State, and the FBI/CIA as necessary and then make a decision on how many refugees from each country he chooses to let in.

Refugee numbers have always been in the jurisdiction of the executive branch. And Trump has capped it very close to what was allowed in over a 15-year period BEFORE Obama added executive order to greatly increase the number (i.e. doubling it).

We can argue until the sun goes down on what responsibility the U.S. has in the Syrian refugee crisis. Hell, the old administration practically created the crisis in the first place. And I think there is some degree of worry in getting solid information about people from the Syrian government as a background check.

I also question the logic these people are persecuted at all and thus a refugee in the first place. Not sure I see people displaced by civil war as part of our definition unless they are being persecuted by something else. I could see women and children, but single males that are Sunni and fleeing Syria are not refugees.
Thank you Barack Obama for a thoughtful, measured response.


Ha ha, that means nothing.

A) That's not even correct. The ban is against countries that harbor terrorism.


B) That ************ is irrelevant. His whole legacy is getting pissed on for the entire world to see.
It's plain as day, when the Dems do it it's fine, no complaints from the Marxist left/media - everybody else is a Nazi racist!

How come none of these people were protesting last week when Bomma signed an order stopping Cuban immigration?
How come none of these people were protesting last week when Bomma signed an order stopping Cuban immigration?

You know them Dems Jon...today's victims were yesterdays criminals or vice versa...

Listen to this hero Dem.....

There is no discrimination against Muslims in Trump's executive order on immigration.

While I agree with some of your post, I think you're missing a significant point here, and that is of intent. While the final wording of the EO has narrowed it down to citizens of certain countries - and not religion, per se - the whole idea of what they are trying to accomplish cannot be sugarcoated or dismissed.

Mr. Giuliani, take it away... cue video to 3:10

Giuliani: Trump asked me how to do a Muslim ban 'legally'

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WTF? I thought this thing was constitutionally sound...

Acting Attorney General orders Justice Department not to defend Donald Trump's refugee ban in court


Acting Attorney General Sally Yates ordered the Justice Department not to defend President Donald Trump's executive order on immigration from Muslim-majority countries in court.

The executive order, signed by Mr Trump late last week, sparked massive protests at airports across the country. The administration suffered its first loss in federal court when US Judge Ann Donnelly blocked part of the order that would have resulted in the deportation of refugees and others detained at airports back to their countries.

"I am responsible for ensuring that the positions we take in court remain consistent with the institution's solemn obligation to always seek justice and stand for what's right," she said in a letter to DoJ lawyers. "At the present, I am not convinced that the defence of the executive order is consistent with these responsibilities, nor am I convinced that the executive order is lawful."

Sessions needs to get his *** in there asap and fix this or Daddy Trump is gonna be pissed.
The only part I see as not Constitution is the part when he says when the USRAP starts up again in 120 days, he orders that Christians get preferential treatment when determining "order" or importance.

That's not going to fly in a country that has separate of church and state.

Everything else, I don't see how it can be unconstitutional. There is no other branch of government that determines immigration and refugee programs other than the executive branch. He can set total number, location, countries we allow, why and whatever else.

The court was correct over the weekend about putting a "stay" on the law in its attempt to halt people in transit. And I 100% agree the way the Trump administration handled this was poor. Very poor. He doesn't get a pass on that from me.

But I also do not like the hyperbole from the media and left saying this is some great travesty of our democracy or this is some great change from our founding fathers or moral value system. We are a country of immigrants and refugees, but LEGAL immigrants and refugees. And no country does more through the U.N. refugee process than the United States as far as long-term resettlement program. We took over 60% of the 107,000 refugees permanently resettled by the U.N. in 2015. And Obama (by way of his pen and nothing more) wanted to double that number in two years even when members of the intelligence community and homeland security testified under oath to Congress that background checks on Syrians was almost impossible. That we almost had no way to know if Syrian refugees had criminal records or a history of violence or extremism.

That order by Obama instigated this. And Trump went strongly the other way in the same way Obama went strongly the other way without Congressional approval. So I don't like to hear "oh my, look what he's done"....

I said Obama will go down in history as a President that forever changed the Executive Branch of government by using memorandum and executive orders to govern rather than working with congress. Now we see what he has wrought.

Acting Attorney General orders Justice Department not to defend Donald Trump's refugee ban in court



POTUS has named Dana Boente, US Attorney ... as Acting Attorney General.

Sean Spicer Verified account ‏@PressSec.@POTUS has named Dana Boente, US Attorney for the Eastern District of VA as Acting Attorney General. Sally Yates has been relieved




POTUS has named Dana Boente, US Attorney ... as Acting Attorney General.

Sean Spicer Verified account ‏@PressSec.@POTUS has named Dana Boente, US Attorney for the Eastern District of VA as Acting Attorney General. Sally Yates has been relieved



This **** is comedy gold.

How come none of these people were protesting last week when Bomma signed an order stopping Cuban immigration?

or when Bill Clinton gets standing ovation for wanting to deport illegal immigrants and build stronger border defenses

"Give me your tired... your poor... your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these... the homeless, tempest-tost to me.
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.....
but if you're from Iran, Iraq, Somalia, Sudan,Yemen, Libya, or Syria you can go **** yourself."

That last line is being added to The Statue of Liberty as we speak.... TRUMP 2016!!!!
"Give me your tired... your poor... your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these... the homeless, tempest-tost to me.
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.....
but if you're from Iran, Iraq, Somalia, Sudan,Yemen, Libya, or Syria you can go **** yourself."

That last line is being added to The Statue of Liberty as we speak.... TRUMP 2016!!!!

Obama and Clinton's actions to ban immigrants falls on deaf ears. Jimmy Carter rounding up and exporting Iranians doesn't matter.

Got it.


POTUS has named Dana Boente, US Attorney ... as Acting Attorney General.

Sean Spicer Verified account ‏@PressSec.@POTUS has named Dana Boente, US Attorney for the Eastern District of VA as Acting Attorney General. Sally Yates has been relieved



Who does that lady think she is, Kathleen Kane? (If you were from Pennsylvania you'd think that was funny.)
or when Bill Clinton gets standing ovation for wanting to deport illegal immigrants and build stronger border defenses

While I agree with some of your post, I think you're missing a significant point here, and that is of intent. While the final wording of the EO has narrowed it down to citizens of certain countries - and not religion, per se - the whole idea of what they are trying to accomplish cannot be sugarcoated or dismissed.

Mr. Giuliani, take it away... cue video to 3:10

Giuliani: Trump asked me how to do a Muslim ban 'legally'

Im not an attorney but I'm pretty sure Giuliani just admitted that Trump wanted to ban a group of people...Muslims... based on their religion. If I heard him right, he basically asked the former mayor to figure out a way to legally ban Muslims by making it look like it was for another reason. I think these statements will be able to be used against him in court.
14. National Security Council tweaks

Trump signed on Saturday what appeared to be a routine restructuring of his National Security Council. Trump's reshuffling of the National Security Council on Saturday ruffled some feathers in the security community because it removed the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the director of national intelligence from those who regularly attend its meetings. The controversial memo also added White House chief strategist Stephen Bannon as a regular member. The moves continued Trump's efforts to remake the way the United States approaches national security and foreign policy.

I'll bet Trump and Bannon did not consider this:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Breaking: obscure law requires Sen confirmation for WH aide like Bannon to serve on NSC. 50 U.S. Code § 3021 <a href="https://t.co/1sRQEnP3CY">https://t.co/1sRQEnP3CY</a></p>— Jonathan Alter (@jonathanalter) <a href="https://twitter.com/jonathanalter/status/826284614188662784">January 31, 2017</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Now that is something we can all look forward to, Senate hearings on Bannon's appointment to Security Council. Both sides will tear him apart. My guess is - after further review - Trump will remove his appointee, so Bannon can stay onboard as Senior Counselor or whatever the **** he is currently.
Im not an attorney but I'm pretty sure Giuliani just admitted that Trump wanted to ban a group of people...Muslims... based on their religion. If I heard him right, he basically asked the former mayor to figure out a way to legally ban Muslims by making it look like it was for another reason. I think these statements will be able to be used against him in court.

The three countries with the largest Muslim populations are Indonesia, Pakistan and India...not included in the ban, so pretty tough to make the case that this is a Muslim ban.